Welcome Jeffery.This is a huge addition.💪🏾Love your work

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Thank you honorable Major Jeffery Prather for being one of the few brave soldiers to tell truth to power. I’m sure you are aware of Dr. Steven Greer and his Disclosure project of 30 plus years and still going. God bless you and keep you safe.🙏🌹

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Thank you for your service to our country and Thank you for helping Americans put a stop to the torture we are all getting. God Bless You Sir.

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Warm welcome Jeff! This year is off to a great start! 😁

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Yes, it is.

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It is indeed a great honor to have Major Jeffrey Prather on the advisory board. I admire your background and your work. Welcome!

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Wow, what a man, what a real American… Thank you for fighting for Truth, for all of us!

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Just love watching Jeffrey Prather when time allows...Such a Patriot and definite benefit to the Advisory Board. Remarkable Skill Set; rare and extremely diverse knowledge base.

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Welcome Major Jeffrey Prather. An asset.

He's also been found reporting with Mike Adam's on Brighteon (decentralized) News.com .

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He's been very informative on Mike's shows

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Yes, he has. I'm hoping his position will be another spotlight for the truth in Christ to go through for Targeted Justice Inc. and all Targeted Individuals across the earth.

Throughout history it's always been the few (the chosen) and smallest in numbers or those oppressed that the glory of the Most High GOD YHWH exalts Himself through. Especially the children .

Thank you Jack !!!

Your title /name demeans you. Makes you sound cheap.

Prostitutes have to do the same things. Don't sell yourself short /cheap...

Repent and get right with Christ Jesus. Thanks again!!! 😊

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It's a joke. And though a sinner I'm also a believing Catholic weekly Mass goer

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Yeah. Mass. Did I stutter?!?

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Nope. Just confirming RCC.

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Ok. Understand that your words testify to who you are. " Out of the heart the mouth speaketh."

"It's a joke," does not suffice. This is not the place for you to profess your religion and then by your own words trample on the GOD you profess.

" It's not what a man eats that defiles a man , it's what comes out of his mouth that defiled him."

Repent and get right with Christ Jesus. Don't make excuses for your sin. Be blessed and thank you for sharing with me and the Targeted Individuals Community who you are. I appreciate it. I'm always grateful to understand other's, no matter who they are. Much appreciated!

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Shut up mkay

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Judge not lest thee be judged hypocritical ass hat. Buzz off to whatever hive you flew from. I don't need your comments or your advice. Got it? Probably a Jew lovin'evangelical

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Jan 11, 2024
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Shut up heretic

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Jeffrey Prather, Honored.

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Congratulations, Major Prather, on joining the Targeted Justice Advisory Board! Your expertise and dedication will undoubtedly make a significant impact. Best wishes on this new endeavor!

Tranquility|Founder of https://tievents.org/

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Welcome Major Prather. Thank you sir for your service and dedication to God, Jesus and truth.

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Fantastic!!! TY, Jeffrey!

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wado ~

"TU Law is uniquely positioned to train future environmental practitioners who understand not just the legal, but also the economic, social, cultural and spiritual meanings of wind, water and energy."


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Welcome Major Prather. It's great having you aboard as a new Advisory.

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Yes! I keep a journal.

Welcome Prather we need the exposer you can bring so glad your here.

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