I had an imbecile cop do a "wellness check" back in Puerto Rico. I didn't know I was a "targeted individual". I cross-examined him to the point that he and the humongous partner woman cop he brought (to pat me and pin me down probably) retreated with their tail between their legs.
Although I now know what that was all about, the one thing that got them to retreat was when I told them: "You mean to tell me there is a criminal complaint against me and you haven't even read me my rights? You don't even want to tell me who is accusing me of what? Get out NOW!"
And they did.
Do not let them in to your property unless they have a warrant. Period.
I just found out the doctor who tried to murder me at a hospital put another doctor's name on my file. I believe that both in the police departments and hospitals, we have untrained Freemasons committing crimes and putting real officers and doctor's names on file. He can't hide though, I recorded the entire ordeal.
When I first tried to get in, the gateway was blocked to me - error 504. I was like what did I do? I was so happy to get in later! Thank you for this advice. Every thing you say to us extremely important to the targeted community.
This appears to be a slow insidious wear down the people tactic by the Deep National Security State with the CIA psych ops division. to make it become the norm and accepted- that peoples privacy can be routinely violated, that . we have a government allowing 702 FISA Rubber Stamp illegal searches and seizures to take place and become more and more common until the general public accepts it. Do you all see this? This is happening. First: fight to ban all neuro weapons, second: ban the FiSA rubber stamp that allows illegal tracking, searches and seizures of innocent people, third: :We need full disclosure of what’s going on - no more secrets- that’s being used by MKULTRA fascist in our government - they are apart of area 51 and the unacknowledged underground hide a ways that have advanced military weaponry much further along than our legal and known military has or is aware of. Stop the secrecy now!
Spot on there! Seems they are slowly installing a BORG-like one world government system and lots of us TIs are people who they know won't stand for it. Yes I'll say it - believe too it's tied up in these new revelations about aliens too. Read the species US government has been messing with the most may be BORG-like and so they're turning human society into a hive-minded one also. Only know something is going on in this country and it ain't good!
Yes, It is a one world order plan and they can’t wait to blame it on the aliens when the deep national security state starts attacking people with UAPs and projecting holograms. They will say the aliens are attacking us. The government already has had numerous encounters with real aliens who have been very friendly to us. This has recently been disclosed. The military industrial complex is the aggressor and wants social, economic, and world control. They have decided to bring down the population. FACT. Our country needs to wake up and accept that the unacknowledged projects are out of control and need to be reined in. Congress and the president don’r even have access to some of these clandestine underground military cities!! Watch Dr. Steven Greer and the disclosure project with the National Press Club Conference 6-12-23 and all the high level military officials, special secret ops, contractors from weapons manufacturers, people in out government coming forward. ( whistle blowers). This is the battle of good against evil. Every Ti should be calling and writing their representatives and president to investigate all the documents disclosed to them by Dr. Greer. The people need to speak up to stop the out of control military industrial complex ( corrupt government officials are included - such as CIA psych ops division working with directed energy weapons- MKULTRA).
Two things make us know its all so evil: These whole gangstalking, community policing neighborhood watch bullshit policies and Donald Trump and his MAGA zombies. Trump's followers are the best evidence in the world of a massive covert government/alien brainwashing program - while most of the rest of us just can't see how anybody could be that stupid! Tell ya think they are gonna let Trump win again in 2024 and if he does all hell is gonna break loose in this country and the world!
There are no aliens. If there was, they wouldn't have been able to contain them and someone would have witnessed their arrival. On that subject, the movie, "Arrival" is all about that, and people will see the alien story was to cover up their crime of creating abominations underground.
We need them all locked up. I don't think any of these institutions should be allowed to exist. In fact, anyone trying to start up anything similar should be quickly locked up. Sickness of the mind is a danger to everyone.
Very few will stick their neck out. Thank God we found Ana. I know an attorney that worked under a judge and knows constitutional law very well and was a police officer who would help me for about a million dollars to take on the government. The deep state knows all this already.
