Stay strong ti's don't be afraid ask God to give you the strength to cope with whatever they put in front of you rejoice in suffering πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ that's where my mind is at I just pray and ask for strength and GOD takes the pain away he gives me what I need to keep going praise GOD IN JESUS CHRIST NAME AMEN πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œβš”οΈπŸ¦ΎπŸ™

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Let nought afflict thee with grief,

be calm, as God ordains,

and so may my will be contented!

Why take thought for the morrow?

The one God who gives thee

what is thine watches over all.

All in thy doings be steadfast

and true, what God decrees

is best, and this it is acknowledged.


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Psalms 39-1 kjv

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use psalms 31 52 58 94 109 120 140 with the lords prayer at the beginning and end.

do it at least once a day out loud regardless where your at or with who. help get gangstalkers killed.

We need many people a day to do this and be vigilant about it. We'd see them die and burn sooner.

Since we can't take revenge ask God to for us he does and will as long as we forgive them their sins. Don't take pleasure in seeing them die just know he's working on it. he send angels to kill them... I've seen peoples houses burn down people commit suicide or at least been told they did so that one I don't know for sure I just don't see him around any more. But I have seen houses burn down...

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Thank you for sharing this information. I think we should all stay mindful of the fact we are a people of strength surviving the impossible each and everyday and none of us are alone although the enemy likes to try and deceive us into believing we are alone and stuck in a relentless cycle of abuse our enemies on their own have no intent of voluntarily ending. Nevertheless we will prevail, it will end and we will be even more united than we already are. Please stay strong my fellow T.I.'s πŸ™

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Well said!

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I have to disagree with myth #2, which you already did to some degree yourself. The advantage to 'slow kill' is that it makes it harder to trace back the death to one definitive source.


"When the new system takes over, people will be expected to sign allegiance to it, indicating that they don't have any reservations to the old system.

"There just won't be any room for people who won't go along. We can't have such people cluttering up the place so such people would be taken to special places and disposed of humanely."

They would not create martyrs.

"People will just disappear."


Dr. Duncan on targeting:

"The way that I was using it was is called "mind hacking", so they are trying to hack a targeted individual and the targeted individual will create mental defenses as best as they can. They'll go to their social networks. Trade, well, what do they do? They try to disrupt the social networks so you have no family or friends. It's a back & forth game that they're trying to find out the maximum probability of death and the example that you used where you will commit suicide, or you'll harm somebody, become a Manchurian Candidate or something like that." (38 minutes into video)


If we examine the stalking techniques of the Stasi, it is known they caused deaths of some victims:

"Stasi , an abbreviation of Staatssicherheit, was the state security service of East Germany (the GDR) from 1950 to 1990. The Stasi perfected the technique of psychological harassment of perceived enemies known as Zersetzung – a term borrowed from chemistry which literally means "decomposition" in German.

Usually, victims had no idea that the Stasi were responsible. Many thought that they were losing their minds, mental breakdowns and suicide were sometimes the result."


The objective is not only to neutralize, it is to get the victims to self-destruct. The people who are involved are murderers and/or accessories to murder.

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The TI’s that urgently want help, believe they will be killed today. Not in a few years later.

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I don't want to downplay the seriousness of these crimes to console anyone, nor

do I want anyone to be under the impression that these attacks aren't a serious threat to their well being; short term or long term. There's plenty enough of that from the perpetrators themselves.

"Pam Anderson: The Suicide Of A Targeted Individual"




Kim Straub's interview in 2018:


Kim Straub's suicide in 2019:


Dr. Deborah Gilmaker:

"Are other American doctors at greater risk for being targeted to death for their upholding their β€œDo no harm” Hippocratic Oath by promoting safe and effective natural protocols rather than caving to the AMA and Big Pharma? How many other holistic doctors or doctors with interest in natural, alternative remedies rather than drugs Big Pharma pushes have been covertly murdered? We have documentation of one in recent months, Dr. Deborah Gilmaker. (See: Secret Society Kills TI Doctor (Videos)) Dr. Gilmaker had been in contact with Deborah DuprΓ© with her account of how she was being covertly targeted. β€œDeborah touched my heart after only one phone conversation and a couple of emails. This almost never happens to me – and now my heart is broken,” commented Stephen Axelrod wrote four months ago about Dr. Gilmaker’s suspected murder."


"Dr. Deborah Gilmaker Memorial DVD"


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Well, I said what I had to say about the subject & I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it.

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Thank you for this info and healthy dose of reality. It's helpful to hear what other TI's are saying so we can all identify common themes to recognize tactics.

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Hi wendy I saw your comment on Substack. I was just wondering if u are a TI and where you’re from. My name is Thomas

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I am very much a TI. I'm from Fargo, ND. And yourself?

