She is on the list and it was whistleblowed to her- TJ already has the info as does Shawn Ryan and Tucker Carlson and others. can’t stop the momentum now deep state!
Tulsi Gabbard is 100% on our side. The end Is possible. Make noise my brothers and sisters, get loud, be noticed, stand up be counted. They isolate us on purpose.
Thank you for this important information email. I opened this email because of the relevant headline. Usually, I don't have time and energy to read the horrendous avalanche of all incoming email of which Dr.Michaelcea is a leader. But this time it grabbed my attention. Being homeless TI on wheel I have left the terrorist state on May 29, 2024, and heading slowly to SA South America. But the electronic torture with electromagnetic, microwave, acoustic DEWs did not leave me and continues every day in Mexico and every country CA country. There are microwave burns on my skin and body, painful acoustic cavitational injuries of soft tissues abdominal organs including abdominal distention and obstruction, diverticulitis, cysts, kidney infections, swelling of abdominal organs and other serious injuries all caused predominately by the sonic or combo DEWs which are pumping free air in abdomen. When thousands of micro air and vapor bubbles in the soft abdominal tissues explode and collapse due to sudden change of pressure caused by the sonic laser, they release mechanical pressure, heat and free radicals which is the mechanism of action of those lethal acoustic DEWs. Most of med staff in every country is weaponized and pressured to shamelessly lie and cover up the med evidence of the crime that reveal those life-threatening injuries.
I appreciate you sharing your experience and I am deeply sorry to you for what you have been and continue to go through. Keep sharing so other people can identify and help bring awareness to this ongoing attack on human beings. Best your way ❤️
Within 2 days of posting the above comment about the mechanism of action of acoustic DEW or laser, which is similar to acoustic cavitation of boat propellers, I received painful confirmation of the truthfulness of my true witness account, by the federal terrorists themselves who attacked me viciously multiple times with their DEWs from the sky at the Los Panama Beach, Panama causing painful injury to my abdomen and kidneys with painful urination. And today 12/14 24 they pumped so much air in my abdomen that it felt it will explode causing more injuries and pain. It is a common pattern for the federal criminals to attack their victims who expose and reveal the truth about their criminality and unamerican activities. They fear the truth and get paranoid. My advice to them is to repent and whistle blow their torture program, if they fear God's Justice which no one can evade. All the criminal psychopaths can do, is kill the body. But God can kill body and soul. And the soul is eternal. Matthew 10:28
You have been advised and have no more excuses "I, we did not know".
I can relate . Even when I fly in a plane, the noise harassment continues with loud mechanical cicada, untethered electricity and extremely fast clicking in the back ground. Please get familiar with Dr. Steven Greer and all the evidence he is gathering. This is all connected and is coming mainly from the treasonous MIC. Now with all the USPs, I call them unacknowledged aerial phenomena) over New York and New Jersey, we can see how powerful the criminal deep state government had become. They can attack us from these UAPs - which can go interdimensional (that can only be seen by the space infrared sensors our government has) and by the many 5G towers and satellites. This s a network - a spider web of deceit and lies to create a new world order. Dr. Greer is working with a group of top security clearance operators that want to come before congress and are in hiding. truth will out.
Writing a letter will more quickly get you on a list. I would recommend to help all, always RESIST. When stopped by authorities, always ask "Probable Cause". Know a lawyer and have their phone number with you always. When handcuffed, do NOT resist. Call the lawyer ASAP. I have spent ~24 months total in a federal prison. Many friends with NO crime record have spent years in jail. They can't jail us all. Look up the case of Matt Hale. He a lawyer, spending 40 years in prison. Justice in the USA is handled by an ethnic cabal. Justice is not fair unless you are part of the cabal or have $$$$. 88&8s,Dave
Yes, absolutely. I also mailed every Supreme Court Justice and the 35 plus clerks and other justices which included the color pictures of microwave burns and the technology. All went through without error.
We are already on the TSDB Watch List Cat 3&4. I have no problem exposing these criminal enterprises and writing a letter. That is what it’s going to take to stop this crime. Not only let your senators and congressmen know, also many others. In fact, when I was recently pulled over by a nice police officer for not having a front license plate, I showed him the Targeted Justice sticker on my car and asked him if he knew what it was about. He didn’t so I let him know about the lawsuit about how innocent people are being hit with microwaves and the Havana Syndrome. I told him I was an activist and he wished me good luck. It’s all in how you go about it- not hostile or scared. I did not talk about my own Havana Syndrome. Talk about the crime going on and your support for TJ. You don’t have to tell law enforcement you have V2K or noise harassment if you don’t want to. I have video proof and have let - now - 8 police officers look at the videos of the unusual sounds I am capturing in different cities. Evil prevails when good men do nothing.