I know of one judge in Canada who might very well be fair, if we could appear before him. He wasn't afraid to say there was corruption in the RCMP when he attended a historical legal event.
I am in contact with a targeted individual. I believe someone close to me is also a target and I could probably find more. Who do I contact at TJ and how? I've asked a lot of questions on here and never got any answers. It's as fast as posting a comment on here but for some reason still no answers.
Ana for one and she’s done a tremendous job!! I know there are many cowardly attorneys out there that are running with their tails between their legs. I wish as a human race, we could evolve beyond it ‘s all about money and our needs rather than the needs of the whole including Mother Earth.
I think I found one that does so he can shut us up with a small settlement rather than what he should be asking. I believe he is working with the CIA because things are getting out of hand and they need us to shut up fast.
True, however...i keep getting thoughts of talking to one. How would you go about finding a person lawyer who would be on our side? What would you ask to be sure they get it, know we aren't crazy and take the reality that we need help seriously? Who could ya trust? I would like to find this person and see what a class action law suit would be for possibilities as well as how much? I think it would be something of interest to all us targets. I don't know about you guys, but it is crystal clear to me that I am going to die if I DONT do something. I am sick and tired of being "fried" daily for the last 8 or 9 years. I am tired of this being my life. I actually don't have a life due to this crap at this point. Even my dreams are gone now. So therefore, I have nothing to loose. But if i don't do something soon...I will be dead.
For now we have to create a safe place for ourselves, especially the place where you sleep. I find the nanobots get most active when I'm going to sleep.
Anne, although I know how devastating it is having your life hijacked, it doesn’t help to keep saying all is lost and all is doomed. I have the optimistic attitude that I will win against the perps and bring them down against all odds. iI don’t give up or give in . I was never one to be led down the path to defeat!
That's true, just the intentions are the similar. I can't get anyone to take me seriously, because what I endure is not the same and it's alien to most people. I have described what I have, the size, the pain, and still people are giving me advice on how to live to avoid muscle pain, because they can't even imagine what goes on in my body. Its so horrifying and dangerous, yet I'm getting weird advice, like exercise, take heart pills, etc. Have you seen how many have died while jogging? The more you do, the fast these monsters go through the body, destroying organs.
more murders have been done for wellness checks. 3am no knock raids have gotten a lot of people murdered too. You can just open your window a crack when stopped and try that, but I have seen Pigs ooppps cops break your window. I saw one video of some woman a few years ago doing that and the pig ooops cop broke her window open. But technically according to any lawyer you don't have to roll your window down any more than to give them your paper work they ask for. Drivers license and registration, and or Ins. but yes be filming them. I use my pen camera all the time. Respectively decline any searches, but I allowed them to when I had my accident here a month or so ago. but I didn't care and didn't want any crap from them so allowed it. Bastards still gave me a sobriety test LOL dumbshits I was totally sober it was early in the morning and the exit lane to turn left was not lit up properly. I mentioned that on the ticket they gave me. Bastards also lied to me about my truck being driveable too bastards. Cops will try to force themselves on to you don't let them or if they do film them.
They're crooked and evil now. All LEO are game wardens etc...
I believe the sobriety test gives them your DNA, if that even exists. I don't think so but it gives them something. I wanted to get a body scan done, but never tell a doctor what to do, because he's the all knowing one, so I was asked to do a blood test, which I hate, but then I thought, they already have my blood.
