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Thanks Targeted Justice Inc.

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Please send an email to these women:



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Just to let Targeted Justice and everyone know, if you click the link to the county assessor's site from the email you got from Substack you will be tagged as coming from Substack. It doesn't seem to happen from clicking the link directly from the article here. But if you click from the email like I did, and don't notice that it's tagging you as from substack (I did many searches before I noticed) then that website will be able to track all the searches that were done after clicking the link from the email.

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Jul 7Liked by Targeted Justice, Inc.

What kind of individual can stand as proud member of the US Space Force?

What kind of person can happily wake up every morning to serve her country and go torture civilians, most of whom are women, toddlers and even pets?

If you have been been burned, tortured, and abused by these traitors through the use of Directed Energy Weapons, I urge you to write them an email or letter letting them know in excruciating detail what the torture they perpetrate upon you feels like.

Perhaps you will foster a miracle, inspiring them to stop the torture on innocent Americans.

At the very least, they will not be able to say "I didn't know" when Nuremberg 2.0 comes around.

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THis is exactly what I wrote to each one. I kind of cheated and copied and pasted after I wrote my original. I did add some to the last ones but this is pretty much what they all got.

I know you probably think what you're doing to people is commendable for it's probably thought of as research for other real enemies but when you target civilians with these weapons, you're still committing treason.

The claim I was only following orders after WW2 the Nuremburg trials said that's not an excuse. It can land you a death sentence. Not a threat a fact.

Some excerpt of a news letter I get.

l they need for proof, is to examine the log files for the weapons. They could even use a signal analyzer to check the tracking signal on their own heads, 3600 - 3750 MHz. It will clearly identify the precise GPS coordinates that are being targeted by the satellites. The "Payload" is the weapon system, operated by Lt. Mary McLaughlin - she attended the Mission Qualification Training (MQT) classes. The GPS attack coordinates are often within the United States, and they know it. They can even read the "Payload's" targeting coordinates in real time. Anyone that reads the log file of attack coordinates would know, they are committing TREASON.

I wonder if a civilian could take a look at these logs this talks about to see if what it talks about is true or not?

If this goes through and I hope it, does I recommend you stop aiming these satellite weapons at people, and report it and stand up for us instead of just following orders.

No one you aim at has committed an act of war against you or anyone so why do it? But you aiming at us are doing just that declaring war on American citizens. Are you proud to daily commit acts of treason and War on American people? I don't know how you could be?

But as a paid member of Targeted Justice this is a plea to your humanity to stop doing this crime to people and to stand with us instead and begin to whistle blow this crime to anyone who will listen and or the mainstream media.

Please stop and tell thank you.

PS if you're aiming these weapons at me, I will find out and will seek the full charges the law will allow me to and money if any is to be had.

So, consider this a cease-and-desist letter.

PSS so you know you hit babies with these weapons?

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Thanks Doug. I meant to complete these letters on 7/7/24 and failed. You provided an excellent example and aide our own letters. I intend to use a portion of yours unless you don't agree. Let me know. I'll honor your word. Thanks again.

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yeah go ahead I care not use what you want send these criminals letters they need to ,know that treason is what they are doing and leftists need to know they are going to be hunted down and hung and soon.

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Thanks Doug. Much appreciated.

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Excellent research thx

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Thank you for providing this invaluable information!

The state of California has been overrun and taken over!

There is no chance of living here in California as a Targeted individual!


Thanks again for the information!


Jeff C Smith


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Does mind control play a part? Are all these people under some hypnosis?

Just curious, I have witnessed some strange behaviour!

Having said that some females are brutal especially against other females..look at the concentration camps in 2nd world war, and the roles of some females there!!!

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I believe so, any one can be hacked on the spot, I have seen/ heard some weird shit, satanists at play.

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I know, I've seen this, multiple personalities created!. why did we not see this coming? Mankind will never change, hellbent on control and ultimately destruction!

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You're right. But, they destroy themselves.

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I just tried looking up one of these treasonous war criminal women on the County Assessor's page to get a visual on the house, and I got "No Results". I wonder if they have already put pressure on the county office to remove them, or am I not using the correct format for the search?

I used Mary McLaughlin, the payload operator. I copied and pasted in the address from your email up to and including the city/town. No Results.

I added a comma between address and city/town. No Results.

Finally I added her name (as the placeholder text formatting showed), so in the search field I had:


No Results.

I tried 2 others, with various combinations of address, town and name. No Results on any of them.

Can anyone else find them, or have they had their addresses removed or blocked from being shown?

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Author

Notice the updates on the addresses. Some of the women have been transferred. One went to Vandenburg AFB (where they launch the satellites), another went to the Air Force Weapons Lab in Albuquerque where they design new microwave weapons.


The email addresses have not changed. Use them.



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Yes it's anything of interest it's the same in the UK, suddenly a site can't be found or is supposedly unsafe!

