What is wrong with the courts ? that is easy to answer; the Deep State, having the CIA as its enforcers, controls everything in the U.S. government, from police agencies, gang-stalking groups, kidnappings, torture, assassinations. The elephant in the room is that the media disinforms and indoctrinate Americans into believing that we live in a democracy and that the Constitution of the United States is alive.
Has anyone tossed the idea in their minds that what we are seeing is the coming of the beasts army? Has anyone found the suggestion within them that perhaps this is how they will be passing along the mark of the beast? I ask because here I don't get haters, just people that know stuff is going on and it ain't no "i am sick in the head crap". I have a very different kind of perp situation. It is made to look very "supernatural" and their is quite an emphasis on my own spirituality. They play on my spirituality in a very harsh way. Unless I really am dealing with demons. They are definately viscious enough. Also, I believe I am dealing with emf broadcasting as well. I have the signs that I have heard about upon research. One of the signs I experience is much trouble with alot of pain on my feet and ankles. It shows. If anyone else experiences this....have they gone to a foot doctor? Would a foot doctor recognize this? Is there any doctor that recognizes the damage that is happening on our bodies?
The same people who wrote the bible also control hollywood. They write scripts and you all think it's just a movie, and then they make that movie become real. They control the weather, so if they make a movie about the end of the world, that's their plan. When you hear thunder, you may think it's God, but they can create thunder and lightning. If they say God is coming, they will show you holograms in the sky and if you believe them, you will fall in their death trap. This is real life; not a movie. They created an entity to keep you depending on it, so you do nothing. So far, it''s worked wonders, don't you think. Every day you wait for God, more children die, more women are murdered, and more people are poisoned in hospitals to be buried under ground 6.66 feet.
Yes, I do believe that the mark of the beast is Schriever Space Force tracking millions of people with their satellites. The plan is to track everyone and send subliminal messages into their heads and control them. It’s all about social and economic control snd killing people off faster, especially the ones nearing retirement, so they can have more money for their war machines rather than paying social security.
Azzarah, you have very valid truth, my friend, and the very similar feet, leg problems are something that can truly limit what once and very recently was able to still deal with but I can only say that I will pray that we both have the strength and healing of Our Lord and Saviour to land in The Promised Land!
And as far as the Army that is overgrowing on this Earth-Yes even the reports that have been released from Antarctica would suggest that numerous Nephilim may be waking to do the promised Battle which the modern Day Super Soldiers and other creations of our Military and Govt have developed to defend are possibly only serving Money which I have never put my safety or life in but one who came to this earth, with a purpose for Mankind. And even still the struggle between the two brain hemispheres and so many willing to be ruled be evil and greed can sense the smell of rotting flesh, and blood yet refusing to link it to a near future encounter for all of mankind to be involved in!
Incidently, when i first went down this rabbit hole....nephilliim was one of the first things i seen. I seen much more supernatural type oddities. I thought I was having some kind of religious experience until i learned about holographic projection stuff. As it turns out, when you see this stuff, it is like looking at the real mc coy. I am still dealing with this stuff.
And, yes, please do pray we make it to that promised land. I pray myself. I also pray that this all gets taken down from all of us.
Truth. But, even the wicked and evil people get to eat what they put on other's, before they leave this earth. Then eternity finds them in the bowels of hell with the same truth of how they actually lived and treated others.
I can only imagine the outrite lies being told to cover this targeting program if there’s up I’ve dealt with things myself since 2017 every second of every day from there v2k and the gangs talking etc this is a shame
😊 Jason , I'm glad to read you can't imagine their lies. Made me smile, because their thinking and their responses are always the same ," fantastical, not possible. " Even Judge's use the same lame lies. As if no one can connect the dots to what Judge, gov. agent's, gang stalker , police, neighbors, fusion center, businesses, etc. are actually involved in the terrorism of this nation. Connected to every form of Trafficking and satanic ritual abuse. The traitors arrived and told us where they live, their titles, where they work , what they're up to , how they think and thought they could hide in plain sight. The hive mind. Not so. That's how imbeciles tell on themselves.
Thank you. Shared with others. If these weapons are not real we wouldn't have businesses creating Protective items for us. For everyone. Great information.
Dr. King once said something kind of like this before, the arc of moral turpitude and integrity is long but it bends toward justice. We are compelled to have a tenacious and enduring spirit to weather this storm!
Anna as per your statement about your computer being hacked yes it probably is. But I searched through my documents that are on Targeted Justice's web site I downloaded them all, and I don't find any word in the originals complaints of Data Set and only a few times is Data Base said in them at all.
So you're right that Data set is never used in any of the plaintiff documents originally. Not online any how let me again look through my own personal downloaded documents and see. OK yeah none of mine say Data Set and only Data Base is mentioned like a few times in any of mine I downloaded from Targeted Justice's web site.
