This is so unbelievable that , we are being targeted by our own Government. They are allowing private money to fund and receive federal grants to abuse innocent people .
Much of this BS started with husbands given the key to the Sciences to win in divorces .
Have your soon ex locked in metal institutions , drugged ,poisoned with Bugs And Drugs is the name of the game .
It expanded with Grants at a Warp Speed I. 2014 ..
The abuse involved with Targeting innocent victims is inhumane abuse !
What's even worse is when people say this "The government would never do that." Or what makes you so special making the insinuation that because we're not celebrities that we are just a bunch of nobodies.
Yeah it's odd that they know of things like MKultra, and other CIA conspiracies and such and experiments etc... But they think all of a sudden our Govt grew morals and would never do that again.
hundreds if not thousands of unclassified documents exist, telling us that our own govt would kill us to start a war. Operation North woods for one. 1960s. Why would our govt all of a sudden change? Operation North woods the unclassified document said they'd sink a ship one of ours then blame Cuba. Tell them that. they may not hear you but tell them that. Why after just 60 years or so would they be any different. Plus tell them it's control. We represent a threat to them. It's funny while Covid hit I watched people who were supposed to be free thinkers and independent and different Orange hair, tats all over etc... All wear masks do as they were told. All but a few churches closed the Adventists who pride on following God to a T closed. A church almost a stones throw from me Adventist was closed during that time. Yet now again they're preaching how Sunday is the mark of the beast crap. and if we don't follow them were going to the lake of fire. BS you closed I tell them. Any of them. They let the Whore and beast tell them what to do.
I was the one before all this following the rules no pink or orange hair no tats, but when Covid hit I didn't wear a mask. I didn't and wont get the vaccine.
LOL My wife told one at her Job to not try and force me to wear a mask and the woman who was stickler for obedience never got in my face I'd tell her where to go if she had.
That's why were hit we are a threat to them. We can't be socially engineered. I can't at least.
For sure. The shadow government probably has a document called ‘London Bridges Falling Down” for the inside job killing over 3000 people on 9/11. Im just saying...they have nicknames for all their mafia style hits!
It accelerated greatly in 2010 for me and my family but I've been Targeted since 1995! Having problems here in LA with getting proper medical and dental care!!!
Furthermore, it's difficult to even find a lawyers office here in LA when you contact them and mention the word Targeted, they just brush you off!
Hi Jeff - The same people doing this , infiltrated the Judicial branch on every level , so many Doctors protecting their own , Lawyers are afraid of the people involved , they know our cases are a definite loss and they become Targeted if they go against all the Compromised Ones .
This is all connected to Jeffery Epstein, Robert McGrail Gnome Project Bard University CIA , Michael McGrail Tiger Capital Group aka Consultant , CIA .
They both attend The WHO , WEF , etc ..
They come from Organized Crime but groomed for the Cabal from very young ages .
Thanks for the info! Many peoples lives are ruined because of the program but I had no idea epstein was in the picture! If you want to chat, please call me!
It is our experience, from our foreign members, that the targeting is worse in foreign countries - probably because there is no legal recourse for them. They cannot sue the CIA, Space Force, or FBI to resolve it.
Exactly. Some of the Tis on here are living in foreign countries that are probably being it harder than people living here. One of the vets and my friend in the UK said they saw a video a few years back of a protester in Israel being hit with a DEW while protesting 5G towers and smoke started coming out of his ears before he fell to the ground dead. The video was taken down shortly there after. A baby was microwaved and murdered in the Middle East by a microwave wave attack. It’s unbelievable thar our democratic congress is allowing these targeted adds to be placed to torture people for no reason except for the fun of it. If it becomes a one world order- the murders will be in control.
