I have been a TI for 15 years and because of what these sick bastards have done to me ,my life is ruined. My health is destroyed,I have no friends, my family thinks I’m crazy .I want these people in prison for the rest of their lives .I will never stop fighting for my life back. Hooray for Targeted Justice keep on fighting..Thank You for what you are doing
I wrote everything down for 5 years I had 10 notebooks then they broke into my house broke into my safe stole all my notebooks and my cancer medication and broke and stole cameras.Then after I called the police a week later they broke in my house again and put drug paraphernalia and baggies and all sorts of stuff all over my house .They also put a drone by my window and popped 2 televisions .I could go on for years at the torture they put me threw.It will all come out some day and I hope they charge them and imprison them. No human ,or animal or anything deserves this.
Quick question Ana, Is there a reason we don't mention the Gang stalking aspects of it? Are you just trying currently to set a precedent or a framework from which to move forward??
There is VERY GOOD reason not to use that word, I request and advise victims of these organized networked crimes, NOT defer or use the term "GANGSTALKER", there is no such thing. This term is used to DISCREDIT victims being terrorized by NGOs operating (RICO) crimes (ORGANIZED CRIME).
(NGOs are committing many crimes nation-wide including aiding and abetting in human smuggling operations, NGOs are conscripted idiots you know - according to a WHISLTEBLOWER, paid ca$h (or laundered funds via "legitimate sources" Medicare? Medicaid? etc.), to conceal their criminal actions.
In the worst way, Fl. cops set me up and sent me to a mental hospital for a 72 hold. It's unbelievable. I've never had mental health "issues" and now at the ripe age of 40, I am being made to appear nuts...by my very own Govt. I still can't fathom it and I KNOW it's real. These people are beneath rodents and I think they like it that way. I've have several cops laugh directly in my face. They find it funny and think they're invincible.
I’m from St Lucie County Florida and I was forced to leave. GPS tracking was placed on my car and phone. My home was illegally sold. The night before I left they come to my cousin house to do a welfare check on my son, because I spoke out about being sexual assault and drugged. They wanted me to say I was having a mental breakdown. I left and CPS was called on me. I had cops following me and harassing me. It’s hard to get medical treatment at the VA hospital, They flatten my tires and drained my battery. I never had supportive family and friends so it was hard for them to join in too. I’m in Texas but the gang stalking still exists. They break into my apartment daily and destroys everything. Dirt and lint is placed everywhere. They tampered with my food and drinks. But I know I can’t quit, too much has been done to me.
I am so sorry that's happening to you. Remember, you are not alone. There's strength in numbers. I pray today brings you peace and prosperity. Never Give up! Keep the faith that we will get through this sooner than later and everyone one of those evil demons will be brought to justice.
I definitely understand they threatened to take my son if I didn't go to the emergency room for a mental health assessment. I'm glad I didn't go because I found out it is illegal for social services to investigate you without cause or a warrant. But I will be suing them too.
Blessings to you, Ana. There's so many of us who need help. And the crazy part is nothing is actually wrong with us, if they would simply leave us alone. Who preys on another human being in such a way. This is worst tragedy I have witnessed via the underbelly of humanity. It's simply unfathomable that others seek to harm other humans in such a way when they already know how hard it is to figure life out as is. I weep for humanity and I'm glad I only have one son because what these people have planned for the future, I would not desire to bring a beautiful, innocent child into. Gone is fair play, due process, or equal opportunity if I ever existed but now we have to worry about people stealing our thoughts and forcing us to become robots. It's absolute insanity!
So, I’ve heard of “gangstalking” but not witnessed it. Heard of TI, but not seen it in action. With all due respect, some things just sound too random and bizarre to be anything other than extreme, debilitating paranoia. Why would the govt break into someone’s house and “move things around”, or “put dust and dirt” in someone’s home? I’d want to know if the affected ones have been involved in methamphetamines.
Please subscribe to my Youtube Channel and/or see my videos on my Targeting, especially the one with all my evidence the Jan. 2020 video, and/or email me at KDurschmidt@gmail.com..Ms. Kris Durschmidt
He's on Youtube for sure, I see his videos all the time, he does NOT live in USA thought. Please subscribe to my Yotube and see the vid's on Targeting for me and help my Channel grow as they block my YT Channel from ordinary likes..it is only about 45 views each time I make videos, and then other channels of non sense get 10,000 and mroe likes..45 views would mean, only perpertrators view my Channel and I am blocked from normal people and citizens viewing my channel!! Ms. Kris Durschmidt, KDurschmidt is my Channel on YT, KDurschmidt@gmail.com is my email and my phone, Az time: 480-257-3321 can call after 6pm if you need support or to chat if your friendly! Stay strong!
I would encourage all Ti's to purchase a bumper sticker that says TARGETED LIVES MATTER. I have one. I had someone read it and say, I like that. Can't tell if they were trolling or otherwise but I took it as a moment to create awareness. Also, I would encourage us to use the hashtag on ALL our posts that reads: #Justice4TARGETEDINDIVIDUALS
Hashtags get attn. Hashtags get noticed. Hashtags gain traction. People may not know what it means but it at least creates awareness. I, personally like to go to various youtube videos about politics,humanity,etc...and leave a brief message about Targets and then drop that hashtag or sometimes I will just drop the hashtag because AWARENESS IS KEY. Then we can share details. Thoughts anyone??
A few weeks ago, I attempted to put in an order to make some flyers, especially to hand to the Perps when I am being covertly ambushed in public, the business I took them to told me he would have my copies in a couple of days, but once he read it, his entire demeanor changed, needless to say, three days later, I went to pick up order and he had not even started it. I just asked for my deposit back. At least I tried. But was not surprised by the resistance/skepticism!
Did you ever get copiess?? Please subscribe to my Youtube Channel to help my Channel grow: KDurschmidt or email me for support or to chat KDurschmidt@gmail.com, phone 480-257-3321
Keep trying! Don't give up! Get those flyers done, if it's the only thing you ever do. If each us us accomplish one thing, that brings all of us closer to ending this insanity.
They just hacked my phone and stole EVERYTHING! Then they blocked my access from the things they stole. Blocked me from my own stuff. Using my own biometrics,etc against me. I was deeply depressed for a couple of weeks. And now I'm right back at it. I will start over a million times if I have too even if only to accomplish one meaningful thing.
Yes! I thought about it. Just do not have the money to do it at this time. My entire financial stability has been completely taken away from me! What does you TShirt say?
I would like to know if I can ask for my personal crime record from the fbi, homeland security police dept and find out why I’m on this list? Would they give it to me ?
Here is how I am being guided to share (and teach about the Higher Power-God almighty), in juxtaposition to those who actually "think" they are doing "God'$ work/ "God is going to get your mother". It is crazy brainwashing to be sure since 9/11 - Let FREEDOM Ring (LFR): https://youtu.be/FUhpirEgWgE. (View the 40:40 video link in the LFR description box-this is where I elaborate on my story more). Take good care.
Thank you for what you are doing. Innocent Americans being murdered for no reason. My targeting will kill me. I am already having mobility issues, cracking bones. We live in a sad world today. Pure evil is running these programs. I hope it gets turned on them.
I hope you (and all TIs) understand that all my efforts have to go to shutting down this program. For all TIs. I cannot take on any other cases or carry out consultations. I'm only admitted to practice law in Puerto Rico, the USDC for the District of Puerto Rico, the Southern District of Texas, and the First Circuit Court of Appeals. Therefore, even if I had the time and resources, I cannot assume the representation of anyone else at this time.
Keep journaling and accumulating evidence. You will need it when we are set free.
I’m in the First Circuit Court of Appeals jurisdiction. I haven’t filed a lawsuit yet for all the obvious reasons….mainly don’t even want to bother trying to find a lawyer. My time will likely be better served filing my own lawsuit but as a lawyer can you comment on filing solo or trying to create a class action? Ironically, as soon as I posted the sirens went off…. It’s mostly the stalking and harassment but now I am convinced my food and drinks are being poisoned and perhaps even the running water to my shower…
It’s everywhere. They continue to stall so they can set up the scene— even to set off chemicals in the air. None of the gangstalkers seem to notice it though. Anyone know why?
I thought after the lawsuit was won that more lawsuits would come that would include people from all over the U.S. Dr. Ber is from Chicago I believe. How will we find representation when the time comes?
However, I believe that when we succeed in declaring the TSDB's handling codes 3 and 4 illegal, it will become easier for all TIs to get their day in court.
I am also being targeted along with my 5 yr old son. They flattened my tires and caused mechanical failure to my vehicle, this will be the fifth vehicle. They broke into our house,, we moved and they are breaking into our apartment, they are weird the will trash the place with dirt and paper. Pee on the carpet. Erase my emails, tamper with my financial obligations. Tamper with my mail and packages and the list goes on. But I vow that I will continue to expose them, because these cowards needs to be in jail. The things that are doing are criminal and is criminal behavior. So I hopefully we will get justice soon.
You are absolutely right! Every day, I experience something. Like now, with the neighbors and the noise harassments and let me not forget to mention the low flying planes. And it seems every time I am on my phone and laptop. The creepiest of it all is the acoustics noise tapping sounds that is synchronized with my thoughts as well as the timing of the commercial interruptions that too is relative to how I am living my PRIVATE life...well not so private at this point! With the acoustics taps, I have started to just count out loud when I hear the taps. The level of conditioning is sick! At this point my strength is to embrace it and be remain conscious of it but no longer fearful of it!
Pray these daily the lords prayer to start then psalms 31 94 109 120 then close with the lords prayer he avenges us all who are oppressed by Satan and his cohorts.
Everyone should contact their government representatives often, and request they end the patriot act. This program is the "tool" being referred to in the patriot act.
"Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism"
22+ Years here, got started after 911/"Patriot Act".
Yeah, it picked up steam their violations and crimes became more and more brazen. I would hear clicks on my landline phone, then when I hung up and picked up the line there was no dial-tone so I knew scumbag trash were on my phone. So, I began seriously cursing them out calling them every thing imagined.
They'd call back I would never answer - seems my very hostile verbal response to being unlawfully wire-tapped, led to me being arranged for a conscripted assault January 31, 2015 (ORBITAL SKULL FRACTURE) (NOTE; Also this was after calling WASHINGTON DC to get Pillosi impeached for dereliction of duty - not pursuing impeachment against BUSH and CHENEY.)
Yes, I truly hate and despise these CORRUPT DEEP STATE evil doers and their USEFUL IDIOT NGOs!
I'm so sorry William. You're not alone. I know how horrible if a time you're having and I agree with your sentiments.. everyone involved needs to get the death penalty. I'm being trafficked by my own city; they think they own me, can turn me over to the feds for committing no crimes, enslave me, destroy my home of 20 years, slander my name, gangstalk me, invade my privacy, microwave me so hard my hair is falling out and I think my teeth are next, all so they can picket however much money they think my life is worth. Hang in there, your life matters
Hi William Brock, I'm Ms. Kris Durschmidt. I've been a TI for 22 plus years, if I can help just let me know. Subscribe to me for free on my Youtube Channel, at KDurschmidt, email: KDurschmidt@gmail.com or call after 6pm Az time to chat: 480-257-3321..I'm the only TI, I filed lawsuit up to the US Supreme Ct. and all my lawsuits were illegally Dismissed, I have all the evidence that Federal and State Law require, still my lawsuits were dismissed: I have Dr. Hildigard Staninger and PI Melinda Kidder with Specialists, graphs and signed letter detailing I am a victim of Nanobots, poisons, electromagnetic devices and frequencies coming out of my body, and I am the worse case they seen..I'm the the "average citizen" being tracted, I am far worse, I am highly intellegent and have 4 college degrees and still work 2-3 days a week in the medical field even though I am very sick and lethargic..talk later, stay strong please, blessings all the way till we are FREE and these evil bastards are hung for WAR Crimes and serial killers
Gosh, it provides the slightest bit of support to know we are in this together. But, what you wrote took the words right out of my mouth. It's eerie that at it's rotten core, it seems to have left all of us TIs telling the same sad story with not much to show for life. They've ruined my relationships, etc...and basically everything you said. I pray for your peace and mine, my friend. Be Well!
Same hear and they are really messing with me tonight feel hot ton a rainy day my stomach is making all sorts of noise gurgling feel like i pigged out but have had no food in hours wherever i sit or lay down whatever part of my body touched couch or bed feeling vibtarion Now i hear like a staying sound and that dam smell like when you use a power saw and it jams like a burnt smell and it clogs my nose big time makes it hard to breath need to go outside get some fresh air take a walk make it harder for them to point this shit at me .
They are the fbi nsa and home land security look at all the fucked up shit they are doing fir tte demincrap party its all real and happening out in the ooen tgey dint give a fuck about us did yoy see the hyoerstealth.cim videis
Its some fat retired slob sitting at home living off his/her pension on NWO Tortureware. The government has this satellite active and terrorists use it. It needs to be taken down!
Whatever yea ok its some fat dude sitting at home ? This is exactky why they are getting away with it demial about what it is. .if thats true then why do they need a cloak to hide from us ? you sfill havecnot seen it have you ? Your so stuck on what you believe you wont even look at anything else will you ? Last chance www.Hyperstealth.com yea they use this for some fat dude sitting st home tgat we cant see anyway taje care i kniw why i sed and this idxwgst i saw havent sern any fat fucksitting at home i saw 2 asshokes hiding behind this thing have you seen some fat dude sitting at home doing anything ? No niether this is what i saw look into it or just keep lookig at some fat dude sitting at home and never get anywhere tired if this get nowhere with no proff bullshit i saw this abd i even found who sells the fucking thing .
