Gang Stalkers like to infiltrate organizations while under the guise of being one of you. Listen to their words long enough they'll identify themselves.
Complainers who are unhappy usually just complain about everything, even when they are being helped. Two different motives. Discern.
Grateful for each and every one of you! Your work has changed my life. ❤️
Every member of TJ can shut down libel and slander when we run across them. Don’t allow this stuff to do damage! A splintered group is what they’re hoping for.
During the first 5 years of my legal practice, I worked in a specialized law firm in First Amendment Law, defending newspapers and journalists in defamation suits.
Some of the lessons I learned are the following:
1) What people do not get is that when they negligently and/or maliciously repeat the slander, they become liable as if they had done the original publication.
2) Forwarding a chain email to many counts as a negligent publication.
3) Not checking its truthfulness is malice. If you are not a media outlet, many First Amendment defenses are not available to you.
A former friend from Puerto Rico learned the hard way. Without knowing the truth about a defamatory FB post, she re-posted it. She got sued along dozens of other people that did as she did: reposting a note she did not know was true. She was lucky to be allowed out of the lawsuit after paying a $5,000 nuisance settlement to get out of it. Many $5,000 settlements added to a hefty pile of money for the plaintiff.
If you do not have evidence of any statement of fact you want to republish, the smart thing is to abstain from re-posting the information. The statute of limitations in Texas is one year to file since the date of the publication by you. Check your sources prior to reposting their publications. Some of them may have serious criminal records that substantially curtail their credibility.
Richard Moore is the one slandering TJ. He thinks it's community policing. COINTELPRO and Zersetzung both mean disruption. JTTF/partners dox you everywhere spreading false narratives getting you back gaslight *** yourself then schizophrenic show everywhere you go until you *** yourself spin a story and send people at you. It's death by smear campaign. Also hyper game theory no touch torture.
Mark, how do you know they get paid? I believe we are paying them all a hefty amount of money via our tax dollars. These nefarious & malicious people are all over this small town I live in and they include the local police, fire department, LLCs, U.S. post office, neighbors, religious groups, etc, etc. They also have men and women throughout the city on foot w/ earbuds and backpacks….easy to spot.
Like I said … paid by FBI…..but all of the above are complicit. You ought to see the crowd I create every time I step out my door. Many of them have newer vehicles, most popular colors are black, red & white. Young, old, white, Hispanic, & black, they don’t discriminate😂, you gotta laugh.
This town has gone downhill as well, but I’d like to believe people are waking up. Time is moving faster and faster, soon for me it will be over. Those in power over time have ruined our planet, our air is polluted, our water is not safe, and the crap they call food at the grocery store is filled with high fructose corn syrup. The vaccines are deadly, millions have died. It’s hard to keep your spirits up🥰
Wow. so we have so many areas of agreement and disagreement: and I am short of time so I will say that I have heard of Richard Lighthouse: Music and math; Math is the language of music and it is also how God designed the Universe from His abode outside our universe known as eternity. I KNOW the INTELLECTUAL STALKERS exist. NASA is a hotbed of both brilliant "scientists" which attracts "govt agents" who for reasons that we can make extremely good educated guesses about: look at the Hubble Telescope for example, or even Bob Lazar. Now the move to re thinking Nuclear energy. Have you ever heard of Brian De Palma? he (RIP) was the biological brother to Brian DePalma, I know he was real because he was a friend of a now retired physicist (age 87) and he approached him w/ a manuscript which I saw but didn't understand about energy. All brilliant people must approach "outliers" and out of tbe box thinking but the problems arise when they don't come back (lol) and then they are not given the space (by stalkers or the just the paid useful idiots) to develop their theories. I sometimes wonder what ever happened to Tesla's "work" which disappeared from his apt after he died. It is said the govt "took" and apparently he didn't have a will (not that it would have mattered. well I have to go. I hope you are well. So I am going to visit my cousin in the Barabados.. around there late October. She lives there.. (one of those islands) and I look forward to that.) need some family time and it has been years since I have seen her. :) so I have a to arrange a lot of stuff.. (travel etc) Lord Bless you all, keep up the good work.
The individuals propagating this program have no regard for the laws or the constitution. 3 different writings I’ve done on this subject were deleted and computers made nonfunctional.
This program is so extreme that only those involved know it is real. All attempts to communicate to others led t them to conclude I was insane. That hurts, especially when family and good friends don’t believe you.