Why is police on Mafia’s side? If they would knock on my door, I would welcome them in, and tell them everything I know. Everything about mind raping Mafia, shielding which works, their intimidation tactics, their infinite arrogance and abject criminality. Police must be informed! (I’m feeling optimistic today…)
I actually called the police awhile ago because there was a very loud piercing sound coming from outside which I thought was an emergency alarm. It was raining and one of the tenants that lives downstairs (construction worker)wasn’t home but his truck was. The cops and I were looking for what it was and it turned out to be a malfunctioning fire alarm in the back of his truck. They were big strong cops but very nice and polite. I had the opportunity to show them the videos of the strange UAP following me and the sound wave over my pillow during my first attack. On my You Tube channel @havavsnamarlena, it may be hard to hear the sound without ear plugs because my verizon doesn’t pick it up too well from You Tube but my I-phone does. My coworkers could hear it when I shared the video with them so I have witnesses. The police were fascinated with the videos and found it odd. II had four big cops around me while I shared my videos with them. I always take the opportunity to educate people to what’s really going on in our deep state corrupt government.
Police was always part of the mafia. They didn't all know it but they were only there to keep the people peaceful and the elite safe; not us. They are the Queen's or (now King's) red coats. Red, blue, same thing, just like all political parties. They serve the same mafia.
We cannot wage war with ourselves. This is exactly what the mind raping Mafia wants. So I’m wondering: if police knew about the torture, the raping, etc, would they still be risking their own families, their own future, to live in a society where the human soul is treated like penis lube? (Sorry for the strong words)
This is why I will always try to educate others about what is happening. Yes, it’s risky.
Even the mafia could predict we'd try to talk to them, and that's why they placed so many airheads in law enforcement. Whenever i asked a cop, "do you realize that you work for the mafia?", they laugh. I tell them, no, I'm serious, and when they are done with you they will discard you, just like they are doing to us military veterans. More laughing, clear sign of stupidity.
Thank you for insight and or reminders Targeted Justice . Quick share of nothing about nothing. I reside in Albuquerque,NM. The Second District Court in Bernalillo County Telephonic phone number is 1-800- 747-5150. So fitting for New Mexico. 😊 Hope you see the faint humor in this .
Our police are criminals. I didn't open the door when 4 of them came (insane doctor's order), but one of them broke into my back door, and i don't know if I'd still be alive if I didn't walk out my front door at that very moment. They like to shoot natives here, after breaking into their back door.
Yes, because they were all at my front door. I was talking to them so they had no reason to check my back door. When they break in they can do whatever, even kill you. They said a native man had a knife after they broke into his back door; they lied. They shot him dead. It was all planned.
The night before a doctor tried to murder me at a hospital; he coded me to have me admitted to a psyche ward. That's what they are using as a tactic to cull us here. After a 4th shot of opiods, I knew he was going to kill me, so I ran from the hospital but he sent the cops to go get me to take me right back. Luckily I had just cancelled my health insurance so the shrink had no funding for me, and let me go. I'm trying to sue him. I don't believe he's a real doctor. He had another doctor sign the paperwork. He's definitely a Freemason. Since that day, I have heard 2 other native people's stories of the same type of situation; one they were going to force jab and another they were going to send to the psyche ward. She had a real injury and he called her delusional.
Doctors are given way too much authority here. Canada's health care is DEATH CARE.
Is it worse in the USA? I only gave you one example of what I've been through. I've been a target most of my life. I know of others from my old community who were found dead in ditches.
It’s so sad to see innocent people being accused of being crazy while being tortured with no where to complain about their assaults. It’s such a CIA psych ops experiment- so obvious isn’t it?
Why do you say Gays and Transgenders? I know Schwab is off, but he's just an insane thing. Gays and transgenders are victims as well. All these vaccines they've pumped into kids for decades are full of hormone disruptors and the worse is all kids who end up in the care of children services are experimented on with vaccines to mess them up sexually to ensure no reproduction of the Goy.
Cop, FBI agent, lawyer Dale Carson's golden rules to arrest proof yourself are to not do anything visible to cops driving around in cars on the street and not have anything on you if you're searched. I've interviewed a dozen cops about gangstalking and they don't talk to you and gaslight you and do it with them with JTTF and Fusion Centers and they'll all give perjured testimony in court and hide the gangstalking and it will follow you in jail and if they try to kill you and it's do or die and you stop the threat they'll do a half ass investigation and hide it under the rug even though they set it up and watched on the streetlight cameras and took 20 minute to respond in a hot area.
