Clarification: Westlaw search in all the circuits for the following query:

"voice to skull" or "voice-to-skull" or "gang stalking" or "gang-stalking" or "directed energy weapons" or "microwave weapons" or "mind control". (After removing irrelevant cases such as a patent controversy over mind control products)

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Our only hope seems to be judgement day😑

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Update on 21 March: We have had 51 emails from people wanting to be part of the Morgellons Support Group. More info coming. Stay tuned.

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The criminal enterprise that produced the Morgellon's victims was carried out by the same framework, including ongoing disinformation campaigns that had victims reporting widely in the press the most ridiculous of theories. Morgellons and the current specific list of horrors afflicting TIs spawn from the same community. Morgellons was about using unwitting victims as harbingers of untested medical devices and systems to see the actual result of implanting humans with substrate materials such as PLGA, hydrogels and other injectables that were designed for self-eluting microspheres with microscopic silver coated spheres that would be coated with medications such as insulin. They would sit in a substrate material that would be injected into the (future) patients torso. The substrate would quickly debride away, unveiling the microspheres to the bloodstream in the fatty areas of the stomach. The insulin would then be carried away by the circulatory system until the spheres were clear of medication. Then, supposedly, the microspheres would themselves debride away. So injections of six month lengths might be achieved. Morgellons victims' bodies were pushing the substrate materials out of their bodies. Anyone researching substrate injectables or implantables can look at the Morgellons materials and see they're the same substance. Many of this testing failed, apparently which wouldn't matter for the insulin implant development because long lasting pumps came out on the market and didn't have the side effect of patients' bodies exuding pink rubbery goo. I myself experienced a mass migration of substrate injections in my torso. A series of round, rubbery but smooth masses showed up on my otherwise hairy torso. Of course one thinks 'cancer' immediately upon seeing such an immediate appearance of weird unexplainable tumors leaving their body. I collected a great deal of it and purchased a rather expensive microscope as many of these pinkish-clear rubber-feeling extractions had barely noticeable masses of gray clusters in them. Since I was already well-aware of my TI status I decided to investigate this on my own. Under the microscope I found the material, some with hair pulled out with it, to look just like evidence given by Morgellons sufferers. Some of these samples had metallic coloring of red and blue, just as the Morgellons evidence had. After much research I found the metallic strands related to micro-sutures, surgical microwire and their related medical relatives easily found being sold all across the internet and in the world as they're all widely used today in surgical stents, surgical anchors, etc. Then I focused on the gray masses I'd bought the microscope for to begin with. Clusters of beautifully shining (I purchased the pro lighting kit for the microscope) silver balls proved to me that what I was looking at was man-made - microscopic silver balls all connected to lattices that bound them together. Some of these microspheres were knocked away from the framework and wound up near hairs, which looked like giant gray tree trunks they stuck to. Another month of research and I found an exact match for what I had found in a patent held by medical implant juggernaut Medtronic. Drug-Eluting Paramagnetic Silver-Coated Microsphere Arrays. There are engineering drawings of the spheres and the final design layout of many spheres connected to a framework in their patent. I put together a video of many of the images I captured under the microscope as well as Medtronic's patent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i73vKPaQ-xs

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Thank you for the research. We wish all TI's had your willingness to get answers. We hope that other qualified researchers and doctors can view your material, and make an assessment.

Can you please forward the original, high resolution images to TJustice2 at proton.me


Please use "Morgellons" in the subject line. Thank You.

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How can someone cleanse themselves from this. I am exhausted and suffering for so long now . I've lost everything and my children think I'm a pathedic loser that thinks he has bugs on himself all the time. I don't go around scratching all the time,but go through a day spending a ridiculous amount of time trying everything I can think of to get rid of this. Please tell me there is a way. Idk what I would do to someone making me suffer like this for their experiments. I have suspected something of this sort for awhile now.

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Detox baths with epsom salt, lots of it. Also borax and baking soda. Rub oil on body after. Coconut, essential, whatever oil you have. Drinking celltic salt in water for internal . Ive heard potassium iodide sski. I haven't been able to locate sski

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Morgellons disease is a condition characterized by a belief that parasites or fibers are emerging from the skin. People with this condition often report feeling as if something is crawling on or stinging their skin.

i think i feel that all the time.

