Self assembling Graphene nanotubes. It also responds to specific frequencies, like 5G, or whatever it’s programmed to be controlled by. They’ve been working on this technology for years on the general public/us. It’s everywhere, it’s in our environment, air, water food and wildlife environments, flora and fauna. They are also using the DNA of every living organism on earth. If you have a birth certificate, they have your DNA. They can target anything with the DNA they collect. Nobody knows the extent of what they can do with this technology but it ain’t good for us, for sure.

Satans Alchemy in the hands of Satan worshippers. Regardless,

In the end God wins.

And they know it too, their time is almost up, so Armor up people!

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I think also with diseases etc fibromyalgia etc were induced.

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All Diseases are side affects of pharmakia.

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No. looks like many "modern diseases" were induced with this same tech/ and total system that has been in eveyones body and in place for years.

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Please look at the work of sabrina wallace. on nonvaxer420 on rumble

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Only as far back as pharmakia started. Not a coincidence.

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I believe DEW attacks are the cause of fibromyalgia.

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Being diagnosed with fibromyalgia a couple years before v2k and noticeable electronics hacking/ jamming, as well as drone surveillance... This rings true for me!! I didn't know what was going on. That is basically just what doctors diagnose with when they can't find a cause for anything else. On my family cruise in February, it lost connection to me much of the time and I woke up feeling like I was in my early twenties! I remember taking off my headphones, feeling like I was weightless, no pain, silence, a grin just naturally stretched across my face as I jumped up full of energy and health. I'm sure they'll fix that so it doesn't happen again by using satellites or something. A couple times I heard some annoyance criminals 🔉in the bathroom of the cabin and I'd look to see where we were at on the map, which would confirm we were usually closer to shore. Then, I could leave my cabin and just explore the ship without the annoyance once again 😊 I ate whatever I wanted and it all felt so good- pain free and energy!!

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Its possible but lyme disease causes fibromyalgia. Just a thought.

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Hollywood would probably agree with you.🤣

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Lyme disease- a bioweapon is responsible for many diseases too.

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Cancer being one of the biggest

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They dropped so much nano material in the last home I owned I couldn’t keep up with it. Once a year around Sept-Nov they do Nano drops at least they do with me.

I never know when it happens until weird stuff starts happening.

Since they probably did this since I lived in Utah or minimum since this crap OVERT HATE CAMPAIGN started I was able to see tell tail signs and preparations for the drops.

I believe they did some form of this in Bellingham but I wasn’t there long enough to figure out for sure. I do not know if they are going to do that here but some activity around me suggests it might have already happened.

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It’s being called “smart dust”. It’s true, the fiat programming is similar to RFDI technology and some dust is recharged by the sunlight. It is micro nano particles! The technology was first used as far back as the Vietnam war to track enemy movements! It’s just been made smaller over the yrs from technological advancements.

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I don't understand. How can "If you have a birth certificate, they have your DNA" this be true? Many original birth certificates don't exist anymore and how would the DNA have been placed on the certificate to begin with?

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Does anyone have CDT on their birth certificate. I think Scientology, St. Paul run by Robert Weinman and Uomn Fairview all went through birth records to steal identities, blood and gods gifts

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A pin prick and they take a blood sample.

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Thank you, Targeted Justice for highlighting my medical work! For full reports, access my academia.edu page at https://independent.academia.edu/LenBer, or view narrated video on https://rumble.com/v39t5st-study-of-dental-anaesthetic-carbocaine-introduced-to-human-blood.html

I keep my medical experiment separately from TJvGarland Podcast on YouTube, so not to jeopardize our main project - "Targeted Justice v. Garland" - A Podcast About an Extraordinary Lawsuit.

Thank you everybody for supporting our efforts!

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Thank you for all you do. This is so important for people to know too!!!

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Wow, you guys are awesome!

One cautionary note;

The closer we get to obtaining justice,

The more desperate and dangerous they will become. If for no other reason, their sadistic attitude has consumed them. Somewhere along the line they lost their humanity, meaning; they are not human anymore, so stop treating them like they’re human! It’s how they have chosen to live. They’ve set the standards for them to live by, it’s the only thing they understand.

Regardless folks, let’s win this thing!

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We are seeing it. The pushback has been insane. Nothing will stop us!

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I still mention this to God in my prayers.

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Ana Toledo you are totally awesome Your definitely a general In God's chosen army as the saying goes Dreamwork is Teamwork Ana Toledo for President 🫡🫶🙏💯

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I will go where God takes me. After we shut down the program, that's when the difficult and voluminous work will begin.

