The microwave attacks may not be coming from the neighbors but i do feel there are portable devices that can be used for this, i felt a beam on my knuckles coming from the neighbors house few weeks ago while on my bed, or maybe that part of my head was jst where they were aiming for.

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Your attacks come from cell towers. Not your neighbors. The beam forming signal can go thru many walls before hitting you.

There is no such thing as a "portable microwave beamforming device." The smallest one weighs more than 1000 lbs with a power supply. You cannot hold it on your shoulder and aim it. See our previous newsletter:



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When SMART Electrical Devices activate and deactivate without signal from the owner...MOST CERTAINLY FROM THE NEIGHBORS. They actually believe we're all stupid if not lazy, weak cowards.

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Yet another opinion from a fake name with zero evidence. Yeah - we should just trust you... You FBI criminals are working overtime today!


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I guarantee I'm not a troll; if targeted justice believes that than who else can I trust.

I can't even trust the only platform we get most of our resources from.

I can't afford my own equipment because my income is being interfered with because they know I'm going to invest in war equipment and weapons in order to fight back when I get a chance.

Everywhere I move my neighbors are 1000% in on targeting me. I am the proof if you want more, you would have to be around me 24/7 and never leave my side; paying attention to every encounter/word that is spoken.to me or about me. However they would know what you're there for because of the remote neuro monitoring. I can't control everything that pops across my head/ they attacked my dreams and raped me everyday.

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Just adding RNM / v2k signals are not considered DEW, and can be received and transmitted locally as RF arrays. In my experience. No cell towers or satellites involved.

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Your opinion is backed up with zero evidence. And you appear to be using a fake name. Yeah - we should just trust you... Where is your evidence?


RNM and V2K are broadcast using microwave beamforming. An RF array is also called "cell tower panel antennas." If you don't understand how technology works - maybe get an engineering degree?

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No fake name. And MY EXPERIENCE. And there would be various methods to RNM/v2k, like anything else. I have been in a mall parking lot, when the van arrived, and felt the “wave” hit my head. Same inside transatlantic flights. Summed up at my Reddit RNMhuman

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So on a Transatlantic flight - you think your neighbors are still broadcasting a precise signal at you? Wow. You clearly have never studied engineering.


There is only one method used to broadcast RNM & V2K - microwave beamforming. You do not understand the technology.


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Another example of an RF array is the FM band. Or any other set of carrier frequencies. From Cell towers or local RF transmitters

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Frequency Modulation is not an RF array.


Frequency modulation (FM) is the encoding of information in a carrier wave by varying the instantaneous frequency of the wave. The technology is used in telecommunications, radio broadcasting, signal processing, and computing.



You do not understand the technology...

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Yes thank you. An RF array is an array of radio frequencies. Like 1 to 100. Modulated or not. In the case of RNM, should be just carriers, modulated by your brainwaves when they hit your head. Original RNM patents describe this

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How did u connect neighbors and transatlantic flights, must be a bot

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You claimed that satellites and cell towers are not involved. But your local neighbors are involved. So how are your neighbors broadcasting a signal directly at you from 6000 miles away, on a transatlantic flight, using FM?

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Agree! A lot of damage to TI is the neighbors and their equipment. My mason neighbors have destroyed our teeth and health. It's horrible they set up houses next to mine. I think the dust and poisons they put in our houses must connect us to their equipment. Hey, thanks for posting!!

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Another opinion from a fake name with zero evidence. Are you the same guy?


When Stephen Marlow murdered his neighbors in Ohio, because he believed they were operating DEW weapons and V2K against him - he walked thru their houses afterwards and found ZERO EQUIPMENT.

The reason he thought it was his neighbors - the govt criminals were using Adobe Voco to record their voices - and then play it back thru his V2K. He was certain it was his neighbors. It was just a software program that duplicated their voices.




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there is most definitely neighbor involvement.

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My neighbours and wider public do not have any such equipment, from what I see. Just receiving disseminated eavesdropping, and RNM output. The equipment are with the RNM operator near by, in a house or single flat / hotel room. What I have been observing and experiencing.

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Stop listening to your V2K. Read about Adobe VoCo - it is software that can duplicate any voice. That is what the govt criminals are using.


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I do not get v2k. Just RNM and related harassment / stalking / hacking..