Looks to me you are trying real hard to dint what i saw who are you really ? A ti ir one if the scumbags involved ,just the fact you still not once said a thing about the link i keep posting to you , makes it kind of strange it's almost like you dint even want thus cloak talked about !!!
Check this shit out they are using this but it's more advanced than what they show in website now www.hyperstealth.com i saw 2 guys on a roof throwing it on caught them by surprise . It's now like a silk fabric they just throw over there heads like it they are ghosts costum but. As soon as fabric standstill they are gone when they move you still don't see them good but You can tell something is there if you just happen to look in that spot you won't miss it if they are moving pay attention how anything that crosses behind it at the edges it looks bent . That's how I find them on a roof Tte cable lines are behind them and same thing happens they fly on those marine offspreays that fly like choppers and a plane also
Hold paper or plastic in that area and you will hear/feel repetitious hits like from an air gun or something. It is to disturb your central nervous system.
I have the same...in my stomach too and all over of course. They also make cuts in my genital area and sometimes on my body in general. When I'm on the computer & I copy text and when I paste that text it is something the perp wrote. This happens even when I work from the office. They send brief messages to me that way. Today it was RP - I guess they mean RIP. One time when I pasted text it came out as 'sicco', then another time 'TI' and 'F/U'. There were a few more but I can't remember right now...but I do have copies of almost all. Recently they made my feet swell a little, enough for me to notice it. They constantly put chemical odors right in my nasal & I just have to live with it because there's no way to stop it. Oh and here's another thing they did to me a few times...when I sprayed perfume on me, they somehow made it to my taste buds...so it felt like I had sprayed it in my mouth. The things they can do with this technology is just incredible. Such demons...it's unbelievable.
I feel vibrations, and once in a while I get a stronger electrical magnetic pulse that hits my body at different locations. I always wear 5G protection clothing and beanie. Before that, I felt the electricity shoot through my body. Sounded like untethered electricity. Once, I got hit in the middle of my chest, caused me to regurgitate and I have had slightly swollen ankles since then. I still can walk up mountains and exercise, but it feels like my heart does not beat as strong as it used to.
What teally scared me is they can stop your heart that crreeps me out . its not all lije peopke day from cell towers tgese guys go ubder house and tap lightly on flloor so no ine eslse hears it ? I get roach poison and start spraying it in vents .sometines tget drop down on roof t saw them use something only one otger person has also seen they have a light bending cliak i knowwhere iys made and sold i will send you link so you see what it lokks like
They have done tge heart ares but no ants. They do so many differnt things make me sweat when its not even hot feel burns on my skin sometimes even think they caused gall stones needed dirgery a few years ago
They heat up my body too; and a few times they made me feel cold. They have gotten to the muscles in the right side of my neck and the ear bone and shoulder and arm...it really hurts. They cause me to constantly cough - I can feel something crawling up my throat and then scratching it and then I start to cough uncontrollably and my head and chest hurts like crazy and they keep doing it every half an hour or so at a time.
technically I've been hit for 23 years. I was first hit in 1999 then a quack Dr gave me Zoloft and in three days I was in jail for assault with a deadly weapon. With v2k and my true beliefs in scripture and the second coming and the y2k scare I with Zoloft thought I was an avenging angel and attacked some kid thinking he had the mark of the beast. but his uncle was there and beat me down which I was so exhausted from hearing v2k for 24/7 for at least four months it was easy for him to do so or Id of cleaned his clock. two weeks in a solitary cell I woke up to this v2k asking me shit and then went back to sleep. I awoke to it seemingly closing and telling me if it ever comes back.... UHM a day or two later I was finally let out into a regular cell and while the sound wasn't completely gone, it was low enough I thought it was just tinnitus. Each day it got better and I could cope once again. I later took a plea bargain and got a lesser felony that I eventually Got my gun and voting rights back in 2012.
Then after a article I wrote in 2018 or so in Nov of 2020 it came back been here now 24/7 again but this time I've not done anything illegal. I wasn't doing anything illegal then neither just worrying or caring about the mark of the beast. But now this stuff is again trying to accuse me of stuff I didn't do and try to make me kill myself or others. listen this is my v2k now.
Yes, they set up a "scene" and entrapped my son in Feb 2020. Made sure "the news" was right there waiting as they tracked him on his way to work. Set him up into a near felony. Forced a misdemeanor on him after dragging the "issue" for more than 1 year in NV "justice" system. (Beware of the corrupt VP involved from Navy as well.)
I have been targeted and attacked relentlessly with directed energy weapins 24/7 since retiring in 2016. 20 year active duty retired former Seabee and Special Forces augmentee with a Top Secret SCI Clearance now physically destroyed from their cowardly weapons, in an attempt to induce a heart attack or brain aneurysm. These DEGENERATES are SICK, Evil, Sociopaths.
Edward Snowden did say that a lot of them in the FBI and CIA and NSA are afraid to speak up because they need a job. They probably know what will happen to them once they leave. I know it is a hard thing to do but how does one live with a good conscience knowing this evil exists. I suppose they are not conscious of their actions and how it could affect their own families.
Lucky them i can't work they make sure I can't even when i go and pass the drug test and they tell me i can start the next day i get no call so I'll i can do for extra money is dj but even that they will get a hold hire me then don't ever call again .they have also screwed up my laptop it was working fine and blue screen day of event and broken my dj controller that one got expensive i only go online with laptop now to update and i even took out router so they can't hack me when I am not using it , i use to catch it truning on by its self now i know alot more about laptop and do a factory reset ,only thing i wave to install all music and dj program and sorting all music into genraes takes forever over 5000 songs and always growing
I keep praying to Jesus, although nothing has changed regarding my harassment but rather become more physically abusive, painful, and deadly; I still give glory to the most high. I still haven't discovered my purpose for my ability to continue to survive and endure their Evil torment, just surviving it daily is a feat in itself, and take ALL my energy and cognitive abilities.
I pray my suffering here and now will at least count as an atonement for the sins I committed on this earth.
This torture is unconsciousnable and unbearable. To thing those committed to heaven will endure this level of Pain for ALL Eternity is unimaginable.
I often find myself wishing this on my enemy; especially at the moments near death from painful attacks to my heart invoking complete lost of breath, excruciating pain, and the feeling of my soul leaving my body. Fear is an understatement at that point invoking a Fight or Flight response. I find it amazing and inspiring that Jesus still had the strength and mental fortitude and faculties to remain mentally strong and still love his enemies. I pray they Die and Burn in Hell...then ask the Lord to forgive me for my thoughts.
After 8 years I still haven't discovered anything that truly blocks their Cowardous energy weapons. Ignoring their immature Stalking antics, street theater, and noise campaigns have become child's play. It's the Directed Energy Weapons I desperately require relief from. If you or anyone you know has proof positive methods to blocking these heinous weapons; it would be greatly appreciated and I would forever be in your debt.
May the Lord continue to hold You (and ALL Targeted Individuals) and Keep US. Hopefully one day in the tranquility, comfort, and beauty of heaven. God Bless. 🙏 💛
Thank-you Joseph for your inspirational words. Like you, I have asked myself why God has allowed for such heinous crimes to occur. I have come to accept that I had to be targeted in reply to my plea to the Lord to be of service to him and continue to making this a better world. If I hadn't looked at the devil in the eye through my targeting, I would have never mustered the courage to sue Goliath. After so much suffering, there is nothing to be afraid of. I will fight until the end to set Tis free.
As to your DEW torture, I can share what I do to sleep. The first time I was able to sleep a full night was when I started using water bags to shield my head and parts of my body. I sleep with water bags protecting my heart, stomach and head. Make double or triple water-filled ziplock bags to prevent leakage. Amazon sells water pillows. Check out the "Water box" tab in Targeted Justice's website and make one for your head. It helps a lot. I recommend the bigger rectangle one if you can make it because the triangle one is not for anyone that is a tad claustrophobic. While working, I place water bags to cover my ears (hanging from a pair of earphones the criminals zapped). I place a double ziplock sandwich water bag under a cap to cover the top of my head. Of course: you can't go out like that in public, but in your home it's a great relief.
I hope this helps. Please stay strong. You do have a purpose in this. The Lord will continue to provide us with the strength to carry out this battle for all those that have not been so fortunate.
THANK YOU SO MUCH ANA TOLEDO!!! If you need me I am here for you! I been a victim my whole life. I want this to end, they are trying to kill me and my family.
Please, I am begging you. I am so sick of listening to this old retired idiot on the V2K. He tortures my family and my gfs. Thank you so much! If you need anything let me know! I want to stop them just as much as you and I am not afraid!
I don't know about that but a and I don't give a rats a** if illegal get jammers all kinds of them even if it doesn't help v2k it will help a bit with EMF radiation. rare earth magnets but lots of them and I use a bundle under my hat on the left side to take the energy the send. Magnet filters high pass and low pass filters on your cable line maybe??? I haven't tried that yet but think it could help. go to look out for charlies channel and look at his remedies he's got there one is back about 7 years back so watch that one. go to ICATOR to donate and and to this persons site https://www.aimeesaudios.com/
donate to her as well and she's helping me and ICATOR too all of you read this and go to those sites these place are the real deal and will help us in the log run.
Keep the prayers up as it will alleviate the torture. You are right in that after being through such torture there is really nothing to fear. It didn't take me too long after realizing I was a TI to get rid of any fear. Thanks and much blessings to all the TIs stories out there, I soon realized I was in the same boat when my gang stalking started; I knew what to expect so all this helped remove any fear which is what these criminals want.
Our prayers work...we may not realize it. Not being fearful is a prayer answered. Besides, Jesus told us to let our light shine through so others could see His power within us; let our light shine bright especially in torture and difficulty as that alone is powerful. There may be a parent, child or loved one (of these criminals) praying for their salvation and so I think God is working with us and in us to bring about their salvation; seeing us being tortured but yet keeping our faith alive is tremendous testimony to the criminals. We know what happened to Saul of Tarsus who persecuted the Christians! See how powerful his testimony became. God bless you all
Isiah 54 17 says no weapon formed against us will prosper and all tongues that rise up against us in judgement we condemn them. They shall gather together against us but not by him and they will fall for our sake. AMEN Brothers Fu*k them. Mine have wanted me to join them POS and take off my shoes which is the shoes of the Gospel. WE are in the end times repent and try not to hate or sin and be rapture ready its soon AMEN!
Recently I've been thinking that these criminals have their own AI that they program with their dirty tricks to hurt TIs and so they don't feel bad themselves because they get the AI to do the work for them and so they think they are not participating in the torture, allowing them to do more harm. This is why Elon Musk said that he is deathly afraid of TI. I agree.
Maybe you can subscribe to Targeted Justice and you will find out more about targeted individuals. I live in Canada but this TI injustice is a global crime.
They have this and hide in plain site on your roof
www.hyperstealth.com very real except at the one they use is ire advanced than what they show on there site only met one other ti that also saw this, i got ,lucky they did not see me coming and saw them the it on when they vaished i said thats it they made me crazy . This is the reason some people think it's a ghost .
possibly and partially yeah,but I know they do some of the v2k crap too. At least at first then later on if you don't kill yourself or others then they move on to only AI.
www.hyperstealth.com Here is one most don't know about only met one other ti that also saw them using this except now it's more advanced than what they show on company website it's like a silk fabric they can see through and throwing Over there heads like if it's a ghost costume it bends light so we can't see them out eyes think there is nothing there medicle eye book explainshow human eyes work and they used that to fool us
too it's not you or us paying for anything God payed that already Satan don't like it so he messes with us. This is Tribulation and or persecution nothing else don't ever fall for his lies that your paying for sins BS to him or them. Thes POS will fry for their crimes and it looks like soon they will be in prison and may get death penalty for them too. We all know they cause these mass shootings and rapes and etc... so they should get death sentences.
Buddy they are very human and they use this i saw it being used in a roof www.hyperstealth.com they can make it seem supernatural with the magnetic warp weapon they will make your bed springs move so you think it's a ghost
Yeah diabolical that praying makes them hit you more Pieces of shit. Yeah I pray they die too all the time I want them to be put on death row this is the worst thing anyone should have to go through. But as you I repent of it daily it seems. You know they will suffer though the most worst thing since they will fry in the lake of fire for their lies and abuse they've given us. I can't answer for all but I can answer for me I am not a pedo child raper or anyother BS crap they've tried to call me. I had and thank God I didn't attack the mother F**ker he stared at me and refused to help pump my gas. POS. I stared back at him though. One other POS I read his lips and said he wont help a baby raper I flipped him off POS. They do this crap for manchirion reasons they want someone to attack us for the lies they send over v2k crap. Video link
that's the torment they give me 24/7 bastards. pray these daily at least once. open openly with your voice the lords prayer psalms 31 94 109 120 and then close to protect yourself with the lords prayer. I add psalms 52 58 and 140 but do at least those four psalms. God will revenge us.
BECAUSE there is NO "Jesus" all was make up and we were lied to from birth, all are control mecanisms..I'm on Youtube, please Subscribe and see my short videos on Targeting, my full evidence on Jan 2020 video, Channel name: KDurschmidt, email me at KDurschmidt, I am only TI to file lawsuits at City Court, (and it is law they must disclosed, the Chandler Police are ALL involved with helicopters torturing me, circle and come head on at me on 24/7 basis..and poisons and nanobots found all over my house and food by my PI: private investigator: Melinda Kidder and Dr. Hildigard Staninger Dr. reports, I show all on my Jan 2020 YT videos, sub me please to help our cause, call me if you need support and your friendly: 480-257-3321
JosefJarvis I have often wondered about the same thing. These are some of them decent caring individuals. And year after year this goes on. God Bless the FBI will not admit to anything. Nor the police. It's a trip. Watching some of their tactics around. Why? No sense to it
Best shield we have tested is water. One inch of water is enough to absorb microvaves. Use doubled-up, water-filled ziplock bags. Look that the "water box" tab in the Targeted Justice website.