They spoof site certificates, filter out information, I. Imagine that when we enter search criteria it is them used with the "<>" not contained within etc ! Hence nothing is returned. I also feel we are looking at old sites via way back machine, ie, not current view!

They are very clever at keeping us in the dark! Or rather trying to.

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Is she related to a General McLaughlin???? If so I may have uncovered another liar that I have had the displeasure of meeting in person.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

Managed to find one of them by just putting in just the road name, no number, no town, no name. For this I used Kelly Malone's property. I entered only TURF TRAIL PL and scrolled through the listings to find hers. I have found I can also add the house number to the street and get a result with just that.

In this article the property value was listed as $296,797, but what the assessor site says the market value now is $383,542.

She bought it 03/01/2018, $0 down payment, took out a loan for a few thousand more than the sale price. 360 month mortgage.

If you search just her name you will see that she also owns another home (as long as it isn't another KELLY MALONE) with her husband. They acquired it on 07/25/2016 for $0 down payment, 0% fixed interest (that's a sweet deal), and financed the whole thing it looks. So one of these could be a rental, which could pay for the mortgage, maybe both mortgages.

So if anyone does want to find them on the assessor's site, if you can't find them otherwise just search for only the street name. So they are listed and publicly viewable.

I hope someone who knows how to read the sales history can take a look at these. I just searched " 6697 COTTONWOOD TREE DR" for the house of ROBERTS MIKAYLA R. It's weird, she got the deed on 01/28/2020 from an individual with $0 down payment, $0 trade/exchange, $0 goodwill, $0 financed. Then in 07/09/2021 again with $0 in all those categories she gave the deed over to an organization, but it was not listed as a foreclosure. Looks like on the record no money changed hands, but the deed did change hands.

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See the updates posted.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

Mary McLaughlin no longer owns that house that the article claims she does. She sold it on 12/16/2022 to someone who again had no down payment according to the assessors website. The weird thing is $0 down payment, $0 trade/exchange, $0 goodwill, everything $0, but she financed it for less than the sale price.

So it's 2 of the 3 I have checked no longer own the homes the article says they do. Where ever this information came from, it was posted here without checking the assessor's site to see if the information about the homes they own is still accurate.

So to answer the question posed in this article about how they afford these homes on a military* salary... here is my 2-part answer:

1. Some of them couldn't because they have already sold them years ago, and/or

2. They financed the whole thing with $0 down payment

* I say 'military salary' even though the article says 'government salary' because if you follow OpenTheBooks here on substack or their website you will see than MANY of the record-breaking 565 white house staff working for the Biden regime are making 6-figure salaries in the multiple hundreds. They could easily buy houses like this. It's the military personnel who don't make much.

Maybe someone can do the mortgage calculation on the amount financed and interest rates and let us know what their monthly mortgage would have been. They were all able to get 100%+ financing at interest rates in the 4-percentile range. They may have rented rooms to other military personnel or others to help pay for their mortgage.

Again, another weird one. Deed seems to have been just handed over to Kueker-Murphy, Traci Lyn in 07/25/2016 with no money changing hands. She still owns the house with her husband (presumably).

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Surprisingly, this article was not intended to be about real estate.


It is about women in the Space Force, some of whom are mother’s - that are torturing 3 year old children with V2K and microwave burns.

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I do understand that the main point of the article was the treasonous and heinous acts these women were carrying out against American citizens. Yet, a large part of the article was about the real estate these women 'owned' and the question was asked, "How do military personnel afford these homes on a government paycheck??". I couldn't see the original article because it seems to have been scrubbed, so I went to archive.org which was conveniently offline, then I went to archive.is which was conveniently busy and/or having issues and after about 20 minutes of the page still not loading I gave up. So I went looking at the real estate to investigate further and see if I could answer the question about how they could afford properties like that. Not knowing exactly what their salary is, it's hard to say whether those houses would be out of their range or not. What I found were very low, in some cases no interest. Some cases of no money exchanged, no financing, just a deed being given to them. A large percentage of the properties I looked at had been foreclosed on in their sales history not long before the women purchased them.

How do you know some of these women are mothers? Is this group the only one deploying this kind of weapon against the population? It seems like they would have multiple bases and other means (like mobile units/vans) to do the same. So, how do you know the team at this base are torturing children and other American children? I do not at all doubt that the military/government is deploying these weapons against the American citizens as well as other military weapons and weaponizing just about everything else. I have seen enough of what the military and government have and are doing that I believe individuals are being targeted. But I also think it's reasonable to ask to see the sources that back what you say in the article, as another commenter has also asked for. The link you gave for the original article didn't work and the 2 archive sites I tried also were having troubles.

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It's helpful information. It opens up other criminals who have a hand in the planned destruction of Targeted Individuals and all the entire USA's takeover. It's organized crime.

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which is why I added a PSS on the last several i sent about do you know you hit babies?

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True. But, it reveals more about them and their lawlessness. Making it easier for us to detect others facilitating these crimes. It's helpful information .

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See the updates posted.