Don’t let people try to control your thoughts such as which political party you align with or how you believe in God. I an my own person and will not be intimidated by the aggressors, or the silence , or other people’s ulterior agendas. Just a thought. We are not sheep. God created all of us for a reason.
Of course I snitch you off I want my life back and to hear sound the way it's supposed to be heard not what you allow POS.
this is collective souls shine but I recorded what the AI is doing over the air waves hear the loud trilling noise the stupid AI thing makes. Do you hear will I be dead instead of will I be there like I do, or???
you may and others may but for me I don't think I have any chips in me. For I can start a recorder here. go someplace and use a different recording device and still pick the same AI menace crap. it's universal. I've done it man times. but AI doesn't get it that I know what it's doing and I know it is universal or doesn't want me to know but I can't unlearn what I know already.
But listen to that AI is doing the trilling and other noises.
You’re a strong person to put up with this torture for so long. I want to see you get compensated for this abuse. Look at my you tube channel and watch the Raytheon whistle blower talk about his knowledge and experience with V2K and the Havana Syndrome. Raytheon has patents for DEW neuroweapons. I’m @aunacknowledgedmrs.
I just did @unacknowledgedmrs and some came up that are not mine- no sleazy videos are mine bur one of mine comes up about DEW- plea to ban electrocution. Once you click on that- you can find all my videos on DEWs and 5G towers. I am hiking and speaking in the video. Once you get in, please tell me how to make it more accessible.
can you go to you tube @unacknowledgedmrs. Won’t typing it in search make it come up? What is your link? I can go to your YouTube and then maybe you can see mine and tell me why it doesn’t work. I’m not the greatest at computers.
YouTube is acting all messed up lately I can't watch anything for a long time then all of a sudden it begins to play makes me mad I clean out cookies and restart and all sorts of things and it still doesn't work until it wants to.
If you had time, I discovered the library has good air conditioning and free computers to use. I went there when my laptop acted up. When i tried to plug in head phones, my laptop died. It’s old , I hope it’s just the battery. So when I can I go there. You will see Raytheon whistle blower that talks about V2K and Havana Syndrome.
OMG thanks I sometimes wonder. I wasn't though 23 years ago. I lasted four months then went to jail. Thank God not prison I don't think I'd lasted long there. My likeability in Jail, was one of the things that carried me through. Even only seven months out of a nine month sentence Was miserable for me. Someone that loves the outdoors and hunting and not being able to could of killed me even that short of time. I know now and you may not know the name but Now I understand Lavoy Finicum saying he'd die in a box like they have. He was the one killed here in Oregon during that stand off in Bend. I'm glad I didn't go but really was this close to going when that first began. Everything they stand for and stood for I do too. Our country is in the crapper and not sure other than God intervening will pull us out.
But even then I kind of knew it was artificial but I wasn't sure. I think that's what keeps me sane now is knowing. Then I thought demons demon possession, maybe an Acid trip someone slipped me. But my strength is not of myself it's God and whatever it is he has planned for me and or us. I too want to see you compensated for these crimes. All of us deserve Multi millions if not Billions each. I want my name cleared of the one thing since it was them that caused it to begin with. If and when I'd love to own some mountain property and be able to hunt and fish all I want. Put a nice house on it for me and my wife and mom. Have that one record taken off and live out what life I have left doing what I want silently like normal people get to. hear my own thoughts again. When I am not thinking silence, hear Tv, and music again without AI mutilating the songs. I think that's why they use music is because I am very musical. I have to admit if it wasn't trying to kill me some of the music is good. Some of it I think is my own creation that if I was to write the song it sounds like that.
FYI my sister in laws name is Marlene too so LOL.
But yeah thanks you too you have to be were not dead or in prison yet, or some insane asylum like they want.
This may help explain the microwave auditory affect what we hear. Some goof on my hunting web site
says microwaves aren't sound so can't be recorded which maybe true but the microwaves do create the circumstances in which radio signals and or other things can be used to send voices and or other sounds.
HE doesn't hear the waves because HE doesn't have any implants (or transmitters) in his body. I hear it and it's annoying as hell. If you hear it, then it can be recorded.
I’ve recorded the clicking in the background of my electronic attacks. I caught it several times when it was very loud. People who have been abducted were also implanted with chips by the unacknowledged special access groups. Whistle blowers involved in these projects have come forward to Dr. Steven Greer, who gave all his research - governmental documents and testimonials to Congress in June. I’m still waiting for their reaction to the disclosure. Lets hope they’re not too cowardly to uncover it and put it in the mainstream media.
yeah I post them my audio recordings all the time you may have clicked one of them.
my audio files I mean. yeah I hear it in my cochlea and record them all the time. And my findings when I put the setting on TFFT and do a FCC search for certain spots and frequencies in the recording and I have found Radar Frequencies from NATO involved. Specifically tank Radar I one found.