There is no where for you to go. Trust me, I felt the same. When our government saw how many wanted to leave after trump and a few other countries had questionable electors the 5 eyes and nato banned together to make a global police state. If you think China is bad for having police stations in America run by the PRC and CCP you ain’t seen nothing. We, yes America is so much worse. If you remember the town in Canada that said “hey, you don’t like trump?, come here we want you”. Well guess what, those people who moved there have been getting targeted. I am heavily targeted by migrants and Americans here in China town in my new place. I’ve just started smiling at them and politely asking them who is paying you or are you doing it for free. They just look at me like “how dare you”. Whatever. I’m going to love myself, support myself, hug myself, tell myself how great and worthy I am and try to ignore them or kill them with kindness. This crap has changed me into someone I don’t want to be and my only recourse is to try to get back to who I know myself to be no matter what they do. It’s hard. Not going to lie. The sirens and the horns seem to be their way to broadcast to targeted a without having to send short codes that a target is on the loose or just woke up or went to sleep. Start noting when certain things occur and keep a journal of events. You will be surprised what you learn. Try to find a way to use this program to your advantage. Where you go, they go and in some circumstances they spend money in coffee shops and stores so keep your favorite business open. We have to make this program work in our favor. It’s hard not to be angry or scared but we have to go beyond that. When it stops working what can they do?
I think we are Babylon I wish I could afford it, but I can't I hope the leave Babylon isn't something I have to do I won't be able to. But yeah the whole world is part of this Babylon.
Canada, Mexico all over. I can't take my guns without registering them all if I tried. I don't want to register my guns they can FFF off...
"What's gotten DHS' attention is the institute's work on a system called Semantic Stimuli Response Measurements Technology, or SSRM Tek, a software-based mind reader that supposedly tests a subject's involuntary response to subliminal messages."
Targeted Justice is going a spectacular job capturing all the corruption in the shadow government that plays by it’s own rules. The apathy of our country responding to it disgusts me.
FBI whistleblower Geral Sosbee, FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin, FBI whistleblower Terry Albury, FBI whistleblower Steve Friend, and FBI whistleblower Mike German says that they were ordered to put innocent people on the watchlist for funding and make false dossiers saying you're a known or suspected terrorist (to use the USA PATRIOT Act and FISA pretending to track threats and monitor and harass the target). CIA and FBI Fusion Center terrorist network runs the domestic terrorism program using Stasi tactics with mobbing and 1/3 of mass shootings is linked to mobbing and smearing you as a terrorist and ruining you're life and gaslighting you together so you go crazy and *** yourself in the clandestine phase or covertly harass you so you react if you figure it out and gangstalkers (FBI informants) and CIA V2K gives you suggestions and subliminal messages and everyone tracks you and sets traps and use reaction abuse and gaslighting so you react and they all team up and tell on you and lie in court and it will follow you everywhere until you react.
The targeting officers, at war with ‘We the People’’, goes to show you the true nature of man: selfish, self- centered, little empathy, war mongering, non-caring, all about the money. Places little value on human life. And it’s become main stream. The shadow government is in league with the devil.
I live right outside ft. Huachuca intelligence base in az. I wonder if my Targeting officer is aware my cousin is a retired federal judge who was with Muller when he got put up for fbi director or that I have lawinforcement, military, nsa. In my family meanwhile I get horrassed night and day and threatened. I have been hurt physically and mentally. Fbi hasn't done a fucking thing to help. The people doing this are the trash of the world and need to be taking out with it.
We need a new parrallel economic and governmental system. TEXIT, is a movement to secede from DC. Texas is also working towards a gold backed money that bypasses the fed res. It can happen. To join...see The Texas Nationalist Movement at TNM.ME. Its time to get serious.
I have also just learned that these teslas following us ARE TRACKING US. Here is how I know factually. The other day I was out and sat at a intersection. Teslas are around me 24/7. I was at a three lane stop(I’ll check the actual street intersection later). So I am at this 3 lane stop. The white Tesla was in the center lane. I noticed the woman in the Tesla on the passenger side was trying desperately to do something on her iPhone but it seemed her iPhone was jammed. I noticed the driver had a huge lap top in the center console with a map so I backed up to get a better look while they were distracted by the phone. On this map he had a 2d graphic of the intersection with our 3 lanes zoomed and I saw all three of our cars on the screen. My car on the far right was the only car blinking in rapid succession. It would blink three times and then pause, blink 3 times and then pause (rinse/repeat). By the time I realized what I was looking at in shock and awe, the light had turned green before I could grab my camera and take a video or a picture. I missed my opportunity.
Another thing I noticed was that the police/fire sirens only happened at certain times like when I wake up, when I go to bed and when I get ready to leave. Always on the way home and upon arrival is the street theater.
Since making this discovery yesterday, today has been quiet. No horn honking from the freeway when I got up and no sirens.
