The criminals at the CIA & FBI still don't get it. Everything they do will backfire.


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Only 6 comments for an article that appeals to every Targeted Individual. If I were a rocket scientist, I would guess the gov't criminals are blocking the distribution...


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But you ARE a rocket scientist ..

"Is the Government Intercepting and Stealing Your Emails?"


Notice how the words, "terrorism" & "terrorist" are nowhere to be found in this govt manual - the very excuse they are using to torture civilians. All of this was planned way in advance.

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My voice to skull attackers accused me of criminal mindset https://chng.it/LFkdHk4dWt

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I can't wait until the day that in every criminal case in the US the US govt. is forced to provide solid evidence that the accused wasn't being tortured or manipulated with neuroweaponry while being stalked by untrained civilians acting as govt agents. I don't think they really thought this through before they engaged in such illegal, immoral & costly activity - they are so screwed.

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Thanks for the update. Havana Syndrome is real. Recognition an recompense is necessary for all these modes of attack. Exposure is the best way to get these attacks on humanity to cease.

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Yes one Nation under God and liberty and justice for all. Psalm23 and Psalm91 the most powerful prayers in the Bible for protection against the spiritual warfare that's going on in the world also I would also like to thank the targeted justice team for helping to bring justice for all targeted individuals it's extremely necessary and important. It's a shame that we the people have a narcissistic government. God-bless.

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Great news...and many thanks to all at TJ for all that you do...this battlefield is more critical than most are aware, now that all of humanity are TIs now.

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I'd like to learn from someone that knows what it means "Many TI’s are hit with “honeypots” at work, or in their personal life." Honeypots in computer networks or social network (as in the Trump 2016 case quoted, are computers or people that do not appear to be who they really are. A computer honeypot may look like a business computer and when malicious attackers target it, they may be identified in the process. The same goes for the FBI honeypots in the Trump campaign.

So how are TI's "hit with honeypots"?

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There’s enough evidence that this program should be shut down and the perpetrators need to go to prison for the 100’s of felonies they commit every minute of every day!! Great article! Shared! 🫂🙏🏻

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By the way, now that I can see my reaction is visible, nobody ignoring nor supporting torture is excempt from becoming a target of torturers, especially those operating secretly, from the unseen, with Security Clearances authorizing their criminal and bizarre actions (no matter how sinister and inhuman they really are). Better think about this before the technocratic take over¹ finally happens.

Good day.

(¹) Re: David A. Hughes, Substack; Patrick Wood, technocracy.news..

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I repeat, I made a comment, yesterday night. It vanished. No idea who is doing this....

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I certainly did not get this email. But, my mother did... I'll change.

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