I think all with v2k should record theirs and do FCC searches from this site.
at 200hz add two zeros to each box and hit search it's amazing. Some times you find hundreds of hits and that makes it hard to know exactly what weapon is used but sometimes it comes up just a few like the tank radar I found. But I find UHF and VHF frequencies all the time so add to the Tropoospheric Scatter. which goes a long with what Look out For Charlie shows in his videos.
Microwaves create a vibration in your skull and auditory canal and acoustic nerves, creating the sound in you head. Think of the Morris Code. It is translated into language as the auditory nerves translate the vibrations into sound in your head.
The current issues that seem to be the acceptable version of 1st amendment rights, are truly puzzling, because when you have a "ranking member" that sits directly left of Jim Jordan who spouts off numerous false claims in which a man currently running for US President, 2024 Robert Kennedy Jr. this woman wants him not allowed to testify. The acceleration of attacks on this Patriot I can only imagine!
And the real reason he seems to be not liked or appreciated has much to do with his honest, truthful knowledge and proof by making sure of facts which validate his statements, yet numerous associates, friends and lifelong allies had signed a document that was nothing more than a smear campaign, which he himself used the term "target" during his brief time at the Senate subcommit e hearings when he defined the term Mal-information- or as he informed those on the question side that this term used on himself was this! The term means " that the statements, comments or information is truth, yet the ability it potentially has to override the Govts agenda to continue it's control of media scripts and to maintain the preferred next step to continue America's destruction from within, will not allow it's runaway train to apply any brakes at all!
From my own research and going on what the technology does and actually says, since it activates our cochlea and then from there, the signal is converted into an electrical impulse that's sent to our brains and then from there changed into notes words etc... Tones for me that plays out spine like musical notes and then used to shock vibrate and other torments, we need a whole host of people to help fight this. Electrical engineers, bio chemists, computer engineers, people who know the brain like they do, and then make something Free for all to use or as close to free since most of us are on SSI or disability type of income. They guy that makes the CD is on to something, but this shit is going to evolve as the AI does. So we need to be at least two steps ahead of this crap. On my EMF meter on Spectrum it fluctuates just above 2.4ghz like 2.483 2.457ghz.. If those at TJ want I can link and may anyhow a YouTube Movie of my EMF meter on RF spectrum, and try as good as I can to get it to show the full screen since it will be on my pen camera.
But we need to shield our Cochlea. and find ways to fool the hairs in our cochlea to not vibrate to their signal.
Hey I was wondering if anyone knows where I should start as I’m ready to join you all! I do have direct links in my situation to the fbi and I am currently in a complete mind control program that is getting desperate to get rid of me as I clearly know they wanted to turn me into some kind of active shooter and misjudged me greatly! I actually know a name of an agent who initiated my sitution and I never spoke out but they started waking me and making me sleep walk climb up walls and jump off face first in my SLEEP! Three days later they were playing a trauma cycle to me in a dream as I slept in a lawn chair and it was basically of the woman I love and my ex girlfriend and just showing me all of these men they influenced them to sleep with as they also are and have been under the technology of mind control in some kind of trance! I saw the drone with my own eyes and I never before knew where the energy or the dreams were coming from I imagined satellite but knew I could not tell anyone and when I woke up as the women I love with a man hurt me in a way that shocked me to wake instead of breaking me buttttt I figured it is time I do something! I have lost everything! They disabled my airbag and engineered a wreck by turning me off while driving and wiping my memory completely and well I know I’m blessed to be alive so I’m pretty sure it wasn’t to keep quiet still I just don’t know where to start!
yeah they killed two of my dogs and not sure on any of my cats but two dogs I know they have. but remotely not up and close. Although the one they may have poisoned since she came from the area where I know one of my gangstalkers lived.
dang it all I wanted was one post to be deleted. not both. But OK once again, I herd them strait from v2k using the witches voice from the Wizard of Oz "I will get you my pretty and your little dog too." A week or so later she was dead poisoned. A month or so later Tiny was dead too.
But please elaborate on what you mean they used for bait for fight dogs. You make it sound they stole it or something or not sure so please elaborate. Thanks.
I also sent an email to the Calif attorney general and was told to contact my senators in a letter. We are under attack and staying silent isn’t helping our case. I look at Ana outing herself and Dr, Ber and Gogi Justice and others - not just giving likes and sitting back. I’m inline with activists that want to get the word out. Also check out nopoliticaloarties on You Tube. He’s awesome. Kay, - I’m public @ unacknowledgedmrs.
