Well, well, well. The private sectors make money off of our torture and abuse. This is exactly what human trafficking is. Not to mention 18 U.S Code 241 and 242. These are crimes that can be punishable by death. And according to 241, every TI that has died, the punishment is life in prison or even death.
Yes, death; a life for all the years of torture and life completely ruined. More and more people are in agreement with this as a penalty, as more awaken to the sick truth.
Death is more mercy than they've gave me. But I'd settle with cutting their tongues out, so they can't speak and life in prison. No way to write or make money while there or after but not get out so they wont make any money.
But yeah death sentences should be all around for those who did this and were complicit with.
Crimes punishable by death - and they know that, which is why the will kill, steal & destroy to prevent them from be...well, tried.
Maybe we could send them a memo - we just want left alone. Damn! Once you're tortured for so long, and through great lengths, you're likely going to only want your freedom back.
"I'm just getting started. I'm gonna pull the whole thing down. I gonna bring the whole f*n' diseased, corrupt temple down on your heads. It's gonna be biblical."
Ortaine, check out YouTube and nopoliticalparties. You two are equally smart and a vital force to our cause. He found a way to capture the covert V2K speech he’s being harassed with. You could do that also. Watch his latest videos. You both ate awesome!
I've captured stalker comms before just using a hand held digital recorder. No V2K though. I saved them to my computer, very clear. But like most things I owned, I lost them while trying to survive. Thank you - so are you!!
Ruled that a law ending the use of cash bail was consistent with the Illinois Constitution’s Bail Clause, Crime Victims’ Rights Clause, and Separation of Powers Clause, and ordered that the law be implemented beginning in September. Read a case preview and update in State Court Report. // New York Times.
"This is to impose CBDCs on everyone..to erode and erase cash for total financial control."
Exactly! They tried to say it was due to finding out banks like the Rothchild's were printing money at will, but these bankers are still walking free. No arrests means bs. They noticed some were escaping poverty and selling their own crafts and hand made goods, so they decided no more cash. We have to cut them out of the equation and bring in our own currency!!!!
Fusion Centers communicate with JTTF and Infragard on eGuardian pretending to track threats. It's likely other partnerships use similar apps. Police task forces use RISS ATIX, Citizens Corps uses HSIN, first responders use FirstNet. Everyone in Denver is connected and mobbing and every area plans their harassment and gets a command from Fusion Centers and starts mobbing doing the same thing basically tracking you're location and covertly harass you so you react with plausible deniability.
The legal system (aka system of injustice) has to acknowledge this vast abuse, torture and devastation of our constitutional rights and our human condition hiding in plain sight!
I keep telling people, we know these criminals have been printing money out of thin air, yet they are still free and for all we know, they are likely still doing it. Who on earth will make them accountable? The Quantum Financial System is basically another crypto currency, and we already saw how easy it is to lose all your money with that, so it's no solution. It's their new creation. We need these sea monsters to be made accountable. More and more people are suggesting we bring out, oh right, I can't say that on here. Kay, the definition of human is not in my dictionary but watch this: https://rumble.com/v246sfe-blacks-law-dictionary-language-of-lawyers-human-means-sea-monster-that-cant.html
I know they will never consider anything, because in their stupid heads, they are above us. It's the people who have to wake up and remove them. We saw California get hit with DEW, and I did a video on it because it was a very important subject, but here we are years later, and the people have done nnothing to stop DEW use, so now Mauii was hit with DEWs. I keep saying, you have to unite "physically" and hold meetings, just like the elite do, but people think like children, and have tiny meetings that result in no plans, no action.
I was listening to something that suggested this and I was shaking my head in disbelief that they could be in ally for the Targeted Individual. Thanks for confirming my suspicions.
I know they intercede in any dating sites you may decide to sign up at. Sadly. Also, they have got to be behind my fb situations. Ya know, when it comes to the fbi...i have this visual within my head of them...(when i was more of a noob to being a ti and realizing that someone is real here) I called the fbi because i was being attacked often with microwave..and still am... on top of the other stuff they do to me...and this is what i got..."Ma'am...this does not sound like anything we handle, I suggest you go to your nearest mental health facility". That is my experience with the fbi.
Here too; they pulled that on my and a native girl I spoke to. Their way of silencing and killing their less desirable, as we get in their way. A full on attempted murder is what I survived in a hospital and all i was doing was trying to get a prescription; I now am way more determined to never go in there again, which is something we all need to do; boycott what they call health care because it's really not for our health, never was.
