Raven Claw system - US Army picture by Sgt. Michael Spandau.
Raytheon’s Raven Claw 1
Some TI’s have promoted the story that Raytheon’s Raven Claw is a beamforming DEW weapon system. Sorry. That’s not what it does...
Raven Claw is a laptop & antenna system that does signal analysis and possibly some signal jamming.
The antenna shown in the picture is a Yagi antenna that detects or directs a signal, primarily in one direction.
It is not a weapon that can burn you or cause Havana Syndrome.
It does not create a microwave beam, which is necessary for a true weapon.
As an antenna, it can typically add about 10 - 20 db of signal strength to an existing signal. But it does not do any beamforming!
A soldier could use Raven Claw to detect and jam some enemy communications. He could also use it to note that, if the enemy is jamming certain frequency bands - then they should not attempt to use weapons that depend on those frequencies to operate.
The signal jamming capabilities of Raven Claw would be limited because a laptop does not have enough electricity to generate a strong jamming signal - i.e., 100+ watts.
Keep in mind:
- 90% of your microwave DEW attacks, come from cell towers.
- Another 10% come from satellites.
Your DEW attacks do not come from:
Your neighbors
Sci-fi “ray guns”
Some guy in a tree with a cardboard box
Miniature drones
Bed springs
Sheetrock walls
GWEN towers
Raytheon’s Raven Claw
LRAD trucks
Optical lasers
“Killer Soundwaves”
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The microwave attacks may not be coming from the neighbors but i do feel there are portable devices that can be used for this, i felt a beam on my knuckles coming from the neighbors house few weeks ago while on my bed, or maybe that part of my head was jst where they were aiming for.
Just adding RNM / v2k signals are not considered DEW, and can be received and transmitted locally as RF arrays. In my experience. No cell towers or satellites involved.