I actually called the DOJ head quarters concerning my FIOA a long time ago and talked to management and told him about my targeting and concern for a corrupt rogue element in the FBI and DOJ. Be careful, what ever you say can be used as evidence against you. Kay, you can put your phone on the ground and video record the nose/vibration. I’ve done that. You can start a you tube channel and record your evidence. Check out mine @unacknowledgedmrs. To hear the vibration, you might need ear phones. You don’t have to show your face. Having someone say they can also feel the vibration will help as evidence. These criminals are ruthless.
I have actually written a letter to the attorney general but never mailed it. I was afraid if i sent too many letters out they would connect those dots and bring someone in to take me away to the "spa"...I like to call it. They have before. It is a good thought. I will watch for more comments on this.
You must do whatever is needed to denounce the attacks; suffering in silence is not the answer..After numerous attacks against me, I ordered a banner with staments such as "CIA-FBI is Terrorism" "COINTELPRO is Murder" " U.S. Judges: Peons of the CIA" etc. Have great results in my pending lawsuits against DOJ, FBI, CIA.
I wish you the best. What did you do with the banners? Like, where did you hang them? For emf broadband...i thought of making some kind of signs and hanging them in my house so if I am being broadcast on the dark web someplace...those seeing me will maybe see the signs too. I'm just not sure what to write on mine.
Kay, you might have nanobots in your body. I have been feeling the vibration. They call them nanobots but they actually have limbs that are over an inch long and the vibration felt like the bot was spinning. I don't just feel them. I saw one come out of me and look around. I wouldn't advise you send anyone anything as they are well aware of this and will likely come get you. What we need is justice and the removal of these bioweapons.
I met a girl on FB who said she worked for intelligence and she even showed me a certificate. She is a subject. IBM is who is doing everything to her. She pulls quatum dots out of her butt regularly. I don't really talk to her anymore but if you want to, I'll find her for you. She never mentioned nanobots though. I have a picture of the tube it was hiding in before it came out of my arm. That's what I pulled out with tweezers.
Yes, i have something in my eyes also. I went to see an eye doctor and have pics. They say the retina has little veigns that break away but I don't believe what I was told. I think they are in the air and attach to the eye. Could be a nano camera or they are trying to ruin my vision because a Jewish photographer was really nervous about me doing business in this town. He is an amateur and I am fully trained and it caused the people here to gossip a lot about me. Mine doesn't go away. Its something attached to a squiggly thread. Oh, and if it happens again, yes I'll be ready. They're fast though. Very fast. They go back into the skin extremely fast, as if sucked in by a vaccum.
I've been trying to get a full body scan done. Doctors are not cooperating of course. I'm not sure where to go.
"if she is telling the truth." We don't know their relationship, but if you think she's honest. The woman is a decendant of the Romanov family. I just looked on my groups. I had removed her in one because she charged me money for a protocol I could have gotten online myself. Then buying all the products doubled my cost. It was a medicines group and I thought why am I helping someone who made me pay for a list . I can't find her but I'll keep checking but if you ask her about someone who's from the Romanov family, she'll likely know; they know these details about their subjects.
True. I agree. That would be ideal for us and the rest of the nation's children. But, if it does not occur. We continue fighting the good fight. We will thrive and see the mighty hands of Lord Most High YHWH over us. Targeted Individuals are much like the three who refused to bow to an evil king and stood in the fire for their faith. Persecuted. The Son of man ,Yeshua Jesus Christ was in the fire with them as He is with us.
Always praying, petitioning the Holy One YHWH for Justice and mercy on us and the children of this nation. Remember, even if there's deviants or devil's in office , they are YHWH's deviants and devils.
Even the the hardest and most evil of people have hearts , minds and lives that can be moved by YHWH. HE hardened the hearts of mighty and evil kings of the past and freed His people. In doing so the wicked died in pursuit of His people and YHWH glorified Himself. Our victory is dependent on the one who overcame death, hell and the grave. I appreciate your words ,insight ,and views Yasmine. Much love and consideration for your words.
A time of battle in Jeremiah. Like today.
Jer. 15: 20-21 "I will make you a wall to this people, a fortified wall of bronze ; they will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you to rescue and save you, " declares the LORD. 21 " I will save you from the hands of the wicked and redeem you from the grasp of the cruel."
Stay Strong in Christ Jesus. And, thank you for always sharing your insight with us. 😊
What is wrong with the courts ? that is easy to answer; the Deep State, having the CIA as its enforcers, controls everything in the U.S. government, from police agencies, gang-stalking groups, kidnappings, torture, assassinations. The elephant in the room is that the media disinforms and indoctrinate Americans into believing that we live in a democracy and that the Constitution of the United States is alive.
