Why is it that whenever American citizens are under attack, or illegally surveilled the gaslighting and blame is always China or Russia? It's the United States government. January 2025 seems like the truth its about to explode into the mainstream news media simply because the light is about to shine on the darkness. The government are the vampires and the powerful light is going to burn them destroy them and seal their demise. WE ARE THE SILENT MAJORITY WHO WILL NO LONGER BE SILENT. It's time to restore the constitution and the rule of law.
With every Newsletter, you raise our hope and belief that this will end. We need to get Ana before Congress to speak to these atrocities that have been torturing Targeted Individuals since the end of WWll. Markus Wolfe the Head of the Stasi brought this Diabolical, Criminally Insane, Nazi Zersetsung Program to the United States. This happened simultaneously with Project Paperclip, when they secretly brought the Nazi Scientists over.
Michael J Fox and other non-governmental people have presented their concerns and grievances before Congress and there is no Reason Ana cannot. The first thing I would do after I introduced myself, would be to play the Trey Gowdy YouTube video which proves this program exists.
Time to Rally the Troops to get Ana in front of Congress! ♥️🙏
Praying that Tulsi Gabbard will change things such as the Patriot act and other laws . I absolutely agree and confidently believe based on my adjacent neighbor that this Can be carried out and constructed in part from a line of sight residency at a neighbors. It hasn’t even been attempted to hide it one bit. The set up is obvious ! I’m educated at the bachelor degree level with Master’s degree acceptance in an accredited and exceptional University . I say this only to give my statement credence. Please TJustice believe this can happen.
I’m praying for the timing to speak up more and how to go about it. I have more to say. I pray 2025 will find us free at last.
TJ urges you to look for cell towers on the other side of your neighbor's house. www.antennasearch.com
The majority of your attacks come from cell towers. Not your neighbors. The scalar microwave beam can easily go thru dozens of houses before hitting you.
Watch the short videos on how to use a directional antenna to determine the source:
I did the search. There are 117 towers and 264 antennas.
18 registered towers ranging from 0’4 miles up to 3.0 miles. 116 non registered towers with same ranges 0.4 mi - 3.0 mi.
124 multiple antennas 1.3 miles-2.7 miles range
368 Single antennas 0.1 miles-3.0 miles range
The video links on how to use a directional antenna to determine the source are not coming up under the targeted justice website via your link. I can see photos but no videos. I can see a place to purchase the equipment. When I’m feeling better I’ll go through these and then purchase the recommended equipment that I can afford. I do have debilitating symptoms similar to the woman in the video , vestibular system Havana symptoms so I’m limited sadly and some days are better than others. So I need time and I’ll let you know.
Which of these scenarios I looked up and defined could be behind the house in question ? Behind that neighbor within a short range a parking lot and this is a condo community.
I ask that you not discount neighbor’s involvement as Carrie in the video ( government employee ) stated this could be line of site neighbors. I’ve been targeted 8 years. So my initial discernment of fearing everyone is involved has passed . I now use good judgement and can discern without thinking everyone is involved. I’m certain beyond any doubt this home adjacent to me in line of sight has a role. What role I’m not sure but it’s far to obvious and out of the norm for me to discount. And I think it’s important to say and consider. Please keep the conversation going. Thank you
You can read about Stephen Marlow in Ohio, 2022. Google it. He was certain that his neighbors were involved in the DEW and V2K. They were in the line of sight. His V2K sounded like their voices. He was certain they were involved. So he murdered his neighbors on both sides.
Then he walked thru their houses and found they did not have a single piece of electronic equipment, no antennas, no V2K equipment. Nothing. Turns out - the CIA was using Adobe VoCo to simulate their voices from a cell tower.
He will spend the rest of his life in prison. Is that good judgement?
Well that’s not going to happen with me. I’m not saying the DEW or any sound is coming from there. I’m trying to tell you something else ! No one lives there. Not one person. Every person here has chairs and patio furniture. They sit out when weather permits. There’s not a single person there ever. But there’s obvious electronics going on day and night. I can see flashing blue light and other colors. The fans run and there’s small synchronized light scenarios going on. Pulsed type. Something orchestrated is happening so what could it be ??
I’m not one to dwell but again this is clearly obvious. Why do you assume I would do something crazy like this person you mentioned ? Why are you adamant to discount my statement or perceptions. Putting every ti into the paranoid category doesn’t help anyone. Why is your mind closed off to other possibilities. I mean there are massive advances in technology. Why would this be happening when no one lives there ?
In the movie The Recruit which is streaming on Netflix there is a mention of Havana Syndrome and they blame Russia . It’s about a young atty who is recruited to work for the CIA ; it’s very telling. I’m sorry I can’t recall the exact episode.