Nine months after the execution of her husband, the former King Louis XVI of France, Marie Antoinette follows him to the guillotine on October 16, 1793. History WILL repeat itself. It's coming very soon. WE WILL BE FREE!
It’s had to do when you disabled they took computer cd card and much more I’d love advise cuz now they have audacity to charge me I hurt my hand needed surgery it’s been hell ! And costly I’d love nothing better than to sue I’m so tired of the bad guys doing watever they want !
This is Bill Gates eugenics program, lot of people died because of Gates and his vaccine program lot more people are going to die because of Hate, from Gates. He wants to be awarded the Nobel prize for saving humanity.
What this say even though I disagree with this groups ideals describes gangstalking to a T.
Sorry I disagree with the claim there are good and bad cops.
I think in 56 almost 57 years I've came across one good Cop and that's debatable too...
Only on TV and that was cops like Adam 12 who cared about people and didn't shoot and ask questions later, like they do now.
I mean if the majority are now involved in our and child sex trafficking running interference and clearing their database so they can traffic us and kids without evidence. So no!
Why is a Florida police dept in my v2k file audio? A police dept more than 3000 miles from me?
Lake land police dept is on several other peoples v2k audio files so it's not just mine
The good ones get fired for doing their job the way it's supposed to be done, the evil ones keep their jobs.
I mean a cop instead of taking a guy to jail because he suspected that alcohol poisoning was part of it got fired but the cops that wanted to bust the guy and just take him to jail kept their jobs. The guy lived thanks to the good cop who lost his job. If the so called good cops had been there instead he'd be dead. I don't buy they they only did what they were told too neither, or the higher ups were all to fault, while the higher ups are, the officers are too. You don't need to just do as your told you do have a choice. take a guy to the hospital instead of jail sometimes depending on the situation. Don't force an old man to get down if he says he can't help him. don't tazor him then he dies later in a hospital.
Don't get butt hurt because you lost and target someone innocent and then they are tormented by your butt hurt AI program you helped set up. Like possibly in my case. Especially when your the one who's a true baby raper, and not I!
People mistake kindness and smiles for goodness. I agree; there are no good cops. I met 2 police chiefs who spoke to me with respect, but they have long retired and now we have nothing but criminals. The RCMP are the Queens Red Coats. There's a book with that title but its hidden somewhere.
yeah the good are gone scripture makes it plain that people are going to get worse and worse and they are. Going outside the lines to help people get you fired now. I got hired to do tech support because that was my answer, I'd go out and help the lady who fell even if it was against policy, now that's not what they want. Metrics is all people care about. I've watched it for the last 30-40 years or so. it's disgusting makes me sick.
Dr Whaley, ( and Dr. PIERRE MAYER,) He called my grand son for information,I got his home number from him,called Whaley at 6 o'clock,woke his ass up, in the morning and demanded answers, he tried convincing me I should change my thinking, inferring apartment break ins were ok, that's socialism , I'm a capitalistic, if restrictions were obeyed on corporations, that were already law we would not be in this mess. For instance Citizens United ( ,socialism concept pushed )also told him Whaley, his job will be moot when we are all dead. So when my conspiracy theory becomes his reality call and apoligize ..WEF, socialism every time enacted has failed.
I had an imbecile cop do a "wellness check" back in Puerto Rico. I didn't know I was a "targeted individual". I cross-examined him to the point that he and the humongous partner woman cop he brought (to pat me and pin me down probably) retreated with their tail between their legs.
Although I now know what that was all about, the one thing that got them to retreat was when I told them: "You mean to tell me there is a criminal complaint against me and you haven't even read me my rights? You don't even want to tell me who is accusing me of what? Get out NOW!"
And they did.
Do not let them in to your property unless they have a warrant. Period.
You definitely had some bad ones or bad bosses telling them to commit a crime.