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Morgellons is not a belief. It is not a disease. It is not just a "feeling." The fibers are real, and can be removed and saved in a jar. You can't make this up. Did you bother to look at the image? Did you bother to read the information provided by Dr Ed Spencer? Is it a HUGE request to get you to read?




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You are so right friend. I've lost everything to this. I have/ am being messed with to no end

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the picture is not clear and i don’t have no clue about this. but i looked to web search the symptoms Describe that’s what i feel. i can see in the picture dark brownish spots i have them in all my body. because i’ve been targeted from the stalker.

this is completed my evidence from where i get this and how. search on CH4 methane gas. which gang stalker hitting the TI with microwave they pointed to they bodies and also they pointed to heat the drain in there houses which creates methane gas. The program is very complex and requires a long explanation. And I have clear evidence that they aim thermal electromagnetic waves at my house's sewer pipes. But I live in England. If you need this evidence, send me your email and I will send it to you. Your evidence confirms what my cameras captured and my five years of experience. This helps combine your evidence with my evidence. It shows that they control the bacteria that are present in the body through the technology they possess. Thank you for this other guide.

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The picture is very clear. Morgellons is not defined by “brown spots.” It involves fibers under the skin.


We have no evidence from medical doctors about “controlled bacteria.” If you have a doctor that is proposing this information, then please provide a link.


And there is still no indication that you read the information from a medical expert.

Thank you.

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Look out for charlie describes it as a fungal infection that makes the target a dirty circuit board. I think the morgellons is from the smart dust. All targets have morgellons whether they know it or not.

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Been under attack for eight years.They have people enter my apt on a regular. Had a camera they infiltrated that. They tamper with food, drinks, hair grease, etc. I'm lucky to be alive

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DR Hildy needs to help us but move closer to those in Oregon and or Washington.

I don't think I have morgellons, but I don't know. I do bath in Borax and Epson salt to try and kill it if I do; plus help destroy the antenna it is supposed to make.

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Doug - this is your final warning. Any more promotion of for-profit services, and you will be removed. Please stop promoting. Yes - that includes your profile.

TJ does not allow the promotion of for-profit products and services, without our prior approval.

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wtf you talking about I don't promote anything and wtf about my profile my profile is mine you have no right to say what I can use or not plus whats wrong with it?

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For one per your email I didn't promote Dr Hildy I asked or said I'd like her real email address. Have never promoted Amy other than what I posted on my report from her, of which I have her permission to do so.

IF your going to push people out for nothing, your being like them. Two I never got a warning for anything on here so don't say it's my last when You never warned me about nothing. So just like Google and YouTube and MSN and all the rest your not sanction free speech?

People need this against he criminals and they pay either here for this substac or they pay; you a monthly payment for membership they don't need you sanctioning them more they get enough of that from the gangstalkers.

IF your going to be like that you will lose members who pay. I had no clue this site had such policies, but think your making shit up as you go...

Sorry if I show you things other truths than what you concentrate on people need to know all what they face not just what you want them to know. Just like a targeted or listed person your treating me just like they do. Nit pick gangstalk isolate then kick out or mob.

You're doing just like they do now.

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I wonder about the unique characteristic of a browns gas torch flame, it becomes the temp to sublimate what it contacts, is a cool flame, made from water, wont boil water...perhaps if brushed around a body it would sublimate the shedding phenomenom. Also i get good relief from an antifungal "Lufeneron", and a faraday.

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I would like to know if you can join the group if you don't have Morgellon's specifically. I believe clearing the skin can help all TI's, whether or not it manifests as Morgellon's. I have begun a regimen already. Thank you for doing this.

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Morgellons is not a "manifestation." If you have the colored fibers in your skin - you know it. TJ does not allow the promotion of for-profit products and services, without our prior approval. Please read the comments provided by Dr Ed Spencer on our website. We assume you know how to click on the link?

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We need DR Hildy's real email address the one listed, I get a email dameon meaning they wont go through they get kicked back.