I’ve already been on it. I have made copies and send them every week. I will send this version as well. I would like to add that the program being shutdown would be great, but the government part of the program is in the shadows. A lot of the trama indused is by the community involvement. I’m concerned that even if the program is shutdown doesn’t mean all the other bull**** will stop, so I put in that they should put strict laws out for the public to see that anyone continuing these community harassment tactics will have severe consequences. The people that want to help us ( I don’t think they really know how deep it goes ) infra guard, masons, sheriff’s,community watch, church groups and legions + lodges etc. the public needs to be informed the fake documents and lies against us are bogus. Sadly there are many who don’t get compensated who believe there doing the community a favor by doing this, so the money people might stop and the others could continue. We should try to cover all basis of this sick twisted evil campaign.
Since ages before to today, targeted individuals have comprised a terrifying micro-population of what the entire world is more openly experiencing, now. The slander, impoverishment, degradation, torture, poison, and kill agendas that TIs undergo have clearly gone more universal in recent times, because there may be a calendar due-date mid this century for the destruction and transmutation of life on Earth.
May God have mercy upon all our souls, as Earth's self-appointed Controllers have been in the grip of darkness generationally for a very, very long time. It will up to the rest of us to reconcile not only our own lives, here and now, but those of everything on this mortal plane trying with faith and connection, yet without perfection, to live in the way of a loving Creator.
I believe none of us were conceived and birthed with a sacred charge to commit evil, as many of the Controllers believe and, either way, use as a creed to rationalize their theft of property, lives, and souls of others. We need to keep saying they don't have permission to subvert our lives, and that they have no spiritual authority over us or this realm.
This is BS. Gloating over diabetes and obesity drugs = meanwhile CHD [ RFK Jr.s official website ] runs articles on the terrible dangers and AE of the same. Will the REAL RFK Jr. PLEASE stand up. No wonder the number 14 and 88 were featured in his twit comment on X a few days ago. It should have occurred to most of the folks here, by now, that any man that can state his mission from God is to save children from toxic environmental poisons and deadly maternal vaccines, but supports and promotes flaying them alive while still in the womb is a liar, hence a devil. If your political bias or just that you are credulously stupid [ or both ] prevents you from seeing this hypocrisy, you deserve what we get.
It’s not accurate that RFK jr supports what you say. I followed his entire campaign every last thing he wrote and said and there are ad were continue to be misrepresentation of his beliefs. It’s a form of targeting.
If you read that entire article you linked it says he changed his mind after further research on full term abortion. He thought no woman would choose to abort at full term. But then he researched and said he was wrong and that would require to protect life of the baby. He also believes government should not be involved in the rest of these decisions and it should be delegated to the states. He’s never been in politics he’s an attorney protecting other interests as we know now like children’s health , food water soil crops , and ensuring vaccine choice and safety in further studies and releasing the data as well as the inserts etc. Calling him a baby killer is not accurate. Abortion laws also can also be harmful to women with miscarriage who need physicians care to complete the process and prevent the loss of Fallopian tubes in ectopic pregnancies. Forever and unnecessary wars also kill lives unnecessarily and he wants all these neocons to stop having power for profiting from wars.
I'm writing and sending evidence let's get it shut down
I'm gonna try it . What do we have to lose ? Thank you Dr Ana
Take a booster "dana".
For sure🙏👍😇
I'm already on it and Tulsi Gabbard
Tulsi Gabbard is part of the system. Your "wording" somewhat indicates Tulsi is on the list.
Your wording indicates you haven't been reading the news...
now that she is elected for Office... ? would they dare to keep her on the list ? Would have the election cause " them " to stop the attacks?
She is on the list and it was whistleblowed to her- TJ already has the info as does Shawn Ryan and Tucker Carlson and others. can’t stop the momentum now deep state!
Tulsi Gabbard is 100% on our side. The end Is possible. Make noise my brothers and sisters, get loud, be noticed, stand up be counted. They isolate us on purpose.
