Please listen to Dr. Ber's advice on #V2K...


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Thank you for sharing, Targeted Justice.

This certainly would explain many of the mass shootings in American society since mid 1990's.

The abilities to take command and control of a person partially through endless torture with the bombardment style assaults of V2k and subliminal messages onto a target with all messages based in, "Grievance".

And, our children. Look at the proximity of cell towers built near schools. Is it any wonder we have a generation of children - directly after covid - and a mass rollout of 5g antenna's - who are suddenly, "gender confused." They are being made to be "confused" about themselves.

As long as the conversation is about, Transgender children. The longer it will not be about the Transhumanism agenda.

Many of us TI's are well aware - we are being exploited and medically experimented on for the benefit of scientific research by agencies who are aiding and abetting those engaged in ushering in a 21st century heavily rooted in an artificial intelligence based Trans-humanism agenda.

I do not consent. Our children do not contest!

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The point made in this article about the v2k being altered to a subconcious stream of words is very important. I believe everyone in the US and other countries are being expsoed jto and manipulated in this way. That includes your friends and family and explains why their reactions to our situation are almost universally identical: This tech dosent exist, and the classic, but why would they do this to you. It can not be a coincidence that this exact reaction is nearly universal. Also keep in mind that the tech instills fear into people. That is why CIA agent Mark Polymoropolis always emphasizes that he was the most scared he had ever felt when he was first attacked in a hotel room. The point he is making is the tech instilled the fear and it was not the same as the fear he has experienced in live combat situations. He has been trained to control that. He was not trained to having "the most intense fear I have ever experienced" artificially induced in his brain. Keeping this aspect of the tech in mind while dealing with those we love and who can help us the most in dealing with this, will greatly aid in surviving the onslaught of this torture. Good luck everyone! Luck is still on my side and hopefully is on all of ours sides =] I believe luck is always on the side of the righteous!

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Doesnt the gangstalking manual you published say that community based agents CBA's will be moved in next to targeted individuals and trained on how to use weapons that allow them to punish the target and see them through the walls. You can buy the parts to make a microwave weapon online. Why wouldnt they do this? Please clarify l.

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I have had a great deal of success ignoring v2k by using earbuds while concentrating on spoken word audio such as podcasts and audio books. I literally force myself to understand what i'm listening to, so picking subjects that interest me has been key to my success. Now I can literally ignore my v2k at will. I suspect as their success with this torture diminished they relied on it less heavily which I think added to my success. Another important point is to firmly believe that it is computer generated and therefore it will literally say anything to harm you. It is not important to listen to it. That aspect of detachment from the v2k was difficult for me. I had mentally invested in analyzing what it was saying for years. I was afraid to ignore it =/ I can not stress this enough, That I was not in any more danger by ignoring what it was saying! My suggestion is to try ignoring it as best you can for ever increasing periods of time so as to acclimatize to dismissing the words. I hope that helps someone =]

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I’ve had to endure the V2K every second of every day since early may 2017 and and I wonder why they would care about the things I have to listen to lol it’s the same thing over n Iover and it’s just what they have done to me they keep me locked in talking about what they have done for years the only changes were when I got released from prison both times since being targeted and it adds more of what they are still actually doing to me in real life as well it’s like damn idk if making more ass to cover is the way to cover your ass but that seems to be what my genius level operators thrive on besides the merhamphetamine that the two young for lack of a better word people who are the operators of what I’ve had to hear anyway but I wonder if all that in this article is completely correct than how is it that I keep listening to them plot my demise and have had to endure there play by play all the way back to the prison yard since they keep failing to murder me by all types a ways from poison to putting me to sleep behind the wheel and a whole lot more poisoning attempts and there last illegal deployment in 2022 is the cause of my high blood pressure and Adema that’s swelling in my legs and feet and a lot more lower body pain as well as it’s in my left foot between toes as if there first doozy of an illegal deployment begins the right ear wasn’t bad enough having to hear there incessant plotting and scheming against me and there own family and team mates and the federal government itself I mean hey the total theft of my very thoughts and memories let alone my privacy and worse than that the privacy of all I’ve been around since then being invaded by these meth addled buffoon hillbilly former cousin and a female as of 22 whom he hides behind to keep the sales made and there sick checks rolling in he has picked meth sores on his face so bad he actually had to hire a front woman to participate in this sick program they sold me into and ain’t stopped selling yet I’ve stayed silent for almost a decade of this hoping it would one day stop and disappear as quick as it popped up and obliterated my life and family and belief in everything I’ve ever learned about our country since the pledge of allegiance I have survived more attempts on my life than I can count and still try my best to protect everyone from the greedy selfish operators in my case from there way of handling things is they have illegally obtained a name at best and just made up shit to incite and provoke the world against me and mostly to provoke the ppl on there own side to keep there checks and meth supply rolling in I mean when is enough enough I can’t get around the ones presenting the non sense and imagined threats to get anyone reasonable on the V2K to explain those things so it would stop without anymore loss of freedom or attempts on my life cause after almost 8 strait yrs my awnser is the same and that is an overwhelming NO I WILL NOT KILL MYSELF SO THAT MY COUSINS CAN KEEP SMOKING ME UP IN METH AT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENSE DIVERTED FUNDS OR NOT MY TAX DOLLARS ARE NOT FOR MY TORTURE STOP THEM NOW CAUSE IF THE VOICES HAD EVER STOPPED I BELEIVE STRONGLY THE SET UPS WOULD HAVE TO there’s so much more but im just BLAHHHHHH