Has anyone tossed the idea in their minds that what we are seeing is the coming of the beasts army? Has anyone found the suggestion within them that perhaps this is how they will be passing along the mark of the beast? I ask because here I don't get haters, just people that know stuff is going on and it ain't no "i am sick in the head crap". I have a very different kind of perp situation. It is made to look very "supernatural" and their is quite an emphasis on my own spirituality. They play on my spirituality in a very harsh way. Unless I really am dealing with demons. They are definately viscious enough. Also, I believe I am dealing with emf broadcasting as well. I have the signs that I have heard about upon research. One of the signs I experience is much trouble with alot of pain on my feet and ankles. It shows. If anyone else experiences this....have they gone to a foot doctor? Would a foot doctor recognize this? Is there any doctor that recognizes the damage that is happening on our bodies?
The same people who wrote the bible also control hollywood. They write scripts and you all think it's just a movie, and then they make that movie become real. They control the weather, so if they make a movie about the end of the world, that's their plan. When you hear thunder, you may think it's God, but they can create thunder and lightning. If they say God is coming, they will show you holograms in the sky and if you believe them, you will fall in their death trap. This is real life; not a movie. They created an entity to keep you depending on it, so you do nothing. So far, it''s worked wonders, don't you think. Every day you wait for God, more children die, more women are murdered, and more people are poisoned in hospitals to be buried under ground 6.66 feet.
Yes, I do believe that the mark of the beast is Schriever Space Force tracking millions of people with their satellites. The plan is to track everyone and send subliminal messages into their heads and control them. It’s all about social and economic control snd killing people off faster, especially the ones nearing retirement, so they can have more money for their war machines rather than paying social security.
"The plan" is to track everyone. Exactly; it's a plan and they are carrying out a plan; it's not a prediction or a prophecy.
yeah it is!
Probly...didn't think of that one! Sigh
Azzarah, you have very valid truth, my friend, and the very similar feet, leg problems are something that can truly limit what once and very recently was able to still deal with but I can only say that I will pray that we both have the strength and healing of Our Lord and Saviour to land in The Promised Land!
And as far as the Army that is overgrowing on this Earth-Yes even the reports that have been released from Antarctica would suggest that numerous Nephilim may be waking to do the promised Battle which the modern Day Super Soldiers and other creations of our Military and Govt have developed to defend are possibly only serving Money which I have never put my safety or life in but one who came to this earth, with a purpose for Mankind. And even still the struggle between the two brain hemispheres and so many willing to be ruled be evil and greed can sense the smell of rotting flesh, and blood yet refusing to link it to a near future encounter for all of mankind to be involved in!
Incidently, when i first went down this rabbit hole....nephilliim was one of the first things i seen. I seen much more supernatural type oddities. I thought I was having some kind of religious experience until i learned about holographic projection stuff. As it turns out, when you see this stuff, it is like looking at the real mc coy. I am still dealing with this stuff.
And, yes, please do pray we make it to that promised land. I pray myself. I also pray that this all gets taken down from all of us.
Truth. But, even the wicked and evil people get to eat what they put on other's, before they leave this earth. Then eternity finds them in the bowels of hell with the same truth of how they actually lived and treated others.
Absolutely true!!! Thanks Shayne.
I can only imagine the outrite lies being told to cover this targeting program if there’s up I’ve dealt with things myself since 2017 every second of every day from there v2k and the gangs talking etc this is a shame
😊 Jason , I'm glad to read you can't imagine their lies. Made me smile, because their thinking and their responses are always the same ," fantastical, not possible. " Even Judge's use the same lame lies. As if no one can connect the dots to what Judge, gov. agent's, gang stalker , police, neighbors, fusion center, businesses, etc. are actually involved in the terrorism of this nation. Connected to every form of Trafficking and satanic ritual abuse. The traitors arrived and told us where they live, their titles, where they work , what they're up to , how they think and thought they could hide in plain sight. The hive mind. Not so. That's how imbeciles tell on themselves.
Stay Strong!!!
I feel the same.
Thanks, crew - very informative update!
Sharing an interesting article I found on blocking "Havana Syndrome" attacks.
Thank you. Shared with others. If these weapons are not real we wouldn't have businesses creating Protective items for us. For everyone. Great information.
Dr. King once said something kind of like this before, the arc of moral turpitude and integrity is long but it bends toward justice. We are compelled to have a tenacious and enduring spirit to weather this storm!
Anna as per your statement about your computer being hacked yes it probably is. But I searched through my documents that are on Targeted Justice's web site I downloaded them all, and I don't find any word in the originals complaints of Data Set and only a few times is Data Base said in them at all.
So you're right that Data set is never used in any of the plaintiff documents originally. Not online any how let me again look through my own personal downloaded documents and see. OK yeah none of mine say Data Set and only Data Base is mentioned like a few times in any of mine I downloaded from Targeted Justice's web site.