The neighbor Mike Lane who told me he was my "lord and master" after chasing me for weeks after he moved in, I knew it was for his sexual wishes because he and others watched me work out partially nude, TTWs, through the wall sensors, Mike's wife got mad at me for telling people, oh well, I reported him to the local police, they were active for a while until it continued, ad infinitum, the perps blame me for bringing this targeting to their town as excuse for targeting me, not so the company and other perps and targets were already here , only different. This is where the mentally ill, retarded, vets, alcoholics, drug addicts, thieves, elderly, and others are parked, and targets are given housing , I call it crazy town. a small community within the town for the supposedly only low income, its for non violent, or semi violent people. several of the men are firmly capable of carrying out targeting for the staff, landlady with DEW as well as the women.
Peeping toms usually become infactuated with us. It's true. It's f**ked up. Are they all single? I know my perps are young guys. Sick little boys who get off watching old women. Really messed in the head boys.
No , if you had looked it up you would of realized it means "Through the wall sensors"you are watched to see your passwords and to watch your habits. As deTocqueville stated in Democracy in America, "If you control a man's habits you control the man." The elite know this and watch us all info goes right to NSA storage in UTAH .
AFLAC in Columbus GA is and has been using info from employees and customers for years to feed this corrupt machine. These are Nazis behind all of it. One married into our family related to the Phenix City Mafia. He was the CFO of AFLAC and dispises America. They are proud that they used women and children from sex trafficking after ww2. The mafia saturated local government.
Have you seen the series Phrogging on Lifetime? It's about people who go and live in other people's homes without them knowing. It's really disturbing, but it seems like it's part of the whole Targeting. The CIA was involved with Charles Manson and his cult. They also used to break into houses and move things around. https://play.mylifetime.com/shows/phrogging-hider-in-my-house
Well, well, well. The private sectors make money off of our torture and abuse. This is exactly what human trafficking is. Not to mention 18 U.S Code 241 and 242. These are crimes that can be punishable by death. And according to 241, every TI that has died, the punishment is life in prison or even death.
Yes, death; a life for all the years of torture and life completely ruined. More and more people are in agreement with this as a penalty, as more awaken to the sick truth.
Well said Shayne!
Their next plan is to patent our bodies apparently, yet I thought that was done with the birth certificate.
Death is more mercy than they've gave me. But I'd settle with cutting their tongues out, so they can't speak and life in prison. No way to write or make money while there or after but not get out so they wont make any money.
But yeah death sentences should be all around for those who did this and were complicit with.
Me too. You are not alone.
We all got your message already, thank you.
**U.S. Federal Judge released 3 Targeted Individuals sentenced to 25 years after finding FBI's charges for "Domestic Terrorism" an entrapment**
FBI planted fake bombs...
Exactly right
**U.S. Federal Judge released 3 Targeted Individuals sentenced to 25 years after finding FBI's charges for "Domestic Terrorism" an entrapment**
FBI planted fake bombs...
I saw this the other day. Their co defendant is still locked up but should also be getting released as well.
Look into emf broadcasting. That is a real kicker in itself. As well as a anger stimulator.
Crimes punishable by death - and they know that, which is why the will kill, steal & destroy to prevent them from be...well, tried.
Maybe we could send them a memo - we just want left alone. Damn! Once you're tortured for so long, and through great lengths, you're likely going to only want your freedom back.
That’s not your concern. What are you doing? Mind your own business.
Shut up. Get a life bozo
"I'm just getting started. I'm gonna pull the whole thing down. I gonna bring the whole f*n' diseased, corrupt temple down on your heads. It's gonna be biblical."
- Clyde Shelton in "Law Abiding Citizen"
Ortaine, check out YouTube and nopoliticalparties. You two are equally smart and a vital force to our cause. He found a way to capture the covert V2K speech he’s being harassed with. You could do that also. Watch his latest videos. You both ate awesome!
Got it, checking it out now;
I've captured stalker comms before just using a hand held digital recorder. No V2K though. I saved them to my computer, very clear. But like most things I owned, I lost them while trying to survive. Thank you - so are you!!
Ortaine, how do you find that link? I Don’t know how to do that?
I searched what you gave me on YT using "Filters" in top right corner, with the lines icon. Selected "channel" & hit search.
Rowe v. Raoul, Supreme Court of Illinois
Ruled that a law ending the use of cash bail was consistent with the Illinois Constitution’s Bail Clause, Crime Victims’ Rights Clause, and Separation of Powers Clause, and ordered that the law be implemented beginning in September. Read a case preview and update in State Court Report. // New York Times.
"This is to impose CBDCs on everyone..to erode and erase cash for total financial control."
Exactly! They tried to say it was due to finding out banks like the Rothchild's were printing money at will, but these bankers are still walking free. No arrests means bs. They noticed some were escaping poverty and selling their own crafts and hand made goods, so they decided no more cash. We have to cut them out of the equation and bring in our own currency!!!!
Fusion Centers communicate with JTTF and Infragard on eGuardian pretending to track threats. It's likely other partnerships use similar apps. Police task forces use RISS ATIX, Citizens Corps uses HSIN, first responders use FirstNet. Everyone in Denver is connected and mobbing and every area plans their harassment and gets a command from Fusion Centers and starts mobbing doing the same thing basically tracking you're location and covertly harass you so you react with plausible deniability.