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Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) - US Patent 3951134. Involves the intersection of 2 microwave beamforming signals in your head to capture the brain waves. The signals come from cell towers. They do not not “magically” appear from an FM transmitter. And there is no such thing as an FM signal traveling 6000 miles while you are on a transatlantic flight.


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I am heavily targeted from nextdoor flats. They followed me while driving and doing my shopping. They use laser weapons to burn my face and fingers. I heard how the voice to skull device dropped on the floor. I overheard them talking about it. Afterwards the voice to skull became more muffled and perpetrators were complaining about it.

Not sure why the author of this article tries to make Targeted Individual believe that they aren't gangstalked and cybertortured from nextdoor flats

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Optical lasers cannot go thru a building wall without first creating a hole. You are mistaken.

Yes - gangstalking can include neighbors. None of them own DEW equipment.


And stop listening to your V2K...

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Perpetrators told me that they will burn my finger. I was in my bed reading the Bible. After few seconds I felt intense pain and I saw little holes in my skin as I would have been burnt with a needle heat in fire 🔥. The plasma started to leak, the skin was burnt smelling of burnt. I overheard the perpetrators saying that they used their laser weapon. I doubt that they drilled any holes in the walls. There's no awareness of the capability of these technologies. I could send you photos

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1. Stop listening to your V2K.

2. The burning is caused by microwave beamforming. Not a laser.

3. These burns are caused by microwaves -



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I am not going to debate what type of electromagnetic radiation weapons they use. Fact it's that the perpetrators used the voice to skull from the nextdoor flat and told me few minutes in advance that they'll burn me. They did it. A cell tower cannot speak, either the satellite. The attacks are coordinated by criminal gangs from proximity.

Once the suction cups of the voice to skull technology gave up and fall on the floor. The walls were thin, I heard the noise banging. Immediately,the perpetrators started to lament about it. They opened the door and the went to the flat opposite to me, cross the corridor. The other perpetrators came out. They started to speak aloud on the corridor that the voice to skull device fell down and got broken. Since the voice to skull is more muffled. Perpetrators started to scream with their own voice through the walls. Same voices.

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The voices are created using Adobe Voco. Look it up. It is a computer generated voice. Not your neighbors.

It just sounds like your neighbors.


Stop listening to your V2K.

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The moderator that is talking obviously lacks knowledge because they don't understand it from a targeted individuals point of view.


Yes the gangstalkers may or may not have dew weapons, just to clear that up for targeted justice so we know we agree 👍.

However the gangstalkers are still informed by the organization that is leading them: on what is collected through the V2K, EEG heterodyning broadcast and remote neuro monitoring.

That explains why the gangstalkers/low life's/neighbors/former friends/family members and more are following a scripted message based on what was collected in secret/private.

They can't know that detail unless it was given to them by the ones operating the super computers.

So yes, the gangstalkers are still involved in the remote neuro monitoring whether they're the ones using the weapons or not.

They're still informed and given information based on remote neuro monitoring to put in there street theatre reaction scripts.

They might not be told in full detail on how the organization came across the information, but they know it came from a powerful source.

Some of my gangstalkers wear a space force shirt and engage in random conversations involving astrology and stuff involving space.

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There are cell towers all around you. Is it possible that is the source of the signals?


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Very difficult to listen to some uneducated creatures 24/7. Perpetrators are given to take drugs " to keep them going". They are always high, hypersexual"everything is sex". They had sex online multiple times, including male with their male guru. They record pornographie and they use Deep fake pornographie technologie to paste my face over their. They try to make me fart, poo and pee all the time. They are the pipi-caca druggies. I gave to listen to their comments as I used the toilet cause they upskirt me. Absolutely filthy.

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Goes to show that they're attacking people that don't have any government background harder than government official targets. Because we're experiencing harder attacks than them and witnessing more details than a government official that is targeted.

They know what they're doing: because it's harder for someone like me that has no government background to prove my attacks, compared to a government official with strong influence and access to a good amount of wealth.

They're going to attack the target they see that is more vulnerable because of lack of income, influence, friends and also a light worker. Which means we have no one we can trust, go to, ask for help, and much more without eventually losing that help altogether.

The government worker or celebrity has access to more money, influence, friends and opportunity. That makes them a harder target to silence.

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Sorry for your suffering. I was spiked, sexually assaulted and illegally implanted in my work flat in London by an evil IT manager allocated there by administration. It was a 6 ensuite rooms around a shared kitchen. I was spiked as I prepared for my shift. I have been used as a rape electronic game. Gangsters created a rape electronic game app,well sold on dark webs.