Keep your eyes open and listen to sounds on roof we have been lied to about it's next door or down the street they drop down on your roof by choppers and saw them using this thing www.hyperstealth.com
Have you tried lead sheeting for protection, I have read it works best. I have tried aluminum sheeting and it blocks some but not all of it. I have been a T I for over 4 years now and it is getting worse not better over time.
I have tried several metals, unfortunately I do not have the funds for a lead apron. My question is how are they attacking US 24/7? How do these ignorant immature individuals know the second I walk out my home?? How are they constantly in their vehicles ready to perform noise campaigns? Do they really have NO LIFE??
Lastly, why does lead work but not stainless steel cookie trays, aluminum foil, or copper pans???
Why do local degenerates have access to these weapons but I never even heard of them in the military over 20 years even imbedded with special forces units? It does make sense...and I can't believe Catherine Horton, Bill Binney or some other highly educated targeted hasn't figured out how to block this crap. They do not appeared to be RHODE SCHOLARS or Ivy League Physics professors or CERN workers. Just ignorant criminals or former Low Level Grunts in the military.
This is ridiculous. Getting slowly killed and tortured by half wits, and ignorant criminal trash!!!
I believe they have their own AIs that they program to torture us. That is how it is so precise. But try not to pay them any mind. You have to train your mind...it is hard but believe me once you learn such behavior it will become easier, trust me; you don't want to give them any of your time and energy. Each time it happens, try praising God in an effort to draw your mind away...I still have to do this...it's ongoing but at least the criminals don't get all my mind. Every time I get over their torture, they upgrade to something more torturous but I have been selected for this torture so I know that God goes ahead of me and that his angels encamp around me; so not matter what I will not let my mind be tainted with even the slightest anger for these criminals. They live for that.
They hide in the open with this thing saw it being used i walked up on them and got them off gaurd www.hyperstealth.com this shit is it ,if you look at an eye medicle book you will understand how it works all it does is it won't let light reflect off whoever has it on, the one they use is much more advanced than what they show here . It's now like a silk style fabric they just throw over there heads and let it drop down around them it bends light around you so you can still see whatever they are standing in front of they use those new plans that are also like helicopters they use in the Marines they can fly like a plane or hover likes chopper and take off like one also. seen them coming home one night at 4 am in the los Angeles River bed next to freeway 4 of them taking off in an area where there are no homes just industrial factories ,and they don't make alot if noise they came up with some props about 6 years ago that cut down sound like 40% the tips are shaped like a Nike swoosh crazy and they just drop down on our roofs smh with some wire or rope that on some nightsnits very visible if you look , dogs can still see them at first they use to go nuts when they showed up ,but i guess they are use to it now and they don't bark anymore but i still catch them looking up at them ,my friends RIT once was jumping up trying to bite something thought he was going crazy but that was before i saw them using it and found out how they hide was never looking up causealotvofcpeookectell you it's next door or down the street . the crazy thing is idiots not just in my house they are everywhere our government is up to no good pretty sure it's nwo new world order smh
They are military weapons, often satellite, likely out of Schriever SFB. Use against TIs is certainly kept secret, and not been used (much) in combat it seems. That's how it follows you - satellite via your brainprint (eeg). They can see and hear all you do, and so can know every second of your life (even with a phone only). Quite unconstitutional and vile, as we know. There is information online about blocking - look up building materials that block energy. You will see some block better due to their composition, density, etc. Lead is very good - some get a cap for their head. There are lead replacements now for coverings as lead can be toxic. Some energy (scalar waves) is very hard to block. Foil will cause microwaves to make dents. Steel is not as good as aluminum for microwaves. Try to make something thick over your head - perhaps a combination of metals, concrete, brick, wood, tiling on top of a tray or an object, perhaps large piece of wood - at one end of a couch - over the couch back then resting on a stool on the front of the couch (where your head would be if laying on the couch). Get away from metal coils in beds someone said. Inflatable beds are a lower cost option.
Thank you so much for your recommendation. I am ignorant to all this technology. I just wanted to retire and live in peace. I've done nothing wrong to deserve this. I will try a lead apron, it's the only thing I haven't tried yet. Ice packs just ease the pain and the heat at the location point. I just find it's SO Cowardly for supposed military personnel to use such weapons on unarmed individuals. We can't fight thus technology or even effectively defend ourselves against. It's more disgusting and disturbing to realize they are doing this to a fellow veteran and patriot. I fought so everyone can have life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I should be entitled to the same rights and freedoms; instead persecuted by COWARDOUS DEGENERATES BUDDY FUXXERS!!!
www.hyperstealth.com take a look they drop down on your roof using s cloak i saw them using it now i can see it cause i know what to look for notice how anything that crossed strait behind claro has small bend at edge of cloak , but they don't show the newer cloak in here it's mush more advanced now they throw it over there heads they can be right in front of you and your eyes tell your brain nothing is there , it works against how our eyes work i a médicos eye book it tells you we only see stuff that has light bouncing off of it we only see refracted light not direct light or sun would fry our eyes ,well what it does is it won't allow light to bounce of you so our eyes can't see them crazy but very true i walked up on 2 of them that where not expecting me and saw they where throwing it on ,thought i was going crazy it was a shocker i could tell they where still there as long as the fabric was still moving it's lije a silk style fabric that they can see though the newer stuff they don't show that in the website that there secret stuff for these scumbags .
One of our plaintiffs is an NSA whistleblower, Karen Stewart.
We believe that the Targeting program serves a dual purpose: aside from human experimentation, it's a deterrent mechanism used against potential whistleblowers.
The dam has cracked. There's no stopping the deluge of their demise.
This is why we individually have to strengthen ourselves, the criminals have made their lives easy by programming their own special AIs to do their work. They just love their tech gadgets so they feel like gods. By the way, I don't think Dr Katherine Horton is Binnie's wife, bless his soul. Maybe there's a punctuation mark that was missed so it seems like your sentence says that Mr. Binnie, NSA, and his wife. Take good care of yourself
She is his wife, they got married earlier this year.. .look up...as for the Degenerate gangstalkers I'm being murdered slowly everyday and u able to make a difference. These people will be murdered next by the same techniques and system but can make NOW. They are sellouts to Satan, and for what (?). To deal their lives and those they love but in the end 90% of the world will be wiped out again accept these Demon worshipping 1% ers.
Even their Minions will be wiped out soon!!!!
Lastly, Mrs. Horton IS now Mrs. Binnie. God bless them both. I hope / pray they figure out away to block these Energy Weapons !!! 🙏 🙏 🙏
It's good they support each other. My former USMIL spouse is the primary culprit. He was the defendant in my divorce in 2010 and managed to drag out the divorce much like they did war, beyond Desert Storm. Then put me "on trial" as Plaintiff. Corrupted female attorneys (mine defected) and female judge (a former Navy spouse!) Operating in Yolo County, CA. 2010-2015.
Sorry to hear that. I am a retired Navy Seabee in which I supported EVERY branch of the military from Bosnia, Kosova, Afghanistan, and 3 tours in Iraq.
These former military personnel and families involved are COWARDS! They were COWARDS and CORRUPT when they were in in uniform and they are NOW!!! NO true lord fearing veteran (no atheists in combat!) with integrity would come home and abuse another American let alone a human being.
They had no morals and values prior to joining and learned NOTHING during their time in the military. MANY are COWARDS who quit or get out before serving 20 years or after a combat tour.
To come home a use those skills learned to harm unarmed noncombatants in which its illegal to fight back against these invisible weapons just proves they are DEGENERATE COWARDS! No different than a criminal or thug who uses this structure and skill set to commit crimes or create a criminal organization.
They should be hung from the nearest light pole, their gentiles cut off put in their rectums or down their throat and lit on fire!!!!
That's what WE go through EVERYDAY from these COWARDS; attacking OUR intimate areas, burning our bodies, organs, and sleep depriving US!
Unfortunately vengeance is HIS SAITH THE LORD. I pray the ALL BURN IN THE LAKE OF FIRE FOREVER. I Use too pray for them and turn the other cheek. That doesn't work. These ANIMALS only know and respect pain and force!!! THE LORD COMES TO BRING THE SWORD THIS TIME..HALLELUJAH 🙏
You describe what I was figuring out during 2007 I. GERMANY, then WY in 2008. A security cop told me when I arrived to be aware of this "leadership". I had no idea THEN exactly what was meant. BE READY was another mockery I came to realize and it was actually published in AF Times around the same time. As was publishing an assertion of such control that became more extreme around my birthdate, and most years thereafter. This is how their kind mock and 'gain traction' against those they are actually worried about. They bullied me at a potluck about an environmental catastrophe"scenario" and "what would YOU do, Christy?" It was odd at first..then it got very wicked as I left F.E. Warren AFB WY in January 2009, to return to my profession they eventually infiltrated too.
Have you discovered any shielding that actually is effective against these heinous and cowardous weapons. I am in desperate need of effective / affective shielding. Thank you and God bless you in advance for any information you might beable to share on the issue. Forever in your debt; Very Respectfully, Joseph
What works for me is water. Doubled-up water-filled ziplock bags placed all over my head and body. I even sewed a head contraption with pockets to place the water bags in. You cannot go out in public like that, but it helps a lot when you are in your home or sleeping. I also place my head inside the water box for sleeping. Hopefully, soon we can throw all our protective contraptions away. Good luck!
Hi Anna, I saw the video you posted on electronic rape. I would like to use your information to support my complaint for Civil Harassment against my upstairs neighbors - who are targeting me - along with other information that supports my complaint. I am a victim of electronic rape and your statement could be used for supporting documentation to show that crimes of covert sexual assault is a committed and there are other victims of this heinous crime is astronomical. If you know of any other victims, please have them contact me to share their information. I will do the same for them. This is the only way we can be heard...by show of numbers.
Hi Ana, I don't have a following such as you and Targeted Justice. However, I would appreciate you sharing an effective method of protection against sexual assaults that I discovered and I use this method whenever I'm at home. Please share this information, thanks in advance....
I use gel ice packs (do not freeze) to protect myself against electronic sexual harassment and it's more effective than water bottles, as the gel packs are more flexible and conform to your body without leaving openings vulnerable to exposure. I use the wide ones (three), rap in towel in layers (one on the bottom and tone overlap halfway on top to protect the front area and the other one overlap halfway to protect the back side...this is done to prevent gapping) to protect back/front areas. If done correctly, it totally protects you from the sexual assaults.
I use gel ice packs (do not freeze) to protect myself against electronic sexual harassment and it's more effective than water bottles, as the gel packs are more flexible and conform to your body without leaving openings vulnerable to exposure. I use the wide ones (three), rap in towel in layers (one on the bottom and tone overlap halfway on top to protect the front area and the other one overlap halfway to protect the back side...this is done to prevent gapping) to protect back/front areas. If done correctly, it totally protects you from the sexual assaults.
How about the heart? Is this local law enforcement, degenerate neighbors, or the government you think; wasting 24/7 of their lives just to harass US this way? These people are true SICK, SOCIOPATHS!!!!
I want em 1 on 1 at a time face to face for just 1 min each person accountable for this shit. I feel.your pain cause I'm going thru it myself now for about 5 years. I've sent some email to a few people trying to get some answers but I feel it's relentless
Oh how I would love to line them up one by one and torture them while I make each one involved watch, awaiting their turn as I made my way down the line. These rats deserve to fry. This is no regular crime. And the punishment should be just as sensational.
I'm with you with the One on One for a minute but "THEY" are COWARDS!!! They only attack US 2-100 on ONE of US or they pay criminals, ignorant degenerates, or others that hide behind a badge or uniform.
They are lowlife losers, and Pansies!!! They have been their WHOLE LIVES!!!
GOD BLESS YOU Brother!!! Keep fighting the good fight!!!
I'm a TI too, 22 plus years since the passage of the US Patriot Act and/or they do it under the Foriegn Intellegence Surveillence Act, Illegally on US Citizens, CONGRESS IS TO BE REGULATING THEM AND FBI DIRECTOR WRAY AND FBI WHISTELBLOWERS, ADMITTED THEY USE THIS ACT AND SECTION 702 TO ILLEGALLY ATTACK INNOCENT AMERICANS, YET CONGRESS HAS THE POWER TO IMMEDIATLY STOP IT AND THEY DID NOTHING, SEE ALL YOUTUBE ON "FBI WHISTELBLOWERS, FISA ACT, INTELLEGENCE SUBCOMMITTEES, CHRISTOPHER WRAY GRILLED BY HOUSE, SUBSCOMMITTES, SENATE, US ATTORNEY GENERAL GARLAND AND ASSISTANT US ATTORNEY GENERAL OLSEN..ALL EVIL DOERS AND SERIAL MASS MURDERS OF BILLIONS OF INNCENT US CITIZENS WHILE CONGRESS DOES NOTHING!! MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL IS KDURSCHMIDT..my email is kdurschmidt@gmail.com...name name is Ms. Kris Durschmidt..see my YT of Jan 2020 on how and what evidence I got, do the same if you have not..stay strong!!nn480-257-3321..I filed lawsuits to US Supreme Ct..the Targeted Justice should publish all my lawsuits, then all TI's can copy the right laws and statues, case studies, and ammend to fit your individual case and FILE in your state's Federal Court, we can bombard them till they are broke and exposed and have no more places to hide...REAL men don't hide, they come out and face their victims!!
Stay strong, call if you need support or positive chat only! My lAWSUITS ARE UNDER KRISTI LEE DURSCHMIDT
Ive been targeted as far as I am aware of it since 2001. I am no expert on any of this stuff but still able to live a so called normal life. What Ive learned over the years is to be in my most best shape mentally & physically. You must change any bad habits if you have any.
