Dr James Lin is a Professor that wrote the textbook on V2K. It does not require an implant. Period.



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The V2K patent does not mention it requires an implant.


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Its the nature of r&d, and patents.

You isolate a particular function, in this case, the v2k function.

But for individualised, targeted v2k, more than just this single patent/tech is being employed.

Tracking is critical, and I'd suggest that function is carried out by nano/implant, otherwise, how are you aiming the v2k at the individual?

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Read www.targetedjustice.com. The criminals at the US Space Force track everyone using the Lockheed Martin and Boeing Satellites.

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They may want to track everyone, but data aquision like that requires correlations.

Not everyone has their DNA catalogued, and not everyone has nanotech in their body.

Otherwise there would not be a need to proliferate it via injections and other methods.

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The device for voice to skull,the headphones 🎧 is exactly what they put inside my head thts the same on my CT scan

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Let’s shut’em down!

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Nothing that people say would or has helped me those shock headphones would never help NO I haven't tried it but I've already spent money on stuff that has no effect what so ever. Vitamins, detoxing, Jammers, this stuff I her 24/7 and even in the mountains where no WIFI is or shouldn't be too much... cupping my ears to do the test you say wouldn't work this crap is way too loud and it's right in my left cochlea... I've also deduced they do hit us through our inner ear too along with our auditory nerves and cochlea... I've had them rattle my inner ear bones to punish me for reading scripture or praying. I've been out almost a hundred miles away from my home and had them like whoosh the shit our of both sides of my ears to stop me from hunting. or to scare me away... By whoosh I mean loud pulsating and pressure being pumped into both side ether at once or take turns on each side... I thought they were going to explode my head but still went and still do as I please but it's still hard to when you have a nasely low deep bass demon sounding guy sing songy into your left side to vibrate and make my brain think it has to feel like it's vibrating when it don't...

I've been hundreds of miles away and still here it power has been off and turned WIFI off and still hear it...

it's far more than just microwaves with no sound if it were I'd be able to meditate to tell my brain to not interpret how they want it to... Meaning I've studied how and what parts of the brain interpret sound and other things so I know it's possible to meditate and change how our brains interpret things so either I am chipped of some very sophisticated tech is being used on me that no one knows of yet... or both...

I know we don't need to be chopped but that's the only answer for what I experience with this crap. and how it's so loud it interferes with how I hear too even with hearing aids in...

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Please read our V2K tab.



We recommend trying the SHOKZ headphones at BestBuy and use a "white noise" signal to jam the V2K. (White noise is like listening in between stations.) Turn it up as loud as it will go. This seems to help some with V2K. If it does not work, just return the product the next day. Where's the risk?

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I doubt that I bought that disk that was supposed to heal this and didn't do much but made it worse. I had to buy the disk shell out for a CD player and headphones the kind they said to use and all it did was make it worse...

I don't have 2-$300 bucks to shell out from the prices I've seen... $900 a month pays my rent and card bill that's about all I got to use...

some day I may thanks but yeah no not now.

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I am wondering if the rfid chips or other implants are designed to track you and pin point your location so you can be V2K’d from satellite and cell towers. Besides bio monitoring your body, attacking your body and mind rapping you by artificial intelligence or who ever is at the computer station.

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The top of your head is tracked 24/7. Please read the diagrams on our HOME page.

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Logical statement.

If you look how tech is assembled, the power comes from combining aspects of tech.

Example, a modern smartphone is a combination of many components, and that's what makes it so powerful.

I'd guess the same applies here. V2k in itself is one thing, but how do you aim it? - you need mechanisms to track that target.

If we are assuming the delivery system is beam forming antenna and/or sattelite, then tracking is a critical component of long-range v2k.

Of course - if you have a platoon of Iraqi soldiers in a known area - you can just flood the area with v2k, and no tracking is required....

But we aren't talking about that, when we refer to individualised, long-range v2k.

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Yes the difference between wide and narrow band transmissions. Especially traveling from Hawaii to Washington D.C.

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Thank you 🙏 so much for this information! Your organization truly saves lives and I so appreciate all of you ❣️.

Please can you tell me how to become a paid subscriber? I am having problems with my phone and can't seem to make it work for me to subscribe to an $8.65 per month plan, so I can set up automatic payments deducted from my debit card. I don't have to pay for 1 whole year all at once, do I?

