
US Physicians who have made diagnosis of "Havana Syndrome"/NKBI in civilians (not federal employees). This listing will be updated, as we get more people in the Civilians Registry:

1. Dr. Michael E. Hoffer, MD. Department of Otolaryngology, University of Miami. 1120 NW 14th St., Floor 5, Miami FL 33136 ; Phone ‭(305) 243-3564‬

2. Lydia Shajenko, MD. 725 River Road, Suite 55, Edgewater, NJ 07020.

Phone: (210) 679-8485; e-mail a.clinical@gmail.com

3. Drs. Jennifer Eichert, Au.D. and Howard T. Mango, Au.D., Ph.D. Newport-Mesa Audiology Balance and Ear Institute, CA. Website: www.dizziland.com

Phone (949) 274-8399

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Dr.Ler how can a person find a doctor to get a diagnosis. I do have MRI’s where a previous doctor before I relocated could not explain what he saw. I also question a C-Spine epidural blood patch I had the year the targeting commenced so fast & hard I knew I was being hit with something. But to find a doctor who will not dismiss this??? Any advice?

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I understand the challenge. This is why we provide a diagnostic roadmap in the newsletter :

Current information on the diagnostic process, and supportive tests can be found at

https://www.targetedjustice.com/dr-len-ber-md.html and

https://www.targetedjustice.com/qeeg.html which he will continue updating regularly.

You have to start by finding an otoneurologist (dizziness doctor) and educate him/her on the NKBI by sharing the webpages above with the physician. If you hit the wall, keep looking for an otoneurologist who will be open to this information. Mention that the diagnostic criteria were developed by dr Michael Hoffer of the University of Miami. His name is widely known among otoneurologists.

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Thank you sir, I appreciate you reaching out, they stop me from opening some of the pages you offer….

This week they are increasing the attacks around my head so much that my brain synopsis is sending pain signals to every part of my body especially since 2 assailants are females and the V2K is so audible they focus on private areas way to extensively.

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I will investigate.

Thanks Ben

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I have same issue miss. All medical examinations say I'm normal?

My body screams contrary.

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I've been through many X-ray and have told my doctor about my beliefs. It is good to express your beliefs but don't get your hopes up. I also spoke with Kansas district attorneys secretary at some length via phone about it. 24c 010164 and 24-850 are my two police reports made about my stalkers. I'm a 30 year TI MKULTRA not V2K from Wichita KS. I'm with you 💯 percent. Unity and awareness is key.

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Hi Dr. Len. Thank you for all of the extremely brave, inspiring and positive work that you do. I would like to join the registry, so will you please send me the details on how to do this?

Thank you in advance.

I send you my very best wishes and upmost respect.

Warm regards


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have you received a diagnosis from a physician?

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Where can I be tested for Havana syndrome?

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You need to start with an otoneurologist.

Current information on the diagnostic process, and supportive tests can be found at

https://www.targetedjustice.com/dr-len-ber-md.html and

https://www.targetedjustice.com/qeeg.html which he will continue updating regularly.

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You're doing great work Dr Ber.

I don't think I could get NKBI diagnosis. Maybe if I got specific MRI immediately after the Jan 2022 attacks, they haven't attacked me with Satellites since then, there was massive Devine intervention. On returning from my visit to the US, I don't get attacked by, our less known adversaries anymore either. They're scared about what I'm going to do to them, in the future.

As strange as it is my brain is healed. I even got rid of all the broken alginate hydrogel and other muck that was in there, after the BCI was destroyed in Jan 2022, took a bit of time, 2 and half years. I have hypothesis on how I did it, chelation, 532nm light therapy and inadvertently opening up the Ca²+ cellular membrane channels, with air travel and exposure to 5G. I'm lucky. I'm so glad the BCI finally didn't grow back this time. That happened in 2006, and 2015, the BCI use to grow back after satellite attack, that would break it.

I'm free. :))) They can't see me. :)))

I'm sorry that you people all still suffer. We will win.

