The last Will be first And the first Will be last TI Will won in the end

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Yeah CIA like I said on another substac Get the fuck out we don't want you. I don't play well with criminals only those who give a true rats ass...

CIA FBI Fusion centers infagard Cops those who hire criminals to harass us ambulance crews who do too, you all can take a hike. or be in orange or black and white criminal jumpsuits soon... None of them have ever done us no good not one... FBI began in like 1912 or so after the Murder of Mary Fagen which was a movie. But a real life thing that happened way back then. But then they helped get the guy they accused of the murder OFF or at least tried. Mobs still broke into the jail he was moved to and still hung him illegally what a thing... But they began as good but now are just evil... Truman started the CIA and shouldn't have since then they've been nothing but criminals to us...

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It's skin to Robert Peels police force in Uk , everything and everyone has a price!

More I could add, but the more I learn , then the more I wonder about organisations post WW2...

As a TI, I just question everything, as most seasononed TIs do.

Hope you're well Doug?

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You knew EDTA is made from poison?


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Sep 22·edited Sep 22Author

Chewing gum is made from toxic chemicals - that does not mean the final product is toxic. Clearly, you did not study chemistry.


So basically, you are saying - wait for the blood clot to form and accept instant death. No thanks. That's not an alternative. I did notice you did not provide a "safe" alternative. Nothing but criticisms. Are you working for the criminals?


"Agent 131711" - We also noticed you did not provide a real name, address, or email...


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Dont follow you. Why would anyone use a chemical known to be hazardous with no clinical trial of efficacy to prevent an outcome that has no proof of it preventing? We don't really know if/what Ana did, with what, it is only her report. Fauci also reported AZT was useful for AIDS-clearly now. Ana is using a known hazardous chemical-supposedly EDTA-does not do clinical trials under GCP or GMP, no safety review board or PMS.

Agent131711 is just posting public info. Getting his name and email address will not change that info.

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Yes, the credibility of the source does matter.


You still have not provided a “safe“ alternative, in fact you have provided no alternatives. Should we all get inside one of the death ventilators next? Or maybe avoid ivermectin and chewing gum?


Should we tell your FBI supervisors - you have been exposed?


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Agent has the links to his sources in his paper, that one was on Thermo Fischer. Safe alternatives are moot when there are no alternatives and your proposed treatment is unprovable and known to be dangerous. First do no harm.

-BTW my newest post just today on edta is mirroring our conversation in real time. You may be happy you'll have more visibility with readers who don't play Rambo with unknown drugs and unclear efficacy.

FBI sups, yes got them following you 24/7

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Did you read the specs in Agent's post with Safety Data Sheets denoting EDTA as causing serious health effects and not for drug use? Would it be polite for me to say "Clearly, you did not study English?"

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The same govt criminals said ivermectin should not be used to save your life. This is the same govt responsible for safety data. Did we miss something?


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Wow, pushing one dangerous drug after another. Nice.

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Wow. Working for the govt criminals to remove EDTA - and hoping that the illegal COVD shots will work and kill people. We are targeted. We do not trust anything the US Govt says. Get it?

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You are skirting the issue, can you show us even ONE clinical trial, blinded, randomized, controlled, with safety data done under GMP, GCP, and GLP with indication of removing Covid material, and laboratory and objective endpoints? Otherwise it's just opinion. This SS has links to EDTA making nanos worse:


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I think it's a good idea to go to city council meetings and speak if possible. This subject matter is important and should not be hidden from the public since so many suffer unknowingly behind the insidious attacks.

Last year I went to the city council meeting here and was thanked for coming. Things seem to calm down for a week or two and then things got progressively worse. More directed energy weapon attacks, burglaries, electronic and physical surveillance, disrupting of the family and social dynamics, (divide and conquer) at work. Sadly, the more you try to help yourself and others the more sabotage.

We have to stay so busy trying to ward off evil systemic antics designed to bring harm.

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I do feel for you, and thank you for speaking out, sadly there is always an aftermath..I hope you're managing at work? Stay wellm

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CIA, time to bug out? Argentina? Isn't that where Hitler bugged out to?