They have started their usual electronic sexual torture but I have been calling that out in my mind and out loud and within minutes it will stop or subside temporarily. Then there is the hits with microwave or some other type of energy weapon happening right now under the chair I am in. As if someone is waving energy that waves across my bottom. So this confirms for me that someone in the apartment under me is participating. Several targeted live on the 5th floor and 4 so far live on the 6th floor and one just moved out after one of my last posts. I don’t know which one it is yet.
Then we have the multitude of what seem like FAKE trans people being put around me.
I have nothing against lgbtq people. I support all of them as long as they are not hurting anyone or themselves or abusive. I’m good with all walks of life.
The reason I say fake is because I know how trans people are and these weirdos seem like straight men trying to act trans because they are off key and terrible actors. Anyway, I think that would be a possible Scientology thing because they hate the lgbtq community and have a weird antiquated view about who these people are. Anyway. I have made it my mission to research what I believe to be part of this targeting program and why each technique is being used. How to get them to go away and all that stuff. Since it is a multi-universe cult like government high control group we won’t be able to get them to go away all at once but you can at least get a few to disappear. I will be posting more but still moving in sort of. It is taking me a bit to get organized and figure out how I want to present this stuff. I am also now legal medically for MJ so that gives me minor protections. Toodalooo
God damn fucking landlord are trying to have us evicted. I am fighting like hell to stop them.
We had to call the main office several times this last week. Because our old manager would not take our July's rent so I put it in the Drop box they have set up instead. I emailed them and mailed them a letter telling them I wanted a receipt for July. They then, the sons of bitches mailed a ledger saying we owed over $1500 dollars we do not. Then when they tore down the trailer next us they tore a hole or ripping some of the screws off and put a gash into our side. The guy before the gangstalker that lived there put some kind of awning car port up and attached it to our trailer. So when they tore it down it ripped out some of the screws, and I guess the hoe or thing they used gashed the side.
So when the new manager took over I told her about it, but I'd been telling them too days before so...
So she told her handy man to fix it they did good job so that's OK.
But then I got that ledger saying we owed all this damn money.
I told her the new manager about July's being in the box it wasn't picked up neither that pisses me off.
I told the old manager I told the guy on his damn back hoe or whatever, I emailed Jimmy that it was there and it wasn't picked up until two days ago by the new manager. Then I paid her yesterday For Augusts rent still waiting for a receipt. But then I get an email from the main office today saying they updated the ledger, but it still said we owed over $500. plus several late fee's which we shouldn't owe since all receipts show they were two or three day's before the grace period was up.
But this damned ledger shows We didn't pay for Feb and March of this year. We paid I have dated receipts that show they were paid before the grace period.
UH I get it people want property to make money but people are not a business and you do not make money off of people like that. I mean the owners are an LLC company and that's all they care about.
You can make money but you can't treat us like a commodity. Were people not a business liability.
Anyhow I emailed her telling her, her ledger is false and I have proof it is with my receipts and dates on those receipts.
If needs be I will have my wife make photo copies of them all and mail them off to them.
But since 4 trailers burnt down they've been tearing down and evicting people right and left.
All gangstalkers though. At least two were so I am glad they are gone.
Plus why would you wish us to get evicted? But no We can't afford it. Plus we called the main office and told them all what was going on they acknowledge our payments, they say the bank didn't process correctly when they put them in. We have a credit now.
Back when this v2k came back after 23 years, the theme was constantly, some crap about a unicorn, Now I think in a odd way it meant the little horn. Unicorn one little horn same thing pretty much just a different way to say it.
Even if the voice of God RF weapon is this crap it's still biblical no matter what.
Biblical biblical biblical it's all biblical. No matter what others say it's biblical prophecy happening nothing less.
This is so unbelievable that , we are being targeted by our own Government. They are allowing private money to fund and receive federal grants to abuse innocent people .
Much of this BS started with husbands given the key to the Sciences to win in divorces .
Have your soon ex locked in metal institutions , drugged ,poisoned with Bugs And Drugs is the name of the game .
It expanded with Grants at a Warp Speed I. 2014 ..
The abuse involved with Targeting innocent victims is inhumane abuse !
What's even worse is when people say this "The government would never do that." Or what makes you so special making the insinuation that because we're not celebrities that we are just a bunch of nobodies.
