How do you travel without being harassed, microwaved & poisoned? I can't even have a cell phone because the goon squad has deciphered my biodynamics to the point where they make me sick thru it. Many of us gathered in one place seems very dangerous. They will take down an entire aircraft to get just one of us. The shedding that comes off of the vexed is crippling and we are going to be ultra exposed during travel. Wish I could attend. God be with & protect you.

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1. Travel with other TI's. Form a group and stick with it. That's why there's state contact lists.



2. The dangerous part is continuing to do things by yourself. Our readers have consistently stated that targeting decreases when you have TI contacts and maintain them.

3. There is no evidence that an aircraft was taken down to get a single TI. Zero.

4. There is no scientific term called "biodynamic." There is no scientific method called "deciphering biodynamics." You will never defeat the criminals by "guessing" how the technology works. Get an actual degree in biology or science.

5. Read about simple and inexpensive ways to detox - garlic and cilantro. We did a newsletter on it. READ.

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1&2 I've traveled in groups and was still singled out for microwave attack & restaurant poisoning. Better to not bring your cell phone into a restaurant or even carry it on your person IMHO.

3. Russian intelligence states that 7 out of 10 plane crashes are single (or more) individual assassination efforts.

4. I am writing to communicate the concept and not for scientific correctness. You probably get the jist of the statement without my adhering to exacting terminology. It is widely known that 5G/cell phones are patented by the military as weapons. And this is not a dissertation, its just a friendly chat.

5. Garlic & cilantro are nice for minor daily detox, but EDTA, activated charcoal, diatomaceous earth, high dose vitamin C, chlorella & chlorine dioxide for melting spike proteins offer more powerful results. I've never found anything for detoxing a microwave attack. Thank you for your interest in my post & I will review your detox news letter.

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Another fav detox is MasterPeace. Its a 10! I may as well add that 3:am is a powerful time to detox especially if insomnia is an issue.

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RemovedJun 29
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Agreed, they will be destroyed soon.

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Throught in-fighting/turf wars and greed!

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The t.i. movement has come a long way in the 10 years I've been tortured. Thank you people for your generous dedication to help end this program.

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DO NOT USE YOUR ISP'S ROUTER! If you do, they can see all your traffic! Use an open source firewall and router combo and use a VPN! You can program the VPN right into the ports on the firewall so no data that isn't through the VPN goes in or out. This book should assist: https://inteltechniques.com/book7d.html

Here is the firewall (that works just like a router without wifi): https://protectli.com/product/inteltechniques-special-fw4c-4gb-ram-32gb-ssd-coreboot/

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Very helpful thank you! Its interesting but I noted 19 established connections to laptop on Friday! That's just established!

Akamai International B.V.

lhr25s34-in-f5.1e100 .net Google - No location

server-18-245-162-13 .lhr5.r.cloudfront.net Amazon - Dakota NA

a104-82-245-202.depl oy.static.akamaitechnologies.com

Plenty from MS

The above are just a few, I am not very technical, as I type they are attempting to delete post. I am in the UK, some of the PIDS with connections don't appear legit! They updated my MS Security log - dates all out of sequence, this is a first!

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While I don't want to rock the boat, may I suggest that there are in fact 6 Eyes in the Intelligence Partnership. There is a video of Netanyahu which I unfortunately did not save. He stated that Israel was the 6th Eye. He further stared that Israel (Mossad) is number 2 on that list. If anyone can find that video it would be appreciated. While us US centric folks would believe the CIA is number 1, I believe MI6 is number 1 and the CIA is number 3.

The historical background for this is the British Mandate for Palestine,1920 to 1948 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandate_for_Palestine). At the end of WWI, and by action of the League of Nations, Britain took over Palestine from the Ottoman Empire, which had kept Palestine as a colony for the previous 400 years. Britain instituted a typical colonial government- British overlords, government and a mostly British legal system (in particular, the British common law property system).