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At the last conference call that I attended via phone call two weeks ago I gave my name and number as I am suffering extreme and constant torture for year 5 now. (The rotar vibrating, that may be sound wave technology in my pelvis is beyond human understanding. Worse my gang stalkers are obsessed and report via V2k that I am not under a microscope dissected in every breath, but that they "analyze" me to do the opposite of what GOD fearing kind people do. There are so many that living day to day is a horror even believing in GOD. The "sucker punches" to all groin areas, heart, decisions, what I eat, family, friendship conversations is micro analyzed finding fault in all I do and mocking me all day. Nobody from targeted Justice has called or e mailed and if they did I received nothing. I'm no longer free in my own mind and body and the average human doesn't know what technology achieved! I can facilitate support groups in Colorado Springs!! I want to help others NOT commit suicide!!

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**FIKRE vs FBI**

Supreme Court unanimously rules against government in No Fly List case


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Why didn't they do the tests? Biopsy, punch culture? I would have to find the papers for what exactly I was diagnosed with. The doctor is guessing if there was no tests or studies done.

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I went to a dermatologist and through cultures and study found the mechanics of these soars. The only treatment is Triamcinolone Acetonide Ointment USP. 0.025%. You have to find a real Doctor that tests and studies before speaking.

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Doctors have done nothing for me. Sent me to a psychiatrist. Gave me some musoprine/ antibacterial ointment and said stop picking. All these people having the same symptoms can't be wrong. I'm not a scientist or doctor, but I know I'm not crazy. The fact I can't get any help makes me crazy

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Search for “thought broadcasting”, “had thoughts broadcasted” etc.

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Mar 17Edited
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watch look out for charlies videos on Youtube but yes it's not a parasite though but yes it's Nano tech and Graphene.

Probably because your more of a threat to them and keep holding on so they keep upping it to break you. Me too mine drones bass and heavy drum tones into my left cochlea. Baby talk form the cable lines I have proof of this so not just speaking out my ass...

suicide and our mass shootings or mental ward is what they want so yeah.\

Pray these daily the lords prayer psalms 31 52 58 94 109 120 and 140 then close with the lords prayer some of them will die.

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God is good help . I don't doubt anything anymore. There is some weird shit going on. You are in my prayers.

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Mar 18
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Hes legit. Its a fungal infection on skin that is invisible making you the dirty circuit board. I think there are synthetic parasites within the nano tech though too. Charlie has a ton of valuable info to offer. He just stays away from gangstalking and focuses ion the tech.

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FYI The above mentioned site, is a person who records and listens to ELF signals and knows a bit of what he's talking about, even if he's wrong about certain things. He's trying to stop people from doing bad things like go on mass shootings which is what they do with this stuff that gangstalkers and Govt people are doing to people not perpy. Just like most the people on these sites? then what are you doing here?

I'd think most here are like you hurting and need help. Of course you have those who want to cause division and cause trouble but those are the few not most.

I need help my v2k is bad it's loud I want it to stop just like you do. v2k is trying to kill us. It's trying to turn our brains into mush so we are bed ridden or kill our selves.

They want us to do mass shootings and or kill ourselves or be in a mental ward.

So we don't need people trying to divide us by saying were not effective communicators or perpy. Again dude I tried to help you if you don't like it sorry.

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You know what i posted to try to help you not condemn you. My profile is mine and all it is is stating scripture it's not unsettling unless you have something wrong with you.

So, you're calling me a perp? Dude last person in this world I would be is a perp.

I get v2k 24/7 365 have had it for 3 1/2 years. I, while it's very hard with this attacking me I am level headed and clear thinking still... If me posting psalms to you and prayers to do is unsettling that's your fault. Don't make it out like I am not clear headed or a effective communicator, or whatever it is your doing.

Your claim about me and you saying your clear headed and an effective communicator, when what I told you was to help not tare you down makes you kind of perpy.

Trying to make me sound off makes you a CIA operative trying to divide and conquer. Making an issue when none exists. I tried to help you not hurt you if that's bad excuse me!

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Wow! I have had some extraordinarily weird things going on in my life as well. I don't think I've been cut open or anything like this, but all in a days time my head hearing very high frequency 24/7. Very rarely it stops, I'm noticing a lot when I leave my phone at home. Lol. Not funny at all. I'm sorry you are suffering this my friend. It's no way to have to live.

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Mar 17
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TJ does not allow the promotion of for-profit products and services, without our prior approval.

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