I am an educated single woman, Christian,apolitical. I never took part in any demonstrations cause my job kept me busy.

I was attacked by evil LGBT Satanic IT manager who had friends in satanic society and gave him the Advanced Artificial intelligence Neuro-technology to play rape on me. I am illegally monitored, upskirted, my head, my pelvis are burnt with microwave radiation 24/7. Perpetrators are filthy illiterated pipi-caca druggies, they have sex with the voice to skull microphone on. They made so much money that they bought houses, they feed their family on rape and slow assassination. Evil cowards.

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Very similar to my testimony, I'm electronically raped everyday.

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Absolutely horrible. Sorry for you. Perpetrators are extremely wicked

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Microwave beamforming comes from cell towers. Parabolic antennas and Yagi antennas cannot create microwave beamforming or holes in the mylar. Ask any electrical engineer.


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Ana, Len, Richard, et al: You know what you know. But you do not know everything that happens to all targeted individuals. You do your readers a disservice by automatically discounting what we write, if it is something you have no knowledge or personal experience with.

I heard people opening and closing the crawl space door to underneath my house. I heard people moving around underneath my house. After a few weeks of this, I paid a handyman to close off the crawl space door from inside, from underneath the house. The sounds and underneath-the-house attacks stopped, for about three weeks, or slightly longer. Then they reccomenced. I wrote to my family about this, and the ringleader (whose name I know) told me they had built tunnels to underneath my house, and that the tunnels were "deep."

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Stop listening to your V2K. The "ringleader" does not have billions of dollars to control a global program. The program must be shut down at the top levels.


We have the knowledge and experience from thousands of Ti’s - all over the world. You only have your experience, and you are not an engineer. These weapons were designed and built by engineers.

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I don't listen to the V2k, stop unrighteously judging us with our asking us what we mean.

Better yet, unless you're attacked in the same way don't say anything at all.

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The leaders at Taregeted Justice get attacked much worse than most TI's. In addition to providing many hours of volunteer service every week. FOR FREE !!

Some people just don't appreciate what we do...

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I can't tell, you don't know how V2k works because you're not attacked with it. Get someone on here that has paid attention to the details of there targeting and has also had conversations with the V2k as if it was a 2 way radio. Also as you do that pay attention to your surroundings and the details of the street theatre on what they say and do.

You will notice they start reacting to everything you do in private, how can they know that unless the people that control the directed energy weapons/V2k tells them.

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Some of our leaders have V2K. We understand it well.

The remote neural monitoring and V2K work together. It is not local people. There is a 6 second delay between your subconscious mind and your conscious mind. That's how they are able to respond so quickly - they know what you are going to think or do - 6 seconds before you do it. The RNM is relayed thru cell towers, not local people.



If you will read our website and prior newsletters - you can learn more. Or you can just keep guessing at how the technology works.


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I know for a fact they don't know what I'm going to say or think before I do. Only God Himself can do that.

I've also proven that they can't with my own targeting.

Also they're not always accurate on what you think or say; I test them on that all the time. That's why they have conversations with themselves trying to figure out what you just said; accusing you constantly thinking you said something you did not say.

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Thanks for the explanation

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Directed energy can and has come from aircraft and drones. I was attacked from it.

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Read our previous newsletter on this subject. The govt criminals make it seem like - you are being attacked by a helicopter, aircraft, ambulance, white cars, etc. They use the same computer code to fool you. Don't fall for it.



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You touched a hornet's nest....because the government criminals have successfully convinced many targeted individuals that have no technical background that it's the gangstalvilng neighbor that is perpetrating the torture.

Steven Muldrow from Ohio proved otherwise.

He now faces life in prison. After murdering his neighbors and walking through their homes, he did not find the microwave weapon the criminals convinced him through V2K that their neighbors were operating.

Do yourself a favor: Stop listening to your V2K....it si powdered by criminals, liars and satan-worshipers.

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Goes to show that they're attacking people that don't have any government background harder than government official targets. Because we're experiencing harder attacks than them and witnessing more details than a government official that is targeted.

They know what they're doing: because it's harder for someone like me that has no government background to prove my attacks, compared to a government official with strong influence and access to a good amount of wealth.