I just found out the doctor who tried to murder me at a hospital put another doctor's name on my file. I believe that both in the police departments and hospitals, we have untrained Freemasons committing crimes and putting real officers and doctor's names on file. He can't hide though, I recorded the entire ordeal.
When I first tried to get in, the gateway was blocked to me - error 504. I was like what did I do? I was so happy to get in later! Thank you for this advice. Every thing you say to us extremely important to the targeted community.
This appears to be a slow insidious wear down the people tactic by the Deep National Security State with the CIA psych ops division. to make it become the norm and accepted- that peoples privacy can be routinely violated, that . we have a government allowing 702 FISA Rubber Stamp illegal searches and seizures to take place and become more and more common until the general public accepts it. Do you all see this? This is happening. First: fight to ban all neuro weapons, second: ban the FiSA rubber stamp that allows illegal tracking, searches and seizures of innocent people, third: :We need full disclosure of what’s going on - no more secrets- that’s being used by MKULTRA fascist in our government - they are apart of area 51 and the unacknowledged underground hide a ways that have advanced military weaponry much further along than our legal and known military has or is aware of. Stop the secrecy now!
Spot on there! Seems they are slowly installing a BORG-like one world government system and lots of us TIs are people who they know won't stand for it. Yes I'll say it - believe too it's tied up in these new revelations about aliens too. Read the species US government has been messing with the most may be BORG-like and so they're turning human society into a hive-minded one also. Only know something is going on in this country and it ain't good!
Yes, It is a one world order plan and they can’t wait to blame it on the aliens when the deep national security state starts attacking people with UAPs and projecting holograms. They will say the aliens are attacking us. The government already has had numerous encounters with real aliens who have been very friendly to us. This has recently been disclosed. The military industrial complex is the aggressor and wants social, economic, and world control. They have decided to bring down the population. FACT. Our country needs to wake up and accept that the unacknowledged projects are out of control and need to be reined in. Congress and the president don’r even have access to some of these clandestine underground military cities!! Watch Dr. Steven Greer and the disclosure project with the National Press Club Conference 6-12-23 and all the high level military officials, special secret ops, contractors from weapons manufacturers, people in out government coming forward. ( whistle blowers). This is the battle of good against evil. Every Ti should be calling and writing their representatives and president to investigate all the documents disclosed to them by Dr. Greer. The people need to speak up to stop the out of control military industrial complex ( corrupt government officials are included - such as CIA psych ops division working with directed energy weapons- MKULTRA).
Two things make us know its all so evil: These whole gangstalking, community policing neighborhood watch bullshit policies and Donald Trump and his MAGA zombies. Trump's followers are the best evidence in the world of a massive covert government/alien brainwashing program - while most of the rest of us just can't see how anybody could be that stupid! Tell ya think they are gonna let Trump win again in 2024 and if he does all hell is gonna break loose in this country and the world!
There are no aliens. If there was, they wouldn't have been able to contain them and someone would have witnessed their arrival. On that subject, the movie, "Arrival" is all about that, and people will see the alien story was to cover up their crime of creating abominations underground.
We need them all locked up. I don't think any of these institutions should be allowed to exist. In fact, anyone trying to start up anything similar should be quickly locked up. Sickness of the mind is a danger to everyone.
What attorney is gonna deal with a TI? Lol
What attorney is gonna deal with the government?
Very few will stick their neck out. Thank God we found Ana. I know an attorney that worked under a judge and knows constitutional law very well and was a police officer who would help me for about a million dollars to take on the government. The deep state knows all this already.
"US Weaponized Government with Ana Toledo & Jim Price | Unrestricted Truths"
I know of one judge in Canada who might very well be fair, if we could appear before him. He wasn't afraid to say there was corruption in the RCMP when he attended a historical legal event.
Helen, I wish you could also get a group together in Canada of Tis. I think there is a lawsuit starting up- see id Targeted Justice knows about one.
I am in contact with a targeted individual. I believe someone close to me is also a target and I could probably find more. Who do I contact at TJ and how? I've asked a lot of questions on here and never got any answers. It's as fast as posting a comment on here but for some reason still no answers.