I believe their main task is to establish a link between you and them so whatever you do in your daily life and no matter what they say number one goal is to ignore everything they say even if they speak with you internally and are able to read your thoughts in real time. The best way to break the connection between them as soon as you hear V2K I noticed is to watch sports games such as basketball due to the nature of the noise associated with it. Its enteraining and at the same time it blocks the V2K attacks. I truly believe that the only reason they are able to attack you via directed energy weapons is because they have a pretty good lock on you or you live in an apartment where they can literally live right next to you and hit you with microwave energy. Definetly find out who your neighbors are if you live in an apartment complex or a house for that matter. They usually get close to you and watch you 24/7 in order to verify their attacks.
Ive been hit with just about everything and only get V2K currently I noticed that once you somewhat break that connection and remember in order to do that you either put it auto play or constantly have that playing in the background as you go about your day. I also listen to Alex Jones in the background by the way really helps. If you haven't heard about him by now definetly check his site.
That should eliminate most of the directed energy attacks atleast in my case. Since then I am able atleast sleep like a normal person which is very important because it allows your physical body get much needed rest. and recharge I dont know what your health is like at the moment but when I said become super healthy I meant it. Running, swiiming, weight lifting whatever you can to be able to give your body a chance to repel all of the attacks.
I've been targeted for 10 years and I I've always said that though it's dark, the way out is shining at the end of the tunnel. I hope that the news will show this will be the biggest news story ever.
The federal goverment wants to keep silent the issue of targeted individuals, "watch lists", and COINTELPRO, and that explains why it quickly gave $36-million to two (2) men who had been falsely accused of the assassination of Malcom X many years earlier.
This lawsuit by Targeted Justice will serve as inspiration to the millions of us being persecuted.
The nation owes special gratitude to Ana Luisa Toledo, Esq. and her legal team at Targeted Justice; the rest of us must financially contribute to this cause.
Many Targeted Individuals like myself are victims of the “Man in the Middle” spy app. The government changes your email texts deletes communications and adds deragatory or condemning info that you did not write.
Then there is the privacy issue. I have none that is why the perps are always one step ahead. Trust me, it is not because they are human intelligence, because anyone that believes a single word of what CIA, DHS, FBI, FEMA, DOJ, NSA and all the other weaponized agencies states is a fucking idiot.
Fact.....there is a phone app that the perps utilize to track and harass TI’s. RISS Regional Information Sharing Service. The servers of RISS have all the recorded communications of our targeting.
Thank-you Larry. Please note we're just on a first stage: denouncing and stopping the program. Thereafter, it will be helpful to get all the evidence of collusion by FTC, FCC, FAA, USPS and all federal government agency players that have colluded to make our torture possible. The FBI is the gatekeeper but there are many actors within the federal payroll without whom our torture would not have been possible.
Targeted Individuals, and there are many have no privacy or client attorney, doctor patient confidentiality because of relentless surveillance. Then there is the infiltration of the government intervention. A service connected veteran had a FBI spy installed on his defense team to prevent a vigorous defense in his charges for January 6. The Democrat mafia FBI does not follow the US Constitution and has no honor or integrity when it comes to the rule of law. The Democrat weaponized pedophiles of FBI are the real insider threat. They are the domestic and economic terrorists. Not one Epstein Island Child rapist has been arrested. Biden is a pedophile and has sold out America to China. Biden is finding himself and the World Economic Forum reset with tax dollars to Ukraine. The FBI NEEDS TO BE DISBANDED DEFUNDED AND PROSECUTED FO CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.
I would say that they use every agency and every business, and there is evidence that by executive orders that FEMA is also involved and that the PostMaster General too is involved and somehow gets authority in some way to potentially tamper with mail of targeted persons who have been put on watch lists. I have had my mail tampered by these people extensively for years now. It is very subtle because they do not want to get caught, this would be very bad if our postal service was found to be working against the people of the United States in these operations, but they have done things to me personally like hold my mail for long periods, so that I do not get important mail that I need in time, there was a time a few years ago when I was getting movies sent to me from Netflix back when they still did that I don't know if that is still a thing, but the post office was used to attempt to make it seem as if I was keeping these movies and not returning them, this was just one of the ways that they try to do entrapment scenarios using government services. I kept having to report them as not delivered, and this can be used to characterize me in a negative way as though I was attempting to steal those movies and then lying about it. I live in El Paso, Texas. Things are pretty bad here in many ways, very corrupt. Every place I go, these jerks try to make me be treated like a thief, at Walmart the self checkout workers are enlisted to come stand over me when otherwise before I arrived they were busy talking with other employees or customers, when I arrive, they come over and belligerently stand by me watching every item I scan and they do it every time so that I will know it is being done on purpose, they always leave right when I scan my last item. I bet if I asked to see their video tapes or footage, the mobbing that I am subjected to along with the profiling and harassment by employees at the self checkout would be quite clear. They would see the self checkout employees ignoring customers until I arrive and then they come over and stand over me belligerently that is what they would see. My ex husband purposely reported his debit cards, Sam's card and some other cards stolen after he left and never returned leading up to our divorce., he now denies ever having done this even though we talked about it when it happened, gaslighting is very pervasive with this program. What this amounted to was me being treated like a thief everywhere I went including at Sam's Club where I was a customer for 13 years and never once had anyone treat me like I was some kind of thief before, yet after the cards were reported stolen, I was harassed just like at Walmart.
Any agency here can be activated to conduct harassment operations on any person, this place is like ground zero for targeting honestly. People say other places are, but Operation Paperclip happened near here and then Los Alamos was evidently involved early on in non lethal weapons testing. There is decades and decades of corruption here showing that this exact type of targeting using every aspect of a community even public education to such an extant that when my active duty former military husband decided to divorce me here, I knew that I could not get an honest lawyer to represent me even if I had tried, I knew that it would be used to entrap me in some way. I was also prevented from having a response to the divorce petition, on the military base here, they offered no free legal service for spouses or soldiers that is often provided at many military bases, yet he got a lawyer and got an uncontested divorce which in this state means that he could have said all kinds of things about me and the court accepted his allegations by default because I had no representation, I got a default judgment against me because I could not afford a lawyer and could not expect to get an honest free lawyer and of course I could not afford a lawyer anyway due to being targeted I could not even volunteer anymore due to the whisper tactics, it is always that it is prevented in some way no matter what it is that I try to do.
I used to get heavily targeted with vehicle mobbing from FEDEX and UPS, but I try to ignore them now, and it is not as frequent, they still do FEDEX runs here when I send a text or email, that is one way they are used to harass the targets to let them know there are eyes everywhere. Funny thing about that is that all the eyes are not on these people who are committing crimes everyday against people who have not been given any due process and RICO crimes everyday are being committed against them. If I am being held under a secret investigation where the mere act of going out and getting the mail or taking out the trash is characterized as a crime so that I can be surveilled and watched like a hawk every second of the day, then everything and anything that these stalkers and electronic weapons users are doing while I am under investigation is supposedly a punishable offense under RICO. If they sabotage my vehicle, deflate my tires, make it so that I can not get things done while they hold me under an unlawful investigation these are all punishable crimes, they purposely use their access to government to prevent things like me getting my car titled, registered, licensed, etc. And, worse is that I have been electronically assaulted to my heart mainly many times while I was attempting to do these things. They have attempted many times to interfere with services I needed to fix my vehicle all as the act of these vehicular malfunctions is clearly being staged as a method of warfare, I am also being prevented from fixing those things, and as this goes on I am very much aware of military, police, intelligence and criminal syndicate involvement, a person just knows when they are being followed and subjected to these operations. They even go so far as to enlist people at grocery stores so that I can not buy certain items; at one point, they were working very hard to ensure that I could not get the dog food that our dog enjoys so that I would have to drive all over town wasting gas I could not afford to find it. I was even prevented from buying it online, and this was very stressful for us. The RNM capability they have allows them to see our thoughts in real time, and this gives them an unfair advantage to do these harassment operations, this is called asymmetrical warfare when the target has no ability to defend themselves because they are not aware of how sophisticated the capabilities are that their attackers are orchestrating. How often do we hear targets trying to understand how all of this is being achieved? It is because we are purposely being subjected to weaponry that is advanced beyond what most people can conceivably understand and that too makes these horrific crimes. The worst part of all this is the gas lighting. That in and of itself is a very criminal abuse tactic.
Ana Luisa Toledo, Esq. and her legal team at Targeted Justice deserve praise and recognition in this historic and detailed lawsuit which benefits the whole nation; thank you for being such an inspiration to the millions of people that are targeted by the goverment.
Still being tortured 24/7 nonstop. Just put in for my FOIA Requests to the FBI, Homeland Security, and the DOJ. I can't wait until these rogue officers and officials are held accountable for their war crimes and attack on us , the American people.
Yes, exactly. There is so much good they can do to humanity and so much goodness they can get out of doing good deeds but these scumbags don't have such intelligence to know the difference between good and evil.
Thank you for taking on this tremendous task. It sure isn't easy and I pray you will get the financial support. TIs are most times rendered jobless and penniless thus preventing them from even contributing towards lawsuits like this. What a demonic force this is to have carefully planned such global torture, disrespect and disregard for humanity! They keep the suspense and narrative on 'aliens' to get funding from the government and they are being fed by the fools who one day will be targeted. If anyone has been through what TIs have been through, they will find out that these criminals perform unimaginable feats with the technology they are using for evil rather than help humanity; this same technology is being used to create the so-called aliens and ufo's and uap's that is why they are using different trickery for different TI's; it's amazing to see how many intelligent people believe in this 'aliens' hoax thus keeping the whole torture and black ops program going.
It's ironic you say to protect your neck. They have constantly attacked my heart for the last 3 days it's been the vertebrae in the middle of my neck. Why the vertebrae in our necks or back?
My bones have actually become enlarged because of these vicious attacks. And as I stated earlier in my lower pelvic region formed fleshy hard lumps against the bone.
Are ALL these weapons microwave based? I guess are body is trying to counteract the damage. How I do not have cancer or dead yet, is a miracle. These weapons also atrophy my muscles rapidly, and can even constrict blood flow to my extremities for hours while I try and sleep
How another human being can spend 24/7 torturing another human being is unconsciousnable. They are absolutely vial and disgusting whoever is behind my attacks.
Receiving this news and material made my day yesterday morning! I stopped everything I started my morning doing to read. I can not tell you the wave of emotions I was experiencing...thankful and rejoicing, while shedding tears of joy and a reminder of the pain I have been enduring. And hopeful this is the beginning of an atrocious ending! The day of judgment and justice is on the horizon! Giving thanks to Targeted Justice and Ana Toledo, Esquire.
Hello Ana I justed wanted to tell you what's going on here in Michigan I'm being torture as you know but there surveillance has gotten worse and this is not all they are leaving feces in my toilet put spit on wall and furniture steal my clothes out of my home. Come to find out they mess with my door so much it doesn't close tight. In November 22, 2023 I was hit by FedEx and after that my car was stolen in January 4, 2023 I just needed to let you know Ms Toledo what's going on Here. One more thing I have banging noise in my basement 24/7.
They do noise campaigns on me and I smile thinking the following: I will make them pay 3 times what they invested in tormenting me. Let them continue spending money and causing damages. All the more that they'll have to dish out to pay for damages.
Targeted 2014 after call to police on Federal employee neighbor. Vehicles suddenly appeared on security camera sitting out front my home including marked and unmarked police cars. In my case at least police are absolutely involved in my targeting. I am now a walking experiment for some sick program. May God keep us safe from the pure evil that surrounds us 🙏
here in modesto there killing people trying to give them heart attacks like myself, they use people from mexico they brought here they stole my puppy for 4 months tortured him. all goverrment are working with them, I cant get help from anyone its like being trapped
I have been a TI for 15 years and because of what these sick bastards have done to me ,my life is ruined. My health is destroyed,I have no friends, my family thinks I’m crazy .I want these people in prison for the rest of their lives .I will never stop fighting for my life back. Hooray for Targeted Justice keep on fighting..Thank You for what you are doing
It takes one to know one.
If I wasn't a TI, I doubt that I could have undertaken this endeavor.
It is stories like yours and others I've come to know about that fuel my sense of urgency and passion to bring this to an end.
Start/keep journaling in paper. Don't be afraid to put the word out. We will be free.
I wrote everything down for 5 years I had 10 notebooks then they broke into my house broke into my safe stole all my notebooks and my cancer medication and broke and stole cameras.Then after I called the police a week later they broke in my house again and put drug paraphernalia and baggies and all sorts of stuff all over my house .They also put a drone by my window and popped 2 televisions .I could go on for years at the torture they put me threw.It will all come out some day and I hope they charge them and imprison them. No human ,or animal or anything deserves this.
I'm so sorry to hear that William.
I'm working hard to end this evil program.
Hang in there!
Truth, God and justice are on our side.
A. Toledo
Quick question Ana, Is there a reason we don't mention the Gang stalking aspects of it? Are you just trying currently to set a precedent or a framework from which to move forward??
We alleged organized stalking and PsyOps by DHS...
There is VERY GOOD reason not to use that word, I request and advise victims of these organized networked crimes, NOT defer or use the term "GANGSTALKER", there is no such thing. This term is used to DISCREDIT victims being terrorized by NGOs operating (RICO) crimes (ORGANIZED CRIME).
(NGOs are committing many crimes nation-wide including aiding and abetting in human smuggling operations, NGOs are conscripted idiots you know - according to a WHISLTEBLOWER, paid ca$h (or laundered funds via "legitimate sources" Medicare? Medicaid? etc.), to conceal their criminal actions.