In 1948, the British government handed over Palestine to the sovereign Israel government.

So, the 6 Eyes are Great Britain and 5 of its previous colonies.

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Another viewpoint -

All of the intelligence agencies worship technology. The US usually has the latest and best technology. They follow our lead, if they want our technology.

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The Brit Barrie Trower has long reported on British involvement in black project technology development going back to the 1950s. That said, I believe the sharing of such tech development goes back to the 19th Century, including even, yes, Russia (USSR) and China. The Globalists have been at it since the 19th Century. IMO, the nation/state geopolitical analysis has long been a misdirection. All country's governments in fact support the Globalists. The proper analysis is Globalists vs the People.

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Oh yes the UK follow ok! Like a little dog!

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

Can I ask, what is the name of the Stalking Program the FBI/CIA/DHS has. I heard what it was but forgot that specific name

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It's like organizing little fish to take a bigger fish LE slandering behind you're back organizing mobbing schizophrenic show everywhere you go showing a pic investigating and spin a story and send people at you working together with JTTF and partners to stalk and harass (disruption) actually hate crime. I agree defund CIA and FBI both trash terrorism and corruption go together so do truth and justice.

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As Yasmine Nasser-Rafi states the UK is featured on top of forehead! And for such as small country we certainly do punch above our weight! The UK copies the US with a similar TSDB in the form of the PVP. Our economey is in tatters here, stagflation possibly on the horizon, poverty like never before, crumbling infrastructure, national debt as never before and yet so much can be spent on our unlawful surveillance and torture! I can't believe I was born here, I no longer consider myself to be British! I am subjected to horrendous torture every day, I believe that most TIs in the UK probably are!

What are we to do! Our communications are constantly being hacked, as I type, some perp is deliberately attempting to delete post yet again!

I created videos and audios using substack, they won't play!

It's ok to be brutally torturted and assaulted everyday, just don't post about it! No!!!!!No!!! NO!!!!!

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I sending this message in hopes of getting help I desperately need. I have a brain chip in my head and right now I'm away from the people trying to murder me over it.i can't get any help here because nobody believes me. these people don't want to get into trouble and be sued.i know who is responsible. I have videos and proof of the things going on. They have access to my phone and tablets so I cant show you until this is removed or you look at it at a later time so its not erased because it's happened before.I know it's in there I've proven it to myself everyday theyre always on here they say they're addicted. Your help is needed ASAP.When the volume is turned up and down | feel it in my head.I sing a song in my thoughts and they finish the song when I don't remember the lyrics. They tell me what time it is.i hear this static in my left ear and when I grit my teeth it gets louder.I close my eyes and I see visions. i it's one person for sure because she tells me things that only she knows. Things I couldn't remember and didn't know but I find on later it's true.l can go this.I think its been in my head since 2016 but im just my phone and tablets so i cant show you until this is removed or you look at it at a later time so its not erased because it's happened before.I know it's in there I've proven it to myself everyday theyre always on here they say they're addicted. Your help is needed ASAP. When the volume is turned up and down I feel it in my head.I sing a song in my thoughts and they finish the song when I don't remember the lyrics. They tell me what time it is.i hear this static in my left ear and when I grit my teeth it gets louder I close my eyes and I see visions. i it's one person for sure because she tells me things that only she knows. Things I couldn't remember and didn't know but I find out later it's true.I can go on about this. I think its been in my head since 2016 but im just finding out about this. I can't wait to receive help and I have nowhere else to turn. There is alot more to my story and different people involved. Also I think the cia is involved.i have a very strong mind and im not on any type of drugs.My number 6156379787 | live at 220 rollingwood ct lavergne tn but right now I'm at quality inn in Murfreesboro TN Thank you for time.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Author

Can u guys please tell me that specific name of the FBI/CIA/DHS Stalking Program. Heard it b4 but forgot the specific name

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I am happy this substack exists. Images like the one in this article hurts the credibility surrounding this issue. Many of us here are actually being tortured and dealing with this bullshit.