Ana for one and she’s done a tremendous job!! I know there are many cowardly attorneys out there that are running with their tails between their legs. I wish as a human race, we could evolve beyond it ‘s all about money and our needs rather than the needs of the whole including Mother Earth.
They have an oath, just like the doctors, but they never do what they promised. https://www.slaw.ca/2011/01/26/lawyers-oaths-and-plain-language/
I think I found one that does so he can shut us up with a small settlement rather than what he should be asking. I believe he is working with the CIA because things are getting out of hand and they need us to shut up fast.
True, however...i keep getting thoughts of talking to one. How would you go about finding a person lawyer who would be on our side? What would you ask to be sure they get it, know we aren't crazy and take the reality that we need help seriously? Who could ya trust? I would like to find this person and see what a class action law suit would be for possibilities as well as how much? I think it would be something of interest to all us targets. I don't know about you guys, but it is crystal clear to me that I am going to die if I DONT do something. I am sick and tired of being "fried" daily for the last 8 or 9 years. I am tired of this being my life. I actually don't have a life due to this crap at this point. Even my dreams are gone now. So therefore, I have nothing to loose. But if i don't do something soon...I will be dead.
For now we have to create a safe place for ourselves, especially the place where you sleep. I find the nanobots get most active when I'm going to sleep.
Anne, although I know how devastating it is having your life hijacked, it doesn’t help to keep saying all is lost and all is doomed. I have the optimistic attitude that I will win against the perps and bring them down against all odds. iI don’t give up or give in . I was never one to be led down the path to defeat!
That's true, just the intentions are the similar. I can't get anyone to take me seriously, because what I endure is not the same and it's alien to most people. I have described what I have, the size, the pain, and still people are giving me advice on how to live to avoid muscle pain, because they can't even imagine what goes on in my body. Its so horrifying and dangerous, yet I'm getting weird advice, like exercise, take heart pills, etc. Have you seen how many have died while jogging? The more you do, the fast these monsters go through the body, destroying organs.
more murders have been done for wellness checks. 3am no knock raids have gotten a lot of people murdered too. You can just open your window a crack when stopped and try that, but I have seen Pigs ooppps cops break your window. I saw one video of some woman a few years ago doing that and the pig ooops cop broke her window open. But technically according to any lawyer you don't have to roll your window down any more than to give them your paper work they ask for. Drivers license and registration, and or Ins. but yes be filming them. I use my pen camera all the time. Respectively decline any searches, but I allowed them to when I had my accident here a month or so ago. but I didn't care and didn't want any crap from them so allowed it. Bastards still gave me a sobriety test LOL dumbshits I was totally sober it was early in the morning and the exit lane to turn left was not lit up properly. I mentioned that on the ticket they gave me. Bastards also lied to me about my truck being driveable too bastards. Cops will try to force themselves on to you don't let them or if they do film them.
They're crooked and evil now. All LEO are game wardens etc...
I believe the sobriety test gives them your DNA, if that even exists. I don't think so but it gives them something. I wanted to get a body scan done, but never tell a doctor what to do, because he's the all knowing one, so I was asked to do a blood test, which I hate, but then I thought, they already have my blood.
True. Most of law enforcement are also Freemasons, though, so they were never good. They're the Queen's red coats. They aren't there to help us.
Why is police on Mafia’s side? If they would knock on my door, I would welcome them in, and tell them everything I know. Everything about mind raping Mafia, shielding which works, their intimidation tactics, their infinite arrogance and abject criminality. Police must be informed! (I’m feeling optimistic today…)
I actually called the police awhile ago because there was a very loud piercing sound coming from outside which I thought was an emergency alarm. It was raining and one of the tenants that lives downstairs (construction worker)wasn’t home but his truck was. The cops and I were looking for what it was and it turned out to be a malfunctioning fire alarm in the back of his truck. They were big strong cops but very nice and polite. I had the opportunity to show them the videos of the strange UAP following me and the sound wave over my pillow during my first attack. On my You Tube channel @havavsnamarlena, it may be hard to hear the sound without ear plugs because my verizon doesn’t pick it up too well from You Tube but my I-phone does. My coworkers could hear it when I shared the video with them so I have witnesses. The police were fascinated with the videos and found it odd. II had four big cops around me while I shared my videos with them. I always take the opportunity to educate people to what’s really going on in our deep state corrupt government.