Are you able to be a lawyer In Florida? I want to hire you as my lawyer. Email me sophiejoseph27@yahoo.com
I am sorry Sophie. I will only step into Florida when one of two things happen: a) we shut down the program or b) the Baker Act is repealed.
For now, Texas is the land of the truly free...
So if I move to texas Will they turn the neuroweapon off
The police in on it
In the worst way, Fl. cops set me up and sent me to a mental hospital for a 72 hold. It's unbelievable. I've never had mental health "issues" and now at the ripe age of 40, I am being made to appear nuts...by my very own Govt. I still can't fathom it and I KNOW it's real. These people are beneath rodents and I think they like it that way. I've have several cops laugh directly in my face. They find it funny and think they're invincible.
I’m from St Lucie County Florida and I was forced to leave. GPS tracking was placed on my car and phone. My home was illegally sold. The night before I left they come to my cousin house to do a welfare check on my son, because I spoke out about being sexual assault and drugged. They wanted me to say I was having a mental breakdown. I left and CPS was called on me. I had cops following me and harassing me. It’s hard to get medical treatment at the VA hospital, They flatten my tires and drained my battery. I never had supportive family and friends so it was hard for them to join in too. I’m in Texas but the gang stalking still exists. They break into my apartment daily and destroys everything. Dirt and lint is placed everywhere. They tampered with my food and drinks. But I know I can’t quit, too much has been done to me.
I am so sorry that's happening to you. Remember, you are not alone. There's strength in numbers. I pray today brings you peace and prosperity. Never Give up! Keep the faith that we will get through this sooner than later and everyone one of those evil demons will be brought to justice.
Let me know if you ever want to talk. I'm in Michigan but still there's strength in community.
I definitely understand they threatened to take my son if I didn't go to the emergency room for a mental health assessment. I'm glad I didn't go because I found out it is illegal for social services to investigate you without cause or a warrant. But I will be suing them too.
They just did the same to me! Bastards. Docs involved all complicit!
We're you in Florida?
Stay strong trust God
They sure are and so are medical staff in hospitals and ambulance drivers.
I am so sorry William. I am fighting tooth and nail to end this program. I will never give up.
Blessings to you, Ana. There's so many of us who need help. And the crazy part is nothing is actually wrong with us, if they would simply leave us alone. Who preys on another human being in such a way. This is worst tragedy I have witnessed via the underbelly of humanity. It's simply unfathomable that others seek to harm other humans in such a way when they already know how hard it is to figure life out as is. I weep for humanity and I'm glad I only have one son because what these people have planned for the future, I would not desire to bring a beautiful, innocent child into. Gone is fair play, due process, or equal opportunity if I ever existed but now we have to worry about people stealing our thoughts and forcing us to become robots. It's absolute insanity!
So, I’ve heard of “gangstalking” but not witnessed it. Heard of TI, but not seen it in action. With all due respect, some things just sound too random and bizarre to be anything other than extreme, debilitating paranoia. Why would the govt break into someone’s house and “move things around”, or “put dust and dirt” in someone’s home? I’d want to know if the affected ones have been involved in methamphetamines.
Is there a platform to share videos?
I would like to start a zoom channel meeting any ideas?
Ask @RoyEacups - he used to have those for TIs.
Please subscribe to my Youtube Channel and/or see my videos on my Targeting, especially the one with all my evidence the Jan. 2020 video, and/or email me at KDurschmidt@gmail.com..Ms. Kris Durschmidt
Did you get any ideas? How you gone any further with the zoom idea?
@RoyEacups is taking video testimonials as well.
What social platform is he found on? I searched @RoyEacups and a Twitter account came up.
He's on Youtube for sure, I see his videos all the time, he does NOT live in USA thought. Please subscribe to my Yotube and see the vid's on Targeting for me and help my Channel grow as they block my YT Channel from ordinary likes..it is only about 45 views each time I make videos, and then other channels of non sense get 10,000 and mroe likes..45 views would mean, only perpertrators view my Channel and I am blocked from normal people and citizens viewing my channel!! Ms. Kris Durschmidt, KDurschmidt is my Channel on YT, KDurschmidt@gmail.com is my email and my phone, Az time: 480-257-3321 can call after 6pm if you need support or to chat if your friendly! Stay strong!
Yes, Twitter that I know of.
Thank you.
I would encourage all Ti's to purchase a bumper sticker that says TARGETED LIVES MATTER. I have one. I had someone read it and say, I like that. Can't tell if they were trolling or otherwise but I took it as a moment to create awareness. Also, I would encourage us to use the hashtag on ALL our posts that reads: #Justice4TARGETEDINDIVIDUALS
Hashtags get attn. Hashtags get noticed. Hashtags gain traction. People may not know what it means but it at least creates awareness. I, personally like to go to various youtube videos about politics,humanity,etc...and leave a brief message about Targets and then drop that hashtag or sometimes I will just drop the hashtag because AWARENESS IS KEY. Then we can share details. Thoughts anyone??
Custom make tshirts. I have 4.
Become a living billboard.
You can buy Targeted Justice products at the Etsy shop. We don't earn much from it, but the "walking billboard" aspect of it is worth it. https://www.bonfire.com/targeted-lives-matter-campaign/
The criminals have blocked our page/sales.
A few weeks ago, I attempted to put in an order to make some flyers, especially to hand to the Perps when I am being covertly ambushed in public, the business I took them to told me he would have my copies in a couple of days, but once he read it, his entire demeanor changed, needless to say, three days later, I went to pick up order and he had not even started it. I just asked for my deposit back. At least I tried. But was not surprised by the resistance/skepticism!
I'm so sorry.
Thank-you for your effort.
Please don't give up. That is what they want us to do.
We must continue to raise awareness.
It's the path to freedom.
Try an online print service like Vista Print.
Did you ever get copiess?? Please subscribe to my Youtube Channel to help my Channel grow: KDurschmidt or email me for support or to chat KDurschmidt@gmail.com, phone 480-257-3321
Keep trying! Don't give up! Get those flyers done, if it's the only thing you ever do. If each us us accomplish one thing, that brings all of us closer to ending this insanity.
They just hacked my phone and stole EVERYTHING! Then they blocked my access from the things they stole. Blocked me from my own stuff. Using my own biometrics,etc against me. I was deeply depressed for a couple of weeks. And now I'm right back at it. I will start over a million times if I have too even if only to accomplish one meaningful thing.
Peace be unto you!
Yeah I have a t shirt that reads Gangstalkers is a felony and you will be caught or dead. you will fry in the lake of fire.
Yes! I thought about it. Just do not have the money to do it at this time. My entire financial stability has been completely taken away from me! What does you TShirt say?
yeah mine too but since I'm married my wife helps carry the load.
Yeah on SSI because my livelihood too has been taken from me.
Mine cost around $45 to create and have them ship to me.
at T shirts plus I think is the name of the company.
Targeted Justice posts video testimonials.
Thank you!
I would like to know if I can ask for my personal crime record from the fbi, homeland security police dept and find out why I’m on this list? Would they give it to me ?
Make them independently. Educate the greater populace being subjected to chemical warfare.
Here is how I am being guided to share (and teach about the Higher Power-God almighty), in juxtaposition to those who actually "think" they are doing "God'$ work/ "God is going to get your mother". It is crazy brainwashing to be sure since 9/11 - Let FREEDOM Ring (LFR): https://youtu.be/FUhpirEgWgE. (View the 40:40 video link in the LFR description box-this is where I elaborate on my story more). Take good care.
Thank you for what you are doing. Innocent Americans being murdered for no reason. My targeting will kill me. I am already having mobility issues, cracking bones. We live in a sad world today. Pure evil is running these programs. I hope it gets turned on them.
You're my hero!
I want to hire you as my lawyer
Yes I can’t wait
Oh hey tried contacting you on your website I'd like you to represent me once I get all my evidence together like this
Video link
I hope you (and all TIs) understand that all my efforts have to go to shutting down this program. For all TIs. I cannot take on any other cases or carry out consultations. I'm only admitted to practice law in Puerto Rico, the USDC for the District of Puerto Rico, the Southern District of Texas, and the First Circuit Court of Appeals. Therefore, even if I had the time and resources, I cannot assume the representation of anyone else at this time.
Keep journaling and accumulating evidence. You will need it when we are set free.
Please end NWO Tortureware!
So do u know of any other attorneys that are will to step up and be bold like u, to help out the community of all TIs
I’m in the First Circuit Court of Appeals jurisdiction. I haven’t filed a lawsuit yet for all the obvious reasons….mainly don’t even want to bother trying to find a lawyer. My time will likely be better served filing my own lawsuit but as a lawyer can you comment on filing solo or trying to create a class action? Ironically, as soon as I posted the sirens went off…. It’s mostly the stalking and harassment but now I am convinced my food and drinks are being poisoned and perhaps even the running water to my shower…
It’s everywhere. They continue to stall so they can set up the scene— even to set off chemicals in the air. None of the gangstalkers seem to notice it though. Anyone know why?
I thought after the lawsuit was won that more lawsuits would come that would include people from all over the U.S. Dr. Ber is from Chicago I believe. How will we find representation when the time comes?
I am not admitted to that jurisdiction.
However, I believe that when we succeed in declaring the TSDB's handling codes 3 and 4 illegal, it will become easier for all TIs to get their day in court.
I am also being targeted along with my 5 yr old son. They flattened my tires and caused mechanical failure to my vehicle, this will be the fifth vehicle. They broke into our house,, we moved and they are breaking into our apartment, they are weird the will trash the place with dirt and paper. Pee on the carpet. Erase my emails, tamper with my financial obligations. Tamper with my mail and packages and the list goes on. But I vow that I will continue to expose them, because these cowards needs to be in jail. The things that are doing are criminal and is criminal behavior. So I hopefully we will get justice soon.
These stories are real. Stay strong. Psalms 91
Have you considered an inexpensive “Ring Doorbell” camera to document the disturbances? That would be the first thing I’d do. Blessings.
That's precisely why their end is near.
The stories are no longer "plausible deniable".
They are when the families and friends of TIs are susceptible to mind control
You are absolutely right! Every day, I experience something. Like now, with the neighbors and the noise harassments and let me not forget to mention the low flying planes. And it seems every time I am on my phone and laptop. The creepiest of it all is the acoustics noise tapping sounds that is synchronized with my thoughts as well as the timing of the commercial interruptions that too is relative to how I am living my PRIVATE life...well not so private at this point! With the acoustics taps, I have started to just count out loud when I hear the taps. The level of conditioning is sick! At this point my strength is to embrace it and be remain conscious of it but no longer fearful of it!
what do you mean by acoustic taps?
Pray these daily the lords prayer to start then psalms 31 94 109 120 then close with the lords prayer he avenges us all who are oppressed by Satan and his cohorts.
Im here for you if you need me!
Cool where you from ? I am in Los Angeles
Illinois, I love LA. I miss it so much. Got facebook?
No i hate that facebook
No i dont do social media its fake as fuck have no time for ot its just another way for herto judk us avbout ut
Everyone should contact their government representatives often, and request they end the patriot act. This program is the "tool" being referred to in the patriot act.
"Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism"
22+ Years here, got started after 911/"Patriot Act".
Yeah, it picked up steam their violations and crimes became more and more brazen. I would hear clicks on my landline phone, then when I hung up and picked up the line there was no dial-tone so I knew scumbag trash were on my phone. So, I began seriously cursing them out calling them every thing imagined.
They'd call back I would never answer - seems my very hostile verbal response to being unlawfully wire-tapped, led to me being arranged for a conscripted assault January 31, 2015 (ORBITAL SKULL FRACTURE) (NOTE; Also this was after calling WASHINGTON DC to get Pillosi impeached for dereliction of duty - not pursuing impeachment against BUSH and CHENEY.)
Yes, I truly hate and despise these CORRUPT DEEP STATE evil doers and their USEFUL IDIOT NGOs!
I'm so sorry William. You're not alone. I know how horrible if a time you're having and I agree with your sentiments.. everyone involved needs to get the death penalty. I'm being trafficked by my own city; they think they own me, can turn me over to the feds for committing no crimes, enslave me, destroy my home of 20 years, slander my name, gangstalk me, invade my privacy, microwave me so hard my hair is falling out and I think my teeth are next, all so they can picket however much money they think my life is worth. Hang in there, your life matters
Hi William Brock, I'm Ms. Kris Durschmidt. I've been a TI for 22 plus years, if I can help just let me know. Subscribe to me for free on my Youtube Channel, at KDurschmidt, email: KDurschmidt@gmail.com or call after 6pm Az time to chat: 480-257-3321..I'm the only TI, I filed lawsuit up to the US Supreme Ct. and all my lawsuits were illegally Dismissed, I have all the evidence that Federal and State Law require, still my lawsuits were dismissed: I have Dr. Hildigard Staninger and PI Melinda Kidder with Specialists, graphs and signed letter detailing I am a victim of Nanobots, poisons, electromagnetic devices and frequencies coming out of my body, and I am the worse case they seen..I'm the the "average citizen" being tracted, I am far worse, I am highly intellegent and have 4 college degrees and still work 2-3 days a week in the medical field even though I am very sick and lethargic..talk later, stay strong please, blessings all the way till we are FREE and these evil bastards are hung for WAR Crimes and serial killers
Don’t give up!! I’ve been a TI for seven years and the same thing has happened to me. Fight back!
Did you ever get any help is there anyone that can help me for support
Gosh, it provides the slightest bit of support to know we are in this together. But, what you wrote took the words right out of my mouth. It's eerie that at it's rotten core, it seems to have left all of us TIs telling the same sad story with not much to show for life. They've ruined my relationships, etc...and basically everything you said. I pray for your peace and mine, my friend. Be Well!
