“With tens of thousands of members nationwide… and 77 local Infragard Member Alliances…”
“InfraGard is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and members of the private sector for the protection of U.S. Critical Infrastructure. Through seamless collaboration, InfraGard connects owners and operators within critical infrastructure to the FBI, to provide education, information sharing, networking, and workshops…”
Do not be fooled - FBI owns & controls Infragard. When you contact Infragard - the email goes to an FBI email address. They pretend it is a “partnership” to avoid FOIA requests, which would prove they are violating civil rights. The FBI controls the member acceptance with their own “risk assessment” of each candidate.
The InfraGard program
is managed through a partnership between the FBI-Office of Private Sector and Infragard National Members Alliance (INMA), an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, which manages the local IMAs. The IMAs are also incorporated as non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations and work with their respective FBI field offices to hold chapter meetings, host events, educate, and serve their communities. Each IMA has a board of directors to manage its activities and operations. Upon being accepted for membership, individual InfraGard members are then affiliated with their local IMA.
The corruption between Fusion Centers, Infragard, and the FBI is on display in this Brennan Center Report. The FBI uses their eGuardian and iGuardian Networks to communicate with the Fusion Centers and Infragard.
U.S. Senate Subcommittee produced a report highlighting the corruption and waste at Fusion Centers:
Visit the Linkedin website and search for Infragard in your city.
Why do so many of the Infragard members work in the fields of IT Security, Cybersecurity, Information Technology, Information Security Officer, Computer programming, etc? What do you think they are doing with those skills?
Membership Requirements:
• Employed or formerly employed in a critical infrastructure sector for at
least three years.
• At least 18 years of age on the date of application completion.
• U.S. Citizen (U.S. Citizen by birth as defined by 8 USC 1401-1409 or a U.S.
Citizen by Naturalization as defined by 8 USC 1421-1459).
• Complete the InfraGard membership application form in its entirety.
• Agree to the following items: InfraGard Information-Sharing Policy, Privacy
Act Statement, Agreements to Hold Harmless, and Code of Ethics.
• Consent to a FBI-conducted security risk assessment and to periodic
re-confirmation of the security risk assessment. The risk assessment is
a process completed by the FBI which includes local, state, and federal criminal history, and other security-related database check.
”Successful completion of the security risk assessment does not equate to a security clearance. InfraGard members are not given security clearances by the FBI.”
Infragard members are given access to TSDB names, WITHOUT A SECURITY CLEARANCE.
Can they be charged with violating the civil rights of Targeted Individuals?
Yes. And there will be No Qualified Immunity for Infragard or their members.
“Due to extenuating circumstances, the processing of InfraGard applications will temporarily be suspended.”
”We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.”
Well, well, well. The private sectors make money off of our torture and abuse. This is exactly what human trafficking is. Not to mention 18 U.S Code 241 and 242. These are crimes that can be punishable by death. And according to 241, every TI that has died, the punishment is life in prison or even death.
"I'm just getting started. I'm gonna pull the whole thing down. I gonna bring the whole f*n' diseased, corrupt temple down on your heads. It's gonna be biblical."
- Clyde Shelton in "Law Abiding Citizen"