These were good cops and never harass me. I know that’s not the case for many Tis in other areas.
Police was always part of the mafia. They didn't all know it but they were only there to keep the people peaceful and the elite safe; not us. They are the Queen's or (now King's) red coats. Red, blue, same thing, just like all political parties. They serve the same mafia.
We cannot wage war with ourselves. This is exactly what the mind raping Mafia wants. So I’m wondering: if police knew about the torture, the raping, etc, would they still be risking their own families, their own future, to live in a society where the human soul is treated like penis lube? (Sorry for the strong words)
This is why I will always try to educate others about what is happening. Yes, it’s risky.
Even the mafia could predict we'd try to talk to them, and that's why they placed so many airheads in law enforcement. Whenever i asked a cop, "do you realize that you work for the mafia?", they laugh. I tell them, no, I'm serious, and when they are done with you they will discard you, just like they are doing to us military veterans. More laughing, clear sign of stupidity.
Thank you for insight and or reminders Targeted Justice . Quick share of nothing about nothing. I reside in Albuquerque,NM. The Second District Court in Bernalillo County Telephonic phone number is 1-800- 747-5150. So fitting for New Mexico. 😊 Hope you see the faint humor in this .
Our police are criminals. I didn't open the door when 4 of them came (insane doctor's order), but one of them broke into my back door, and i don't know if I'd still be alive if I didn't walk out my front door at that very moment. They like to shoot natives here, after breaking into their back door.
Yes, because they were all at my front door. I was talking to them so they had no reason to check my back door. When they break in they can do whatever, even kill you. They said a native man had a knife after they broke into his back door; they lied. They shot him dead. It was all planned.
The night before a doctor tried to murder me at a hospital; he coded me to have me admitted to a psyche ward. That's what they are using as a tactic to cull us here. After a 4th shot of opiods, I knew he was going to kill me, so I ran from the hospital but he sent the cops to go get me to take me right back. Luckily I had just cancelled my health insurance so the shrink had no funding for me, and let me go. I'm trying to sue him. I don't believe he's a real doctor. He had another doctor sign the paperwork. He's definitely a Freemason. Since that day, I have heard 2 other native people's stories of the same type of situation; one they were going to force jab and another they were going to send to the psyche ward. She had a real injury and he called her delusional.
Doctors are given way too much authority here. Canada's health care is DEATH CARE.
Is it worse in the USA? I only gave you one example of what I've been through. I've been a target most of my life. I know of others from my old community who were found dead in ditches.
It’s so sad to see innocent people being accused of being crazy while being tortured with no where to complain about their assaults. It’s such a CIA psych ops experiment- so obvious isn’t it?
Thats why it's important to record everything. I'm so glad I recorded my 4 hours + being kept hostage and slowly poisoned hour after hour.
Make many copies of everything. Shove all your files on a memory stick and bury one somewhere when you know for sure they aren't tracking you.
Why do you say Gays and Transgenders? I know Schwab is off, but he's just an insane thing. Gays and transgenders are victims as well. All these vaccines they've pumped into kids for decades are full of hormone disruptors and the worse is all kids who end up in the care of children services are experimented on with vaccines to mess them up sexually to ensure no reproduction of the Goy.
Lets pray that the good people in our government , including the good cops, look after ‘We the People’ and not we the ‘deep National Security State.’
There is always a way. What they can do to us, we can do to them. This is a slow cull.