Loved the message in the article about speaking at city council, but would also love to hear about the CIA bugging out to Argentina too. Congratulations on hitting 17,000!!! Q x 1,000!!! kek

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BB, the CIA is not intended to bug out to Argentina. Perhaps to "Timbuktu". As an Argentinean I am very offended by that joke in poor taste. Argentina is a beautiful country with beautiful people, please check it out. I cannot believe that Argentina was chosen to represent a place that is located "in the middle of nowhere," because it is no such thing. I think what Ana meant to say is "Timbuktu."

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I never said anything derogatory about Argentina or Argentinians. I meant no offense towards you. I don't even know you. I am merely interested in the facts.

Its well documented that Hitler was suspected to have lived nearly a decade in Argentina after escaping Nazi Germany. I did not make that up. I had seen images of a CIA FOIA that linked a field agent to the story. If you research it, I'm certain you'll find it. Several documentaries over the years had interviewed locals and much information seem to also lean in that direction. It wasn't a joke, it was a question. So, as for something I've said to be in poor taste... I'm sorry you're offended. I didn't invent any linkage between mentioned topics. I'm intrigued by the article title (Argentina + CIA) and the historical connections that I have been made aware of over the years.

There are many beautiful places in South America and wonderful people. I take nothing away from that or them (or you for that matter). I pray that you find peace in your heart, while I continue to pursue the truth. I mean no harm to anyone (emotional or otherwise). I came here in peace seeking a higher understanding. Please remember, we targeted individuals share a common enemy. I'm not the enemy.

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Just wanted to warn people about a con artist name Dr. Irene Caesar who is selling useless expensive devices that she claims will block dew's and v2k. Dr. Caesar's company is called Wave Genome LLC. In desperation I bought a device from her and it hasn't blocked any dew's for me at all. She refuses to give refunds and has the nerve to sue me for defamation of character. Please don't buy anything from her.

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SAY you are represented by TJ in a lawsuit. And bring their info. incl the way u get labeled as paranoid/ delusional- so u dont. collaberate. even if tj wants u to do it on your own.

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Targeted Justice is not a law firm and cannot provide legal representation. We are a 501c3 non-profit. Not a law firm.


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thought u had a lawsuit- who r u btw

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I am sensitised to numbers, they will always change the number of comments and likes to reflect their usual numerical stimulus; 27 comments, 41 likes, 17,000 subscribers..these are repetitive! Along with 33!

I know it's off topic, but it's worth mentioning...they change newsletter information!

Facebook; 6 messages, 9 notifications...it the same information in every notification.

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Goodness! I had taken you literally and I just realized that you may have said that facetiously, by suggesting that they should leave from here and go to a "remote" place like Argentina, because they are located just at the tip of South America. But that suggestion is in poor taste, because Argentina is a gorgeous country with beautiful and kind people. Your choice of country was poor. You should have chosen "Timbuktu" instead, and shown a one-way ticket to Timbuktu, if that is what you had in mind. That was a joke in poor taste involving a beautiful country.

I still would like to know how you measure 2,500 mg of raw garlic in cloves. Thank you.

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A milligram is a unit of weight. You can estimate it against a 1000 mg pill of Vitamin C. Or buy a scale.

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Thanks for the garlic info. I have been waiting but have not yet received an apology as an Argentinian TI for using Argentina as a place mistakenly considered to be "in the middle of nowhere." It does not happen to be some kind of uninviting jungle. I invite you to investigate what a beautiful country it really is. I think that if you intended to refer to a remote place in the middle of nowhere, you should have used "Timbuktu" instead, which is known in literary circles to refer to an uninviting place. Thank you.

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We never said it was remote. You clearly have not read the history of Nazi's in Argentina. READ a history book.


"After 1945, Argentine President Juan Perón, himself drawn to fascist ideologies, enlisted intelligence officers and diplomats to help establish “rat lines,” or escape routes via Spanish and Italian ports, for many in the Third Reich."




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Targeted Justice, please include the contents of the article on Argentina, my country of birth. I did not find the article that would talk about it, only a picture of what appears to be an airline ticket from Denver to Buenos Aires. I clicked on that image of the ticket, but nothing comes out, so I was not able to read about it. Could you please let us know what you have been able to find out with regard to Argentina. My family lives there, and I would like to know to let them know what this means.

Also, on another matter, your article recommending 2,500 mg of raw garlic for a week, does not clarify how one can measure milligrams of raw garlic. How many cloves of raw garlic per day would add up to 2,500 mg in one week ? Kindly advise how we can measure raw garlic. Thank you.

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