To communicate to all elected officials and to those chosen as department heads by the Trump administration.
To inform them:
To identify the approximate number of American citizens that are being utilized for illegal experimentation to develop mind control technology that ultimately will be used on all citizens.
That members of Targeted Justice are very knowledgeable about many aspects of the program and should be involved in identification of the government agencies and technologies involved. And specifically three members of the TJ administration staff can expedite identification of many involved federal employees and technologies, namely:
Ana Toledo, Richard Lighthouse, and Dr Len Bauer.
To identify a listing of the illegal activities that TI’s are subjected to as part of this program.
To identify the agencies and facilities which are suspected to be involved in the implementation of the program.
To define this program as the greatest threat to the American way of life and if allowed to continue the American way of life as defined in the constitution will cease to exist.
To advise the administration that the perpetrators of the program are hiding behind classification levels that the elected officials are forbidden to review. A total revamping of the classification system is required such that our elected officials can assess all programs.
That an enormous quantity of federal funding is being used by participants of the many agencies involved and that by eliminating the illegal activities a large portion of the administrations goal of reducing spending will result.
That the program has resulted in great harm to many innocent American citizens. Including murder, suicide, loss of family ties, loss of jobs, permanent damage to brain function, loss of private possessions and that many have lost hope.
That the announcement that the administration is committed to eliminating the deep state has provided a glimmer of hope to individuals who have experienced many years of torture and had virtually given up on the program ever ending. And many TI’s who are surveilled 24 hours a day will know immediately if the administration has been effective in reducing deep state activities.
Thank you so much for the words that I needed to help me convey this message to people and to help them understand the gravity of what we’re going through. 😘❤️
Glad I could help. It is very important that the overall big picture be presented when trying to communicate with others unfamiliar with the program.
I had a book outlined and about 25% done but it disappeared and my computer became nonfunctional. I could feed you various thoughts if you desired such. I’m 32 years into this evil nonsense and it must end as the long term implications upon humanity are devastating.
Not sure who you are but I would be glad to support your effort.
How about organising a "Freedom March", TI's walking through different towns in the US, with banners, leaflets, etc., or all over the world, on the same day. E.g. on TI day August 29, 2025.
There could also be "Freedom Speeches" by different TI's in different cities on the same day.
I think we should really go after the gangstalking part of this program. Without it they would have a hard time getting to us. Which agency handles it? Somebody is organizing, recruiting and paying these people to follow us, shine hi-beam lights in our faces to turn on these illegal devices, to follow us in stores, etc! We need to let the new Gov Efficacy Dept know about it.
I would consider utilizing social media to influence a greater amount of individuals than traditional methodologies such as contacting representatives (i.e. legal reform).
Yap ! DEFUND is the key ! because if they remain in funds - they close this program and start a new program... " nothing to see here " .... also.... it is intuition.... i think there may be a connection between exposing the money paying for the torture - with COMPENSATION !!
1. PSA radio, billboard and video campaigns. Rollout teams per state to contact radio stations, price out billboards and enlist TI’s that are gifted at putting together PSA videos to create new educational videos to steam on social media platforms.
2. I would love to see Targeted Justice gain approval to meet with Trump or other elected officials.
3. Targeted Individual artwork showcase.
4. Targeted Individual song/music being showcased.
5. Create an online global survey for data analytics that gauge number of TI’s, logistics of where TI’s are located, when did targeting begin, symptoms experienced, type of harassment (v2k, RNM, DEW, gangstalking), patterns they have identified with their attacks/attackers. This data collection would be useful to present to gov officials and for campaign/PSA content as well as publishing across multiple formats.
Ana rightfully mentioned that judges may be under duress..... told what they can do... or not...
i think revelation of money spent on the program... origin of this money ( US income taxes ) will infuriate people... and HELP the case ! and i think a settlement also...
i would like to ad: do research and reveal the budget for the targeting program ( paid by US taxpayer ) .. salaries of perps... funding for fusion centers and how they are involved in the targeting program....reveal cost to tax payers globally - do US taxpayer also pay for harassment of TIs abroad ?
I feel we should be targeting these Fusion Centers. This is the hub for this business. We should perhaps contact them via phones and/or letters, emails.....whatever manner we can get inside. Until these are shut down, this will otherwise stop. Gather a group with signs sitting outside. I don't have answers for this but it's something we should try to focus on. Also, a high priority member of this community has found a way to gain information on gift cards from your perps but will not share how they achieved this information. I have asked an denied. I really feel that our new government will discover this program because money flows directly to it. This will be going down.
FBI pursues definition & strategy for investigation of Serial Murderers. SERIAL. perhaps there is helpful information (relationship of psychopathy to serial killers) by which law enforcement can be encouraged to Investigate these serial crimes.
On IG. This needs to be Announced to The Church. Need Support in Litigation. Could assist with Legal Research. TRUMP/FISA NEEDS TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE TO THEE #SocieTI.
We want to hear your suggestions for projects in 2025. Please post them here.
Thank you.
We need to show up in groups in various places to get more attention on this critical issue. We more action as a group!
To communicate to all elected officials and to those chosen as department heads by the Trump administration.
To inform them:
To identify the approximate number of American citizens that are being utilized for illegal experimentation to develop mind control technology that ultimately will be used on all citizens.
That members of Targeted Justice are very knowledgeable about many aspects of the program and should be involved in identification of the government agencies and technologies involved. And specifically three members of the TJ administration staff can expedite identification of many involved federal employees and technologies, namely:
Ana Toledo, Richard Lighthouse, and Dr Len Bauer.
