My daughter was targeted in Aurora, Colorado. The odds of it being fantastical are diminishing into zero.

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They are in every State. In rentals too. You can tell also, when if anytime police is called, they stop by that house and engage in friendly conversation or flash headlight light to announce themselves before going to the Targeted individual.

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Yes, I've known they are in every state for some time but when you have 5k of them in one location, the odds exponentially increase.

Private Investigator report from one of the plaintiffs it the lawsuit ties stalkers in 48 states to Lockheed Martin:


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Davidson NC and the surrounding area is also a hotbed of spies of many agencies. I cannot go a day without coming across suspicious activity. I was just curious about what the Zillow appraisal would be for our home. A real-time photo popped up. I verified it with the cars in the driveway the growth on the trees etc. A few months ago the neighbor across the street cut down a beautiful flowering tree. It happened to be in the line of site to our house from her very nice shed where she will be until all hours of the night. The line of sight in the picture came straight from her property. Last year I looked her up on one of the pay for information sites. One of her addresses is in Louisville CO. I asked her about it just trying to start a conversation. My family is from Loveland CO. She denied it. I looked her up in another company same results. My grandparents farm was on Horseshoe and Boyd lakes. Followed this found a person on the internet who is desperately trying to get justice for a girl that he claims was killed by Satterlee III children. He claims that his life has now been torn apart by these people who now live on Horseshoe lake. Satterlee is a c-suite exec for VOX. He claims that during the middle of winter, when the murder took place, the next day the weather was 70 degrees and a satellite picture was taken of the blood. He claims this was to brag I think it was to intimidate.

I think through all of this some very good people have been led down the wrong path.

I could go on and on...

All of us need to know that we are putting our lives in danger everyday we talk about this. Two of the whistleblowers of Boeing were killed one was a whistleblower of Spirit Aerospace.

Peace be with you and let love win.

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I had an uncle who lived in Loveland. Our lives are in danger everyday anyway & I don't think being silent is going to improve the situation. I actually think it makes things worse; like a lion stalking a zebra, they want to isolate you from the herd. You have to draw a line in the sand.

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Oh that is interesting Loveland is a small town or at least it was. Sometimes I wonder if we are caught in some type of quantum entanglement.

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It was small when I remember it. He had property on the lake.

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You are right. They are in Colorado in great numbers. Local law enforcement also in great numbers. Why? My guess is that Colorado would be the next government place, with the importance that Washington DC now has.

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Good guess; after 9/11, they set up Colorado Springs as temporary DC in case of an emergency. That's why they built D.U.M.B.s under the new Denver Intl. Airport that Denver didn't need, but that was built in 1995, so all of this was planned long before 9/11. As Richard Lighthouse exposed, Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado Springs is where the targeting program is being orchestrated from.

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My aunt's husband was CIA. I don't know how he ended up working for Lockheed. But, he was murdered because some knowledge he had? Anyway, when my aunt died, as I was cleaning her house, I found a letter that threatened her for requesting autopsy. Unfortunately, I threw out that letter instead of keeping it as proof. And I would not have mentioned it here publically if I had it.

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They subcontract to third party contractors so if they get busted, they can claim "plausible deniability"; not that this strategy is going to work .. just like they make all agencies culpable so they are bound by nondisclosure agreements:

"The Secret Government Rulebook for Labeling You a Terrorist"


This is how they are able to label us "non-investigative subjects" & torture us for decades on end with no legal recourse, or so they think:


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May 19·edited May 19

Oh...A LARGE part of the operation to surveil, torment and torture; if not murder, the population is to give those never belonging to society who hated everybody from never belonging; Computer Geeks, JOBS?

Wow...Could have just sent them to work in packing houses and as 'Farm Hands' and such to work their way through university instead of sucking the American Taxpayer dry.


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Isn't it illegal to invade someone's privacy under the Nuremberg Treaty?? Which is an international law?? 🤔

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Birds of a feather nest together. Psychopaths

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Don't forget to mention the unmarked white vans!!! Their houses also have special computers that previously were in labs, only operating in their houses.!!!!!!

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White vans! Non descrpt yet so relevant, they are every where! Close to a TI..

Good point!

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I wonder what kind of operations require their presence at DUMBs as opposed to working from their homes. V2k operations and mind-control programs wouldn’t be run from homes, would they?

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Thanks for confirming

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Well as soon as trump is back in.he knows all to well about the cia and fbi cia will be abolished and most of fbi and what's left will be reformed or totally wiped out ad well.

But major changes will take effect after the first of the year.

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It’s my understanding that Gerald Ford signed an executive order banning CIA from any activity on domestic soil!

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If one wouldn't mind satan being one's ultimate boss, and engaging in evil 24/7, CIA could be a wonderful place to "work"!

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If Biden signed ANYTHING after the 2020 election which was deemed fraudulent....it's null and void isn't it?? 🤔

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I’ve noticed that the CiA uses fed ex vans as well. We have a UPS driver that normally brings out packages to us but I’ve had a few packages that they couldn’t find my house when they found it a hundred times before with our regular driver. But suddenly there was a new driver that couldn’t find my house. Nothing happened to the old driver. He still delivers packages. I don’t know where this new driver came from and haven’t seen her since.

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What about usps

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It seems to me you will also see a lot of utility repair trucks in your area at the time you are put under surveillance or when they upgrade.

I think some might find this privacy policy interesting. I was searching a chemical company, Celanese.

Information on the processing of your personal data within the USA by Google and Marketo:

Please note that when selecting "Accept All", or selecting "Marketing", and/or "Analytical" and then clicking "Accept Selected", it cannot be ruled out that your data may be processed in the USA. The USA is considered by the European Court of Justice to be a country with no adequate level of data protection according to EU standards. In particular, there is a risk that your data may be processed by US authorities for surveillance and investigation purposes, possibly without the opportunity for legal remedies. If you select “Necessary” and then click on "Accept Selected”, the transfer described above will not take place. You will find more detailed information in our privacy policy.

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Whoever is behind this is bread crumbling

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I watched some secret society tapes and the post office has been stealing mail for a long long time. Oakdale post office give my mail to a pobox in Erika’s name and that has my checks go there and then they keep the money, then schedule fake mail.

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