Yeah it's odd that they know of things like MKultra, and other CIA conspiracies and such and experiments etc... But they think all of a sudden our Govt grew morals and would never do that again.
hundreds if not thousands of unclassified documents exist, telling us that our own govt would kill us to start a war. Operation North woods for one. 1960s. Why would our govt all of a sudden change? Operation North woods the unclassified document said they'd sink a ship one of ours then blame Cuba. Tell them that. they may not hear you but tell them that. Why after just 60 years or so would they be any different. Plus tell them it's control. We represent a threat to them. It's funny while Covid hit I watched people who were supposed to be free thinkers and independent and different Orange hair, tats all over etc... All wear masks do as they were told. All but a few churches closed the Adventists who pride on following God to a T closed. A church almost a stones throw from me Adventist was closed during that time. Yet now again they're preaching how Sunday is the mark of the beast crap. and if we don't follow them were going to the lake of fire. BS you closed I tell them. Any of them. They let the Whore and beast tell them what to do.
I was the one before all this following the rules no pink or orange hair no tats, but when Covid hit I didn't wear a mask. I didn't and wont get the vaccine.
LOL My wife told one at her Job to not try and force me to wear a mask and the woman who was stickler for obedience never got in my face I'd tell her where to go if she had.
That's why were hit we are a threat to them. We can't be socially engineered. I can't at least.
For sure. The shadow government probably has a document called ‘London Bridges Falling Down” for the inside job killing over 3000 people on 9/11. Im just saying...they have nicknames for all their mafia style hits!
OH Linked the the same article.
You are absolutely right Liz!
It accelerated greatly in 2010 for me and my family but I've been Targeted since 1995! Having problems here in LA with getting proper medical and dental care!!!
Furthermore, it's difficult to even find a lawyers office here in LA when you contact them and mention the word Targeted, they just brush you off!
Hi Jeff - The same people doing this , infiltrated the Judicial branch on every level , so many Doctors protecting their own , Lawyers are afraid of the people involved , they know our cases are a definite loss and they become Targeted if they go against all the Compromised Ones .
This is all connected to Jeffery Epstein, Robert McGrail Gnome Project Bard University CIA , Michael McGrail Tiger Capital Group aka Consultant , CIA .
They both attend The WHO , WEF , etc ..
They come from Organized Crime but groomed for the Cabal from very young ages .
Eco Health Alliance is a dangerous Cult .
Sending you and your family positive energy 🙏
Hi Breath,
Thanks for the info! Many peoples lives are ruined because of the program but I had no idea epstein was in the picture! If you want to chat, please call me!
Love to hear from you,
Thanks again for the note,
Kind Regards,
Jeff Smith
Venice California
310 292 3882
I hate America and want to leave permanently this is disgusting and makes me sick.
It is our experience, from our foreign members, that the targeting is worse in foreign countries - probably because there is no legal recourse for them. They cannot sue the CIA, Space Force, or FBI to resolve it.
Exactly. Some of the Tis on here are living in foreign countries that are probably being it harder than people living here. One of the vets and my friend in the UK said they saw a video a few years back of a protester in Israel being hit with a DEW while protesting 5G towers and smoke started coming out of his ears before he fell to the ground dead. The video was taken down shortly there after. A baby was microwaved and murdered in the Middle East by a microwave wave attack. It’s unbelievable thar our democratic congress is allowing these targeted adds to be placed to torture people for no reason except for the fun of it. If it becomes a one world order- the murders will be in control.
There is no where for you to go. Trust me, I felt the same. When our government saw how many wanted to leave after trump and a few other countries had questionable electors the 5 eyes and nato banned together to make a global police state. If you think China is bad for having police stations in America run by the PRC and CCP you ain’t seen nothing. We, yes America is so much worse. If you remember the town in Canada that said “hey, you don’t like trump?, come here we want you”. Well guess what, those people who moved there have been getting targeted. I am heavily targeted by migrants and Americans here in China town in my new place. I’ve just started smiling at them and politely asking them who is paying you or are you doing it for free. They just look at me like “how dare you”. Whatever. I’m going to love myself, support myself, hug myself, tell myself how great and worthy I am and try to ignore them or kill them with kindness. This crap has changed me into someone I don’t want to be and my only recourse is to try to get back to who I know myself to be no matter what they do. It’s hard. Not going to lie. The sirens and the horns seem to be their way to broadcast to targeted a without having to send short codes that a target is on the loose or just woke up or went to sleep. Start noting when certain things occur and keep a journal of events. You will be surprised what you learn. Try to find a way to use this program to your advantage. Where you go, they go and in some circumstances they spend money in coffee shops and stores so keep your favorite business open. We have to make this program work in our favor. It’s hard not to be angry or scared but we have to go beyond that. When it stops working what can they do?