Same hear and they are really messing with me tonight feel hot ton a rainy day my stomach is making all sorts of noise gurgling feel like i pigged out but have had no food in hours wherever i sit or lay down whatever part of my body touched couch or bed feeling vibtarion Now i hear like a staying sound and that dam smell like when you use a power saw and it jams like a burnt smell and it clogs my nose big time makes it hard to breath need to go outside get some fresh air take a walk make it harder for them to point this shit at me .
They are using NWO Tortureware on you. They are terrorists!
They are the fbi nsa and home land security look at all the fucked up shit they are doing fir tte demincrap party its all real and happening out in the ooen tgey dint give a fuck about us did yoy see the hyoerstealth.cim videis
Its some fat retired slob sitting at home living off his/her pension on NWO Tortureware. The government has this satellite active and terrorists use it. It needs to be taken down!
Whatever yea ok its some fat dude sitting at home ? This is exactky why they are getting away with it demial about what it is. .if thats true then why do they need a cloak to hide from us ? you sfill havecnot seen it have you ? Your so stuck on what you believe you wont even look at anything else will you ? Last chance www.Hyperstealth.com yea they use this for some fat dude sitting st home tgat we cant see anyway taje care i kniw why i sed and this idxwgst i saw havent sern any fat fucksitting at home i saw 2 asshokes hiding behind this thing have you seen some fat dude sitting at home doing anything ? No niether this is what i saw look into it or just keep lookig at some fat dude sitting at home and never get anywhere tired if this get nowhere with no proff bullshit i saw this abd i even found who sells the fucking thing .
Looks to me you are trying real hard to dint what i saw who are you really ? A ti ir one if the scumbags involved ,just the fact you still not once said a thing about the link i keep posting to you , makes it kind of strange it's almost like you dint even want thus cloak talked about !!!
Curse words are called “curse” words for a reason. Start there.
Check this shit out they are using this but it's more advanced than what they show in website now www.hyperstealth.com i saw 2 guys on a roof throwing it on caught them by surprise . It's now like a silk fabric they just throw over there heads like it they are ghosts costum but. As soon as fabric standstill they are gone when they move you still don't see them good but You can tell something is there if you just happen to look in that spot you won't miss it if they are moving pay attention how anything that crosses behind it at the edges it looks bent . That's how I find them on a roof Tte cable lines are behind them and same thing happens they fly on those marine offspreays that fly like choppers and a plane also
Hold paper or plastic in that area and you will hear/feel repetitious hits like from an air gun or something. It is to disturb your central nervous system.
No they work on body parts alot in my stomach and testicles it hurts some of them turn it up and it hurts like a mother
I have the same...in my stomach too and all over of course. They also make cuts in my genital area and sometimes on my body in general. When I'm on the computer & I copy text and when I paste that text it is something the perp wrote. This happens even when I work from the office. They send brief messages to me that way. Today it was RP - I guess they mean RIP. One time when I pasted text it came out as 'sicco', then another time 'TI' and 'F/U'. There were a few more but I can't remember right now...but I do have copies of almost all. Recently they made my feet swell a little, enough for me to notice it. They constantly put chemical odors right in my nasal & I just have to live with it because there's no way to stop it. Oh and here's another thing they did to me a few times...when I sprayed perfume on me, they somehow made it to my taste buds...so it felt like I had sprayed it in my mouth. The things they can do with this technology is just incredible. Such demons...it's unbelievable.
I feel vibrations, and once in a while I get a stronger electrical magnetic pulse that hits my body at different locations. I always wear 5G protection clothing and beanie. Before that, I felt the electricity shoot through my body. Sounded like untethered electricity. Once, I got hit in the middle of my chest, caused me to regurgitate and I have had slightly swollen ankles since then. I still can walk up mountains and exercise, but it feels like my heart does not beat as strong as it used to.
What teally scared me is they can stop your heart that crreeps me out . its not all lije peopke day from cell towers tgese guys go ubder house and tap lightly on flloor so no ine eslse hears it ? I get roach poison and start spraying it in vents .sometines tget drop down on roof t saw them use something only one otger person has also seen they have a light bending cliak i knowwhere iys made and sold i will send you link so you see what it lokks like
They have done tge heart ares but no ants. They do so many differnt things make me sweat when its not even hot feel burns on my skin sometimes even think they caused gall stones needed dirgery a few years ago
They heat up my body too; and a few times they made me feel cold. They have gotten to the muscles in the right side of my neck and the ear bone and shoulder and arm...it really hurts. They cause me to constantly cough - I can feel something crawling up my throat and then scratching it and then I start to cough uncontrollably and my head and chest hurts like crazy and they keep doing it every half an hour or so at a time.
technically I've been hit for 23 years. I was first hit in 1999 then a quack Dr gave me Zoloft and in three days I was in jail for assault with a deadly weapon. With v2k and my true beliefs in scripture and the second coming and the y2k scare I with Zoloft thought I was an avenging angel and attacked some kid thinking he had the mark of the beast. but his uncle was there and beat me down which I was so exhausted from hearing v2k for 24/7 for at least four months it was easy for him to do so or Id of cleaned his clock. two weeks in a solitary cell I woke up to this v2k asking me shit and then went back to sleep. I awoke to it seemingly closing and telling me if it ever comes back.... UHM a day or two later I was finally let out into a regular cell and while the sound wasn't completely gone, it was low enough I thought it was just tinnitus. Each day it got better and I could cope once again. I later took a plea bargain and got a lesser felony that I eventually Got my gun and voting rights back in 2012.
Then after a article I wrote in 2018 or so in Nov of 2020 it came back been here now 24/7 again but this time I've not done anything illegal. I wasn't doing anything illegal then neither just worrying or caring about the mark of the beast. But now this stuff is again trying to accuse me of stuff I didn't do and try to make me kill myself or others. listen this is my v2k now.
Video link
Yes, they set up a "scene" and entrapped my son in Feb 2020. Made sure "the news" was right there waiting as they tracked him on his way to work. Set him up into a near felony. Forced a misdemeanor on him after dragging the "issue" for more than 1 year in NV "justice" system. (Beware of the corrupt VP involved from Navy as well.)
I have been targeted and attacked relentlessly with directed energy weapins 24/7 since retiring in 2016. 20 year active duty retired former Seabee and Special Forces augmentee with a Top Secret SCI Clearance now physically destroyed from their cowardly weapons, in an attempt to induce a heart attack or brain aneurysm. These DEGENERATES are SICK, Evil, Sociopaths.
Thank-you! We need the prayers.
Pray for a courageous whistleblower to come our way.
I refuse to believe that all of the FBI is evil and corrupt.
Edward Snowden did say that a lot of them in the FBI and CIA and NSA are afraid to speak up because they need a job. They probably know what will happen to them once they leave. I know it is a hard thing to do but how does one live with a good conscience knowing this evil exists. I suppose they are not conscious of their actions and how it could affect their own families.
Lucky them i can't work they make sure I can't even when i go and pass the drug test and they tell me i can start the next day i get no call so I'll i can do for extra money is dj but even that they will get a hold hire me then don't ever call again .they have also screwed up my laptop it was working fine and blue screen day of event and broken my dj controller that one got expensive i only go online with laptop now to update and i even took out router so they can't hack me when I am not using it , i use to catch it truning on by its self now i know alot more about laptop and do a factory reset ,only thing i wave to install all music and dj program and sorting all music into genraes takes forever over 5000 songs and always growing
I keep praying to Jesus, although nothing has changed regarding my harassment but rather become more physically abusive, painful, and deadly; I still give glory to the most high. I still haven't discovered my purpose for my ability to continue to survive and endure their Evil torment, just surviving it daily is a feat in itself, and take ALL my energy and cognitive abilities.
I pray my suffering here and now will at least count as an atonement for the sins I committed on this earth.
This torture is unconsciousnable and unbearable. To thing those committed to heaven will endure this level of Pain for ALL Eternity is unimaginable.
I often find myself wishing this on my enemy; especially at the moments near death from painful attacks to my heart invoking complete lost of breath, excruciating pain, and the feeling of my soul leaving my body. Fear is an understatement at that point invoking a Fight or Flight response. I find it amazing and inspiring that Jesus still had the strength and mental fortitude and faculties to remain mentally strong and still love his enemies. I pray they Die and Burn in Hell...then ask the Lord to forgive me for my thoughts.
After 8 years I still haven't discovered anything that truly blocks their Cowardous energy weapons. Ignoring their immature Stalking antics, street theater, and noise campaigns have become child's play. It's the Directed Energy Weapons I desperately require relief from. If you or anyone you know has proof positive methods to blocking these heinous weapons; it would be greatly appreciated and I would forever be in your debt.
May the Lord continue to hold You (and ALL Targeted Individuals) and Keep US. Hopefully one day in the tranquility, comfort, and beauty of heaven. God Bless. 🙏 💛
Thank-you Joseph for your inspirational words. Like you, I have asked myself why God has allowed for such heinous crimes to occur. I have come to accept that I had to be targeted in reply to my plea to the Lord to be of service to him and continue to making this a better world. If I hadn't looked at the devil in the eye through my targeting, I would have never mustered the courage to sue Goliath. After so much suffering, there is nothing to be afraid of. I will fight until the end to set Tis free.
As to your DEW torture, I can share what I do to sleep. The first time I was able to sleep a full night was when I started using water bags to shield my head and parts of my body. I sleep with water bags protecting my heart, stomach and head. Make double or triple water-filled ziplock bags to prevent leakage. Amazon sells water pillows. Check out the "Water box" tab in Targeted Justice's website and make one for your head. It helps a lot. I recommend the bigger rectangle one if you can make it because the triangle one is not for anyone that is a tad claustrophobic. While working, I place water bags to cover my ears (hanging from a pair of earphones the criminals zapped). I place a double ziplock sandwich water bag under a cap to cover the top of my head. Of course: you can't go out like that in public, but in your home it's a great relief.
I hope this helps. Please stay strong. You do have a purpose in this. The Lord will continue to provide us with the strength to carry out this battle for all those that have not been so fortunate.
THANK YOU SO MUCH ANA TOLEDO!!! If you need me I am here for you! I been a victim my whole life. I want this to end, they are trying to kill me and my family.
We will not stop until we shut them down. Thank-you for your kind words: they make the journey an easier one.
Stay Strong Sergio.
We will soon be free.
Please, I am begging you. I am so sick of listening to this old retired idiot on the V2K. He tortures my family and my gfs. Thank you so much! If you need anything let me know! I want to stop them just as much as you and I am not afraid!
I don't know about that but a and I don't give a rats a** if illegal get jammers all kinds of them even if it doesn't help v2k it will help a bit with EMF radiation. rare earth magnets but lots of them and I use a bundle under my hat on the left side to take the energy the send. Magnet filters high pass and low pass filters on your cable line maybe??? I haven't tried that yet but think it could help. go to look out for charlies channel and look at his remedies he's got there one is back about 7 years back so watch that one. go to ICATOR to donate and and to this persons site https://www.aimeesaudios.com/
donate to her as well and she's helping me and ICATOR too all of you read this and go to those sites these place are the real deal and will help us in the log run.
Keep the prayers up as it will alleviate the torture. You are right in that after being through such torture there is really nothing to fear. It didn't take me too long after realizing I was a TI to get rid of any fear. Thanks and much blessings to all the TIs stories out there, I soon realized I was in the same boat when my gang stalking started; I knew what to expect so all this helped remove any fear which is what these criminals want.
Our prayers work...we may not realize it. Not being fearful is a prayer answered. Besides, Jesus told us to let our light shine through so others could see His power within us; let our light shine bright especially in torture and difficulty as that alone is powerful. There may be a parent, child or loved one (of these criminals) praying for their salvation and so I think God is working with us and in us to bring about their salvation; seeing us being tortured but yet keeping our faith alive is tremendous testimony to the criminals. We know what happened to Saul of Tarsus who persecuted the Christians! See how powerful his testimony became. God bless you all
Isiah 54 17 says no weapon formed against us will prosper and all tongues that rise up against us in judgement we condemn them. They shall gather together against us but not by him and they will fall for our sake. AMEN Brothers Fu*k them. Mine have wanted me to join them POS and take off my shoes which is the shoes of the Gospel. WE are in the end times repent and try not to hate or sin and be rapture ready its soon AMEN!
They keep me up, I need help.
Recently I've been thinking that these criminals have their own AI that they program with their dirty tricks to hurt TIs and so they don't feel bad themselves because they get the AI to do the work for them and so they think they are not participating in the torture, allowing them to do more harm. This is why Elon Musk said that he is deathly afraid of TI. I agree.
Hello Milica.
Maybe you can subscribe to Targeted Justice and you will find out more about targeted individuals. I live in Canada but this TI injustice is a global crime.
Hi Susan. Do you use some social media? I would like to talk about TI? I added you at Substack reads
They have this and hide in plain site on your roof
www.hyperstealth.com very real except at the one they use is ire advanced than what they show on there site only met one other ti that also saw this, i got ,lucky they did not see me coming and saw them the it on when they vaished i said thats it they made me crazy . This is the reason some people think it's a ghost .
possibly and partially yeah,but I know they do some of the v2k crap too. At least at first then later on if you don't kill yourself or others then they move on to only AI.
www.hyperstealth.com Here is one most don't know about only met one other ti that also saw them using this except now it's more advanced than what they show on company website it's like a silk fabric they can see through and throwing Over there heads like if it's a ghost costume it bends light so we can't see them out eyes think there is nothing there medicle eye book explainshow human eyes work and they used that to fool us
too it's not you or us paying for anything God payed that already Satan don't like it so he messes with us. This is Tribulation and or persecution nothing else don't ever fall for his lies that your paying for sins BS to him or them. Thes POS will fry for their crimes and it looks like soon they will be in prison and may get death penalty for them too. We all know they cause these mass shootings and rapes and etc... so they should get death sentences.
