Glaring Omission & False Statements.
Join us for Dr Len Ber’s podcast of Week 30.
Special Thanks to Attorney Ana Toledo and Dr Len Ber. Great podcast.
Over the next few weeks, we will be covering a number of errors by the court:
Glaring Omissions
Procedural Errors
Legal Errors
False Statements
Ethical violations?
What is wrong with the courts ? that is easy to answer; the Deep State, having the CIA as its enforcers, controls everything in the U.S. government, from police agencies, gang-stalking groups, kidnappings, torture, assassinations. The elephant in the room is that the media disinforms and indoctrinate Americans into believing that we live in a democracy and that the Constitution of the United States is alive.
I can only imagine the outrite lies being told to cover this targeting program if there’s up I’ve dealt with things myself since 2017 every second of every day from there v2k and the gangs talking etc this is a shame