Please let me know. And thank you again for all you do!

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I must respectfully disagree.

Based on my personal experience.

Implants with advanced tech have been an issue for a long time, as you and your organisation are well aware.

And now, nanotech delivers the same result, in essence, self assembling implants.

Those who say they have not been implanted are likely mistaken, and simply do not know when/how they were implanted and/or infected with the nanotech.

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So you are saying the Professor is a liar? Wow. I didn't know you were that smart...

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Like I said, i was referring to long-range v2k, that works across the globe, anywhere, Not just 'v2k'.

In my experience, 3 things appear to be required to be put in the 'program', that is:

1. DNA sample/signature

2. Nanotech exposure (substantial injection and/or injection)

3. Someone who submits the paperwork

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Also, No need for sarcasm. We are meant to be mature people.

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US Patent 4,877,027 on V2K does not require an implant. You are mistaken.

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Dr James Lin wrote the textbook on V2K. It does not require an implant. It does not require nanotech. You are mistaken.




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I feel like I woke up in 2025 and there is hope for the free flow of information. In any case, I had cosmetic surgery done on my ears to remove excess cartilage from my ears in 1977. The old school “staples” and even scar tissue within my ear itself makes my own hearing apparatus so sensitive… I am plagued with V2K effects constantly. It is somewhat flattering, in that it would have stopped if I were a stupid person who could be counted upon to self-destruct, naturally.

I appreciate this clean and clear presentation. Happy New Year.

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look there's another one to explain all this.


if you listen to this I think he does audio and hear the voices they are the same I've heard in my v2k all the same... just watch these and some of his earlier ones it's all good and provable...

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What I mean is yes microwaves are part of the deal but not all of it. Couldn't our atmosphere be so irradiated with 5g and EMF that sound could be transmitted very easily since microwaves are so prevalent in our atmosphere now?

But still watching Charlies video's shows me that ELF is used and answers why the same voices he's recorded I hear in my v2k... all AI and and machine like..

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I watched them following me in groups pointing watches at me even in stores they walk up face their watch up and down and walk off. The shocked me while driving trying to make me crash. While in bed they road around my place using something that was making my stomach sound like something was ripping through my insides. I was doing Lyft driving and they was calling me to them and using their technology on me in my car. And the last time they didn't even come in the car they had me pull up and they used something that went through the car and through my body and I felt a hard sting on my heart. I been hearing a loud frequency in my head over a year now. So when facts are presented as a community we don't be believing each other our something. There is no doubt about it they put things in whoever they want everyday without the person even knowing. They have weapons that's for other Armies that they're using on us. Yes all government agencies are together doing this

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All government agencies does the targeting. A doctor put me in this and they was throwing it in my face. They let me know they was doing it

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I think the targeted justice flyers are great but for some it might be too conspiratorial for them to believe. Something like this flyer might also work well too? A picture of MLK vs. J. Edgar Hoover may help people to read it.

The senate.intelligence.gov link is provided with the quote from the Church Committee proving they set up prominent or unknown activists for “special harassment.”


StopFBI.net has a good one too.

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HAARP produces ELF sounds world wide so yes ELF is being sent via HAARP the hum people began to hear was just after HAARP went live after 1990.

No v2k don't require a chip and I may not be but the crap I hear and the things I've experienced tells me I maybe... Ive also researched that they are transmitting from or through the grid and or Coax lines for there are certain aspects of the v2k I hear that I don't unless my hearing aids are in and TV is on with sound. I can turn the sound down and those aspects aren't heard no more until i turn the sound back on... Look out fr Charlies proved that ELF and v2k is heard at 80,000 feet in the air... AI rides or copy cats all our sounds from ambient sounds he's also proved that just by recording wind and amplifying the sound and you hear the voices that are the same as I hear..

There's more to this than just one way and if people don't explore those other ways just because of some disagreement or hatred of the person then others like me and others will be left in the dust once this is exposed we will still be suffering while others get relief...

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1. All V2K originates from a microwave beam sent from a cell tower or satellite. There are no exceptions. It does originate from the wind - the background noises can enhance the signal, but it does not create the signal.

2. If we can shut off the 24/7 tracking of your head, then the microwave beam can't find you.

Problem solved.