I think we are Babylon I wish I could afford it, but I can't I hope the leave Babylon isn't something I have to do I won't be able to. But yeah the whole world is part of this Babylon.
Canada, Mexico all over. I can't take my guns without registering them all if I tried. I don't want to register my guns they can FFF off...
Excellent detective work.
"The Weird Russian Mind-Control Research Behind a DHS Contract"
"What's gotten DHS' attention is the institute's work on a system called Semantic Stimuli Response Measurements Technology, or SSRM Tek, a software-based mind reader that supposedly tests a subject's involuntary response to subliminal messages."
Targeted Justice is going a spectacular job capturing all the corruption in the shadow government that plays by it’s own rules. The apathy of our country responding to it disgusts me.
Ana, that was a great interview you did with Targeted Massachusetts radio on YouTube!. Frank asked sone very pertinent questions.👍
FBI whistleblower Geral Sosbee, FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin, FBI whistleblower Terry Albury, FBI whistleblower Steve Friend, and FBI whistleblower Mike German says that they were ordered to put innocent people on the watchlist for funding and make false dossiers saying you're a known or suspected terrorist (to use the USA PATRIOT Act and FISA pretending to track threats and monitor and harass the target). CIA and FBI Fusion Center terrorist network runs the domestic terrorism program using Stasi tactics with mobbing and 1/3 of mass shootings is linked to mobbing and smearing you as a terrorist and ruining you're life and gaslighting you together so you go crazy and *** yourself in the clandestine phase or covertly harass you so you react if you figure it out and gangstalkers (FBI informants) and CIA V2K gives you suggestions and subliminal messages and everyone tracks you and sets traps and use reaction abuse and gaslighting so you react and they all team up and tell on you and lie in court and it will follow you everywhere until you react.
***FBI Podcast: FISA***
Is Wray talking to us (TIs/TJ)?
The targeting officers, at war with ‘We the People’’, goes to show you the true nature of man: selfish, self- centered, little empathy, war mongering, non-caring, all about the money. Places little value on human life. And it’s become main stream. The shadow government is in league with the devil.
I live right outside ft. Huachuca intelligence base in az. I wonder if my Targeting officer is aware my cousin is a retired federal judge who was with Muller when he got put up for fbi director or that I have lawinforcement, military, nsa. In my family meanwhile I get horrassed night and day and threatened. I have been hurt physically and mentally. Fbi hasn't done a fucking thing to help. The people doing this are the trash of the world and need to be taking out with it.
Unfortunately it does not matter how high your connections go. It won’t stop the targeting.
We need a new parrallel economic and governmental system. TEXIT, is a movement to secede from DC. Texas is also working towards a gold backed money that bypasses the fed res. It can happen. To join...see The Texas Nationalist Movement at TNM.ME. Its time to get serious.
I have also just learned that these teslas following us ARE TRACKING US. Here is how I know factually. The other day I was out and sat at a intersection. Teslas are around me 24/7. I was at a three lane stop(I’ll check the actual street intersection later). So I am at this 3 lane stop. The white Tesla was in the center lane. I noticed the woman in the Tesla on the passenger side was trying desperately to do something on her iPhone but it seemed her iPhone was jammed. I noticed the driver had a huge lap top in the center console with a map so I backed up to get a better look while they were distracted by the phone. On this map he had a 2d graphic of the intersection with our 3 lanes zoomed and I saw all three of our cars on the screen. My car on the far right was the only car blinking in rapid succession. It would blink three times and then pause, blink 3 times and then pause (rinse/repeat). By the time I realized what I was looking at in shock and awe, the light had turned green before I could grab my camera and take a video or a picture. I missed my opportunity.
Another thing I noticed was that the police/fire sirens only happened at certain times like when I wake up, when I go to bed and when I get ready to leave. Always on the way home and upon arrival is the street theater.
Since making this discovery yesterday, today has been quiet. No horn honking from the freeway when I got up and no sirens.