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Yes I am a ti also I leave in Alaska. I have no friends because of what there doing to me . I haven’t found any ti’s where I leave and the ones I do talk to it seems that they get turned against me to . I was just trying to find a friend that’s going through what I am and understands and won’t get turned against me because of them

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Thomas, I've got appointments coming up but have you seen the link on the Targeted Justice website that lists state contacts?

There is also an app called TI STREET that has a list of state contacts. I know of one contact in the 907 named Peter and his info is listed. I am also there under North Dakota. My info is there. Feel free to contact me anytime via text and then I can call you back. It's so nice to meet you and I hope you reach out!

I should be free this evening.

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Thank u so much for the info and responding back to me thank u

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Also my email is schalewendy26@gmail.com and we can trade phone info there. Anytime!

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I know the extreme isolation is so difficult. A few people i tried to babe friend with were so emotionally upset that they couldn’t be friends. Eventually i found 2 good friends who I text every day. We β€œ met” listening to The Zeph report on spreaker. (Before he got kicked off YouTube. ) he’s still doing podcasts and many are on rumble now.

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Maricopa County, FBI Fusion Center, State of Arizona, is assisting these people by chipping and torturing people until they move from their home. The Cartel moves in and you can kiss your property good by!

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9yrs in Laveen, with Betty Fairfax High School weaponized, teens and stupid residence recruited, to kill your animals, vandalize, stalk, Bio-Chemical and Dew Weapon assaults, has taken over Laveen Arizona. Residence are made to believe you are a criminal and have been gifted new trucks, to torture and terrorize. Maricopa County Sheriff will seem you mental if you report these people, lie to courts to petition you to a mental facility for reporting. Elected officials ie; Governor, Attorney General, Maricopa County Supervisor, all are involved! Not 1 law enforcement will assist you no matter the evidence. I've learned to track the radio frequencies directly to house using these weapons. They were operating on the DoD network, and still we get no assistance.

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Shocking how you and others suffer such evil. Those bei g paid to do symuch 'jobs' should be hu g along with those un charge.Do you know why they are targeting you?

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Dirty City of PHX Cop, because I reported his gang stalkers vandalizing my neighbors home in Phoenix, where I was introduced to Community Oriented Policing he was involved in. They destroyed my home online business, stole my home, and I've been terrorized since.

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This criminal targeting needs to be publicised more but I gueemss many fi d it hard to believe ie just how the evil ones want it.

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I really hope that you can get away from them somehow - shocking how evi

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CA acted similarly but regardless of whether AG Harris is now VP, she will get rooted out too.

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DoD claims there was "no nexus" to cell towers around my stolen house when I became ill, during 2011-2015.

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Not for much longer...we are capturing the perps now...stay tuned through Spring 2024.

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Thanks for this. I feel it’s a spiritual battle with a lot of technology tricks. Lean on your faith. Things improved for me after I repented from some new age stuff like reiki. Shortly after, I found an integrative medicine doctor who actually helped.& I understood that they’re trying to scare me to death, not going to work. Sadly my only sibling chose the dark side. So it feels very personal, family blood lines and generational curses are wrapped up in there.

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Yes, its in the bible.

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Great truth telling here, thank you. You are spot on point, Len. Targeting has been going on forever, Nuremberg Code be damned. My entire family was targeted in 1943 and I didn't connect all my dots until 2015. The targeting is even worse now with everyone having skin in the game because of 5 G and all the new psychotronic patent tech. This agenda is decades old. Now we know them by their fruits. Yes, they care only about your data and don't give a damn about you. Burying our heads in the sand will not make the perps go away. We have to love ourselves enough to stand up for our lives. Blessings on you Len.

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Well I’m into my 8th strait year as a TI and have had non stop V2K throughout and have tried every way possible to get my southern relatives to stop this shit and stop selling me to the police or whoever I’m going through yet another set up as I write this as I moved home to my home state in Ohio to get away from them thinking it would stop but the relatives are so scared of losing there free torture meth money they keep editing up more slanderous outlandish lies to incite and provoke more ppl against me up here now to so here’s hoping they’ll finally see reason and walk away from me and my life and I’ll get to enjoy starting college today and hope to quickly replace the 4th job they’ve costed me since being released from prison both times during me being a TI but I highly doubt they will and it’s a tragic shame how easily ppl will allow themselves to be misled by others sick vendetta springing from meth abuse and plain laziness and he just triflin

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Its 8 years for me as well. I too get v2k alot. I know am feeling the effects of it. I forget much. I didn't used to be this bad. I forget from just 2 minutes ago. I beleive with all my heart that it is due to the v2k. It was bound to do something to me after this many years.

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Cognitive decline is measurable. There is a test called NeuroPsychological evaluation that gauges it objectively. The test takes about 5-6 hours, and is usually performed by a qualified specialist, usually a certified psychiatrist, sometimes a Neuro Psychologist. Keep that in mind if you need to document your cognitive decline.