They're going to attack the target they see that is more vulnerable because of lack of income, influence, friends and also a light worker. Which means we have no one we can trust, go to, ask for help, and much more without eventually losing that help altogether.

The government worker or celebrity has access to more money, influence, friends and opportunity. That makes them a harder target to silence.

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Note: the neighbors are doing the reaction abuse torture, Steven didn't prove that wrong. All he proved was the V2k wasn't implemented by his neighbors; they were still gangstalking though; Giving reaction abuse street theatre.

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Marlow did not murder them because of gangstalking. He claimed they were doing V2K and mind control on him. Please read the statements he made.

Don't fall for the setup.

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Well I'm not Marlow; my targeted is worse than his and I experience more than v2k. Everybody I talk to they go up to and run a smear campaign on me; most of them join in on the targeting.

Every detail they get off of me is relayed back to the lowlife gangstalkers. Every thought, action or word is put in a gangstalking scripted message for street theatre reaction abuse. My neighbors are always involved, everywhere I move.

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We have described in detail - how to reduce your gangstalking. You obviously did not read our newsletters and website. If you don't have time to read, then we can't help you...



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I don't have money to buy anything I need because they're interfering with every job I apply for. Through smear campaign's and fear mongering they interfere with everyone I meet and try making connections with.

And can't prove it except with my own testimony and words. Why? Because I don't have money, car, or anything resources to help gather anything. I only have evidence that proves the torture programs exist, but no evidence that proves I am a target.

I want to get rid of it, not reduce it. I already know how to reduce it.

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If I wanted to earn money - I would go to Florida or North Carolina and start doing fencing quotes. Anyone can learn how to replace a fence.

The criminals can't stop you. Go back the next day and ask the customer if they want to do the job.

If you really wanted to work, you could do it...

But maybe that's more work than you really want to do?

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I read it and it doesn't work, might work for you but I handle it better by using humor and sarcasm, however all that does is entertain them as if I'm a comedian from what I've noticed. I want them to fear me, not see me as entertainment. Me using humor or sarcasm is for my self to block them out and it works. It also makes it harder for me to live with others because I can never stop responding to them or be quiet. I'm constantly talking everyday all day.

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It does work - we have tried it many times.

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As far as gangstalking scripted abuse, yes the neighbors and family members are involved or later get involved.

Through being hyped up by lies, bribery or even blackmail.

Every time I think or say something in private, my neighbors, and everyone I meet says something slick to get a reaction. Everywhere I go, eventually they start changing up me after so many days. I can't even make friends because they all either stop talking to me or join in on the reaction abuse. Even if they don't control the DARPA supercomputer or directed energy weapons, they're still being contacted by the people that do and being filled in on everything I say and do.

In some cases they're able to join in on the live streams to listen to your thoughts play back in there vehicles as they drive by. Have you paid attention to your surroundings including people passing in the vehicles. You will notice they make sure you know they're targeting you.

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DARPA does not control the supercomputers at Schriever Base or the CIA. Please read the diagrams on our HOME page.


The people in vehicles do not control the program. They do not provide the billions of dollars to fund the program. They do not direct the program in 60 different countries. You will never shut down the program going after the "minions."


The program must be shut down at the top levels.

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You're not comprehending anything I'm writing.

I never said the people in the vehicles have billions/control the V2k.

However they have a 2 way computer system in there vehicle that can play back the words they decide with ai audio. That means what ever I say and think they're able to hear it audibly through a device they was given when they signed up. Whether it's a laptop, tablet or something else, they were given stuff.

Some of them are also given handheld devices they're able to conceal in purse's. It's a handheld direct energy device, or switch activated.

You may ask for proof, however that gets back to my other post on how targets like me are more vulnerable than targets like you .

And you prove that we're more vulnerable every time you respond to our comments.

Targets like me pay attention to the details more often

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1. The people in vehicles do not have a Top Secret clearance.

2. Anyone at Schriever Base that gives them any information - will go to prison for 20 years for violating their Security Clearance.

3. The people in the car are mind controlled/manipulated - to make you think they are involved. MK-ULTRA IS ABOUT MIND CONTROL - THE ENTIRE PROGRAM IS ABOUT MIND CONTROL. HOW ARE YOU MISSING THAT?

4. Out of 6 million Targeted Individuals - no one has ever found or photographed a portable microwave beamforming device. You are guessing at how the technology works and have never actually photographed any such device - even though you constantly have a cell phone. Why is that?