God bless.

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Hello Ms Anna

I really don't even know we're to start considering I have so many questions

You are definitely the light at the end of the tunnel 🫶💯🙏I know I have been Targeted for at least 15 year Its been off and on The last 3 have been the worst all around My pets that I have raised and had for quite some time were poisined and died 2 weeks apart yet for they were very healthy Someone poisined them with fetenal My father passed away last May due to Cancer it ate his body up and of course I can't prove it But my gut tells me It was induced through Raydation Touchless Torture I've been through the trenches with Gang Stalking V2K VOG Street Theater Smear Campaign etc.

They totally turn everyone in your life against you completely isolate ya They turn your spouses and So called best friends and brothers sisters and I found out for myself some family members and friends don't believe a Targeted Individuals life they totally believe thier just delusional I've learned some also jump ship because thier jealous of a persons motion and energy that one carries and of course the reward system they have set up for them they give them free get out of jail free cards and I mean literally thiers not a record of some of thier incarcerations and You know they was thier without a shadow of a doubt Smh Give a lot of them cars and housing money drugs etc Honestly it just varies different folks different strokes I've sold dope and I also was a thief and a drug addict Police pulled down on me quite a few times asked me if I was working and I told them It was slow rn They insisted they give me some detectives numbers and they get me together I would make good money and They scratch my back If I done everything I'm suppose to Im no rat pig snake or co kroach I flip out start telling them I'm a legend If I wanted to do their job I would have a squad car and badge and gun Smh This was the last time and incident that they tryed to persway and manipulate me None of the other times when they falsley incarcerated me and put me on probation slow walked me to prison I always felt something but I had no proof and couldnt understand why in the world ppl was coming to court to lie on me so I take house arrest complete it get put on probation and have no desire to do drugs but then I got lured back in I went back to jail and they sent me to prison

When I got released I didn't do no drugs for about a month soon as I did they cranked up the voltage They would play into my fears and anxiety and have me paniking feeling like someone was tryna assinate me I would go into duress Their man key players they used against me was my wife fake friend jealous lil brother They isolated me from society and a lot of the things I seen and felt seemed so real but I was perceived to believe I was psychosis and I needed help they put me in a mental ward a cpl different times and put me on medications I know myself and know what I think and how I think but these weird thought would come iny head at different occasions usually when I'm alone Over time they stayed on me harder than they ever did before Previously in the past I would Paniac and feel like everybody out to kill me I would beat on people's doors and beg them to help me I had not a clue what was going on so of course I'm leaving out a lot but If I don't this will be a novel They're convincing the community 'm true live crazy They would make me feel like ppl was always behind me and they would even make me feel like ppl were touching me or in my clothes I started noticing like a car club following me every were others new but wouldn't tell me anything ppl turned cold hearted to me I'm loving caring good to everybody now everybody turning thier back on me I was in like a little community nehibohood hanging out then I got a txt message It said for me to answer a question if I got it wrong they was going to cut my dick off then I started seeing my friend in my wife doing things I would see her doing things to ppl in the jail or at least that's what I thought I seen Back to me looking at the phone I looked over at the door It had siccors in it and I seen on the camera ppl pull up in a van I was waiting on them to come in

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I ran out of the house it was freezing outside I had no coat gloves hat left it all and ran and beat on doors like I'v done in past episodes Ive never forced my way into anyone's home Ppl either let me in or they didn't This particular time the lady and man let me in and they called police for me In Paniac I seen the bathroom and went locked myself in until the police arrived the police and a nehibor took the door off the hinge and the officers literally had to pry me off the floor I was scared to death I'm in the cruiser cop goes and talks to the home owners and they told him the truth So he told me Thiers not a complaing witness so I'm leaving and your getting out my car I said please can you at least take me down the street I'm scared to death I don't want to die he said no I said I can't walk call me an ambulance Ambulance comes it's no huge bikers they said they wanted me to get in the back with them I refused Cop said you go with them or I'm making ya get out here I said take me to jail I'm safer thier long story short he did the whole time on the way thier I'm in my head thinking he's taking me somewhere and kill me I kept telling him he wasn't going to take me to jail It gets way deeper Im in jail 2 days release me no charge 2 weeks later I'm sure Indicted F4 F5 Burglary trespass into habitat Smh What they did this to me again first attorney on the case thought it was so humourous She set it up for a mental and pych evaluation so they released me to one fifteen It's a sober living place brought and ran by GOOGLE

