"Congressmen threatened to vote “correctly” - or kiddie porn would be placed on their laptop."

Is this the "Truth Lite" version?

"FBI raids Jeffrey Epstein's private Caribbean island"


Almost five years years ago, no indictments? Is this the same FBI who's suddenly worried about "Transnational Repression" 20 years after the "Patriot Act" War On Terror?


The Epstein "program" was operational under the CIA's MK-ULTRA Subproject 68 - yes, the same people who brought you MK-ULTRA, it was actually a PART of it in the 50s:

"His work was inspired and paralleled by the psychiatrist William Sargant, who was also involved with the Intelligence Services and experimented extensively on his patients without their consent, causing similar long-term damage. Several of the children who Cameron experimented on were sexually abused, in at least one case by several men. One of the children was filmed numerous times performing sexual acts with high-ranking federal government officials, in a scheme set up by Cameron and other MKULTRA researchers, to blackmail the officials to ensure further funding for the experiments."


It would appear that the FBI have been covering up for the CIA since then & apparently, are actively PARTICIPATING in it now as well!!!

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Yes they are. Surveillance is because of it.

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"The Story of the CIA's "Finders" Abduction Operation:

The CIA Traffics in Drugs, Child Ritual Sexual Abuse, and Global Murder"


The CIA has been controlling illegal drug trade in the US since at least the early 60s:


The FBI can't figure this stuff out? According to a confidential report to Sen. Ted Kennedy, the FBI has known about it since at least 1989.

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They are hiding the technology sound fields they wrap around people to intimidate with increasing frequencies, they have the tech to use sound to move inanimate objects…. Now it is used for nerve and muscle pain with false vibrations to incapacitate the person, but it became a part of an “ urban warfare contract “ for TESTING… it was placed in the hands of criminal civilians…. What does that say?

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They are constantly attacking my eyes with electromagnetic waves and nanodust.

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Edward Snowden is an agent at the service of Jewry, Jewish Oligarchies and Plutocracies!

James O’Keefe is an agent in the service of Jewry!

Wikileaks is the controlled opposition of Jewry to hunt down and identify all dissidents and whistleblowers for Jewry to tag, persecute and destroy (targeted individuals)

Catherine Austin Fitts is a whore from the Jewry of the government of psychopath George H.W. Bush and who has a conflict of interests in the area of ​​housing and urbanization, she serves the Jewish Freemasons who control the entire real estate, housing and urban sector who do not want any digital control because they lose power over housing and urbanization.


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Ok… I am not familiar but I can see you are going with this… do you know scripture states, that the Jewish are God’s chosen; how it will be revealed that from the tribe a Judah a betrayer will also be…”?

Interesting… I appreciate your post. Thank you. I am just a civilian and since I got attacked I realized there is more to all of this that just the surface that has been scratched! Stay in touch!!!

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That is why the Cathars only accepted the Apocalypse in the New Testament of Christ, which clearly says to prophesy against the false prophets of Israel and that the Jews say they are Jews but they are not (they do everything contrary to the Commandments) and for this reason they will be condemned by the Wrath of God and the Universe (Jewish creation) will be erased!

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It is more complicated than that because a betrayer per scripture comes from one of the 12 tribes and they deny the resurrection of Christ. They still are the chosen but it is more extensive. You have an insight, just keep digging and thank you for sharing.

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The jews wrote the scriptures to fool us all

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I recently sent a 6 page letter to every senator and governor of every state, telling them that the Gangstalkers used mind control on me and it worked very well! They had me believing I was married to director Christopher Wrey of the FBI and that I was bff to then President Donald Trump for 6 months! Not until I was incarcerated on a bs trespassing charge for 3 months did it finally cease!

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With me it wasn't so much as fake allegations, because I was committing the crime. But their attacks on me were so severe, and 24/7, that they forced me to become homeless, resorting to Petty crimes such as shoplifting to make ends meet. But while talking to me the whole time through v2k, they led me to believe that they had the police under their control, just as they had me under control with their hypnotism technology, and so they would entice me to commit crimes while having me believe they would distract law enforcement to allow me to get away with these crimes, which in the beginning it appeared to be just that. I was getting away with more than I should have been able to, until I believed I was invincible, and I could get away with anything that I wanted with the help of the attacking satellite and crew. And in the end the law won, and I came out looking like a fool for believing my attackers.

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By the way I'm from California, where are you from?