The legal system (aka system of injustice) has to acknowledge this vast abuse, torture and devastation of our constitutional rights and our human condition hiding in plain sight!
Blacks Law Dictionary defines humans as the elite and we as sea monsters; everything is opposite in their little minds.
I keep telling people, we know these criminals have been printing money out of thin air, yet they are still free and for all we know, they are likely still doing it. Who on earth will make them accountable? The Quantum Financial System is basically another crypto currency, and we already saw how easy it is to lose all your money with that, so it's no solution. It's their new creation. We need these sea monsters to be made accountable. More and more people are suggesting we bring out, oh right, I can't say that on here. Kay, the definition of human is not in my dictionary but watch this: https://rumble.com/v246sfe-blacks-law-dictionary-language-of-lawyers-human-means-sea-monster-that-cant.html
I know they will never consider anything, because in their stupid heads, they are above us. It's the people who have to wake up and remove them. We saw California get hit with DEW, and I did a video on it because it was a very important subject, but here we are years later, and the people have done nnothing to stop DEW use, so now Mauii was hit with DEWs. I keep saying, you have to unite "physically" and hold meetings, just like the elite do, but people think like children, and have tiny meetings that result in no plans, no action.
I was listening to something that suggested this and I was shaking my head in disbelief that they could be in ally for the Targeted Individual. Thanks for confirming my suspicions.
I know they intercede in any dating sites you may decide to sign up at. Sadly. Also, they have got to be behind my fb situations. Ya know, when it comes to the fbi...i have this visual within my head of them...(when i was more of a noob to being a ti and realizing that someone is real here) I called the fbi because i was being attacked often with microwave..and still am... on top of the other stuff they do to me...and this is what i got..."Ma'am...this does not sound like anything we handle, I suggest you go to your nearest mental health facility". That is my experience with the fbi.
Here too; they pulled that on my and a native girl I spoke to. Their way of silencing and killing their less desirable, as we get in their way. A full on attempted murder is what I survived in a hospital and all i was doing was trying to get a prescription; I now am way more determined to never go in there again, which is something we all need to do; boycott what they call health care because it's really not for our health, never was.
The neighbor Mike Lane who told me he was my "lord and master" after chasing me for weeks after he moved in, I knew it was for his sexual wishes because he and others watched me work out partially nude, TTWs, through the wall sensors, Mike's wife got mad at me for telling people, oh well, I reported him to the local police, they were active for a while until it continued, ad infinitum, the perps blame me for bringing this targeting to their town as excuse for targeting me, not so the company and other perps and targets were already here , only different. This is where the mentally ill, retarded, vets, alcoholics, drug addicts, thieves, elderly, and others are parked, and targets are given housing , I call it crazy town. a small community within the town for the supposedly only low income, its for non violent, or semi violent people. several of the men are firmly capable of carrying out targeting for the staff, landlady with DEW as well as the women.
Peeping toms usually become infactuated with us. It's true. It's f**ked up. Are they all single? I know my perps are young guys. Sick little boys who get off watching old women. Really messed in the head boys.
No , if you had looked it up you would of realized it means "Through the wall sensors"you are watched to see your passwords and to watch your habits. As deTocqueville stated in Democracy in America, "If you control a man's habits you control the man." The elite know this and watch us all info goes right to NSA storage in UTAH .
My comment didn't go through
AFLAC in Columbus GA is and has been using info from employees and customers for years to feed this corrupt machine. These are Nazis behind all of it. One married into our family related to the Phenix City Mafia. He was the CFO of AFLAC and dispises America. They are proud that they used women and children from sex trafficking after ww2. The mafia saturated local government.
Make no mistake, they were behind every war.
This company began with evil. There is a documentary about The Phenix City Mafia which is through the entire corporate office.
Have you heard of the purple gang? They talk of them as they are something of the past but I doubt it.
Infragard database was hacked in 2022
Wow, defamation.
Every one should check out electro culture. Search it.
Hello TIs any one want to talk
Have you seen the series Phrogging on Lifetime? It's about people who go and live in other people's homes without them knowing. It's really disturbing, but it seems like it's part of the whole Targeting. The CIA was involved with Charles Manson and his cult. They also used to break into houses and move things around. https://play.mylifetime.com/shows/phrogging-hider-in-my-house
2.4ghz which is where my v2k transmits at is just over 2.4ghz. just like the videos on my subtack I just put up on my emf meter.
Dr. Mercola read on Corydiggs.com has had all finances canceled including his kids and relatives.
Did you get my comment
I'm not at all surprised at your comments tell Bill I said hi.Barbara G Memoir65@yahoo.com