To identify a listing of the illegal activities that TI’s are subjected to as part of this program.
To identify the agencies and facilities which are suspected to be involved in the implementation of the program.
To define this program as the greatest threat to the American way of life and if allowed to continue the American way of life as defined in the constitution will cease to exist.
To advise the administration that the perpetrators of the program are hiding behind classification levels that the elected officials are forbidden to review. A total revamping of the classification system is required such that our elected officials can assess all programs.
That an enormous quantity of federal funding is being used by participants of the many agencies involved and that by eliminating the illegal activities a large portion of the administrations goal of reducing spending will result.
That the program has resulted in great harm to many innocent American citizens. Including murder, suicide, loss of family ties, loss of jobs, permanent damage to brain function, loss of private possessions and that many have lost hope.
That the announcement that the administration is committed to eliminating the deep state has provided a glimmer of hope to individuals who have experienced many years of torture and had virtually given up on the program ever ending. And many TI’s who are surveilled 24 hours a day will know immediately if the administration has been effective in reducing deep state activities.
Thank you so much for the words that I needed to help me convey this message to people and to help them understand the gravity of what we’re going through. 😘❤️
Non sono riuscita ad inserire il messaggio Orientarsi considerando che tutto questo e' mafia , come in Italia , e cosi va trattata.
Glad I could help. It is very important that the overall big picture be presented when trying to communicate with others unfamiliar with the program.
I had a book outlined and about 25% done but it disappeared and my computer became nonfunctional. I could feed you various thoughts if you desired such. I’m 32 years into this evil nonsense and it must end as the long term implications upon humanity are devastating.
Not sure who you are but I would be glad to support your effort.
you are a Hero having survived the 32 years ! wow.
How about organising a "Freedom March", TI's walking through different towns in the US, with banners, leaflets, etc., or all over the world, on the same day. E.g. on TI day August 29, 2025.
There could also be "Freedom Speeches" by different TI's in different cities on the same day.
I think we should really go after the gangstalking part of this program. Without it they would have a hard time getting to us. Which agency handles it? Somebody is organizing, recruiting and paying these people to follow us, shine hi-beam lights in our faces to turn on these illegal devices, to follow us in stores, etc! We need to let the new Gov Efficacy Dept know about it.
I agree. We need to wear body cams whenever we leave our homes to get footage.
Fusion Centers?
How about making animated videos/interesting short YouTube videos for educational purposes
I would consider utilizing social media to influence a greater amount of individuals than traditional methodologies such as contacting representatives (i.e. legal reform).
I think we should work on Trump, Patel, and Gabbard to defund. Stop, and penalize the criminals to the fullest degree
Yap ! DEFUND is the key ! because if they remain in funds - they close this program and start a new program... " nothing to see here " .... also.... it is intuition.... i think there may be a connection between exposing the money paying for the torture - with COMPENSATION !!
Merry Christmas everyone!! Thank you for all you do for us.
Hi TJ, a march to the White House.
Merry Christmas 🎄 and a prosperous New Year!!! Thank you Targeted Justice for all your hard work and efforts to bring forth the truth.
1. PSA radio, billboard and video campaigns. Rollout teams per state to contact radio stations, price out billboards and enlist TI’s that are gifted at putting together PSA videos to create new educational videos to steam on social media platforms.
2. I would love to see Targeted Justice gain approval to meet with Trump or other elected officials.
3. Targeted Individual artwork showcase.
4. Targeted Individual song/music being showcased.
5. Create an online global survey for data analytics that gauge number of TI’s, logistics of where TI’s are located, when did targeting begin, symptoms experienced, type of harassment (v2k, RNM, DEW, gangstalking), patterns they have identified with their attacks/attackers. This data collection would be useful to present to gov officials and for campaign/PSA content as well as publishing across multiple formats.
Ana rightfully mentioned that judges may be under duress..... told what they can do... or not...
i think revelation of money spent on the program... origin of this money ( US income taxes ) will infuriate people... and HELP the case ! and i think a settlement also...
i would like to ad: do research and reveal the budget for the targeting program ( paid by US taxpayer ) .. salaries of perps... funding for fusion centers and how they are involved in the targeting program....reveal cost to tax payers globally - do US taxpayer also pay for harassment of TIs abroad ?
I feel we should be targeting these Fusion Centers. This is the hub for this business. We should perhaps contact them via phones and/or letters, emails.....whatever manner we can get inside. Until these are shut down, this will otherwise stop. Gather a group with signs sitting outside. I don't have answers for this but it's something we should try to focus on. Also, a high priority member of this community has found a way to gain information on gift cards from your perps but will not share how they achieved this information. I have asked an denied. I really feel that our new government will discover this program because money flows directly to it. This will be going down.
I think revelation of MONEY and ORIGIN of this money must be revealed along with criminal organizations and functions within Targeting program !
Merry Christmas Targeted Justice. I pray you all enjoy a safe and happy holiday.
FBI pursues definition & strategy for investigation of Serial Murderers. SERIAL. perhaps there is helpful information (relationship of psychopathy to serial killers) by which law enforcement can be encouraged to Investigate these serial crimes.
On IG. This needs to be Announced to The Church. Need Support in Litigation. Could assist with Legal Research. TRUMP/FISA NEEDS TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE TO THEE #SocieTI.
President Trump's office will take your letter/corpondence. I did this and also received an email telling me that my letter has been received.