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Mar 5·edited Mar 6

Well I hear my neighbor walking above me following me everywhere I go just as I'm feeling it smh and it is brutal smh idk where to get help smh

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https://legiscan.com/NH/text/HB1700/id/2865234 👈New Hampshire Bill to ban harmfull microwaves and chemtrails. Mexico banned chemtrails. Seems to me this bill, if replicated and passed in Texas and other states...is a step in the right direction. Texit is also correct action. Dr Sansones "Ban the jab" gained the support of 10 florida communities, is now at the supreme court, it labels the jabs as bioweapons, calls for treason, genocide, racketeering, murder charges. This is how the people make it happen. Therefore, banning microwaves can happen too...focus tremendous effort on banning microwaves, bc it is our biggest vulnerability, it fuels the growth of the rubbery clots, which shed to others. Stopping microwaves is a huge and necessary step to stopping shedding and reduces v2k capabilities. Good luck, Good measure, Good steps, Good courage, Good God...✌

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This is easily albeit unfortunately understood if you know a few sordid details which are supposed to be secret, and up until recently have been very much so.

First off, understand that the reason for the abundance of mass shootings in the United States is because of the secret gangstalking program which is being carried out by the US government as part of their involvement in the five-eyes terror group. The primary offender in this operation is of course the hate group known as the CIA. This and other involved government organizations all participate in tandem to torture innocent civilians and deprive them of any right to recourse or restitution. These people are carefully chosen to be particularly vulnerable, such as those with intellectual handicaps or those with waning social circles due to family abuse, etc. The CIA hires primarily criminals using their secret black budget to target these people, to harass them, and carry out various terrorist activity against them as has been documented by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights at the United Nations https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Issues/Torture/Call/Individuals/Harrassmenttechniques.pdf

Now this is bad right from first glance. It is akin to the terror experienced by a child who grows up in an abusive family. But in cases of growing up in an abusive family, there is a potential way to escape, to child protective services for instance, or to run away to a better place, particularly once the age of majority has been reached. So it is more like the terror experienced by vulnerable segments of an oppressive third-world country like being a woman in Saudi Arabia for instance. But even in cases like this, there is still hope and there is still the possibility of reprieve if one finds a way to escape the nation to a "freer" place like ... the United States for instance.

In the case of domestic citizens who are being systematically terrorized by the United States government, however, there is nowhere to escape to. Oppressed people all over the world are trying to escape TO the United States... Nobody has ever been heard of trying to escape FROM the United States. There is nowhere left to go. The victims of United States domestic terrorism are backed into a corner with no option but to quietly endure torture and abuse at the hands of the supposedly "free state".

Any normal human being with properly functioning survival instincts in such a situation is going to have an overpowering urge to fight his way out. This survival urge is very profound and completely overwhelming. It has to be; it is activated during the most intensive survival situations. Evolution has necessarily made the "fight or flight" instinct the single most overpowering impulse inside of us. When the possibility of flight is gone, the only option left is fight. This translates into mass shootings. The psychological drive which is causing this is very clearly predictable, so these government terror groups know exactly what they are doing, and are doing it intentionally, in cold blood. They are cold-blooded murderers. The victims of these terrorist programs, on the other hand are arguably not responsible for their actions due to the fact that they were overwhelmed psychologically by an intentionally pre-meditated psychological attack (psyops). One would not blame the knife held in a killer's hands for a stabbing.

Without government accountability, this will unfortunately continue until our society is completely destroyed.

Therefore I demand ACCOUNTABILITY NOW!

See https://ZeroJustice.ca for details

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When using the term V2K, don't feel like you are using some kind of fringe term, or propagating some conspiracy theory.

The Term V2K (Voice-To-Skull) was used on the US Army website which contained its defintion, until it was scraped off from the site. But thanks to the Federation of American Scientists, the archived version of the page still exists and available (Last accessed in 2004): https://sgp.fas.org/othergov/dod/vts.html

Also, in 2008, Wired Magazine published an article "Army Yanks 'Voice-To-Skull Devices' Site" that gives even more details about V2K as existed on the US Army Page: https://www.wired.com/2008/05/army-removes-pa/

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I have been experiencing the v2k or whatever you’d like to call it for several years ( since around 2015 ) for that part of the harassment) I have tons of stuff on my phone I’ve recorded but the problem is it gets altered almost immediately

So to try and catch Them I started using a loop back proxy I was able to log the traffic to and from my phone

I’m sure since it was that easy to corrupt my recordings

That would take very little effort to alter trace logs

And things of that nature

But even though it’s all been kinda messed up

Im hoping there is some sort of fingerprint or something that could lead to the location/s or other useful info that I’m not familiar with how to read

If there is anyone that could point me to someone’ that isn’t trying to charge me to look at this

As I have no money and have been unable to hold a steady job In several years I mostly just live in my truck snd try not to lose mind

Their lstest campaign has been non stop Doppler styled tinnitus thst has gotten increasingly louder

( their laughing as I write this ) and apparently are really enjoying my discomfort

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The technology was used to recreate Anthony Bourdain's voice posthumously by the producers of a documentary about his life and work. They simulated his voice reading diary entries and thought it was ok but many in the media objected so there's a lot of articles about this tech. Also keep in mind your neighbors probably think they are hearing you say stuff about them through their windows, so that will cause them to behave differently towards us =]

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Thank you for this insight, It allows us to separate those around whom are the gang stalkers from the V2K.

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Hi Ana we talked over a year ago and I just subscribed on here today interested in getting in on this lawsuit I have been investigated by Amy holem my v2k is recorded. Would love to hear back from you when you have time thanks and God bless.

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