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Indiana! Yes the hypnosis and mind control worked really well! I went to the bank3 x’s asking if they had a cashiers check for $501 million! But during my stay at county, the hypnosis began to wear off and they have not been able to use it on me since then! Thank God for small favors!!

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It's been about 15 or so years since the attacks have started on me, and they are still with me to this day, talking to me everyday, but these days they are less violent. But about 5 years ago they also had me believe that because my last name falls in the Christ category, and I was born on New Year's that made me a potential Antichrist. They also told me during the pandemic that I was being tortured because the end of the world was coming and it was their job to get every Antichrist under hypnotism and under control because the world was coming to an end. I now know, because they've told me, that these were all lies, just games they play with potential targets.

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I had a similar experience, except mine was during a period of incarceration for similar charges. The gangstalking and v2k was put into overdrive while I was incarcerated, since they had me pinned down and I had no choice but to be subject to their hypnotism. This attack occurred about 4 years ago and they had me believing, that while I was in jail, the ideas that I was having could save the presidency. Ridiculous now that I think back on it, but at the time they're hypnotism had me been me believing this and so much more. SO MUCH MORE!

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I am so sorry you were incarcerated for a fake allegation. How can they get away with their fabricated crime?

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Those fabricated misdemeanors went on for 4 years!! The second one was dismissed, finally. I wrote every senator and governor and over 100 churches across America. The ones being returned are opened at both ends!

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Those fabricated accusations are deliberate. They do it with intention to make employment and housing opportunities denied to TIs. Because even when fabricated charges are dropped it stays in the background check

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I’m 69….not looking for a job!! Lol

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

Snowden is an agent working for the old rogue Cabal, the anarco-capitalists, the Jews: https://odiariodeumet.blogs.sapo.pt/edward-snowden-e-um-agente-de-oposicao-613187

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Edward Snowden is a controlled opposition agent!

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"why are you listening to the substack frauds?" - Sabrina Wallace

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controlled opposition agents

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newest wikileaks is only 2021 nothing newer.

the Kiddie porn crap I believe yes the FBI and CIA and all of them would threaten to do that they can so... They only bust their own when it's convenient. Yeah that new targeted video that's supposed to be the 29th looks good.

I've been getting letters from my card companies saying that I have to update my info but it's not the normal info it's like sticking their head so far up my ass they want to eat my breakfast...

I mean it's a business card but I use it for everything as well. I got it when I up loaded my website a few years ago, and shortly after I got the offer in the mail. So the HTML header info you place in your web pages most likely alerted them so I signed up for it. I did use it for some business stuff but only to keep my domain name and Go daddy. Nothing else really. Now they want the building size type and all my employees names way too much info if you ask me. it's dead my website so bite me. Plus I don't have a building and no employees it was just a website lol.

So, yeah ain't filling that crap out they can bite me.

but yeah that's the product of this 702 crap. Bastards.

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I tried contacting probly 5 inspector general's and not 1 reply about my targeting.

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Funny…my targeting wasn’t addressed either, but my medicinal marijuana and Foreign countries buying our land comments were!

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So accurate!!! Unfortunately the attacks restrict my ability to work enough beyond basic bills is a struggle! I hope to get to where I can invest in protection, but this has to begin with AWARENESS!!!! Without people being aware of this real genocide type weaponry, it will continue to fester into the end of all!

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I saw the series, some fact does NOT equal TRUTH, but remember they also want to mislead us with media…. Another to be cautious of is Ancient Aliens although a decent show what ideas are they trying to put out there to hide what is accurate????

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related but only off to the side but anyone watch the mystery of skinwalker ranch?

I saw last night how a week or so ago they'd caught some blob like void or entity at or near the triangle on there. Thing to me looked like a demon? But they constantly get a 1.6 ghz signal when they do experiments. My EMF meter always shows a signal at 2.4-2.5 ghz so I wonder if it's related.

My guess it yes but??

I read on another thing or it maybe in this that Snowden is warning us about AI. I have been as well for over a year or so. What I hear is AI pretty much only unless sex traffickers still communicate through it but it's mostly AI. I believe AI is the image spoken of in Revelations. It's an image of mans false teachings and our own ways so yeah it's an image of our secular crap. Both speak and cause that's AI it speaks and tries to cause...

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He is swinging to left right can’t move. Same was done for me in the beginning in the house.

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This how targeted individual looks for people https://www.facebook.com/share/v/YQ5ksVGPnfvncTCb/?mibextid=KsPBc6

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