I'm sending profound blessings to you saints, Len, Ana, and Richard. May God bless you, may God keep you strong, physically, emotionally and energetically safe, and protect you from assaults of all kinds. I realize these words may sound ridiculous, given the incalculable, inconceivable evil we're dealing with. I'm not naive. I am a multi-decades-long victim of this incomprehensible evil. I wish to God I could be there with you. Blessings to you and to all who are fighting for justice, holiness, and humanity.

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Cool kick ass!

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Praying for you all.

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It was the biggest gathering of TIs anywhere and it was top notch. God bless all the TIs who showed up and spoke truth to power with their presence and words.

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Thanks to all who showed up and are fighting for justice! #targetedinlouisiana

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Is there a recording

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Trolls everywhere. I know the real name of the person who replied to my comment. She's the ringleader of my multi-decades-long harassment / torture. Evil, wicked, perverted, vicious.

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