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I hope you will post a regimen of what you did.

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"Dr. John Campbell" (YT). Please get to know this special person. From this morning and out of England, John introduces a fresh study by the Japanese,


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Australian government has systematically slandered, stalked and harassed me over 17yrs cos I insulted a high ranking police officer.

I'm currently experiencing inflammation in pelvic region, intense headaches, tinnitus, burning in spinal cord, and bleeds from rectum.

Medical tests all say nothing is wrong????

Is this Havana syndrome?

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My previpus comment didn't post. I have multiple symptoms over the years of DEW attacks and NKBI. Symptoms range from: severe, painful 'burns' on lower legs all around and a bit on thighs; I have photographic evidence. Mild cortical inclusion found on CT scan at ER after fainting in public. 'Crippling' random vertigo. Some V2K. I have not seen a doctor about this.

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I've tried to talk to doctor shown him all the facts on all the protests globally satellite survalince systems electromagnetic weapons systems he just tried to meditate for mental illness how can we prove the brains are being linked google NASA d wave want to link us all by 2030 we are just test subjects

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How do I register I've been getting voice to skull synthetic telepathy artificial intelligence scalar wave mind control ten years also blanketed in extra low frequency audio picked up by ceiling fans compressor of fridge water pumps truck engines EEG hetoradynig

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If you have been diagnosed by a physician, you can contact me as described in the newsletter.

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Dr. Len Ber this is Justo Hernandez 111 and I was just asking if you will be doing the test or what Doctor can you refer us to and how can I register for it. targetedindividual1967@gmail.com. 13709 Duncum St Apt 2 Houston TX 77015. 713-287-0298. 47 48 yrs Targeted. It's been a long hard road and I would like to do the test. I already applied for social security disability and waiting on determination but feel bectim a Target I won't get help. Former friend got some kind of power of attorney but know for what and eye brows raised that may e this is why I don't get help what do you think. 3 yrs applying for it. I have permanent injuries and direct contact such as on my video where they enter our home while we sleep and shoot me on the arm just to ne one

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Obtaining a diagnosis of NKBI will be difficult! Only certain doctors will be honest enough to carry out diagnostic tests necessary and provide an honest assessment!

Here in the UK, mention the phrase MW RFs, is enough to get us sectioned. It is a well oiled operation in the UK, FOIRs go some way to reveal just how long people have been struggling over here!

It's madness, corruption and greed!

FOIRs are now being deleted/removed.

WHATDOTHEYKNOW-MYSOCIETY remove all pertinent FOIRs and annotated posts.

But I applaud the work of Dr Len! I realise that there is only so much that can be done.

Fiona Mehta UK.

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I want to sign up to give my information. I have a medical diagnosis due to DEW. What do l do to sign up and give targeted justice my personal information

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Thank you for all your comments. I want to emphasize that Civilian Registry is NOT a diagnostic tool. This is a voluntary listing of Civilians who have already been diagnosed with "Havana Syndrome", or NKBI.

Current information on the diagnostic process, and supportive tests can be found at

https://www.targetedjustice.com/dr-len-ber-md.html and

https://www.targetedjustice.com/qeeg.html which I will continue updating regularly.

The type of specialist you need to start with is otoneurologist (aka "dizziness doc"). Please share these pages with the specialist, and educate him/her on this novel condition.

And finally, as a result of our announcement of the Civilian Registry, we have new listees in the said Registry whom we were not aware of before. Thank you for following the process, and growing the much needed Civilian Registry!

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Is there a list of doctors nationwide who are aware of Havana syndrome and will perform this test? If not what's the point?

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You start with a specialist called otoneurologist (dizziness specialist).

Current information on the diagnostic process, and supportive tests can be found at

https://www.targetedjustice.com/dr-len-ber-md.html and

https://www.targetedjustice.com/qeeg.html which he will continue updating regularly.

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I messaged you I'd like to participate in this.

I have a old vng test from 2016-17 can't remember when but have other EEG's and MRI's and CT scans...

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