Now I have Access to omputers so I read about gang stalking It linked me up with TI and now I'm onto something I figured out what thier next move was and I learned a lot about everything I'm getting understanding of this crazy nightmare now and no w I go to do this psych evaluation and I had phone service but something told me to check wifi when I did It had these intials I asked the lady behind the desk what it stood for what it meant and she gave me a evil smirk said she'll be out in a min You ask her smiled turned her head went back to work on her PC I said okay then I googled it It came back telling me it was the army intelligence something I forget exactly I go back here with this woman she's asking me questions and I wasn't even going to answer her and The answers are just pouring outta my mouth then I told her I didn't feel up to doing it you said this is a 3 hr process my father is in hospice declining she said I can't make you but the judge won't be happy

I tried to continue with the questions and she had no computer or even a note book and every time I answer a question she never talked to me but turned her head and talked to who ever was in her ear piece that couldn't see She done this 3 times I got up said I'm done here I went to the ankle monitor ppl and told them if your going to lock me up here I am They told me I've done nothing wrong I said I didn't finish and I told them why He said that's between you ant the judge I go see my lawyer she was suppose to give me the audio CD of me in the officer in the car And my discovery packet she played a lil bit and turned it off smiled said I'm sorry bout your dad but said it sly and wicked I seen what she was doing imitatedly she wanted a rise outta me trick no good I said Yes It's part of life We come we go I asked her for my stuff she said no it hasn't been edited yet She looked at her watch said oh we're out of time I said are you seriously not going to give me my audio video and she said I am not if your not happy Mr Kinder tell the Judge you want a new lawyer But jus kno I want the best for you for the next week I studied and learned that the psych was going to give a bogus report and they may possibly try to put me in a hospital

I files 4 pro se motions on my own plus I got the techs to write and tell him how great I'm doing So Now I fired my attorney ask for continuance and my full discovery The judge gives me a new date to go and retake the evaluation I agreed the proscutor told him to take me into custody something about the powers that be Judge denied his request They kept me on the ankle monitor over 5 months wasn't allowed to move and it was only 60 day program but hey it was better than jail they got really annoyed with me they just new I was going to run and I didn't I go to court meet my new lawyer and I told him to get me off he said he would file motion I said your honnor I completed both thier programs and dropped 33 clean urines lol I would like to be relived of my ankle monitor then my attorney says do you got certificate I said do I Judge lets me off it I continue going to court I was set for trial and He wanted me to come in see if we could come to an agreement He told me I was going to prison lol I told him run it He told me lets do a bench trial You ant going to believe this so I see he's in on it he sold me out So I take probation and they give me max time suspended and a Tpo keep in mind They jus gave me 3 years over my head for another one of thier frame up jobs I asked the Attorney several times for my video and he spinned saying it's in his office he have to find it thier was never damage done to force entry cause It never happens they kept my video and Iv followed chain of command to obtain it Don't matter they know I don't have no money to hire an attorney and they got business not letting me work after they hire me They have me the same Po when they've framed before It's a dirty game I am going through pains in my body and noghtmares and Yes a whole lotta folks are involved but not everybody I got so much more to say and tell ya It jus feels great having someone you can trust and confide in I know you can't rescue every body But some advice and guide me in that right direction... Thanks for being a listening ear and giving hope 🫶🙏💯

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Why I pour my heart out and come to you for comfort and understanding and I couldn't even get a reply Miss Anna Toledo

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Psalms 37:1-40 Amen


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I just went and read this chapter, very fitting. Indeed. There is much of today we are seeing related to what we read in the bible. So much so, that it is blowing me away.

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They are going to rewrite the Bible. What makes us so sure it hasn't been changed before and how woukd they let something like that even be known to us. Like everything from the past like free energy and our planet and all the bullshit we been fed at school. Everything we know is a lie. The Bible is it true they'd let us have a powerful book like that. I really don't think so.God is in us heaven on earth ,that's why they wanna fuck it for humans.

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It’s for you gift from god, they being Scientology for me, my former coworkers at Uomn Fairview found out through birth records. Yes the new book is going to be “the new world order”. All the little secret societies are all doing it for our gifts.

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Yes. I believe. I have seen Him in the Clouds.

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so important and great info on TIs. Thanks, as always for your amazing work, Dr. Ana.

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Stay close to Jesus and have no fear of any of this. Salvation is what ONLY matters!

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I had a filling replaced in January and whatever the dentist used to numb my tooth lasted for at least 6 hours. I’ve never experienced that before and when I told her about my reaction, she said she hadn’t changed the numbing agent she normally used. Too weird.