Don’t let people try to control your thoughts such as which political party you align with or how you believe in God. I an my own person and will not be intimidated by the aggressors, or the silence , or other people’s ulterior agendas. Just a thought. We are not sheep. God created all of us for a reason.
Of course I snitch you off I want my life back and to hear sound the way it's supposed to be heard not what you allow POS.
this is collective souls shine but I recorded what the AI is doing over the air waves hear the loud trilling noise the stupid AI thing makes. Do you hear will I be dead instead of will I be there like I do, or???
Video link
you may and others may but for me I don't think I have any chips in me. For I can start a recorder here. go someplace and use a different recording device and still pick the same AI menace crap. it's universal. I've done it man times. but AI doesn't get it that I know what it's doing and I know it is universal or doesn't want me to know but I can't unlearn what I know already.
But listen to that AI is doing the trilling and other noises.
You’re a strong person to put up with this torture for so long. I want to see you get compensated for this abuse. Look at my you tube channel and watch the Raytheon whistle blower talk about his knowledge and experience with V2K and the Havana Syndrome. Raytheon has patents for DEW neuroweapons. I’m @aunacknowledgedmrs.
tried I can't find your channel using what you linked sorry
I just did @unacknowledgedmrs and some came up that are not mine- no sleazy videos are mine bur one of mine comes up about DEW- plea to ban electrocution. Once you click on that- you can find all my videos on DEWs and 5G towers. I am hiking and speaking in the video. Once you get in, please tell me how to make it more accessible.
I think it is marlena skye@unacknowledgedmrs
can you go to you tube @unacknowledgedmrs. Won’t typing it in search make it come up? What is your link? I can go to your YouTube and then maybe you can see mine and tell me why it doesn’t work. I’m not the greatest at computers.
YouTube is acting all messed up lately I can't watch anything for a long time then all of a sudden it begins to play makes me mad I clean out cookies and restart and all sorts of things and it still doesn't work until it wants to.
If you had time, I discovered the library has good air conditioning and free computers to use. I went there when my laptop acted up. When i tried to plug in head phones, my laptop died. It’s old , I hope it’s just the battery. So when I can I go there. You will see Raytheon whistle blower that talks about V2K and Havana Syndrome.
I think I found it I posted something just now.
OMG thanks I sometimes wonder. I wasn't though 23 years ago. I lasted four months then went to jail. Thank God not prison I don't think I'd lasted long there. My likeability in Jail, was one of the things that carried me through. Even only seven months out of a nine month sentence Was miserable for me. Someone that loves the outdoors and hunting and not being able to could of killed me even that short of time. I know now and you may not know the name but Now I understand Lavoy Finicum saying he'd die in a box like they have. He was the one killed here in Oregon during that stand off in Bend. I'm glad I didn't go but really was this close to going when that first began. Everything they stand for and stood for I do too. Our country is in the crapper and not sure other than God intervening will pull us out.
But even then I kind of knew it was artificial but I wasn't sure. I think that's what keeps me sane now is knowing. Then I thought demons demon possession, maybe an Acid trip someone slipped me. But my strength is not of myself it's God and whatever it is he has planned for me and or us. I too want to see you compensated for these crimes. All of us deserve Multi millions if not Billions each. I want my name cleared of the one thing since it was them that caused it to begin with. If and when I'd love to own some mountain property and be able to hunt and fish all I want. Put a nice house on it for me and my wife and mom. Have that one record taken off and live out what life I have left doing what I want silently like normal people get to. hear my own thoughts again. When I am not thinking silence, hear Tv, and music again without AI mutilating the songs. I think that's why they use music is because I am very musical. I have to admit if it wasn't trying to kill me some of the music is good. Some of it I think is my own creation that if I was to write the song it sounds like that.
FYI my sister in laws name is Marlene too so LOL.
But yeah thanks you too you have to be were not dead or in prison yet, or some insane asylum like they want.
TJ here and or others although easily found and searchable this may help some how.
This may help explain the microwave auditory affect what we hear. Some goof on my hunting web site
says microwaves aren't sound so can't be recorded which maybe true but the microwaves do create the circumstances in which radio signals and or other things can be used to send voices and or other sounds.
HE doesn't hear the waves because HE doesn't have any implants (or transmitters) in his body. I hear it and it's annoying as hell. If you hear it, then it can be recorded.
I’ve recorded the clicking in the background of my electronic attacks. I caught it several times when it was very loud. People who have been abducted were also implanted with chips by the unacknowledged special access groups. Whistle blowers involved in these projects have come forward to Dr. Steven Greer, who gave all his research - governmental documents and testimonials to Congress in June. I’m still waiting for their reaction to the disclosure. Lets hope they’re not too cowardly to uncover it and put it in the mainstream media.
yeah I post them my audio recordings all the time you may have clicked one of them.
my audio files I mean. yeah I hear it in my cochlea and record them all the time. And my findings when I put the setting on TFFT and do a FCC search for certain spots and frequencies in the recording and I have found Radar Frequencies from NATO involved. Specifically tank Radar I one found.