I will email until I drop. My mind is not well.. I can't figure anything out. Need directions.. anybody.? Please
This isn't harassment for me it's hardcore torture bathed in radiation around the clock
Me too Richard they really turned it up the past 3 weeks
Definitely the last 6to 8 weeks for me too
I will do this tomorrow with my morning coffee. ☕ 🌞
Thank you for this important information email. I opened this email because of the relevant headline. Usually, I don't have time and energy to read the horrendous avalanche of all incoming email of which Dr.Michaelcea is a leader. But this time it grabbed my attention. Being homeless TI on wheel I have left the terrorist state on May 29, 2024, and heading slowly to SA South America. But the electronic torture with electromagnetic, microwave, acoustic DEWs did not leave me and continues every day in Mexico and every country CA country. There are microwave burns on my skin and body, painful acoustic cavitational injuries of soft tissues abdominal organs including abdominal distention and obstruction, diverticulitis, cysts, kidney infections, swelling of abdominal organs and other serious injuries all caused predominately by the sonic or combo DEWs which are pumping free air in abdomen. When thousands of micro air and vapor bubbles in the soft abdominal tissues explode and collapse due to sudden change of pressure caused by the sonic laser, they release mechanical pressure, heat and free radicals which is the mechanism of action of those lethal acoustic DEWs. Most of med staff in every country is weaponized and pressured to shamelessly lie and cover up the med evidence of the crime that reveal those life-threatening injuries.
If anyone is a victim of acoustic weapons plz connect with me at ""
I appreciate you sharing your experience and I am deeply sorry to you for what you have been and continue to go through. Keep sharing so other people can identify and help bring awareness to this ongoing attack on human beings. Best your way ❤️
Christ said who fears for his life will lose it, but who loses his life for my sake he will save it.
Within 2 days of posting the above comment about the mechanism of action of acoustic DEW or laser, which is similar to acoustic cavitation of boat propellers, I received painful confirmation of the truthfulness of my true witness account, by the federal terrorists themselves who attacked me viciously multiple times with their DEWs from the sky at the Los Panama Beach, Panama causing painful injury to my abdomen and kidneys with painful urination. And today 12/14 24 they pumped so much air in my abdomen that it felt it will explode causing more injuries and pain. It is a common pattern for the federal criminals to attack their victims who expose and reveal the truth about their criminality and unamerican activities. They fear the truth and get paranoid. My advice to them is to repent and whistle blow their torture program, if they fear God's Justice which no one can evade. All the criminal psychopaths can do, is kill the body. But God can kill body and soul. And the soul is eternal. Matthew 10:28
You have been advised and have no more excuses "I, we did not know".
I can relate . Even when I fly in a plane, the noise harassment continues with loud mechanical cicada, untethered electricity and extremely fast clicking in the back ground. Please get familiar with Dr. Steven Greer and all the evidence he is gathering. This is all connected and is coming mainly from the treasonous MIC. Now with all the USPs, I call them unacknowledged aerial phenomena) over New York and New Jersey, we can see how powerful the criminal deep state government had become. They can attack us from these UAPs - which can go interdimensional (that can only be seen by the space infrared sensors our government has) and by the many 5G towers and satellites. This s a network - a spider web of deceit and lies to create a new world order. Dr. Greer is working with a group of top security clearance operators that want to come before congress and are in hiding. truth will out.
Writing a letter will more quickly get you on a list. I would recommend to help all, always RESIST. When stopped by authorities, always ask "Probable Cause". Know a lawyer and have their phone number with you always. When handcuffed, do NOT resist. Call the lawyer ASAP. I have spent ~24 months total in a federal prison. Many friends with NO crime record have spent years in jail. They can't jail us all. Look up the case of Matt Hale. He a lawyer, spending 40 years in prison. Justice in the USA is handled by an ethnic cabal. Justice is not fair unless you are part of the cabal or have $$$$. 88&8s,Dave
If you already know that you are targeted, writing a letter will help shut down the program.
Yes, absolutely. I also mailed every Supreme Court Justice and the 35 plus clerks and other justices which included the color pictures of microwave burns and the technology. All went through without error.