Spooky images like this help this all not to be taken seriously.

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My comment isn't directly tied to 5-eyes, but to the powers behind it.

I recently discovered Nathan Reynolds who was from an old bloodline family and he became a Christian. Does anyone know about him? Maybe he could be a good resource for the community?

He speaks very openly about the horrific things these families - including his own - do and how he was a part of it.

He wrote a book about it - free on his site as a podcast - 13 hours worth of listening. He speaks of the hope he has found in Jesus (even though he still deals with his past it seems).


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Obama is or was or still is an Abomination get the PUN? He's defiantly a sex trafficker and needs arrested. In v2k I've heard Obama's voice Biden's and Trumps but think it was all an AI ploy. But Obama still could of been real along with Biden's Voice not Trumps I know Trump is involved in or trying to take these v2k networks down. His name is so hated in v2k it's laughable. That's why Trump was so hated by the security people during is first run in office. the FBI hated him and CIA. He knew the shenanigans they were doing. IF I vote it will be Trump in hopes this shit ends when he's elected. This shit hit the day they said Biden won so???

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I think it starts when T is elected and the goon squad starts burning down cities and exterminating Americans. The evil doers will have 2.5 months in power post election to do their dandiest to us. God help us.

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If Trump gets "appointed" again to POTUS swear to all of us it's gonna GET WAY WAY WORSE! Doug Powell over here has lost it.

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I'm new here and thank you for letting me know there may be some serious people here.

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Yeah or likely I hope not but likely.

I can't wait to see how this goes but I do not want four more god damn years of Biden.

But this time I won't pay any attention to the anti Trump crap. IT never stopped me liking him but I did kind of fall for the crap some. But since i know cops and sheriffs are helping sex traffic us and kids I still wont fall for the Cops are good crap. How I say that is because I have had a v2k file done by a forensic and most the ones targeting me are Cops and Sheriffs. But yeah I hope Trump wins with all the corruption of gangstalkers I have had to endure since this Biden took office.

I hope people will let him do the things he needs to do against the deep state and not buy into the CNN crap. I'd love unless it stops before for my v2k to stop cold turkey when Trump is reelected.

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Trump is just about himself, keeping himself out of jail, and cutting taxes for billionaires. Everything else is secondary and used to manipulate his followers which he doesn't give a shit about.

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This is a free trial offer for a service that really does protect us from harmful energy tech. It can be attached to cell phone service or geo location. Its a must have especially for TI's IMHO and would add health & relaxation to the Targeted Action 2024 event. https://www.flfe.net/free-gift/

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Author

Opinions of TJ:

Pure BS. This is a pure scam. There is no such thing as "Focused Life-Force Energy." There is no scientist or Professor at any credible university that will use this term. Please get a degree in biology or science. This is beyond laughable...


EMF's do not lower your consciousness. There has never been a scientific instrument that measures your consciousness. This is like saying that the sun has a dimmer switch... Pure BS.

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You can often tell just by the look and color scheme of a site. This one's an example

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RemovedJul 3
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We generally do not allow the promotion of products. Sorry.

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Could TJ please tell me the specific name of the FBI/DOJ/CIA Stalking and Mobbing campaign? Heard it's specific name but forgot

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Please get a working 800 number so Targeted individuals can call in!!!

This is way overdue! I understand the volunteer staff is working hard and that TJ is a non profit but It's critical to get the funding necessary for a working phone line !

If I could get a decent job , very difficult with the discrimination, I would pay for the line!!!

CJ Smith

LA, CA.90045

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We do not have the staffing to handle phone calls. Sorry.

We cannot keep up with emails at the present time.

Best suggestion is to join the conference calls. There is one every day.


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I'm in Los Angeles too. We should talk.

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There's actually 14 eyes, and thats only what is publicly disclosed! Probably a lot more undisclosed

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