I told a very good friend I was being hit by high frequency signals and I could tell he didn’t believe me. We traveled to a remote camping spot. That night, as I was in my camper and he was in his about 40 feet away, I got my normal wake up signal in the middle of the night. The next morning he told me he almost woke me up to take him to the hospital. He described what happened as I asked questions. Somehow he was hit by the signal intended for me. I told him this and he went from a zero believer to a total believer. I hate that it happened to him but it was good to have independent confirmation. I watched my dogs for years when I got hit and they never reacted.
yeah too bad most states just have it as a civil matter not criminal. I think if you go around calling someone a pedo and it's not true especially how that person could get killed for your lying about him or her those responsible for it should go to prison no less than 5-10 years. I read online a woman who's a lesbian also gets said she's a pedo for her lesbianism... being gay in no way entails you like little boys or girls that's false and wrong. and so that could get her killed by the wrong people who are vigilante minded. I watched a look out for charlie Video on them trying to get us to be Manchurian Candidates, and some guy on some radio show or show trying to see how long he could last in jail was punched in the face and could of been killed. They guy who hit him said he heard voices tell him that whatever the guys name was that he was a pedo of baby killer and so he hit him. v2k is and can be used that way too.
But yeah I've heard sites say all kinds of nonsense about you guys. Like your CIA agents in disguise.
but yeah what is the price to pay for possible getting someone murdered? I think 5-10 years is light like maybe 20-30 years!
One such case that I saw on Youtube on the news was a stalking case. They didn't call it gangstalking but it was for that person cold not have done all the things and been in all those places at one time she had to have had help. But this woman went around telling people this woman was a sex offender and had flyers about her all over town too... She'd hired a Private detective and found out who it was. In the video the judge is sentencing her to about 15 months in Prison and she looks like she don't understand why no remorse no nothing just a poor me look obviously a Narcissist... But the title does say a gangstalker was caught so???
On some anti gangstalker site had it titled that she'd committed suicide before going to prison so?? But wonder how that could be when in the other video of the same named woman she's being sentenced then and there not waiting for sentencing and was already wearing orange, s wasn't at home she was already in Jail so???So I guess in some cases it can be a criminal offense.
Gang Stalkers like to infiltrate organizations while under the guise of being one of you. Listen to their words long enough they'll identify themselves.
Complainers who are unhappy usually just complain about everything, even when they are being helped. Two different motives. Discern.
Thanks Targeted Justice. 😊
Can you give me some tips on how to detect an infiltrator from an honest TI?
Targeted Justice team . Thank you and God Bless you all.
Continue to guide us and help unite us .
Organized Harassment ! We will continue to get the truth out in a legal and calm manner as always .
The government terrorists always use slander and disinformation to advance their agenda; TI's must stay alert and fight back.
Grateful for each and every one of you! Your work has changed my life. ❤️
Every member of TJ can shut down libel and slander when we run across them. Don’t allow this stuff to do damage! A splintered group is what they’re hoping for.
During the first 5 years of my legal practice, I worked in a specialized law firm in First Amendment Law, defending newspapers and journalists in defamation suits.
Some of the lessons I learned are the following:
1) What people do not get is that when they negligently and/or maliciously repeat the slander, they become liable as if they had done the original publication.
2) Forwarding a chain email to many counts as a negligent publication.
3) Not checking its truthfulness is malice. If you are not a media outlet, many First Amendment defenses are not available to you.
A former friend from Puerto Rico learned the hard way. Without knowing the truth about a defamatory FB post, she re-posted it. She got sued along dozens of other people that did as she did: reposting a note she did not know was true. She was lucky to be allowed out of the lawsuit after paying a $5,000 nuisance settlement to get out of it. Many $5,000 settlements added to a hefty pile of money for the plaintiff.
If you do not have evidence of any statement of fact you want to republish, the smart thing is to abstain from re-posting the information. The statute of limitations in Texas is one year to file since the date of the publication by you. Check your sources prior to reposting their publications. Some of them may have serious criminal records that substantially curtail their credibility.
wow yeah good to know.. thanks
I can't find anything to complain about in regards to t.j. beautiful people
Richard Moore is the one slandering TJ. He thinks it's community policing. COINTELPRO and Zersetzung both mean disruption. JTTF/partners dox you everywhere spreading false narratives getting you back gaslight *** yourself then schizophrenic show everywhere you go until you *** yourself spin a story and send people at you. It's death by smear campaign. Also hyper game theory no touch torture.
Mark, how do you know they get paid? I believe we are paying them all a hefty amount of money via our tax dollars. These nefarious & malicious people are all over this small town I live in and they include the local police, fire department, LLCs, U.S. post office, neighbors, religious groups, etc, etc. They also have men and women throughout the city on foot w/ earbuds and backpacks….easy to spot.
