This is from info on david case who created the anti tinnitus cd—-“The device they are using for all of this is SQUIDD- Superconducting Quantum Interference Detection Device) which essentially is an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). I believe they have these in satellites. They have put a grid all over the earth and as you walk you are w…
This is from info on david case who created the anti tinnitus cd—-“The device they are using for all of this is SQUIDD- Superconducting Quantum Interference Detection Device) which essentially is an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). I believe they have these in satellites. They have put a grid all over the earth and as you walk you are walking from one grid to the next. They are tracking everything by reading your bio-systems. They are doing long distance remote neural monitoring of people from satellites.” So yes they are using this, which i had figured. It was that or a scanner. I figured out they could see through walls at old place bc of constant noise harassment at various places in the home, also while continually walking around. It was the only logical thing i could think of once i ditched the hidden cam theory.
They saw the shotgun and freaked out,gave themselves away. So cowardly….ive heard they use guys that are really strong and agile to do this. This is the one thing, out of everything ive been put through that my brain still has cognitive dissonance towards. Its really scary and disturbing to think about. It seems they must cloak from a close place too. Ive been told it has to do with chemtrails, the air has to be a certain way, they typically do it before dawn. They also give themselves cancer doing this. They literally must be insane.
Yes i have been told about the cloaking. Sadly a bit too late. I suspect they were breaking in and using this tech. Back in 2017 i heard a loud noise in my bedroom at 545 am, it was what i thought was something slamming up aginst the ground vent in my bedroom. That day around 330pm a smell started emiiting. It lasted 7 days. I had previously been harassed with these smells in socal, so i knew what it was. I couldnt figure out how they would have snaked something through the access to the vents which was on the opposite side of the house than where my room was. When i was told about cloaking i tested the sound again. I picked up the top of the vent, then tried to put it hack on quietly, cant do it. The sound that woke me up was someone putting the vent back down, in my room. Also in 2021 i was sleeping upstairs in a little add on room. I had moved bedrooms to try to avoid attacks as i thought they were coming from neighbor nearest to old room. This time it was also early morning-445 am. My dog woke me up growling. She was looking in the corner of the room, the top of the little staircase. I really at the time thought here we go again, perps are creeping around in the backyard as this was also the way she was facing while growling it, it was a growl ill never forget... Again, after learning about the cloaking my mind went to, was this what that was? This specific night i was home alone, this is why the dog was sleeping with me. Also, many locks were faulty in old place., from constant picking? Your mind really wonders…i had previously been under the impression “ no touch” but if theyre breaking in under cloak what would the reason be? What are they really doing? The locking mechanism would not fully work on a few doors, One back door slider, the lock was completely broken and i have no idea how long it was like that. When i found out i got a door jammer. As far as audio projection yes i had a ham operator in old neighborhood who would make sound come from different areas. Im currently staying with family and the same thing is happening but at a much more frequent rate. I think bc in old neighborhood i had narrowed it down coming from one of two homes directly behind me. I said out loud the next time im hit with that loud noise when im in the backyard i am going to start knocking on doors, what do you know it stoped besides just one last time when i had company over so i couldnt confront. Now, i also suspect it is someone very close by, with a direct line of sight to the front door, but they bend the noise coming from all directions and i now understood its just a distraction so i ignore it.
Good one. These guys are scardey cats. i had a similar experience, not involving a plane, but cars following…once the threat was said out loud, and could have been carried out in real time- which i cannot say on here…lets just say 5 cars in my rearview dropped off left and right with a snap of a finger. 😀
Graphene is i think that holds the glue together so to speak, that and hydrogel possibly…I can tell i am a magnet bc it seems quantom dots ( black specks) land on my sheets while sleeping. I am staying with family, closed the ceiling vent but the dots still come in, towards me, and i think my brain tbh. I think detoxing graphene and mesogens ? Sp i can not think of the spelling, is really important bc then if they spray you it wouldnt really affect as much, this is just my theory after living in one place for over 7 yr and watching graphene build on walls, fixtures, ceiling fans. They definitely can see your body image. They harassed me with an lrad for about 6 hours one night, in every room, while i was cooking, every body movement so i knew they had a clear image of entire house, through multiple walls, etc. im not sure why they did it as it gave me insight, but they foam at the mouth for this shit. Here i am 8 years in going, really guys? You got about 3 tricks up yer sleeve 😣
They feed off the negative energy like its candy. They dont like it when i, dont react, and dont play into it. Like deprogramming from their dog shit tactics.they need to keep target negative with low vibrations, much like themselves. Theyre very transparent and ive been able to manipulate some of my hackers, ha.