I think all with v2k should record theirs and do FCC searches from this site.
at 200hz add two zeros to each box and hit search it's amazing. Some times you find hundreds of hits and that makes it hard to know exactly what weapon is used but sometimes it comes up just a few like the tank radar I found. But I find UHF and VHF frequencies all the time so add to the Tropoospheric Scatter. which goes a long with what Look out For Charlie shows in his videos.
Microwaves create a vibration in your skull and auditory canal and acoustic nerves, creating the sound in you head. Think of the Morris Code. It is translated into language as the auditory nerves translate the vibrations into sound in your head.
yeah that's why I hear it in my cochlea and can feel it vibrate.
The current issues that seem to be the acceptable version of 1st amendment rights, are truly puzzling, because when you have a "ranking member" that sits directly left of Jim Jordan who spouts off numerous false claims in which a man currently running for US President, 2024 Robert Kennedy Jr. this woman wants him not allowed to testify. The acceleration of attacks on this Patriot I can only imagine!
And the real reason he seems to be not liked or appreciated has much to do with his honest, truthful knowledge and proof by making sure of facts which validate his statements, yet numerous associates, friends and lifelong allies had signed a document that was nothing more than a smear campaign, which he himself used the term "target" during his brief time at the Senate subcommit e hearings when he defined the term Mal-information- or as he informed those on the question side that this term used on himself was this! The term means " that the statements, comments or information is truth, yet the ability it potentially has to override the Govts agenda to continue it's control of media scripts and to maintain the preferred next step to continue America's destruction from within, will not allow it's runaway train to apply any brakes at all!
Crap I guess I closed it but here this is a link from my pen camera of my EMF meter on RF spectrum.
Video link
From my own research and going on what the technology does and actually says, since it activates our cochlea and then from there, the signal is converted into an electrical impulse that's sent to our brains and then from there changed into notes words etc... Tones for me that plays out spine like musical notes and then used to shock vibrate and other torments, we need a whole host of people to help fight this. Electrical engineers, bio chemists, computer engineers, people who know the brain like they do, and then make something Free for all to use or as close to free since most of us are on SSI or disability type of income. They guy that makes the CD is on to something, but this shit is going to evolve as the AI does. So we need to be at least two steps ahead of this crap. On my EMF meter on Spectrum it fluctuates just above 2.4ghz like 2.483 2.457ghz.. If those at TJ want I can link and may anyhow a YouTube Movie of my EMF meter on RF spectrum, and try as good as I can to get it to show the full screen since it will be on my pen camera.
But we need to shield our Cochlea. and find ways to fool the hairs in our cochlea to not vibrate to their signal.
Hey I was wondering if anyone knows where I should start as I’m ready to join you all! I do have direct links in my situation to the fbi and I am currently in a complete mind control program that is getting desperate to get rid of me as I clearly know they wanted to turn me into some kind of active shooter and misjudged me greatly! I actually know a name of an agent who initiated my sitution and I never spoke out but they started waking me and making me sleep walk climb up walls and jump off face first in my SLEEP! Three days later they were playing a trauma cycle to me in a dream as I slept in a lawn chair and it was basically of the woman I love and my ex girlfriend and just showing me all of these men they influenced them to sleep with as they also are and have been under the technology of mind control in some kind of trance! I saw the drone with my own eyes and I never before knew where the energy or the dreams were coming from I imagined satellite but knew I could not tell anyone and when I woke up as the women I love with a man hurt me in a way that shocked me to wake instead of breaking me buttttt I figured it is time I do something! I have lost everything! They disabled my airbag and engineered a wreck by turning me off while driving and wiping my memory completely and well I know I’m blessed to be alive so I’m pretty sure it wasn’t to keep quiet still I just don’t know where to start!
It’s horrible about the animals!!
yeah they killed two of my dogs and not sure on any of my cats but two dogs I know they have. but remotely not up and close. Although the one they may have poisoned since she came from the area where I know one of my gangstalkers lived.
So sad that innocent animals are attacked.
dang it all I wanted was one post to be deleted. not both. But OK once again, I herd them strait from v2k using the witches voice from the Wizard of Oz "I will get you my pretty and your little dog too." A week or so later she was dead poisoned. A month or so later Tiny was dead too.
But please elaborate on what you mean they used for bait for fight dogs. You make it sound they stole it or something or not sure so please elaborate. Thanks.
I also sent an email to the Calif attorney general and was told to contact my senators in a letter. We are under attack and staying silent isn’t helping our case. I look at Ana outing herself and Dr, Ber and Gogi Justice and others - not just giving likes and sitting back. I’m inline with activists that want to get the word out. Also check out nopoliticaloarties on You Tube. He’s awesome. Kay, - I’m public @ unacknowledgedmrs.