Another test that I highly recommend is qEEG with swLoreta - it's different form a regular EEG. The DTI (Diffusion Tensor Imaging) mode of this method maps out your neural nodes globally and in various networks, and objectively measures connection speed between the nodes.

For more information see https://www.targetedjustice.com/dr-len-ber-md.html

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Hey Len, I for instance would pass a NeuroPsychological evaluation- cause sadly they turned me into a full cyborg... and it's all AI when I communicate.

I don't know if I have any regular implants- i'm filled with graphene and they gas me with something that totally changed my skin (its artificial now) and every part of my body (synthetic biology?)..

(my story is somewhat similar to what dr. Ana reviled - except they didn't want me to kill myself... and I was suffocated within me (I obviously also have v2k.. and it's been almost 3 years now- I don't know if there is anything original left ;).

If my skull is filled with artificial skin (and it's not the size it once was)..

Can qEEG be relevant?

(They do change my saturation measurement so it doesn't show what it showed when the targeting started...and I don't suddenly have more oxygen :)

Is there any way to prove or examine what I experience?

Thank you so much for everything you post and expose. You are a true inspiration and all of you give so much strength in this weird experience.

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What exactly are the signs of being a full blown cyborg? I ask because I fear this is happening to me.

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When you speak of the oxygen...are you talking about having trouble breathing. Almost like you can't really grasp enough breath from within you. And for long periods? What are some signs they are turning you into a cyborg? I have worried on this. My skin has changed too. I know they do stuff within my body. I , too, maybe a victim of this. And angry about it as well.

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I am sorry you are suffering g this evil torture & hope you somehow get away from it - or those doing it get their cone uppances.. Would you tell me what V2K is please?

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This is pure gold!

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**Expanding Digital Identification***


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Wow that was some good info.

Stay strong people god bless us all.

Keep up.the good fight

We will win in the end.

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Len, will you invite on Dr. Robert Duncan? TI's need to know about his work at DARPA.

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Dr Robert Duncan and I appeared on the Danny Jones (formerly Koncrete) podcast in October of 2023: https://youtu.be/T501LHx0R_Q

I also interviewed him about 6 months ago on my podcast: https://youtu.be/LTvWU-_3Ixw

Don't forget to subscribe to @lenbermd YouTube Channel that hosts Targeted Justice v. Garland Podcast. It increases our visibility, and helps to reduce electronic Interference we experience constantly while recording the podcast. Thank you!


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I discovered your podcast on Youtube and have been following you for about 2 months. I am so proud of TI's like you who have the strength to stand up for their lives. I get the Targeted Justice newsletter now. Reclaiming our energetic sovereignty should be our number one focus. My sister had no way to fight back but now we are gaining a broad understanding of the history of psychotronic targeting and are developing tools to resist and lay down the enemy with truth while making technology work for us, not against us.My family was targeted back around 1943 with the passage of the National Securty Act in 1947. Now EVERYONE is a potential target because of the passage of the Patriot act of 2001! We live in dangerous, but very hopeful times. I AM SO GLAD YOU ARE ON THE PLANET. You, Ana and Richard are on the cutting edge!

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& dr John hall if he is willing.

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Books by John Hall:

A New Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America– 2009

Guinea Pigs: Technologies of Control– 2014

John Hall on Coast to Coast AM:

New World Order / Electronic Harassment February 9, 2015


Electronic Harassment / UFO Oddities August 26, 2013


Electronic Harassment / Paranormal Techniques March 2 2011


Electronic Harassment February 8 2010


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I disagree with that they don't want us dead, depopulation is the plan. Why spray us with Nano bots and tech and put that crap in the food and water supply. The graphene, and nano bots and tech create and Hydrogels create clots in the blood so yes they do want us dead. They may be experimenting while they kill us and or raping us but we are threats to them so yes they want us dead. They may not do the quick kills you say but they still want us dead. They tell people were child molestors which could get us killed. They've done it on Look out For charlie they showed that some plant in jail they told using v2k the others that this guy was a child rapists they beat the hell out of him.

In interviews after they were saying that they heard voices tell them that this guy was a child rapist. They could of killed him. in Prison not just jail they may have...

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When TI’s urgently want help, because someone is trying to kill them - they are not referring to a depopulation plan.

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You know about the Georgia Guide stones? why are they spraying us with Nano tech and nano bots and injecting that crap into us with Hydrogel and other things to create Rubbery clots?

What does scripture say about how many billions of people will be dead?

Georgia Guide stones said before they blew up they want the population under 500 million. Like a new ten commandments is what they said. What's it say in Revelations those who don't worship the beast they will kill or try to. You can look the other way at what's truly going on but I prefer to know the truth. TI"S need help from both targeting and depopulation plans. Not debatable sorry...