Buddy they are very human and they use this i saw it being used in a roof www.hyperstealth.com they can make it seem supernatural with the magnetic warp weapon they will make your bed springs move so you think it's a ghost
Yeah diabolical that praying makes them hit you more Pieces of shit. Yeah I pray they die too all the time I want them to be put on death row this is the worst thing anyone should have to go through. But as you I repent of it daily it seems. You know they will suffer though the most worst thing since they will fry in the lake of fire for their lies and abuse they've given us. I can't answer for all but I can answer for me I am not a pedo child raper or anyother BS crap they've tried to call me. I had and thank God I didn't attack the mother F**ker he stared at me and refused to help pump my gas. POS. I stared back at him though. One other POS I read his lips and said he wont help a baby raper I flipped him off POS. They do this crap for manchirion reasons they want someone to attack us for the lies they send over v2k crap. Video link
that's the torment they give me 24/7 bastards. pray these daily at least once. open openly with your voice the lords prayer psalms 31 94 109 120 and then close to protect yourself with the lords prayer. I add psalms 52 58 and 140 but do at least those four psalms. God will revenge us.
They are evil bit its100% humans take a look this is way more advanced they don't show the one I saw being used on there site www.hyperstealth.com
BECAUSE there is NO "Jesus" all was make up and we were lied to from birth, all are control mecanisms..I'm on Youtube, please Subscribe and see my short videos on Targeting, my full evidence on Jan 2020 video, Channel name: KDurschmidt, email me at KDurschmidt, I am only TI to file lawsuits at City Court, (and it is law they must disclosed, the Chandler Police are ALL involved with helicopters torturing me, circle and come head on at me on 24/7 basis..and poisons and nanobots found all over my house and food by my PI: private investigator: Melinda Kidder and Dr. Hildigard Staninger Dr. reports, I show all on my Jan 2020 YT videos, sub me please to help our cause, call me if you need support and your friendly: 480-257-3321
Yes when it started it was just creepy but now some times they bump up the power and shit hurts .
Yeah, they do the same thing to me.
Im here for you if you need me! I been a victim my whole life! God bless!
How do we block the Directed Energy Weapon Attacks?
I am not sure.
Check this out saw them using it on a rook top
JosefJarvis I have often wondered about the same thing. These are some of them decent caring individuals. And year after year this goes on. God Bless the FBI will not admit to anything. Nor the police. It's a trip. Watching some of their tactics around. Why? No sense to it
How do we block the Directed Energy Weapon Attacks?
Best shield we have tested is water. One inch of water is enough to absorb microvaves. Use doubled-up, water-filled ziplock bags. Look that the "water box" tab in the Targeted Justice website.
Some can be stopped with metals but now they go passed everything
Keep your eyes open and listen to sounds on roof we have been lied to about it's next door or down the street they drop down on your roof by choppers and saw them using this thing www.hyperstealth.com
Have you tried lead sheeting for protection, I have read it works best. I have tried aluminum sheeting and it blocks some but not all of it. I have been a T I for over 4 years now and it is getting worse not better over time.
I have tried several metals, unfortunately I do not have the funds for a lead apron. My question is how are they attacking US 24/7? How do these ignorant immature individuals know the second I walk out my home?? How are they constantly in their vehicles ready to perform noise campaigns? Do they really have NO LIFE??
Lastly, why does lead work but not stainless steel cookie trays, aluminum foil, or copper pans???
Why do local degenerates have access to these weapons but I never even heard of them in the military over 20 years even imbedded with special forces units? It does make sense...and I can't believe Catherine Horton, Bill Binney or some other highly educated targeted hasn't figured out how to block this crap. They do not appeared to be RHODE SCHOLARS or Ivy League Physics professors or CERN workers. Just ignorant criminals or former Low Level Grunts in the military.
This is ridiculous. Getting slowly killed and tortured by half wits, and ignorant criminal trash!!!
They need to arrest these terrorists.
I believe they have their own AIs that they program to torture us. That is how it is so precise. But try not to pay them any mind. You have to train your mind...it is hard but believe me once you learn such behavior it will become easier, trust me; you don't want to give them any of your time and energy. Each time it happens, try praising God in an effort to draw your mind away...I still have to do this...it's ongoing but at least the criminals don't get all my mind. Every time I get over their torture, they upgrade to something more torturous but I have been selected for this torture so I know that God goes ahead of me and that his angels encamp around me; so not matter what I will not let my mind be tainted with even the slightest anger for these criminals. They live for that.
They hide in the open with this thing saw it being used i walked up on them and got them off gaurd www.hyperstealth.com this shit is it ,if you look at an eye medicle book you will understand how it works all it does is it won't let light reflect off whoever has it on, the one they use is much more advanced than what they show here . It's now like a silk style fabric they just throw over there heads and let it drop down around them it bends light around you so you can still see whatever they are standing in front of they use those new plans that are also like helicopters they use in the Marines they can fly like a plane or hover likes chopper and take off like one also. seen them coming home one night at 4 am in the los Angeles River bed next to freeway 4 of them taking off in an area where there are no homes just industrial factories ,and they don't make alot if noise they came up with some props about 6 years ago that cut down sound like 40% the tips are shaped like a Nike swoosh crazy and they just drop down on our roofs smh with some wire or rope that on some nightsnits very visible if you look , dogs can still see them at first they use to go nuts when they showed up ,but i guess they are use to it now and they don't bark anymore but i still catch them looking up at them ,my friends RIT once was jumping up trying to bite something thought he was going crazy but that was before i saw them using it and found out how they hide was never looking up causealotvofcpeookectell you it's next door or down the street . the crazy thing is idiots not just in my house they are everywhere our government is up to no good pretty sure it's nwo new world order smh
They are military weapons, often satellite, likely out of Schriever SFB. Use against TIs is certainly kept secret, and not been used (much) in combat it seems. That's how it follows you - satellite via your brainprint (eeg). They can see and hear all you do, and so can know every second of your life (even with a phone only). Quite unconstitutional and vile, as we know. There is information online about blocking - look up building materials that block energy. You will see some block better due to their composition, density, etc. Lead is very good - some get a cap for their head. There are lead replacements now for coverings as lead can be toxic. Some energy (scalar waves) is very hard to block. Foil will cause microwaves to make dents. Steel is not as good as aluminum for microwaves. Try to make something thick over your head - perhaps a combination of metals, concrete, brick, wood, tiling on top of a tray or an object, perhaps large piece of wood - at one end of a couch - over the couch back then resting on a stool on the front of the couch (where your head would be if laying on the couch). Get away from metal coils in beds someone said. Inflatable beds are a lower cost option.
Thank you so much for your recommendation. I am ignorant to all this technology. I just wanted to retire and live in peace. I've done nothing wrong to deserve this. I will try a lead apron, it's the only thing I haven't tried yet. Ice packs just ease the pain and the heat at the location point. I just find it's SO Cowardly for supposed military personnel to use such weapons on unarmed individuals. We can't fight thus technology or even effectively defend ourselves against. It's more disgusting and disturbing to realize they are doing this to a fellow veteran and patriot. I fought so everyone can have life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I should be entitled to the same rights and freedoms; instead persecuted by COWARDOUS DEGENERATES BUDDY FUXXERS!!!
www.hyperstealth.com take a look they drop down on your roof using s cloak i saw them using it now i can see it cause i know what to look for notice how anything that crossed strait behind claro has small bend at edge of cloak , but they don't show the newer cloak in here it's mush more advanced now they throw it over there heads they can be right in front of you and your eyes tell your brain nothing is there , it works against how our eyes work i a médicos eye book it tells you we only see stuff that has light bouncing off of it we only see refracted light not direct light or sun would fry our eyes ,well what it does is it won't allow light to bounce of you so our eyes can't see them crazy but very true i walked up on 2 of them that where not expecting me and saw they where throwing it on ,thought i was going crazy it was a shocker i could tell they where still there as long as the fabric was still moving it's lije a silk style fabric that they can see though the newer stuff they don't show that in the website that there secret stuff for these scumbags .
They use this i saw them using it they did not see me coming www.hyperstealth.com
One of our plaintiffs is an NSA whistleblower, Karen Stewart.
We believe that the Targeting program serves a dual purpose: aside from human experimentation, it's a deterrent mechanism used against potential whistleblowers.
The dam has cracked. There's no stopping the deluge of their demise.
This is why we individually have to strengthen ourselves, the criminals have made their lives easy by programming their own special AIs to do their work. They just love their tech gadgets so they feel like gods. By the way, I don't think Dr Katherine Horton is Binnie's wife, bless his soul. Maybe there's a punctuation mark that was missed so it seems like your sentence says that Mr. Binnie, NSA, and his wife. Take good care of yourself
She is his wife, they got married earlier this year.. .look up...as for the Degenerate gangstalkers I'm being murdered slowly everyday and u able to make a difference. These people will be murdered next by the same techniques and system but can make NOW. They are sellouts to Satan, and for what (?). To deal their lives and those they love but in the end 90% of the world will be wiped out again accept these Demon worshipping 1% ers.
Even their Minions will be wiped out soon!!!!
Lastly, Mrs. Horton IS now Mrs. Binnie. God bless them both. I hope / pray they figure out away to block these Energy Weapons !!! 🙏 🙏 🙏
It's good they support each other. My former USMIL spouse is the primary culprit. He was the defendant in my divorce in 2010 and managed to drag out the divorce much like they did war, beyond Desert Storm. Then put me "on trial" as Plaintiff. Corrupted female attorneys (mine defected) and female judge (a former Navy spouse!) Operating in Yolo County, CA. 2010-2015.
Sorry to hear that. I am a retired Navy Seabee in which I supported EVERY branch of the military from Bosnia, Kosova, Afghanistan, and 3 tours in Iraq.
These former military personnel and families involved are COWARDS! They were COWARDS and CORRUPT when they were in in uniform and they are NOW!!! NO true lord fearing veteran (no atheists in combat!) with integrity would come home and abuse another American let alone a human being.
They had no morals and values prior to joining and learned NOTHING during their time in the military. MANY are COWARDS who quit or get out before serving 20 years or after a combat tour.
To come home a use those skills learned to harm unarmed noncombatants in which its illegal to fight back against these invisible weapons just proves they are DEGENERATE COWARDS! No different than a criminal or thug who uses this structure and skill set to commit crimes or create a criminal organization.
They should be hung from the nearest light pole, their gentiles cut off put in their rectums or down their throat and lit on fire!!!!
That's what WE go through EVERYDAY from these COWARDS; attacking OUR intimate areas, burning our bodies, organs, and sleep depriving US!
Unfortunately vengeance is HIS SAITH THE LORD. I pray the ALL BURN IN THE LAKE OF FIRE FOREVER. I Use too pray for them and turn the other cheek. That doesn't work. These ANIMALS only know and respect pain and force!!! THE LORD COMES TO BRING THE SWORD THIS TIME..HALLELUJAH 🙏
You describe what I was figuring out during 2007 I. GERMANY, then WY in 2008. A security cop told me when I arrived to be aware of this "leadership". I had no idea THEN exactly what was meant. BE READY was another mockery I came to realize and it was actually published in AF Times around the same time. As was publishing an assertion of such control that became more extreme around my birthdate, and most years thereafter. This is how their kind mock and 'gain traction' against those they are actually worried about. They bullied me at a potluck about an environmental catastrophe"scenario" and "what would YOU do, Christy?" It was odd at first..then it got very wicked as I left F.E. Warren AFB WY in January 2009, to return to my profession they eventually infiltrated too.
Have you discovered any shielding that actually is effective against these heinous and cowardous weapons. I am in desperate need of effective / affective shielding. Thank you and God bless you in advance for any information you might beable to share on the issue. Forever in your debt; Very Respectfully, Joseph
Hi Joseph:
What works for me is water. Doubled-up water-filled ziplock bags placed all over my head and body. I even sewed a head contraption with pockets to place the water bags in. You cannot go out in public like that, but it helps a lot when you are in your home or sleeping. I also place my head inside the water box for sleeping. Hopefully, soon we can throw all our protective contraptions away. Good luck!
Hi Anna, I saw the video you posted on electronic rape. I would like to use your information to support my complaint for Civil Harassment against my upstairs neighbors - who are targeting me - along with other information that supports my complaint. I am a victim of electronic rape and your statement could be used for supporting documentation to show that crimes of covert sexual assault is a committed and there are other victims of this heinous crime is astronomical. If you know of any other victims, please have them contact me to share their information. I will do the same for them. This is the only way we can be heard...by show of numbers.
Thank you for all you have done!!
Send an email to TJustice2@proton.me with the subject line: Please forward to Ana.
Hi Ana, I don't have a following such as you and Targeted Justice. However, I would appreciate you sharing an effective method of protection against sexual assaults that I discovered and I use this method whenever I'm at home. Please share this information, thanks in advance....
I use gel ice packs (do not freeze) to protect myself against electronic sexual harassment and it's more effective than water bottles, as the gel packs are more flexible and conform to your body without leaving openings vulnerable to exposure. I use the wide ones (three), rap in towel in layers (one on the bottom and tone overlap halfway on top to protect the front area and the other one overlap halfway to protect the back side...this is done to prevent gapping) to protect back/front areas. If done correctly, it totally protects you from the sexual assaults.
How did you fashion the "water box"?
I use gel ice packs (do not freeze) to protect myself against electronic sexual harassment and it's more effective than water bottles, as the gel packs are more flexible and conform to your body without leaving openings vulnerable to exposure. I use the wide ones (three), rap in towel in layers (one on the bottom and tone overlap halfway on top to protect the front area and the other one overlap halfway to protect the back side...this is done to prevent gapping) to protect back/front areas. If done correctly, it totally protects you from the sexual assaults.