Were targeted around same time. I was aware something was really, really, really wrong in 2015. 2016 they went beyond overt to let me know i was in danger. They were hitting myself, ex, and dog with emf for prob 10 months before we realized it. We all chipped a tooth one night while eating some dinner. My dog even did, it was so weird, in retrospect i knew it was radiation. My ex actually developed morgelons with fibers coming out of his arms about 10 months in, i am guessing thats how long they did it before adding smells so we knew we were being gassed. Hit with nano for years and years.
What are your major symptoms when this happens? Ear ringing? Do you have wifi? That may be how theyre hitting you they do a hidden wifi underneath targets and are able to create strong emf waves that way. Are your devices hacked? I think they also use electricity, am not entirely sure about that though. I was able to mostly make fake tinnitus go away by sleeping every night listening to dave case anti tinnitus cd with koss headphones that have titanium. Most of my attacks are when i am working, holding my cell phone bc im on it for work.
I think theres a lot of bad actors in the ti community as well as disinfo agents. No one truly wants to solve problems nor heal, from what i can tell. I tend to stick to listening to targets who talk about detoxing, ways to both manage and mitigate symptoms. The community can be extremely toxic. Again sounds like we are in similar programs. For six years my tinnitus was through the roof with varying degrees of intensity. Ive gotten way, way down by making sure i listen to the anti tinnitus cd every single night, youre basically listening to the frequencies they have linked you to. However it heals or promotes neuro plasticity . When i dont have tinnitus my noise campaigns die down, i swear they know when your ears are ringing.
This is from info on david case who created the anti tinnitus cd—-“The device they are using for all of this is SQUIDD- Superconducting Quantum Interference Detection Device) which essentially is an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). I believe they have these in satellites. They have put a grid all over the earth and as you walk you are walking from one grid to the next. They are tracking everything by reading your bio-systems. They are doing long distance remote neural monitoring of people from satellites.” So yes they are using this, which i had figured. It was that or a scanner. I figured out they could see through walls at old place bc of constant noise harassment at various places in the home, also while continually walking around. It was the only logical thing i could think of once i ditched the hidden cam theory.
They saw the shotgun and freaked out,gave themselves away. So cowardly….ive heard they use guys that are really strong and agile to do this. This is the one thing, out of everything ive been put through that my brain still has cognitive dissonance towards. Its really scary and disturbing to think about. It seems they must cloak from a close place too. Ive been told it has to do with chemtrails, the air has to be a certain way, they typically do it before dawn. They also give themselves cancer doing this. They literally must be insane.