I actually called the DOJ head quarters concerning my FIOA a long time ago and talked to management and told him about my targeting and concern for a corrupt rogue element in the FBI and DOJ. Be careful, what ever you say can be used as evidence against you. Kay, you can put your phone on the ground and video record the nose/vibration. I’ve done that. You can start a you tube channel and record your evidence. Check out mine @unacknowledgedmrs. To hear the vibration, you might need ear phones. You don’t have to show your face. Having someone say they can also feel the vibration will help as evidence. These criminals are ruthless.
I'd love to watch your videos but I have to ask someone to let me use their account. Make many copies.
Helen, yiu can go to the library and use internet anonymously👍🇺🇸..Thanks.
I have actually written a letter to the attorney general but never mailed it. I was afraid if i sent too many letters out they would connect those dots and bring someone in to take me away to the "spa"...I like to call it. They have before. It is a good thought. I will watch for more comments on this.
It's dangerous to talk to the wrong people.
You must do whatever is needed to denounce the attacks; suffering in silence is not the answer..After numerous attacks against me, I ordered a banner with staments such as "CIA-FBI is Terrorism" "COINTELPRO is Murder" " U.S. Judges: Peons of the CIA" etc. Have great results in my pending lawsuits against DOJ, FBI, CIA.
I wish you the best. What did you do with the banners? Like, where did you hang them? For emf broadband...i thought of making some kind of signs and hanging them in my house so if I am being broadcast on the dark web someplace...those seeing me will maybe see the signs too. I'm just not sure what to write on mine.
Kay, you might have nanobots in your body. I have been feeling the vibration. They call them nanobots but they actually have limbs that are over an inch long and the vibration felt like the bot was spinning. I don't just feel them. I saw one come out of me and look around. I wouldn't advise you send anyone anything as they are well aware of this and will likely come get you. What we need is justice and the removal of these bioweapons.
Helen if that happens again, hope you save it for evidence!!!
I met a girl on FB who said she worked for intelligence and she even showed me a certificate. She is a subject. IBM is who is doing everything to her. She pulls quatum dots out of her butt regularly. I don't really talk to her anymore but if you want to, I'll find her for you. She never mentioned nanobots though. I have a picture of the tube it was hiding in before it came out of my arm. That's what I pulled out with tweezers.
Yes, i have something in my eyes also. I went to see an eye doctor and have pics. They say the retina has little veigns that break away but I don't believe what I was told. I think they are in the air and attach to the eye. Could be a nano camera or they are trying to ruin my vision because a Jewish photographer was really nervous about me doing business in this town. He is an amateur and I am fully trained and it caused the people here to gossip a lot about me. Mine doesn't go away. Its something attached to a squiggly thread. Oh, and if it happens again, yes I'll be ready. They're fast though. Very fast. They go back into the skin extremely fast, as if sucked in by a vaccum.
I've been trying to get a full body scan done. Doctors are not cooperating of course. I'm not sure where to go.
"if she is telling the truth." We don't know their relationship, but if you think she's honest. The woman is a decendant of the Romanov family. I just looked on my groups. I had removed her in one because she charged me money for a protocol I could have gotten online myself. Then buying all the products doubled my cost. It was a medicines group and I thought why am I helping someone who made me pay for a list . I can't find her but I'll keep checking but if you ask her about someone who's from the Romanov family, she'll likely know; they know these details about their subjects.
True. I agree. That would be ideal for us and the rest of the nation's children. But, if it does not occur. We continue fighting the good fight. We will thrive and see the mighty hands of Lord Most High YHWH over us. Targeted Individuals are much like the three who refused to bow to an evil king and stood in the fire for their faith. Persecuted. The Son of man ,Yeshua Jesus Christ was in the fire with them as He is with us.
Always praying, petitioning the Holy One YHWH for Justice and mercy on us and the children of this nation. Remember, even if there's deviants or devil's in office , they are YHWH's deviants and devils.
Even the the hardest and most evil of people have hearts , minds and lives that can be moved by YHWH. HE hardened the hearts of mighty and evil kings of the past and freed His people. In doing so the wicked died in pursuit of His people and YHWH glorified Himself. Our victory is dependent on the one who overcame death, hell and the grave. I appreciate your words ,insight ,and views Yasmine. Much love and consideration for your words.
A time of battle in Jeremiah. Like today.
Jer. 15: 20-21 "I will make you a wall to this people, a fortified wall of bronze ; they will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you to rescue and save you, " declares the LORD. 21 " I will save you from the hands of the wicked and redeem you from the grasp of the cruel."
Stay Strong in Christ Jesus. And, thank you for always sharing your insight with us. 😊