They have started their usual electronic sexual torture but I have been calling that out in my mind and out loud and within minutes it will stop or subside temporarily. Then there is the hits with microwave or some other type of energy weapon happening right now under the chair I am in. As if someone is waving energy that waves across my bottom. So this confirms for me that someone in the apartment under me is participating. Several targeted live on the 5th floor and 4 so far live on the 6th floor and one just moved out after one of my last posts. I don’t know which one it is yet.
Then we have the multitude of what seem like FAKE trans people being put around me.
I have nothing against lgbtq people. I support all of them as long as they are not hurting anyone or themselves or abusive. I’m good with all walks of life.
The reason I say fake is because I know how trans people are and these weirdos seem like straight men trying to act trans because they are off key and terrible actors. Anyway, I think that would be a possible Scientology thing because they hate the lgbtq community and have a weird antiquated view about who these people are. Anyway. I have made it my mission to research what I believe to be part of this targeting program and why each technique is being used. How to get them to go away and all that stuff. Since it is a multi-universe cult like government high control group we won’t be able to get them to go away all at once but you can at least get a few to disappear. I will be posting more but still moving in sort of. It is taking me a bit to get organized and figure out how I want to present this stuff. I am also now legal medically for MJ so that gives me minor protections. Toodalooo
Makes sense.
Elon Musk has his name ALL OVER NETWORKING - he even gave me death threats
To form a team to build an app for our TI community. Serious inquiries only. Thank you.
God damn fucking landlord are trying to have us evicted. I am fighting like hell to stop them.
We had to call the main office several times this last week. Because our old manager would not take our July's rent so I put it in the Drop box they have set up instead. I emailed them and mailed them a letter telling them I wanted a receipt for July. They then, the sons of bitches mailed a ledger saying we owed over $1500 dollars we do not. Then when they tore down the trailer next us they tore a hole or ripping some of the screws off and put a gash into our side. The guy before the gangstalker that lived there put some kind of awning car port up and attached it to our trailer. So when they tore it down it ripped out some of the screws, and I guess the hoe or thing they used gashed the side.
So when the new manager took over I told her about it, but I'd been telling them too days before so...
So she told her handy man to fix it they did good job so that's OK.
But then I got that ledger saying we owed all this damn money.
I told her the new manager about July's being in the box it wasn't picked up neither that pisses me off.
I told the old manager I told the guy on his damn back hoe or whatever, I emailed Jimmy that it was there and it wasn't picked up until two days ago by the new manager. Then I paid her yesterday For Augusts rent still waiting for a receipt. But then I get an email from the main office today saying they updated the ledger, but it still said we owed over $500. plus several late fee's which we shouldn't owe since all receipts show they were two or three day's before the grace period was up.
But this damned ledger shows We didn't pay for Feb and March of this year. We paid I have dated receipts that show they were paid before the grace period.
UH I get it people want property to make money but people are not a business and you do not make money off of people like that. I mean the owners are an LLC company and that's all they care about.
You can make money but you can't treat us like a commodity. Were people not a business liability.
Anyhow I emailed her telling her, her ledger is false and I have proof it is with my receipts and dates on those receipts.
If needs be I will have my wife make photo copies of them all and mail them off to them.
But since 4 trailers burnt down they've been tearing down and evicting people right and left.
All gangstalkers though. At least two were so I am glad they are gone.
Dirty War Games. I hope if you are forced to move, you get a better place.
Plus why would you wish us to get evicted? But no We can't afford it. Plus we called the main office and told them all what was going on they acknowledge our payments, they say the bank didn't process correctly when they put them in. We have a credit now.
If I could I would though.
No we can't afford it but as of now all it taken care of. It pays to stand up for yourselves.
and sorry for the language But glad I can use it and not get told off or shadow banned for doing so. I was just miffed at what was going on.
Back when this v2k came back after 23 years, the theme was constantly, some crap about a unicorn, Now I think in a odd way it meant the little horn. Unicorn one little horn same thing pretty much just a different way to say it.
Even if the voice of God RF weapon is this crap it's still biblical no matter what.
Biblical biblical biblical it's all biblical. No matter what others say it's biblical prophecy happening nothing less.
Sadly they are even as bold to target Texas AG Ken Paxton etc.... and many more
Then they let Chinese doctors,and science,in to work together on us, like it's an everyday job just going to work fucking sick! We need to UNITE