Like I said … paid by FBI…..but all of the above are complicit. You ought to see the crowd I create every time I step out my door. Many of them have newer vehicles, most popular colors are black, red & white. Young, old, white, Hispanic, & black, they don’t discriminate😂, you gotta laugh.
This town has gone downhill as well, but I’d like to believe people are waking up. Time is moving faster and faster, soon for me it will be over. Those in power over time have ruined our planet, our air is polluted, our water is not safe, and the crap they call food at the grocery store is filled with high fructose corn syrup. The vaccines are deadly, millions have died. It’s hard to keep your spirits up🥰
Wow. so we have so many areas of agreement and disagreement: and I am short of time so I will say that I have heard of Richard Lighthouse: Music and math; Math is the language of music and it is also how God designed the Universe from His abode outside our universe known as eternity. I KNOW the INTELLECTUAL STALKERS exist. NASA is a hotbed of both brilliant "scientists" which attracts "govt agents" who for reasons that we can make extremely good educated guesses about: look at the Hubble Telescope for example, or even Bob Lazar. Now the move to re thinking Nuclear energy. Have you ever heard of Brian De Palma? he (RIP) was the biological brother to Brian DePalma, I know he was real because he was a friend of a now retired physicist (age 87) and he approached him w/ a manuscript which I saw but didn't understand about energy. All brilliant people must approach "outliers" and out of tbe box thinking but the problems arise when they don't come back (lol) and then they are not given the space (by stalkers or the just the paid useful idiots) to develop their theories. I sometimes wonder what ever happened to Tesla's "work" which disappeared from his apt after he died. It is said the govt "took" and apparently he didn't have a will (not that it would have mattered. well I have to go. I hope you are well. So I am going to visit my cousin in the Barabados.. around there late October. She lives there.. (one of those islands) and I look forward to that.) need some family time and it has been years since I have seen her. :) so I have a to arrange a lot of stuff.. (travel etc) Lord Bless you all, keep up the good work.
You almost got it correct... Math is the language of God. And Music is one of the many forms of Math, perhaps its most elegant form.
The individuals propagating this program have no regard for the laws or the constitution. 3 different writings I’ve done on this subject were deleted and computers made nonfunctional.
This program is so extreme that only those involved know it is real. All attempts to communicate to others led t them to conclude I was insane. That hurts, especially when family and good friends don’t believe you.
I told a very good friend I was being hit by high frequency signals and I could tell he didn’t believe me. We traveled to a remote camping spot. That night, as I was in my camper and he was in his about 40 feet away, I got my normal wake up signal in the middle of the night. The next morning he told me he almost woke me up to take him to the hospital. He described what happened as I asked questions. Somehow he was hit by the signal intended for me. I told him this and he went from a zero believer to a total believer. I hate that it happened to him but it was good to have independent confirmation. I watched my dogs for years when I got hit and they never reacted.
yeah too bad most states just have it as a civil matter not criminal. I think if you go around calling someone a pedo and it's not true especially how that person could get killed for your lying about him or her those responsible for it should go to prison no less than 5-10 years. I read online a woman who's a lesbian also gets said she's a pedo for her lesbianism... being gay in no way entails you like little boys or girls that's false and wrong. and so that could get her killed by the wrong people who are vigilante minded. I watched a look out for charlie Video on them trying to get us to be Manchurian Candidates, and some guy on some radio show or show trying to see how long he could last in jail was punched in the face and could of been killed. They guy who hit him said he heard voices tell him that whatever the guys name was that he was a pedo of baby killer and so he hit him. v2k is and can be used that way too.
But yeah I've heard sites say all kinds of nonsense about you guys. Like your CIA agents in disguise.
but yeah what is the price to pay for possible getting someone murdered? I think 5-10 years is light like maybe 20-30 years!
One such case that I saw on Youtube on the news was a stalking case. They didn't call it gangstalking but it was for that person cold not have done all the things and been in all those places at one time she had to have had help. But this woman went around telling people this woman was a sex offender and had flyers about her all over town too... She'd hired a Private detective and found out who it was. In the video the judge is sentencing her to about 15 months in Prison and she looks like she don't understand why no remorse no nothing just a poor me look obviously a Narcissist... But the title does say a gangstalker was caught so???
On some anti gangstalker site had it titled that she'd committed suicide before going to prison so?? But wonder how that could be when in the other video of the same named woman she's being sentenced then and there not waiting for sentencing and was already wearing orange, s wasn't at home she was already in Jail so???So I guess in some cases it can be a criminal offense.