Wow! Good for her but something needs to come forward that civilians are being hit with this shit too...
But this could open things wide open for us. Trump will have to if he goes with this like he should have to stop his full trust, or how he sings their praises of the Military since all Branches are involved too... But yeah it's got to be the CIA, FBI, and other agencies as well...
I agree with you. I’ve been experiencing V2K I thought I was going crazy… until a friend sent me the TJ website and found this article… I couldn’t believe it… it’s so concerning and scary.
Perhaps, it would be wise to send Catherine Herridge some information disseminated from this author into Substack.
So many people are unwilling to recognize the fact of the TREASONOUS IN THE DEEP STATE AND ELECTED/INSTALLED INTO GOVT. POSITIONS. They refuse to acknowledge the evil of the U.K., City of London, D.C. and Beijing now hiding behind the U.N. running the world infiltrating the United States to domination.
Yes they are real. Why would a Government turn on its own people. The CIA N FBI ARE BEHIND IT. Trump needs to get this stoped. Trump is getting us all on the AI which is noooo good .
Today is 9 January 2025. We are passing through LA ... it is another Paradise. The nicest residential areas of LA are on fire, zero progress being made according to police reports in stopping the fire, the word is that before the fire started insurance companies canceled contracts. Pacific Palisades, Malibu, Calabasas, Topanga are burning... we are in Santa Monica... and getting danger alerts on our phones. so Those who are meant to stop the fire... are standing down. WHO IS THIS BENEFITTING ? This is our environment .. war for Greater Israel, suggestions so far for Greater America... Canada? Greenland? Mx? Panama ? ... hm.... interesting 4 years coming up. Seeking justice in such environment probably takes extraordinary measures. Love to All
The only reason for the Biden Administration to cover it up - is because the CIA is behind it. There is no other reason...
Isn't that a crime to cover up something like this right?
Why is it that whenever American citizens are under attack, or illegally surveilled the gaslighting and blame is always China or Russia? It's the United States government. January 2025 seems like the truth its about to explode into the mainstream news media simply because the light is about to shine on the darkness. The government are the vampires and the powerful light is going to burn them destroy them and seal their demise. WE ARE THE SILENT MAJORITY WHO WILL NO LONGER BE SILENT. It's time to restore the constitution and the rule of law.
“It's the United States government. “
I never thought for a second, since I discovered I was targeted in 2017, that this is a foreign adversary.
With every Newsletter, you raise our hope and belief that this will end. We need to get Ana before Congress to speak to these atrocities that have been torturing Targeted Individuals since the end of WWll. Markus Wolfe the Head of the Stasi brought this Diabolical, Criminally Insane, Nazi Zersetsung Program to the United States. This happened simultaneously with Project Paperclip, when they secretly brought the Nazi Scientists over.
Michael J Fox and other non-governmental people have presented their concerns and grievances before Congress and there is no Reason Ana cannot. The first thing I would do after I introduced myself, would be to play the Trey Gowdy YouTube video which proves this program exists.
Time to Rally the Troops to get Ana in front of Congress! ♥️🙏
Praying that Tulsi Gabbard will change things such as the Patriot act and other laws . I absolutely agree and confidently believe based on my adjacent neighbor that this Can be carried out and constructed in part from a line of sight residency at a neighbors. It hasn’t even been attempted to hide it one bit. The set up is obvious ! I’m educated at the bachelor degree level with Master’s degree acceptance in an accredited and exceptional University . I say this only to give my statement credence. Please TJustice believe this can happen.
I’m praying for the timing to speak up more and how to go about it. I have more to say. I pray 2025 will find us free at last.
TJ urges you to look for cell towers on the other side of your neighbor's house. www.antennasearch.com
The majority of your attacks come from cell towers. Not your neighbors. The scalar microwave beam can easily go thru dozens of houses before hitting you.
Watch the short videos on how to use a directional antenna to determine the source:
If you post your street address, we will gladly show you how many cell towers are on the other side of your neighbor's house....
I did the search. There are 117 towers and 264 antennas.
18 registered towers ranging from 0’4 miles up to 3.0 miles. 116 non registered towers with same ranges 0.4 mi - 3.0 mi.
124 multiple antennas 1.3 miles-2.7 miles range
368 Single antennas 0.1 miles-3.0 miles range
The video links on how to use a directional antenna to determine the source are not coming up under the targeted justice website via your link. I can see photos but no videos. I can see a place to purchase the equipment. When I’m feeling better I’ll go through these and then purchase the recommended equipment that I can afford. I do have debilitating symptoms similar to the woman in the video , vestibular system Havana symptoms so I’m limited sadly and some days are better than others. So I need time and I’ll let you know.