Cop, FBI agent, lawyer Dale Carson's golden rules to arrest proof yourself are to not do anything visible to cops driving around in cars on the street and not have anything on you if you're searched. I've interviewed a dozen cops about gangstalking and they don't talk to you and gaslight you and do it with them with JTTF and Fusion Centers and they'll all give perjured testimony in court and hide the gangstalking and it will follow you in jail and if they try to kill you and it's do or die and you stop the threat they'll do a half ass investigation and hide it under the rug even though they set it up and watched on the streetlight cameras and took 20 minute to respond in a hot area.
Nine months after the execution of her husband, the former King Louis XVI of France, Marie Antoinette follows him to the guillotine on October 16, 1793. History WILL repeat itself. It's coming very soon. WE WILL BE FREE!
It’s had to do when you disabled they took computer cd card and much more I’d love advise cuz now they have audacity to charge me I hurt my hand needed surgery it’s been hell ! And costly I’d love nothing better than to sue I’m so tired of the bad guys doing watever they want !
This is Bill Gates eugenics program, lot of people died because of Gates and his vaccine program lot more people are going to die because of Hate, from Gates. He wants to be awarded the Nobel prize for saving humanity.
good read https://static1.squarespace.com/static/58a33e881b631bc60d4f8b31/t/61bb7484b5d3234af35ca694/1639675023280/2021-12-14+Oregon+Complaint+FILESTAMPED.pdf
What this say even though I disagree with this groups ideals describes gangstalking to a T.
Sorry I disagree with the claim there are good and bad cops.
I think in 56 almost 57 years I've came across one good Cop and that's debatable too...
Only on TV and that was cops like Adam 12 who cared about people and didn't shoot and ask questions later, like they do now.
I mean if the majority are now involved in our and child sex trafficking running interference and clearing their database so they can traffic us and kids without evidence. So no!
Why is a Florida police dept in my v2k file audio? A police dept more than 3000 miles from me?
Lake land police dept is on several other peoples v2k audio files so it's not just mine
The good ones get fired for doing their job the way it's supposed to be done, the evil ones keep their jobs.
I mean a cop instead of taking a guy to jail because he suspected that alcohol poisoning was part of it got fired but the cops that wanted to bust the guy and just take him to jail kept their jobs. The guy lived thanks to the good cop who lost his job. If the so called good cops had been there instead he'd be dead. I don't buy they they only did what they were told too neither, or the higher ups were all to fault, while the higher ups are, the officers are too. You don't need to just do as your told you do have a choice. take a guy to the hospital instead of jail sometimes depending on the situation. Don't force an old man to get down if he says he can't help him. don't tazor him then he dies later in a hospital.
Don't get butt hurt because you lost and target someone innocent and then they are tormented by your butt hurt AI program you helped set up. Like possibly in my case. Especially when your the one who's a true baby raper, and not I!
People mistake kindness and smiles for goodness. I agree; there are no good cops. I met 2 police chiefs who spoke to me with respect, but they have long retired and now we have nothing but criminals. The RCMP are the Queens Red Coats. There's a book with that title but its hidden somewhere.
yeah the good are gone scripture makes it plain that people are going to get worse and worse and they are. Going outside the lines to help people get you fired now. I got hired to do tech support because that was my answer, I'd go out and help the lady who fell even if it was against policy, now that's not what they want. Metrics is all people care about. I've watched it for the last 30-40 years or so. it's disgusting makes me sick.
Dr Whaley, ( and Dr. PIERRE MAYER,) He called my grand son for information,I got his home number from him,called Whaley at 6 o'clock,woke his ass up, in the morning and demanded answers, he tried convincing me I should change my thinking, inferring apartment break ins were ok, that's socialism , I'm a capitalistic, if restrictions were obeyed on corporations, that were already law we would not be in this mess. For instance Citizens United ( ,socialism concept pushed )also told him Whaley, his job will be moot when we are all dead. So when my conspiracy theory becomes his reality call and apoligize ..WEF, socialism every time enacted has failed.