
Readers should remember that the data here was current in 2016. Much of this information has been deliberately hidden after the buyout of Yahoo Finance Operations.

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It is clear that many people have missed the point of this newsletter. It is not intended to debate history or bloodlines. It is intended to recover fraudulent funds that belong to American taxpayers.

Audit the Fed, follow the money trail and file criminal charges under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). And confiscate the assets.

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“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great (CIA) publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”

― David Rockefeller


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What a fucking thing, A small Cabal of people owning that much fucking money. Wilson Woodrow Wilson may have, or not said that he destroyed America by signing into law, or EO the Federal reserve. Why do these dick heads do this then? Ass holes do these things then regret it! I think Truman helped begin the CIA and also said he regretted it. Hey Ass hats here's a noble idea Stop doing shit you know will Fuck us up!

Yeah who cares about laws when you control the money, people will do things when their job is on the line. Experiments have shown this. People would keep zapping some one with pain even though it wasn't real, they thought it was. Another experiment showed people who had no authority at all just under the experiment showed fake jailers treating fake inmates like they do in real prisons.

I mean they were in a basement not a real prison and just people off the street who were hired to either be an inmate or guard and the fake guards treated them just like they do do now.

People can not be rusted with authority they will always fuck it up. Always!

I've seen and read about prisoners who died in custody while being beaten for and not sure why either they spit on them or just refused to do as they were told or something, but then tied to a table and covered their face and then sprayed something on them like I think criminal spray or what some women carry to thwart off an attack. Poor kid died while all these guards just stood around letting it happen even though that violated many laws and their own rules and regulations...

Nuremberg Did nothing! For people never want to be a snitch so they look the other way on stuff all the time. Guards knowing a guy made a shank will let it be just to not be a snitch... Then only step in when they have to... We don't need robots neither Just return to a higher liberty ban all forms of Govt and have Judges Like Gideon, and have God our only lead not any man!

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Amen. 100% correct. I've been there and what you describe is exactly that world. Revolting.

God is the only authority we can trust. No man or woman or dog or cat.

I like your solutions. They could actually work, but people would ruin it.

There was a small village in Mexico that did just as you describe and it worked beautifully. No central govt. Everyone cooperated and pulled their weight as able or they were booted. Not killed or imprisoned, shunned. It worked.

Of course the Mexican govt. came in and destroyed them. Can't have the people living happy fulfilled lives, now can they? Oh, no....

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in early Colonial America a town or village in Pennsylvania had no Govt at all no mayor not nothing it worked beautiful until others ruined it....

I had to do a report so I did that in one of my online Classes. Got an A...

But yes look it up. I think it was late 1600's to early 1700's in Pennsylvania.

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Incredible. I will look this up. I need good examples even if they failed. The same was true in the South after the Civil War. Collectives of whites and newly freed blacks got together and formed co-opt communities until the feds came in and busted them apart.

I wish everybody would stop cooperating. Even for one day. Nothing violent or protests in the streets. Just stop playing their game. Nobody goes to work or school or spends any money for one day. Just live. Our true power would be very evident.

I'm glad you got an A.

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here this is part but lots of other links it was a Quaker colony.


Which may answer my like of ordered Anarchy or true biblical living I am in my heritage have Pennsylvania Dutch in me which may be related to these people?

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Interesting article. Thank you. Reading about Quakers, they are possibly the only denomination I would be likely to join. My beliefs are very similar to theirs. They are hard to find these days.

You may be related.

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lol yeah. I like their simple life no cars no tech etc... But yeah My Grandma on my moms side, had supposedly Pennsylvanian Dutch in her...

SO who knows.

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"The History of Banking Control in the United States"

"Nathan Rothschild, of the Bank of England, issued an ultimatum: "Either the application for the renewal of the charter is granted, or the United States will find itself involved in a most disastrous war." (War of 1812)"


"Complete List Of Rothschild Owned And Controlled Banks"


"The Triumphant Legacy of David Rockefeller and Jacob Rothschild"https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2015/03/rockefeller-rothschild-business-deal-may-2012

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How about comments re: who really runs the world?


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Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are not Jewish. This is not about religion. Acquiring wealth is not dependent on your religion.

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This is about Zionism, and it's control of the present world, especially finance, where "money" comes from nothing.

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Audit the Fed and we will find out where the money goes…


If Zionism controls the world, then why does Israel have so many problems? They are in a constant state of chaos and distress. That’s not what people in control experience.