Yes i have been told about the cloaking. Sadly a bit too late. I suspect they were breaking in and using this tech. Back in 2017 i heard a loud noise in my bedroom at 545 am, it was what i thought was something slamming up aginst the ground vent in my bedroom. That day around 330pm a smell started emiiting. It lasted 7 days. I had previously been harassed with these smells in socal, so i knew what it was. I couldnt figure out how they would have snaked something through the access to the vents which was on the opposite side of the house than where my room was. When i was told about cloaking i tested the sound again. I picked up the top of the vent, then tried to put it hack on quietly, cant do it. The sound that woke me up was someone putting the vent back down, in my room. Also in 2021 i was sleeping upstairs in a little add on room. I had moved bedrooms to try to avoid attacks as i thought they were coming from neighbor nearest to old room. This time it was also early morning-445 am. My dog woke me up growling. She was looking in the corner of the room, the top of the little staircase. I really at the time thought here we go again, perps are creeping around in the backyard as this was also the way she was facing while growling it, it was a growl ill never forget... Again, after learning about the cloaking my mind went to, was this what that was? This specific night i was home alone, this is why the dog was sleeping with me. Also, many locks were faulty in old place., from constant picking? Your mind really wonders…i had previously been under the impression “ no touch” but if theyre breaking in under cloak what would the reason be? What are they really doing? The locking mechanism would not fully work on a few doors, One back door slider, the lock was completely broken and i have no idea how long it was like that. When i found out i got a door jammer. As far as audio projection yes i had a ham operator in old neighborhood who would make sound come from different areas. Im currently staying with family and the same thing is happening but at a much more frequent rate. I think bc in old neighborhood i had narrowed it down coming from one of two homes directly behind me. I said out loud the next time im hit with that loud noise when im in the backyard i am going to start knocking on doors, what do you know it stoped besides just one last time when i had company over so i couldnt confront. Now, i also suspect it is someone very close by, with a direct line of sight to the front door, but they bend the noise coming from all directions and i now understood its just a distraction so i ignore it.
Thats a massive win.
Good one. These guys are scardey cats. i had a similar experience, not involving a plane, but cars following…once the threat was said out loud, and could have been carried out in real time- which i cannot say on here…lets just say 5 cars in my rearview dropped off left and right with a snap of a finger. 😀
I have no CLUE why my response ended up here, i thought i replied to you plane post. My bad.
Graphene is i think that holds the glue together so to speak, that and hydrogel possibly…I can tell i am a magnet bc it seems quantom dots ( black specks) land on my sheets while sleeping. I am staying with family, closed the ceiling vent but the dots still come in, towards me, and i think my brain tbh. I think detoxing graphene and mesogens ? Sp i can not think of the spelling, is really important bc then if they spray you it wouldnt really affect as much, this is just my theory after living in one place for over 7 yr and watching graphene build on walls, fixtures, ceiling fans. They definitely can see your body image. They harassed me with an lrad for about 6 hours one night, in every room, while i was cooking, every body movement so i knew they had a clear image of entire house, through multiple walls, etc. im not sure why they did it as it gave me insight, but they foam at the mouth for this shit. Here i am 8 years in going, really guys? You got about 3 tricks up yer sleeve 😣
They feed off the negative energy like its candy. They dont like it when i, dont react, and dont play into it. Like deprogramming from their dog shit tactics.they need to keep target negative with low vibrations, much like themselves. Theyre very transparent and ive been able to manipulate some of my hackers, ha.
Were targeted around same time. I was aware something was really, really, really wrong in 2015. 2016 they went beyond overt to let me know i was in danger. They were hitting myself, ex, and dog with emf for prob 10 months before we realized it. We all chipped a tooth one night while eating some dinner. My dog even did, it was so weird, in retrospect i knew it was radiation. My ex actually developed morgelons with fibers coming out of his arms about 10 months in, i am guessing thats how long they did it before adding smells so we knew we were being gassed. Hit with nano for years and years.
What are your major symptoms when this happens? Ear ringing? Do you have wifi? That may be how theyre hitting you they do a hidden wifi underneath targets and are able to create strong emf waves that way. Are your devices hacked? I think they also use electricity, am not entirely sure about that though. I was able to mostly make fake tinnitus go away by sleeping every night listening to dave case anti tinnitus cd with koss headphones that have titanium. Most of my attacks are when i am working, holding my cell phone bc im on it for work.
I think theres a lot of bad actors in the ti community as well as disinfo agents. No one truly wants to solve problems nor heal, from what i can tell. I tend to stick to listening to targets who talk about detoxing, ways to both manage and mitigate symptoms. The community can be extremely toxic. Again sounds like we are in similar programs. For six years my tinnitus was through the roof with varying degrees of intensity. Ive gotten way, way down by making sure i listen to the anti tinnitus cd every single night, youre basically listening to the frequencies they have linked you to. However it heals or promotes neuro plasticity . When i dont have tinnitus my noise campaigns die down, i swear they know when your ears are ringing.