The tracking is done by Lockheed GPS 3, and Boeing GPS 2 satellites. The satellites can track you anywhere in the world.

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NO not all watch look out for Charlie's videos of where he's finding the same voices I hear at 80,000 ft and underwater and in caves etc...

v2k can be sent by numerous other means plus AI riding on and off the Grid. certain aspects of AI being transmitted through the Coax lines I've proven time and time again. I've also proven that I can give a voice recorder to someone and not be present with them and hear the same voices and statements being said to them as if I was. I've had women stand not fifty feet away form me and say a statement only in v2k would she have known to say that into a device either a cell phone walkie Talkie of small ham radio or some other device and I heard it it v2k NO it was said to a point I'd her in though my hearing it was said through a device that I hear in my left cochlea.

I had some A hole in a different state different city a hundred miles or more from me in a bathroom use the hand blower dryer to the same God damned rhythm being played in v2k that say and then stand there and look at me with a sheepish grin on his face as if saying yeah I know you hear v2k and rubbed it in.

how else would he do that without having some log or URL to log into to know????

HAARP is part to blame for v2k and or AI being able to ride off of ambient sounds and or everything I hear and can't even hear the TV since they speak over the voices and or every sound in my area and or everywhere I go... Plus I have proven it that it is universal and not just me specific but a universal signal not all just microwaves microwaves do not answer what I hear and how I hear and why my hearing aids pick up sounds from TV or music that aren't there if I take them off or turn the sound down.

Microwaves all and only microwaves do not answer how I hear this in my cochlea and how loud it gets

If all it was was microwaves I'd not hear singing and child like stupid voices and drums and notes and tones like I do and have said repeatedly and have linked multipe times the v2k files that i hear and can record using just my computer with NCH software and have linked here many many times and have sent you people multiple recordings of.

Ever watch the movie Cell do so!

Instead of being mad at her the one you say to not ever mention here and FYI she does not make a proffit off of her clients she's always told me to not worry about paying her until all is said and done you might try listening to what she says about all this and how some of it is sent too. you do know who I mean she's right about the other half of what you wont listen to and if you'd pull together instead of trying to out do us with what you think you know we'd get a lot further on and have more evidence to show than just one thing. I wake up it's there no not after a while but the very second it's there and loud microwaves only don't answer that but HAARP does other forms of DARPA's weapons.

There are more than one way this is done that's what I am saying and what people hear. HAARP or HAARP like weapons are done or help to send these signals as well. Watch Charlies v2k @ 80,000ft and his audio videos and the voices he picks up from these types of RF acoustic weapons.

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Thank you for proving that you and Charlie do not have degrees in Engineering or Physics. All V2K comes from satellites and cell towers. Nothing you have described here proves otherwise.

1. HAARP does not produce microwave beams. Never did. Never will.

2. V2K on airplanes comes from satellites. Not from "magic fairy dust," Not from so-called AI. You are mistaken.

3. Read the college textbook by Professor James Lin. "Auditory Effects of Microwave Radiation," It does not involve HAARP, implants, coax cables, or magic fairy dust.

4. You also have not read our website about Remote Neural Monitoring.

5. HAARP uses ELF frequencies. It is literally impossible to carry a voice signal using ELF. If you had a degree in engineering or physics - you would know that.

6. Charlie has never done any experiments at 80,000 feet. NEVER. There are no commercial aircraft currently in service that can fly at that altitude. Once again - you and/or Charlie are mistaken.

7. There is no such thing as an "RF acoustic weapon." Either it is acoustic or it is RF. It cannot be both. Once again, you do not know what you are talking about.

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uh yeah no never said HAARP produces microwaves it helps ionize the air to make EMF and radiation from the microwaves more deadly and help either send ELF or other types of RF signals to people and is universal.

So your saying what this proves is false just because it doesn't follow a engineering concept?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7iGDN1F2tc&t=8s

No I don't have a degree in engineering but I do know what I am going through and it's not just Microwaves it's other weapons as well...

yes he has he has a video of a jet at 80,000 ft and from a sound recorder he showed how it picked up voices and sounds at 80,000 ft... are these voices from my own recordings microwave generated or something else.