Which of these scenarios I looked up and defined could be behind the house in question ? Behind that neighbor within a short range a parking lot and this is a condo community.
I ask that you not discount neighbor’s involvement as Carrie in the video ( government employee ) stated this could be line of site neighbors. I’ve been targeted 8 years. So my initial discernment of fearing everyone is involved has passed . I now use good judgement and can discern without thinking everyone is involved. I’m certain beyond any doubt this home adjacent to me in line of sight has a role. What role I’m not sure but it’s far to obvious and out of the norm for me to discount. And I think it’s important to say and consider. Please keep the conversation going. Thank you
You can read about Stephen Marlow in Ohio, 2022. Google it. He was certain that his neighbors were involved in the DEW and V2K. They were in the line of sight. His V2K sounded like their voices. He was certain they were involved. So he murdered his neighbors on both sides.
Then he walked thru their houses and found they did not have a single piece of electronic equipment, no antennas, no V2K equipment. Nothing. Turns out - the CIA was using Adobe VoCo to simulate their voices from a cell tower.
He will spend the rest of his life in prison. Is that good judgement?
Well that’s not going to happen with me. I’m not saying the DEW or any sound is coming from there. I’m trying to tell you something else ! No one lives there. Not one person. Every person here has chairs and patio furniture. They sit out when weather permits. There’s not a single person there ever. But there’s obvious electronics going on day and night. I can see flashing blue light and other colors. The fans run and there’s small synchronized light scenarios going on. Pulsed type. Something orchestrated is happening so what could it be ??
I’m not one to dwell but again this is clearly obvious. Why do you assume I would do something crazy like this person you mentioned ? Why are you adamant to discount my statement or perceptions. Putting every ti into the paranoid category doesn’t help anyone. Why is your mind closed off to other possibilities. I mean there are massive advances in technology. Why would this be happening when no one lives there ?
In the movie The Recruit which is streaming on Netflix there is a mention of Havana Syndrome and they blame Russia . It’s about a young atty who is recruited to work for the CIA ; it’s very telling. I’m sorry I can’t recall the exact episode.
Netflix has many movies and animated movies that talk about nanotechnology and Mk Ultra. There’s been a “boom” in the subject for the past two years.
Yeah , the ol limited hangout tactic.. lol
A blessed new year to every TI 🙏🙏
Wow! Good for her but something needs to come forward that civilians are being hit with this shit too...
But this could open things wide open for us. Trump will have to if he goes with this like he should have to stop his full trust, or how he sings their praises of the Military since all Branches are involved too... But yeah it's got to be the CIA, FBI, and other agencies as well...
I agree with you. I’ve been experiencing V2K I thought I was going crazy… until a friend sent me the TJ website and found this article… I couldn’t believe it… it’s so concerning and scary.
How do I get more info on setting up the conference call about physical and microwave rape?
Please send your contact info to
Perhaps, it would be wise to send Catherine Herridge some information disseminated from this author into Substack.
So many people are unwilling to recognize the fact of the TREASONOUS IN THE DEEP STATE AND ELECTED/INSTALLED INTO GOVT. POSITIONS. They refuse to acknowledge the evil of the U.K., City of London, D.C. and Beijing now hiding behind the U.N. running the world infiltrating the United States to domination.
Brave person...awesome
Yes they are real. Why would a Government turn on its own people. The CIA N FBI ARE BEHIND IT. Trump needs to get this stoped. Trump is getting us all on the AI which is noooo good .
I need to share this message a way to hold them accountable!
I want to share this message! A way to hold them accountable!
I want to share this message with you a way to hold them accountable!
Wildfires" & Notices of Liability (NoL)
Cal briefly explains what we do at InPower. We are sending paperwork to those responsible and holding them accountable.
To learn more about how the fires are coming under the 5G and smart meter agenda, visit www.inpowermovement.org
Today is 9 January 2025. We are passing through LA ... it is another Paradise. The nicest residential areas of LA are on fire, zero progress being made according to police reports in stopping the fire, the word is that before the fire started insurance companies canceled contracts. Pacific Palisades, Malibu, Calabasas, Topanga are burning... we are in Santa Monica... and getting danger alerts on our phones. so Those who are meant to stop the fire... are standing down. WHO IS THIS BENEFITTING ? This is our environment .. war for Greater Israel, suggestions so far for Greater America... Canada? Greenland? Mx? Panama ? ... hm.... interesting 4 years coming up. Seeking justice in such environment probably takes extraordinary measures. Love to All
99% of the time a whistleblower only get 3 minutes of fame when they commit suicide and get coverage on the news. Does anyone see a problem with this?