5. You have no proof that "they were given stuff." You are guessing.

6. Show us the proof. Where is the photograph or bring an actual device?

6 million Targeted Individuals have never been able to show an actual such device in 40 years.




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Apparently they do have Clarence to a certain degree, or maybe they have limited access. Either way they react to everything you say and what you think. However they're not always accurate

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They can play back the words that they decode, with ai audio.

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Targeted justice is only fighting for the wealthy target's, and those that worked for the government.

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If we shut down the program - it helps everyone. We have no idea who is wealthy or not. And we don't care.

Our Board Members and volunteers work for free. Maybe that idea escaped you? And maybe you don't appreciate that we have accomplished more than any other TI group in 40 years.

You're welcome...


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The idea that your board members work for free didn't fly past my head, I just know that based on the videos you post of people like Lt green who claims only government officials are targeted, and you agree with them.

Also how you except all the government officials as volunteers, but turn down other targets like myself.

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We have never agreed with any Lt Green? I have no idea who that is? And most of our volunteers have never worked for the government.


If you want to volunteer for Targeted Justice - one of our Officers will contact you.

You will work for the Officer on specific projects that will benefit the TI Community.


Send an email to TJustice2@proton.me (put VOLUNTEER in the subject line):

1. Full name & contact info - email and phone number (yes - we will call you)

2. Skills & interests - such as accounting, graphic design, public relations, research, etc. Please give us details on how you can help, and what areas you would like to work on.


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This is helpful and I do strive for accuracy.

I do still have a question.

I developed a sudden sharp pain in my right side and after two unrelenting days I went to the ER thinking I had a kidney stone . They gave me an IV with pain meds and did an mri.

One PA came in and said I had a large stone that I wouldn’t be able to pass on my own so they wanted to admit me.

I am a nurse and had been an employee there before but currently had no insurance.

Another MD came in and said “ you don’t have a kidney stone they are just trying to bankrupt you with a wink . You can go home ; if you need us we are here for you” . I got dressed and went home and never had another minute of pain.

I had another instance where I was tachycardic ( elevated HR) and finally went to the ER . I was having some chest discomfort and the doc just stood there .

He refused to even do labs until I insisted . He said “ you know what this is and it will resolve as soon as you walk out the door” . I said what do you think it is and he just looked at me .

I told him I had taken a gummy to sleep and he said you know it’s not the gummy . But in my discharge paperwork he wrote “accidental overdose” which is now in my permanent records . I called the hospital to get that information changed and they said he was a military doctor and was not there any more.

I apologize for the extensive history but I have spoken with a person you would know; and she said that was Ravenclaw which I thought was a DEW.

I also pretty regularly get hit on the top of the skull with a very sharp knife like pain that leaves a bruise on the soft tissue of my skull . I think Dr Ber said to consider that as a neuro strike? Is that a DEW?

I have also had two instances of deep internal abdominal burning sensations. Any clarification would be helpful and hopefully help others too since I’m taking up so much space here . Thanks.

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1. Raven Claw has nothing to do with your targeting. The person giving that information is not an engineer, and does not understand antenna designs.

2. Vircators are used to target the top of your head. US Patent 4345220. See our KEY EVIDENCE tab. They are controlled from Schriever Base under the Delta 3 unit called Electromagnetic Warfare.





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Ok . Thank you .

Btw, This person worked for the NSA . She is targeted and was a part of TJ for a longtime.

It’s hard to believe she didn’t know this. There have been several credible sources who have indicated that Raven Claw is used on targeted individuals; especially creating the exact symptoms that I described so it’s not surprising that many TIs have this same impression.

Thank you for clarifying.

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If you want to know about brain surgery - do you ask someone at the NSA?

If you want to know about engineering - do you ask someone at the NSA?


There are many things that the NSA is grossly unqualified to answer.

They are the world's largest employer of mathematicians (20,000 mathematicians) - because they use math and computers to illegally hack into other computers. They are good at that... Not so good at real engineering...

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As though Bush Crime Family -Owned Raytheon of the Military-Industrial Complex would be transparent about ANYTHING in their delusional One/New World Police State allowing them to partake of evil behaviors to prove their own divinity to themselves with absolute power.

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Those small antennas are used to automatically report overload conditions in the high voltage wires. They are not DEW and are not pointed at your bedroom.


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