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ALL Jews are not zionists. ALL Jews don't support extermination of all other races. Most of the Israeli leadership are the jews who are not jews, with fake names as well. Meir, Rabin, Netanyahu are AkA's. Zionists sacrificed assimilated Jews in Germany, WWII, trading emigration for Zionists for the lives of many jews. 95% of the inhabits of Israel do not have semitic DNA. 10/07/23 was not a surprise; it was the equivalent of 09/11/01 here. I served a beneficial political purpose for Demonyahu, who has said that the U.S. is a golden Calf to be sucked dry, that's "what we do to countries we hate". 44% of White House staff is Jewish, while 3% of the population is. A significant number of U.S. cabinet Positions are filled by jewish citizens. 90+% of the media is owned by Jews, so the Jewish perspective is the ONLY one represented. Anything that doesn't support their aims is not news. So many problems in Israel, 'cause that's what Zionists do: cause problems for everyone to advance their cause, which is one world government, ruled by them.



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I saw multiple reports today expressing support for the Palestinians. According to your information, that is impossible?

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Reporting on whatever serves their long term goals. Heard anything about the U.N. vote next week to consolidate U.N. control over the planet? or the senate rote on s444 to require 2/3 majority to approve WHO control of U.S.?

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Zionism is Nationalism, the opposite of Globalism. Like all endeavors where people congregate, it was infiltrated by the elitists to maintain control.

The term "Zionism" was first coined by Nathan Birnbaum. As he saw divisions taking place, he made the distinction between "Zionism" & "Political Zionism". Eventually, he left the movement altogether.


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Why not just go research the matter and see what you find? It’s what I do. I don’t state my opinion like a fact until o know what’s happened.

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deletedSep 14
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All wealth is not Jewish. Elon Musk is not Jewish, nor is he from one of their bloodlines.

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Where did it say all wealth is Jewish? It wasn’t implied either, if you know the history of how banks were started, and of Zionist and Rockefeller, you would know what’s being implied here. They DO have a hand in a lot of things. I always tell people to go do their homework before disagree or debating someone when all is known is the ethnicity of people and not much past that.

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deletedSep 14
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Thank you for sharing.

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I suggest listening to George Carlin!

Clearly Targeted Justice is over the pile of money gamed from almost everybody by stealing their labor by increments for this illegitimate wealth. Debt based monetary systems are the root problem.

Justice will not be achieved when the courts are corrupt. Not to mention compromised by threats and blackmail!

An over throw of this empire starting with the bis is the only solution. But yet we the people are peaceful. See the problem?

Just observing and being real…

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Not to also mention 90 plus percent of the population are clueless as how debt based money is created. No one basically knows wtf is going on. I appreciate the goal, but one must be realistic. Education is a start…

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education is what we the people WON'T be getting!

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Rockefeller does control almost every single business here. You can find that info on how all the businesses trace back to him. Also, the world bank/fed reserve was started by Rockefeller and a Zionist there is also info about that. All Zionist may not be in on this just as all democrats/republicans aren’t in on everything our government does. And some asked why constant state of chaos and distress in Isreal? Because all of them aren’t Zionist. (Aside from the battles with Iran because of land).

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If the thieves can be identified over such massive amounts, there's more in the background with even more hidden. More to be found out.

The combination of greed and hatred will be their own ruin.

Thanks Thaddeus.

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You're welcome, hope to live to see that day

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Interesting BUT NOT correct on the Family list You did not include all the highest Black Nobility families the 3 families that are Rothschild bosses [Sassoon s just moved 200 billion to America alone , they are the oldest Jewish Wealth trust ,dating to 1491 /2 when Jews were expelled from Spain or forced to convert to Catholicism[ there is your next clue , you did not include the Vatican, and the majority of wealth and plunder from the new world went to the financiers of the Spanish fleets, Vatican and minimum to the crown. See Frances Leaders and Loren Moret's research for all top Black nobility families and lineages

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My guess is that these hidden "assets" are credit default swaps, mortgage backed securities, and other totally worthless derivative junk that investment banks have created over the decades in order to exploit the fiat money system and maintain their monetary dominance, in a desperate attempt to keep the fiat money system afloat and satiate their greed and lust for power . It won't last much longer, IMHO, as the BRICS nations organize to replace the dollar and eventually issue a gold-backed currency. By that time the psychopaths running the US will have hopefully all been identified and neutralized.

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This is not about swaps. Read the ebooks. The lie is about the number of outstanding shares, because the criminals control the London Exchange and the Mexico City Exchange. Yahoo personnel searched the filings on stock exchanges to determine the real number. They did not assume WSJ or Barron’s was correct.


