Honorable Pam Bondi - New Attorney General
We Need your Help!
Write to them! If you truly want to shut down the program - write!
(Thanks to Jill and her team that did the research!)
19 December 2024
Honorable Ms Bondi:
I am writing to you as a member of Targeted Justice, Inc.
I am a “Non-Investigative Subject” (NIS) placed in one of the secret categories of the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB), Handling Codes 3 and 4. I was placed on the TSDB without notice or due process, and without reasonable suspicion to meet terrorist criteria.
My placement on the TSDB turned me into a targeted individual and a victim of atrocious torture and psychological operations. Our research shows this is a CIA Unacknowledged Special Access Program (USAP), based on MK-Ultra.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation used “secret criteria” to place me on the TSDB, falsely labeling me as a “suspected terrorist.” Most of us on the list are considered whistleblowers, political activists, or scientists that oppose the Deep State agenda. I have never been accused of any crime, yet I am continuously subjected to illegal surveillance, harassment and Directed Energy Weapons (DEW).
The National Academy of Sciences have reported that these attacks are real. Delta 3 of the U.S. Space Force (General Saltzman) openly admits they are operating Electromagnetic Weapons.
The constitutional rights of thousands of Americans have been obliterated. We are depending on you. Please shut down this illegal program.
More details:
- Fig. T-1, TSDB details
- Microwave Burns
- Fig. S-1, Security clearances
Important List of Contacts
J.D. Vance
Vice President
1858 William Howard Taft Rd Cincinnati, OH 45206
288 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Pam Bondi
Attorney General
PO Box 2677
Brandon, FL 33509
Todd Blanche
Deputy Attorney General
12296 Waterstone Cir,
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33412
Marco Rubio
new Secretary of State
Russell Building, Ste. 284,
Washington, DC 20510
Mike Waltz
National Security Advisor
2974 Beloit Ter. North Port FL 34286
Cannon House Office Building, 244 Independence Ave SE, Washington DC 20515
Pete Hegseth
Defense Secretary
3057 Patton Branch Rd
Goodlettsville, TN 37072
Kristi Noem
Homeland Security Secretary
119 North Washington Avenue,
Pierre, South Dakota
Tulsi Gabbard
Director of National Intelligence
PO Box 1401 Honolulu, HI 96807
John Lee Ratcliffe
new CIA Director
Cannon House Office Building, 244 Independence Ave SE,
Washington DC 20515
Brendan Carr
new FCC Chair
Federal Communications Commission
45 L Street NE
Washington, DC 20554
Elise Stefanik
United Nations Ambassador
2211 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
10960 Wilshire Blvd, Unit 1900
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Senator Ron Johnson
Hart Senate Office Building, 328,
Washington, DC 20510
Senator Rand Paul
United States Senate
295 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-1704
I'm currently dealing with narcissism and being targeted in my community in the city of Artesia California and I'm completely surrounded by narcissists in my community and surrounding communities I've been in the community since 1984 and got married to a covert narcissist in 1987 and when through a divorce process in 2012 and the divorce process took 6 years to finalize and just like the T.I program my family members were supposed to help me out with my divorce process but instead they went along with the premeditated v2k mental mind control manipulation gaslighting and weapons and they scapegoated me out of the family and tryed to Institutionalize me and when that didn't work my family members mother and brother and sister got a restraining order against me and made me homeless and changed the lock on my storage unit but my oldest daughter and I went to court and my family members didn't show up for the restraining order and it was dropped and while still dealing with narcissists and going through the divorce process I had no choice in 2014 but to ask my soon to be ex wife if I could move into one of their family owned properties where I'm still living now and she agreed with her attorney when our divorce was finalized in 2017 and now it's 2024 and I'm a member of the targeted justice team as a targeted individual and I'm currently being targeted & touched and victimized & touched weaponized & touched and my rights to privacy are being violated and exploiting by the entire community and surrounding communities and I just so happens that I live right down the street from a cell phone tower and these narcissistic individuals use cell towers and sky satellite to target with their cycle of abusive tactics and these electronics harassment and GPS monitoring electromagnetic radiation microwaves 24hrs a day 365 days a year and these narcissistic individuals are mentally communicating along with surveillance networking together mentally like a loyal cult organization of narcissistic abusive toxic evil lying jealous greedy criminals targeting me trying to dupe me out of everything that I own and a place to live without taking accountability for their actions and my ex covert narcissist wife isn't taking care of her as property tenant magement responsibilities and I've spoken with the FBI and local police departments and sheriff's departments about my current situation with being targeted and victimized and touched and weaponized by narcissists that are involved in narcissism and targeting and I'm just one of those targeted individuals out of thousands as we all know it's not a covert problem their is corruption of justice involved and politics and political power and control over honesty and narcissism is involved in the spiritual warfare that's going on throughout the world population and narcissists target empaths chosen one's and the US militarys responsible for narcissism and targeting and its the downfall of the US military and government officials and politicians and Presidential leaders and it goes throughout the United States of America into all of the communities and Neighbors and church pastors and members and law enforcement agencies and hospitals and fire departments and narcissism is extremely prevalent in all walks of life manly people who have personality disorder traits and our current president Donald Trump has been labeled a grandios malignant narcissistic individual by two hundred professional psychologists and unfit to be our presidential leader and I'm 65 years old and I'm retired now and independent and staying focused on God and prayers psalm23 psalm91 the strongest prayers in the Bible for protection against the evil adversary that comes into your life to steal kill and destroy and trying to survive being targeted and victimized and touched and weaponized by our own country. God-bless.
My question is how can you write to them without it getting blocked by the postal service? They're apart of this illegal program as well