We are already on the TSDB Watch List Cat 3&4. I have no problem exposing these criminal enterprises and writing a letter. That is what it’s going to take to stop this crime. Not only let your senators and congressmen know, also many others. In fact, when I was recently pulled over by a nice police officer for not having a front license plate, I showed him the Targeted Justice sticker on my car and asked him if he knew what it was about. He didn’t so I let him know about the lawsuit about how innocent people are being hit with microwaves and the Havana Syndrome. I told him I was an activist and he wished me good luck. It’s all in how you go about it- not hostile or scared. I did not talk about my own Havana Syndrome. Talk about the crime going on and your support for TJ. You don’t have to tell law enforcement you have V2K or noise harassment if you don’t want to. I have video proof and have let - now - 8 police officers look at the videos of the unusual sounds I am capturing in different cities. Evil prevails when good men do nothing.
Were already on the list
You are so sweet! It's a big club and we aint in it (THANK GOD!). There is NO WAY these people are not already controlled.
And this is what it's like to wake up family and friends imho. God bless!
AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! That was so good!!!
I’ve already been on it. I have made copies and send them every week. I will send this version as well. I would like to add that the program being shutdown would be great, but the government part of the program is in the shadows. A lot of the trama indused is by the community involvement. I’m concerned that even if the program is shutdown doesn’t mean all the other bull**** will stop, so I put in that they should put strict laws out for the public to see that anyone continuing these community harassment tactics will have severe consequences. The people that want to help us ( I don’t think they really know how deep it goes ) infra guard, masons, sheriff’s,community watch, church groups and legions + lodges etc. the public needs to be informed the fake documents and lies against us are bogus. Sadly there are many who don’t get compensated who believe there doing the community a favor by doing this, so the money people might stop and the others could continue. We should try to cover all basis of this sick twisted evil campaign.
Thank you, Ana and Targeted Justice, Inc.
Since ages before to today, targeted individuals have comprised a terrifying micro-population of what the entire world is more openly experiencing, now. The slander, impoverishment, degradation, torture, poison, and kill agendas that TIs undergo have clearly gone more universal in recent times, because there may be a calendar due-date mid this century for the destruction and transmutation of life on Earth.
May God have mercy upon all our souls, as Earth's self-appointed Controllers have been in the grip of darkness generationally for a very, very long time. It will up to the rest of us to reconcile not only our own lives, here and now, but those of everything on this mortal plane trying with faith and connection, yet without perfection, to live in the way of a loving Creator.
I believe none of us were conceived and birthed with a sacred charge to commit evil, as many of the Controllers believe and, either way, use as a creed to rationalize their theft of property, lives, and souls of others. We need to keep saying they don't have permission to subvert our lives, and that they have no spiritual authority over us or this realm.
"people in the new administration that have not sold their souls" Really? And where do we find these?
This is BS. Gloating over diabetes and obesity drugs = meanwhile CHD [ RFK Jr.s official website ] runs articles on the terrible dangers and AE of the same. Will the REAL RFK Jr. PLEASE stand up. No wonder the number 14 and 88 were featured in his twit comment on X a few days ago. It should have occurred to most of the folks here, by now, that any man that can state his mission from God is to save children from toxic environmental poisons and deadly maternal vaccines, but supports and promotes flaying them alive while still in the womb is a liar, hence a devil. If your political bias or just that you are credulously stupid [ or both ] prevents you from seeing this hypocrisy, you deserve what we get.
It's mind blowing how anyone thinks trump and RFK and gang give one shit about helping humans beings let alone us citizens.
It’s not accurate that RFK jr supports what you say. I followed his entire campaign every last thing he wrote and said and there are ad were continue to be misrepresentation of his beliefs. It’s a form of targeting.
Seems you watch political opponents adds to gather your information which coming from the dnc were wicked propaganda as well as mainstream news.
If you read that entire article you linked it says he changed his mind after further research on full term abortion. He thought no woman would choose to abort at full term. But then he researched and said he was wrong and that would require to protect life of the baby. He also believes government should not be involved in the rest of these decisions and it should be delegated to the states. He’s never been in politics he’s an attorney protecting other interests as we know now like children’s health , food water soil crops , and ensuring vaccine choice and safety in further studies and releasing the data as well as the inserts etc. Calling him a baby killer is not accurate. Abortion laws also can also be harmful to women with miscarriage who need physicians care to complete the process and prevent the loss of Fallopian tubes in ectopic pregnancies. Forever and unnecessary wars also kill lives unnecessarily and he wants all these neocons to stop having power for profiting from wars.
Righto. Have a nice day.
Sorry, wrong link.
Does a bear shit in the woods?
Where would the Polar Bear go to "...the woods?"
Not if he lives in a zoo.
How good it is to be tiring to be a victim
The change of government will bring us all good fortune. Targeting will be shut down!