The elite criminals f** up, because they assumed the only authority was the “traditional listings.”


Now the truth is out. There are men of integrity in the intelligence community that will track it down.


Laws in US states allow the confiscation of assets tied to fraud.

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The entire world's broad money supply, the global M2 is only 94 trillion USD. M2 includes cash, checking deposits, savings deposits, money market accounts, retail mutual funds, and time deposits of less than $100,000. So what they are hiding can't be money. However it might be assets that include real-estate, stocks, and valuable things like, planes, yachts, military equipment, etc. The total value of the world’s property stood at $379.7 trillion at the end of 2022. The Global Stock Market was $109 Trillion in 2023. Adding all of that up the total value (excluding planes, yachts, military equipment...) comes to 582.7 trillion.

So there appears to be something wrong with your numbers. It's impossible to find 2,400 trillion (2.4 quadrillion) USD of value in the entire world. There may be a lot of value in military armaments but it is unlikely to exceed the value of everything added up above. So it seems like you either made a mistake or you are making this up.

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Whats better the "great reset" own nothing eat bugs...Or THE PEOPLES RESET? Note, the federal reserve was a Trojan Horse, this is a trojan horse system, your money is trojan horse money. To get the trojan horse out of America and restore the constitutional Republic👉Pass this BILL!!! 👉HR8421 BILL TO ABOLISH THE FEDERAL RESERVE!!! by Rep Massie👈THE PEOPLES RESET👉They whom control the money control you👉Who owns America?👉AMERICANS👉YOUR REPS are PUBLIC SERVANTS👉OVERWHELM them with calls👉Thousands of calls daily👉Virulize this BILL TO PASS and the tyranny ENDS. SPREAD THE WORD👉ABOLISH THE TROJAN HORSE FED RESERVE👉RESET THE SYSTEM👉RESET means to END, stop and start over. WTFU TAKE ACTION ON THIS ONE SINGLE BILL and the nwo globalist system is gone. 1776 was about the end of tyrannical money. The tyrannts took over again, take them out again...👉https://massie.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=395644 👈THIS IS THE CONSTITUTIONAL, DEMOCRATIC PATH TO RESTORE THE REPUBLIC, CAPITALISM AND SAVE AMERICA...THE PEOPLES RESET.

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does this mean RFK is not who he appears?

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Please ignore it

I made a mistake

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‪They will try their up most to stop Dr Bay’s Court Case Do you know Dr Bay’s win is people win he is very brave to fighter it really is a very tough fight to such the organisation that’s so corrupted. ‬

‪I’m so glad we have a such high brave spirit fighter ‬

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deletedSep 13
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The Black Nobility families and their secret societies and the unholy Roman Catholic church empire gave the world that story because its THEIR AGENDA , getting masses of people to BELIEVE IT becomes self fulfilling prophecy , not essential REALITY or unchangeable. Revelations as known in all bibles was STOLEN an ALTERED , from prophecies from 5oo BC from a female oracle in what is now Italy. 3 Books OF HER PROPHECIES survived into the hands of Catholic church who rewrote it to suit their agendas and fabrications of the entire religion. There are 20 MILES of Hallways filled with 500,000 items HIDDEN in the Vatican secret ARCHIVES. Why is it all hidden , why do they have the power to hide 10,000 years of human history. Dont you think we are all MISSING lots of essential information?

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If Judaizers played a major role in the formation and establishment of the Roman Catholic Church, is it possible that Roman Catholicism was a Jewish project from the beginning? There is, in fact, a long and fascinating history of Jewish infiltration of the Roman Catholic Church which has been nonetheless, and by clever design, perceived as a Gentile institution. If Roman Catholicism was a project of Cabalist Jews for the purpose of subverting Christianity, it is conceivable that this Judaized Church has functioned for nearly two millennia as a covert branch of Judaism, whose handlers gradually and imperceptibly shifted Western Christendom to more advanced stages of apostasy than was possible during the vigilant period of the early Church when ecumenical councils convened to combat heresy, rather than to embrace it. At the present time it can be safely stated that the Roman Catholic Church is a merely a front for Judeo-Freemasonry to draw apostate Christendom into the messianic kingdom of the Antichrist.