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When you form an army of rescue workers, that do everything for free - please let us know. TI’s need to be armed with knowledge, not free handouts. Communism is not the solution.


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what hand outs do you refer to? I don't think what I say means I'm a communist. Sorry to lead astray if so.

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When you say TI’s want help - what you really mean is FREE HELP. Free medical help, free legal help, free technical help with computers, free rescue armies, free protection from gang stalkers. All free… it’s not going to happen.


TI's need to arm themselves with knowledge, and a DO IT YOURSELF attitude.

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Thanks for the reminder that yes, I 'am not the only one that has been put on the global experiment hit lists for these "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" weapons platforms . As of right now, I can only use one hand to type this disclosure explaining the radio frequency, microwave DEW's that caused my ears to hear sharp, high pitched metallic ringing & chirping in my head and ears, referred to tinnitus on a regular basis. The SADS normally irradiates my head to sweat profusely in all conditions even in the coldest nights of winter in 33years here in Seattle, Wa.. Usually I have insomnia with irradiating torcher and pains throughout my body but for now, the precision nerve pains started out on my left elbow and progressing to the left hand where it is so painful that I can't even type with both hands. Normally they hit my knees, ankles, toes & etc. but as usual, the torcher will last for a few days & or months and disappear as if nothing happened. Plausible deniability is the name of the legalized & funded Act of treason that the former TREASONOUS ACTOR LIER Berry sorento ( barrack obama) has signed into law. The awesome Medical Departments/Personnel has been forced into compliance to the tyrannical health care fraud initiated by berry sorento the Domestic enemy #1 - although there are many others contending for the title such as worm man gates and his eugenics programs and his techno patent # - 02020060606 - mark of the beast poison COVID SHOTS. Through our mandated health care system, I been diagnosed as a mental person with PTDS and all the years of suffering caused by these microwave, radio frequency scaler DEW weapons have been written off as neuropathy - another plausible deniability fraud propagated by the monolithic conspirators to the global fraud and the provable LIERs that have caused mass injuries & DEATHS - (SADS). What a truly sad state of affairs where we as the "Land of the Free & Brave" have been reduced to following the orders, mandates & illegal executive orders by these former brazenly imboldend, deceptively perverted liers, thieves & murderers of Our Constitutional Freedoms & Rights along with the many disabled and DEAD amongst U.S. & the millions on track for the DEATH PROTOCALS already paid for & in lock step for the next scheduled, programmed injections of these DEADLY COVID SHOTS.

In closing, I hate to identify and know what Mr. Lighthouse has been so bravely & heroically WARNING U.S. & the rest of humanity for all these years concerning these egregious, traitorous Acts of Law & Order. Let U.S. UNITE in this CAUSE in standing against these Treasonous Acts & may America prosecute & GITMO these traitors to the Family of Humanity & of the Constitutional Republic...


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Good post

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All good but they also do a lot of other things one thing they use a lot it's trying to figure out how to control people by their devices phones mainly. They love to show them some sort of propaganda and then see if the person believes it fully. Maybe they show him something true or maybe they show him something false but they just want to see if the person can be manipulated by their phone or device.

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but yeah I agree with of that. and I do agree to some point that they do and if they truly wanted us dead they could, but like I said they want to depopulate us. One thing to begin to look for and this is kind of a biblical warning this stuff is universal, they transmit it everywhere. Those who don't get v2k are still affected with mood swings etc... Look to SHTF and a large scale soon. Like it says Babylon will fall in one hour. Look to just full on pandemonium. Not from v2k but from what I read in scripture tells me People against people will come soon. I pray not until at least May. I get my 1260 then.

I believe that yes I am not being hit worse than others but weirder... No one I know have v2k like mine singing drums deep bass hundreds of not thousands or made to sound like it. Constantly using musical notes and tones to destroy my body or try to. zapping my ears they just did again the other day I wanted to get that recorded but my pen camera wasn't there so I couldn't.

mines like loud like right next to a speaker loud like in a loud concert My head hurts constant spiritual things like take my shoes off my spiritual shoes like my shoes of the gospel.

From watching other prophecy shows Satan is watching to try and stop the second coming he don't wan the 144,000 or the the two witnesses to come to power. I don't know if you had to but I do know its a federal law that since 1962 or 63, newborn babies have had to have their heels pricked and the blood taken to check it's DNA. Why do you think he did that? Whats it say in Genesis? he will put enmity between the woman the truth the church and him Lucifer. He bruises our heels while we get to stomp his head.

But again at least weirder than anyone I know or read on YouTube. Most only hear bits and pieces they don't have to go through 24/7 noise and I mean noise, but yeah not worse just odd or weirder than most I think.

The one thing though is most that do get bad v2k they hear the same AI voices as I do but not in the same way. Like I said mine sing constantly. It began singing and has been singing all the time since it came back in Nov 2020.

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