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Great find. Zero Down .......

red flags to identifying murderous psychopathic criminal activity even when they are in uniform.

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OH YEAH... IT WILL TAKE SOME DEEP DIGGING FOR THAT.. where is WIKILEAKS the real deal when we need it?. I can't do it now, I am not well these days.. just in grieving.. for loss of friends from Sars.. I will turn the corner and rejoin... If Trump gets in.. let's hope he takes a hard look at this.. be got tricked before by some "high ranking" as my RIP AF spouse used to say:

"Col. Slippenshit". :) yeah.. have a shiny Air Force day is what we used to sarcastically say. :)

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Interesting puzzle piece, but I'm still trying to figure out the "WHY" part. WHY is this SOP group made up of women only? What is\are the skill-set objective(s)? Lemme guess: CLASSIFIED! If my name is on their list, then WHY me? WHY any of us? Lemme guess again: CLASSIFIED! I'll be asking WHY forever upon forever.

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Thanks BB Role. It's not all women. But, the males targeting us with dew's and the technology fight like women.

They were Targeted before us and caught in crimes, in compromised positions. They were threatened if they didn't do what they are told

to do , then they will be exposed and suffer. It's Fear Mongering Based Program that they are caught in. Where evil pretends to be a Victor

while being a Victim, and proclaiming Victimhood when caught.

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Server cannot be found to view page! How convenient!!! so women are allowing children and other women violations upon private parts of person for “ games”????? Sounds like 2 of my civilian assailants.

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See the Wayback Machine or other archive websites. That information still exists.


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Thank you, I shall try to research… I appreciate all you fight for, fighting just to go to work or sleep is horrible, God spoke of what is happening now, stay strong in your calling! And thank you!

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Server cannot be found!! Yes usual rubbish, stay safe,!

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I hope they never have children. Can you imagine what the child would go thru. Torture

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Question: did they really sign their oathe of office? Perhaps TJ could FOIA the request for proof of signed oathes from them...like Todd Callender did.

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Has anyone invested into making a Faraday room in a house. Or a Faraday house itself. I am wondering if the investment is worth it? To block the microwave attacks and radar from penetrating our home? Does Lead drywall work. Not seeing enough information online to make a decision on materials. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Please read our tab on Scalar waves.


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I sleep in a faraday made of radient barrier, it is the only way i get relief. Marshield specializes in products to block radiation, leaded sheet rock is there. They say the combo of aluminum and lead work best. As for scalar waves, idk, but as i said i do get relief in a microwave blocking nasa grade radient barrier available via amazon or homedepot.

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Thank you. I’ve looked into scalar waves. Seems the best way to go about this is layering the material, as suggested.

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Look at TI talk for the 30th of June! Roy Eacups on RUMBLE.

They mentioned many good shielding tips Which work well.

Copper pyramid to repel RFs, works well, tungsten powder mixed in with paint works better than EMF paint apparently plus more tips from Deb TI and Billy. Many thanks to them both for their help!

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Also there are entire subreddits dedicated to shielding against energy weapons: r/TargetedEnergyWeapons, r/IllusionOfFreedom

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

I avoid any social platforms besides sub stack really, my targeting involves a lot online harassment. Even streaming music, and podcast. I don’t know how their doing it, but they alter the lyrics and words of anything am listening to in and input things about my personal life. So makes it seems like the host or the artist knows everything about me.

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Yes I know everything about online feed poisonings.

But you absolutely must shatter the barriers and the mind control. If necessary a million times. Again and again.

Ask yourself this question: would you give a shit about some bullies if you had a normal life? What would the “normal life you” do?

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

I am definitely trying. I will get there. I don’t care about them bullies. I have no energy for that sort. Only moving forward from this terrible program.

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My sleeping shelter in the basement of my rental house in Nea Makri

I used: MuMetal, basaltic ricks, EMF reflective materials from Germany, Steel (the Faraday layer)

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Yes, we have an unfinished basement we would like to make a safe space. If you don’t mind sharing? How much did you spend on materials?

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I spent on sleeping shelter materials around 10’000

I spent on electronics (EMF monitoring, components, cameras, sleep EEG bands, brain monitoring) between 5’000 and 10’000.

My memory has been raped for a very long period and I might be forgetting something.

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Thank you.

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Compassionate warriors always protected the weaker less fortunate. Usually women and children were off the table. We have to adapt and i guess thats no longer the case. I know a female spy can be formidable but this new version of dixie chicks is despicable. I never would have thought that an American military would turn weapons on fellow Americans which is why i thought theyd conscript illegals. Beta females sad

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Ok wrote everyone on that list all the top ones and the bottom four so???

Like I've mentioned before I have a Michael who's named in other peoples v2k files from a source I will not name since it may get me yelled at but I do. I told Him that too the Michael that's on this list.

my attacks get worse I guess this will seal the deal.

I hurt But I love nothing more than to push peoples buttons. Like a pit bull You have to kill me to get me to release...

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