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Well now that is a most fascinating and intelligent comment and discussion and I do understand your points. BUT I think its actually a bit different and my research has shown that to be true. The Judaism of 2 centuries BC , or more had already been corrupted and of course under Roman attack. So who were those Romans and their lineages ,Persian, Babylonian, Etruscan, Greek , and Egyptian ect ect. Infiltration for sure, but that gets very complex. Your belief may be there was this one true "original Christianity" that was subverted by Cabalist Jews, but I would argue The Black Nobility Families of complex mixture created and gave the entire fabricated story, of the new religion called Christianity that most know or believe today, through the extension of the Roman Empire through the new Roman Catholic church. It was not an "established religion" to be subverted by Cabalist Jews hiding as Roman Catholics. THEY INVENTED IT . One would only need to really study the Councils of Nicea , Trent, ect ect to understand this forced , fabricated , forged , myths creation. Constantine needed an army of 300,000 to quell the violence and begin the brutally forced, bribed, creation of this new religion. This has been openly bragged about by many Popes and exposed by many scholars , some who actually have had access to the 20 miles of Hallways hiding 500,000 items in secret Vatican archives. Somewhere lost in time is the real story. We dont have it yet. Tony Bushby s and Reeza Aslan s ZEALOT books probably come as close as any. The rest is still hidden .Later when forced to convert to Roman Catholic or be exiled , NO DOUBT many Jews pretended conversion and infiltrated .Some of these Sephardic JEWS in Spain were the lenders to the Spanish Crown to launch their horrific expeditions into the Western Hemisphere ,resulting in Roman Catholic Christianities slaughter of 100 million indigenous people in the "new world" which was not new at all [read David Stannard 's American Holocaust book] Same as Khazars did in their conversion to Judaism.

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The Medicis are tied to the Black Nobility also. In his book, The Top Thirteen Illuminati Bloodlines, Fritz Springmeier connected the Medici with other Merovingians as co-founders of the Prieuré de Sion: "The original start of the Prieuré de Sion appears to have been the idea of a number of powerful bloodlines, and included various descendents of the Merovingians, including the House of Lorraine, the House of Guise, the Medicis, Sforzas, the Estes, the Gonzagas, and the St. Clairs (Sinclairs). The Medicis are tied to the Black Nobility also.” “From the beginning the Prieuré de Sion has been committed to Hermetic Magic... René d’ Anjou, a descendant of the Merovingians persuaded Cosimo de Medici to establish in c. 1444 a non-church library at San Marco where Plato, Pythagorean works, and books on Hermetic Magic were translated. Up until this time, the Catholic church had control of all the libraries. It was from Cosimo de Medici’s library that the spark of Greek and Egyptian teachings set off what developed into the Renaissance, which was a revival of humanism and the occult. It appears that during the Middle Ages, witchcraft and the mystery religions had seriously dissolved to the point that these modes of thought had to be relearned from the ancient writings. Interestingly, the Middle Ages when witchcraft and paganism were dissolving have been branded the ‘Dark Ages’ by the establishment, and inaccurately painted as a time when learning went out.” (p.79)


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Well again interesting but I would disagree on some points. Springmeier is incorrect and incomplete . The Medici are not tied to the Black Nobility , THEY ARE IT. Yes on founding Prieure de Sion. Hermetic magic is not necessarily witchcraft or Black Magic or evil anymore than Pythagorean knowledge or Greek Architecture was. ITS WHAT YOU DO WITH IT , INTENT IS EVERYTHING. Is it service to self for power and control over others[of which the church is the most guilty] or is it service to the greater mind , and others. To blame the Renaissance for a REVIVAL of humanism and occult is a false Christian doctrine [it was a revival of all types of learning, art, architecture, and knowledge suppressed by the evil of the Catholic church, who were the greatest practitioners of the dark arts, in secret. The Inquisitions they created were wars against WOMEN ,who were all called witches and the possibility of actual bloodline of the actual historical Yeshua, Krestus, and James and family , and the truth of real history regarding all that. [occult only means "hidden" and often hidden from the Church itself which wanted to destroy all knowledge they could not control, like ALL NATURAL MEDICINAL WAYS [which is why we are under the weaponized medicine to this minute] Women were the traditional herbalists. and healers.

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When you post comments and replies about your opinions why do you not give the references to the research your statements? Indepth research requires reliable references not just opinions.

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Thanks! More crumbs to pursue!

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Yes! Yes! Ignatius de Loyola was a cryptic jew, according to some, he who conceived The Spiritual Exercises and the Jesuit Order, sold it to a certain Pope as a means to extirpate protestants and protestantism.

The Jesuit manual is a portal to evil, infiltration and control of EVERY institution on the planet that matters, and the ultimate aim dovetails with the zionist aim of being the owners of everything and every body.

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