Libel & Slander
Targeted Justice continues to receive false and defamatory accusations from a small number of people in the community. These false statements tend to be directed at our leadership team and Targeted Justice in general. Libel and slander are against the law in every state. If you are not familiar with the laws in your state - you might want to read up?
In Texas it is under: Texas Civil Practice, Chapter 73 - Libel.
You are certainly entitled to your opinions… however,
Under State laws in every state, you are not entitled to defamation and slander. If you forward an email that contains defamation or libel - that may also be against the law and you can be sued for it.
It is interesting how these critics “overlook” the accomplishments of our leadership team. It is seldom considered or included…
Dr Len Ber
Dr Ber is a skilled and knowledgeable Medical Doctor. He has published important research that benefits the TI Community and medical science. He is listed in the Top 2% of Professors/Authors in the world on
He serves on the Board of He is host of "Targeted Justice v. Garland" Podcast (, and regularly publishes on Twitter/X handle is PSardonicus.
Richard Lighthouse
Richard Lighthouse has published important technical papers in engineering and physics. He currently has seven ebooks on Amazon that are listed in the best-seller categories. He is also listed in the Top 2% of Professors/Authors in the world on, where he has posted more than 60 technical papers and videos.
Dr Sally Priester
Dr Sally Priester is new to our Board of Directors, but her accomplishments as a physician have spanned more than twenty years.
She has been a President of the Medical Directors Academy of Puerto Rico while serving during Hurricane Maria relief efforts. Dr Priester is a scientist, published at different American Journals during her Post-Doctoral Fellow at Texas A&M. Her articles with peer reviews are available in PubMed, NIH and NRC (National Research Canada).
Attorney Ana Toledo
Ana Toledo is a licensed Attorney that has done numerous interviews explaining the legal theories and arguments behind our lawsuits. Her incredible work speaks for itself. She is licensed to practice in Puerto Rico, Federal Courts, and the U.S. Supreme Court. Ask any attorney to read her Motions - “First Class.” We are very fortunate to have her on our team. You can follow her substack on Mira!
Here’s your chance to help shut down the Targeting program. If you would like to volunteer for Targeted Justice, please send an email to (put VOLUNTEER in the subject line):
Full name, Email and Phone number. (yes - we want to talk to you)
Skills & interests - such as accounting, graphic design, public relations, research, etc. Please give us details on how you can help, and what areas you would like to work on.
TJ on Rumble (Videos)
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Gang Stalkers like to infiltrate organizations while under the guise of being one of you. Listen to their words long enough they'll identify themselves.
Complainers who are unhappy usually just complain about everything, even when they are being helped. Two different motives. Discern.
Thanks Targeted Justice. 😊
Targeted Justice team . Thank you and God Bless you all.
Continue to guide us and help unite us .
Organized Harassment ! We will continue to get the truth out in a legal and calm manner as always .