Uhm yes there are videos online show how they made a acoustic weapon fro about $20.00 or more...

answer this why is it on a voice recorder I gave a totally different person to when they went into a store alone with me not there and why I heard the same voices on the recorder as I hear away from that person and heard the same statements being made while that person was in the store without me?

can you answer that?

Id so know wtf I am talking about and your dong TI's a disservice for not looking into all the other ways v2k can be sent and used. Ham radios can and are being used all sorts of things can be used to send sound to a specific person's head without anyone else hearing it...

how is it I hear something so loud and so mechanical and so different from anyone elses v2k complaints if it's only my mind creating wicrowaves into this stupid loud sound that not only masks over what i hear but I hear more than one persons voice in TV while this shit plays in my head or hearing aid at the same time and how it sounds like baby shit talk and or tries to add or change wtf someone says on TV. other than what they really said? do you have an answer for that or no!

tell me are these recordings of microwaves or what these are my own v2k recordings how is it that this has voices in the air if it's only microwaves

https://youtu.be/V4e_Aq9kLoo I just recorded that a few days ago what is it why are there child like voices in it if it's only microwaves and not ELF?

what about this recording?


or this one?


One of those are recorded with TV sound on and the others without TV sound no other sound at all?

From what i understand from what Dr Len has stated that our brains begin to interpret the microwaves into sound or voice how is this cuaght on my computer before it even gets to my brain and or interpreted by my brain can you answer that for me please tell me this is nothing just microwaves and not some other acoustic weapon or RF signal or other?

Please tell me that after you listen to them without being assanine about it...

explain How is it I can record those coming through the air raw without it hitting my head yet and hear stupid child like voices in it? Please tell people that will you! How is that shit sent to me how is it I hear that almost just like what I record if I don't know what the Fuck I talk about then please tell people that so we can get tot he real cause of this shit? don't come back with I don't know I didn't listen to it Bullshit and or tell me I fucked with it somehow or manipulated it your full of shit if you do!

Listen to the mother fuckers then tell me how that's done and how I hear it and how I can record it raw like that without saying it's only mother fucking microwaves do so will you I care less if you have a degree or not there are ways to do shit that don't need a science engineering degree to do Just fuckking listen to my links and the link to one of Look out for charlies videos on ELF sound will you god damnit!

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Sorry, Doug. You are mistaken.

There are no commercial jets that fly at 80,000 feet. You are wrong. There are no acoustic weapons for $20. ELF does not make microwaves more deadly. Last time I checked - I am still alive, and so are you.

etc. etc. etc.

You are not helping TI's with nonsense.


The Concord flew at 60,000 feet, before it retired.

The highest airliner flying today reaches about 45,000 feet.

The highest business jet flying today reaches 51,000 feet.

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not talking about commercial flights Jets military jets is what I am referring to. did you listen to mine my linked v2k videos and or watch the link for look out for Charlie talking about ELF being transmitted all over the place? and or Morgellons making it all possible. To be sprayed with aluminum and other heavy metals making us all subject to being a walking antenna is what I am referring which allows ELF to be sent more easily through the air?

There is a look out for Charlie video out there that I can't find now but it has a jet on the opening pic of the video and with him from the recording of the Jet amplifying the noise he recorded and hearing voices from it I know I've seen it multiple times.

There are also hundreds of his videos that show ELF being sent world wide to people and multiple of his recordings of such things.

But yeah did you listen to my videos I linked three of my own recorded v2k videos and you if you did hear voices that are not part of any natural thing around me.

never have said HAARP makes Microwaves and never have said the ELF does make microwaves I've said that other things other that just microwaves are at play.

Seems like Dr Len's explanation of this was that sound waves or RF or radio waves piggy back off of the microwaves which are then heard by us.

I get that microwaves make it possible for us have our cochlea pulsed to the point we then hear things that we shouldn't be but it's not just microwaves were hearing you can't hear microwaves but you can send sound piggy backing of the microwave once our cochlea is activated to hear such things.

Like the AI programs that I hear are being transmitted by other means than just microwaves...

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Has anyone experienced this? I have been experiencing somewhat similar of what’s been described. Is this something you hear in a silent environment? I can hear conversations or talking when vibration of certain electrical appliances are on or in use. Especially with A/C, Heater, fans or Refrigerator on.

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