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This is not unusual. Placement of anesthetic material requires knowledge about dental anatomy, oral anatomy, and there is person to person variability in nerve and muscle placement. It is possible to "miss" where the nerve is with your needle and that can cause either too much anesthesia or not enough. You can also have a direct hit on the nerve with your needle and that jolt to the nerve trunk can make for delayed emergence from numbness. This is "normal" even though some people want to hang the dentist for incompetence. It is apparently some sort of pleasure to insult or denigrate the dentist when something totally normal happens. Go to Tractor Supply to get your fillings if you think that will be a perfect experience.

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She’s never done that before Smartass.

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I can't believe how many doubters and smartasses are creeping their way into these conversations here these days. It isn't a place to bring hate and put down of others. I have been enjoying sharing and reading what others here come up with connected to targetted justice topics. And I too have had recent dental experience that make me wonder if it is connected to what is going on with us. Mine makes me wonder if he implanted a tracker or something next to where a back tooth was pulled. You are not alone.

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SoCal /Mike:

Had a teeth cleaning...

2day later was ill for a WEEK.

No rush to go back.

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Jealous, are ya?

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Not of a smartass

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Shes probably NOT jealous, but can't help but to wonder like me why are you here to put down or debunk what others say. What is it to you?!?

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Congratulations to Ana Toledo, Attorney for Targeted Justice for being recognized by the International Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice. There is no doubt that you are a true humanitarian. I pray for many more blessings.

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My son just had 2 wisdom teeth pulled. I'm sure he had anesthesia! He was adamant about not being vaccinated and didn't get vaccinated. Now he has these nanobot machines building structures in his body somewhere? Is it in his mouth?

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Detox mms cds edta

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Dr Ana I would like to know colloidal gold can kill nanobots?

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Looks like some kind of biological life form replayed in high speed.

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Understanding interactions between graphene and local anesthetic molecules applied in dentistry – Towards the prolonged effects of local anesthesia


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So like it says in Revelations Sorcery and what's been interpreted as Pharmicea or big pharma.

But I do believe in real magic not just the smoke, and mirrors kind we see, but real magic.

It says in the book of Enoch the Fallen Angels taught them beginning incantations and ending incantations. That's magic. Much to my chagrin since I like and liked the show Bewitched, they did incantations beginning and ending ones. Mainstream church will say the story about Saul seeking a witch, and her conjuring up Samuel was just a Hallucination, but mainstream church discount the books of Enoch and Jubilees, etc...

It says he saw Samuel, and spoke to him so why would I add or subtract what it says???

All of our medicine and science is from what the Fallen angels taught before the flood.

Mainstream also accepts the notion that Seth, and Cains offspring were responsible for the Giants, and that's not so. Those Books are good and should have been Cannon. They didn't want them in because they took power away from the Church, and answered too many questions that they wanted to answer.

Read them they are good and lets people know more about what's what.

The Book of Enoch, The book of Jubilees, the Book of Asher especially.

pray up begin to kind of walk away from worldly stuff and don't take the mark when it comes if it hasn't already.

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Graphene ■ "BlackPilledHAM,

whats up WOR, I hang about ur place quite a bit. Excellent content and curation imho. Yes, graphene seems to have a propensity for 26Ghz - And, when it comes to 28Ghz, 28 is 26 is 24 is 30 Its a wide and scattered bandwidth arena and cant be narrowed to be just one or the other. When you have one, you have all. It'd be nice if you re-upped some of this stuff Im putting out here on it. Anyway, thanks for stopping in and saying hi." https://www.bitchute.com/video/r9gVA881mxW8/

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No one is to control another's mind, to judge for another, or to prescribe his duty. God gives to every soul freedom to think, and to follow his own convictions. "Every one of us shall give account of himself to God." No one has a right to merge his own individuality in that of another. In all matters where principle is involved, "let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind." Romans 14:12, 5. FEAR NOT!!!!! They can try to control our minds, but GOD says otherwise.

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How are those perpetuating this monstrous plan not inflicted with the same nanotechnology? Or are they and they don’t care? While it now appears the air, water, food, and medical industry are all vehicles for nanotechnology, how can every day humans protect themselves and/or reverse the affects naturally without going broke?

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They're probably using massive amounts of Ivermectin, HCQ, Vit C, NAC, etc., or maybe the adrenochrome that's the antidote!

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I can only imagine what they are doing to transgender children wish this to stop.

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Transgender is a side effect of their pharmacology.

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