How about the heart? Is this local law enforcement, degenerate neighbors, or the government you think; wasting 24/7 of their lives just to harass US this way? These people are true SICK, SOCIOPATHS!!!!
try water pillows.
The American Government is committing genocide and must be held accountable
I’m a TI and I thank you for your prayers
I want em 1 on 1 at a time face to face for just 1 min each person accountable for this shit. I feel.your pain cause I'm going thru it myself now for about 5 years. I've sent some email to a few people trying to get some answers but I feel it's relentless
Oh how I would love to line them up one by one and torture them while I make each one involved watch, awaiting their turn as I made my way down the line. These rats deserve to fry. This is no regular crime. And the punishment should be just as sensational.
I'm with you with the One on One for a minute but "THEY" are COWARDS!!! They only attack US 2-100 on ONE of US or they pay criminals, ignorant degenerates, or others that hide behind a badge or uniform.
They are lowlife losers, and Pansies!!! They have been their WHOLE LIVES!!!
GOD BLESS YOU Brother!!! Keep fighting the good fight!!!
I'm a TI too, 22 plus years since the passage of the US Patriot Act and/or they do it under the Foriegn Intellegence Surveillence Act, Illegally on US Citizens, CONGRESS IS TO BE REGULATING THEM AND FBI DIRECTOR WRAY AND FBI WHISTELBLOWERS, ADMITTED THEY USE THIS ACT AND SECTION 702 TO ILLEGALLY ATTACK INNOCENT AMERICANS, YET CONGRESS HAS THE POWER TO IMMEDIATLY STOP IT AND THEY DID NOTHING, SEE ALL YOUTUBE ON "FBI WHISTELBLOWERS, FISA ACT, INTELLEGENCE SUBCOMMITTEES, CHRISTOPHER WRAY GRILLED BY HOUSE, SUBSCOMMITTES, SENATE, US ATTORNEY GENERAL GARLAND AND ASSISTANT US ATTORNEY GENERAL OLSEN..ALL EVIL DOERS AND SERIAL MASS MURDERS OF BILLIONS OF INNCENT US CITIZENS WHILE CONGRESS DOES NOTHING!! MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL IS KDURSCHMIDT..my email is kdurschmidt@gmail.com...name name is Ms. Kris Durschmidt..see my YT of Jan 2020 on how and what evidence I got, do the same if you have not..stay strong!!nn480-257-3321..I filed lawsuits to US Supreme Ct..the Targeted Justice should publish all my lawsuits, then all TI's can copy the right laws and statues, case studies, and ammend to fit your individual case and FILE in your state's Federal Court, we can bombard them till they are broke and exposed and have no more places to hide...REAL men don't hide, they come out and face their victims!!
Stay strong, call if you need support or positive chat only! My lAWSUITS ARE UNDER KRISTI LEE DURSCHMIDT
Ive been targeted as far as I am aware of it since 2001. I am no expert on any of this stuff but still able to live a so called normal life. What Ive learned over the years is to be in my most best shape mentally & physically. You must change any bad habits if you have any.
I believe their main task is to establish a link between you and them so whatever you do in your daily life and no matter what they say number one goal is to ignore everything they say even if they speak with you internally and are able to read your thoughts in real time. The best way to break the connection between them as soon as you hear V2K I noticed is to watch sports games such as basketball due to the nature of the noise associated with it. Its enteraining and at the same time it blocks the V2K attacks. I truly believe that the only reason they are able to attack you via directed energy weapons is because they have a pretty good lock on you or you live in an apartment where they can literally live right next to you and hit you with microwave energy. Definetly find out who your neighbors are if you live in an apartment complex or a house for that matter. They usually get close to you and watch you 24/7 in order to verify their attacks.
Ive been hit with just about everything and only get V2K currently I noticed that once you somewhat break that connection and remember in order to do that you either put it auto play or constantly have that playing in the background as you go about your day. I also listen to Alex Jones in the background by the way really helps. If you haven't heard about him by now definetly check his site.
That should eliminate most of the directed energy attacks atleast in my case. Since then I am able atleast sleep like a normal person which is very important because it allows your physical body get much needed rest. and recharge I dont know what your health is like at the moment but when I said become super healthy I meant it. Running, swiiming, weight lifting whatever you can to be able to give your body a chance to repel all of the attacks.
Hope this helps and good luck!
I feel your pain brother 😥❤️⚔️ stay strong God bless you Amen
I've been targeted for 10 years and I I've always said that though it's dark, the way out is shining at the end of the tunnel. I hope that the news will show this will be the biggest news story ever.
The federal goverment wants to keep silent the issue of targeted individuals, "watch lists", and COINTELPRO, and that explains why it quickly gave $36-million to two (2) men who had been falsely accused of the assassination of Malcom X many years earlier.
This lawsuit by Targeted Justice will serve as inspiration to the millions of us being persecuted.
The nation owes special gratitude to Ana Luisa Toledo, Esq. and her legal team at Targeted Justice; the rest of us must financially contribute to this cause.
Many Targeted Individuals like myself are victims of the “Man in the Middle” spy app. The government changes your email texts deletes communications and adds deragatory or condemning info that you did not write.
Then there is the privacy issue. I have none that is why the perps are always one step ahead. Trust me, it is not because they are human intelligence, because anyone that believes a single word of what CIA, DHS, FBI, FEMA, DOJ, NSA and all the other weaponized agencies states is a fucking idiot.
Fact.....there is a phone app that the perps utilize to track and harass TI’s. RISS Regional Information Sharing Service. The servers of RISS have all the recorded communications of our targeting.
Violating US Code Title 18 section 241 and 242.
Thank-you Larry. Please note we're just on a first stage: denouncing and stopping the program. Thereafter, it will be helpful to get all the evidence of collusion by FTC, FCC, FAA, USPS and all federal government agency players that have colluded to make our torture possible. The FBI is the gatekeeper but there are many actors within the federal payroll without whom our torture would not have been possible.
Please keep journaling and collecting evidence.
Targeted Individuals, and there are many have no privacy or client attorney, doctor patient confidentiality because of relentless surveillance. Then there is the infiltration of the government intervention. A service connected veteran had a FBI spy installed on his defense team to prevent a vigorous defense in his charges for January 6. The Democrat mafia FBI does not follow the US Constitution and has no honor or integrity when it comes to the rule of law. The Democrat weaponized pedophiles of FBI are the real insider threat. They are the domestic and economic terrorists. Not one Epstein Island Child rapist has been arrested. Biden is a pedophile and has sold out America to China. Biden is finding himself and the World Economic Forum reset with tax dollars to Ukraine. The FBI NEEDS TO BE DISBANDED DEFUNDED AND PROSECUTED FO CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.
I would say that they use every agency and every business, and there is evidence that by executive orders that FEMA is also involved and that the PostMaster General too is involved and somehow gets authority in some way to potentially tamper with mail of targeted persons who have been put on watch lists. I have had my mail tampered by these people extensively for years now. It is very subtle because they do not want to get caught, this would be very bad if our postal service was found to be working against the people of the United States in these operations, but they have done things to me personally like hold my mail for long periods, so that I do not get important mail that I need in time, there was a time a few years ago when I was getting movies sent to me from Netflix back when they still did that I don't know if that is still a thing, but the post office was used to attempt to make it seem as if I was keeping these movies and not returning them, this was just one of the ways that they try to do entrapment scenarios using government services. I kept having to report them as not delivered, and this can be used to characterize me in a negative way as though I was attempting to steal those movies and then lying about it. I live in El Paso, Texas. Things are pretty bad here in many ways, very corrupt. Every place I go, these jerks try to make me be treated like a thief, at Walmart the self checkout workers are enlisted to come stand over me when otherwise before I arrived they were busy talking with other employees or customers, when I arrive, they come over and belligerently stand by me watching every item I scan and they do it every time so that I will know it is being done on purpose, they always leave right when I scan my last item. I bet if I asked to see their video tapes or footage, the mobbing that I am subjected to along with the profiling and harassment by employees at the self checkout would be quite clear. They would see the self checkout employees ignoring customers until I arrive and then they come over and stand over me belligerently that is what they would see. My ex husband purposely reported his debit cards, Sam's card and some other cards stolen after he left and never returned leading up to our divorce., he now denies ever having done this even though we talked about it when it happened, gaslighting is very pervasive with this program. What this amounted to was me being treated like a thief everywhere I went including at Sam's Club where I was a customer for 13 years and never once had anyone treat me like I was some kind of thief before, yet after the cards were reported stolen, I was harassed just like at Walmart.
Any agency here can be activated to conduct harassment operations on any person, this place is like ground zero for targeting honestly. People say other places are, but Operation Paperclip happened near here and then Los Alamos was evidently involved early on in non lethal weapons testing. There is decades and decades of corruption here showing that this exact type of targeting using every aspect of a community even public education to such an extant that when my active duty former military husband decided to divorce me here, I knew that I could not get an honest lawyer to represent me even if I had tried, I knew that it would be used to entrap me in some way. I was also prevented from having a response to the divorce petition, on the military base here, they offered no free legal service for spouses or soldiers that is often provided at many military bases, yet he got a lawyer and got an uncontested divorce which in this state means that he could have said all kinds of things about me and the court accepted his allegations by default because I had no representation, I got a default judgment against me because I could not afford a lawyer and could not expect to get an honest free lawyer and of course I could not afford a lawyer anyway due to being targeted I could not even volunteer anymore due to the whisper tactics, it is always that it is prevented in some way no matter what it is that I try to do.
I used to get heavily targeted with vehicle mobbing from FEDEX and UPS, but I try to ignore them now, and it is not as frequent, they still do FEDEX runs here when I send a text or email, that is one way they are used to harass the targets to let them know there are eyes everywhere. Funny thing about that is that all the eyes are not on these people who are committing crimes everyday against people who have not been given any due process and RICO crimes everyday are being committed against them. If I am being held under a secret investigation where the mere act of going out and getting the mail or taking out the trash is characterized as a crime so that I can be surveilled and watched like a hawk every second of the day, then everything and anything that these stalkers and electronic weapons users are doing while I am under investigation is supposedly a punishable offense under RICO. If they sabotage my vehicle, deflate my tires, make it so that I can not get things done while they hold me under an unlawful investigation these are all punishable crimes, they purposely use their access to government to prevent things like me getting my car titled, registered, licensed, etc. And, worse is that I have been electronically assaulted to my heart mainly many times while I was attempting to do these things. They have attempted many times to interfere with services I needed to fix my vehicle all as the act of these vehicular malfunctions is clearly being staged as a method of warfare, I am also being prevented from fixing those things, and as this goes on I am very much aware of military, police, intelligence and criminal syndicate involvement, a person just knows when they are being followed and subjected to these operations. They even go so far as to enlist people at grocery stores so that I can not buy certain items; at one point, they were working very hard to ensure that I could not get the dog food that our dog enjoys so that I would have to drive all over town wasting gas I could not afford to find it. I was even prevented from buying it online, and this was very stressful for us. The RNM capability they have allows them to see our thoughts in real time, and this gives them an unfair advantage to do these harassment operations, this is called asymmetrical warfare when the target has no ability to defend themselves because they are not aware of how sophisticated the capabilities are that their attackers are orchestrating. How often do we hear targets trying to understand how all of this is being achieved? It is because we are purposely being subjected to weaponry that is advanced beyond what most people can conceivably understand and that too makes these horrific crimes. The worst part of all this is the gas lighting. That in and of itself is a very criminal abuse tactic.
Ana Luisa Toledo, Esq. and her legal team at Targeted Justice deserve praise and recognition in this historic and detailed lawsuit which benefits the whole nation; thank you for being such an inspiration to the millions of people that are targeted by the goverment.
We stand strong
Still being tortured 24/7 nonstop. Just put in for my FOIA Requests to the FBI, Homeland Security, and the DOJ. I can't wait until these rogue officers and officials are held accountable for their war crimes and attack on us , the American people.
Yes, exactly. There is so much good they can do to humanity and so much goodness they can get out of doing good deeds but these scumbags don't have such intelligence to know the difference between good and evil.
Thank you for taking on this tremendous task. It sure isn't easy and I pray you will get the financial support. TIs are most times rendered jobless and penniless thus preventing them from even contributing towards lawsuits like this. What a demonic force this is to have carefully planned such global torture, disrespect and disregard for humanity! They keep the suspense and narrative on 'aliens' to get funding from the government and they are being fed by the fools who one day will be targeted. If anyone has been through what TIs have been through, they will find out that these criminals perform unimaginable feats with the technology they are using for evil rather than help humanity; this same technology is being used to create the so-called aliens and ufo's and uap's that is why they are using different trickery for different TI's; it's amazing to see how many intelligent people believe in this 'aliens' hoax thus keeping the whole torture and black ops program going.
It's ironic you say to protect your neck. They have constantly attacked my heart for the last 3 days it's been the vertebrae in the middle of my neck. Why the vertebrae in our necks or back?
My bones have actually become enlarged because of these vicious attacks. And as I stated earlier in my lower pelvic region formed fleshy hard lumps against the bone.
Are ALL these weapons microwave based? I guess are body is trying to counteract the damage. How I do not have cancer or dead yet, is a miracle. These weapons also atrophy my muscles rapidly, and can even constrict blood flow to my extremities for hours while I try and sleep
How another human being can spend 24/7 torturing another human being is unconsciousnable. They are absolutely vial and disgusting whoever is behind my attacks.
Yes. I had heart attack symptoms that multiple (female) docs at UC Med Center totally ignored!
Receiving this news and material made my day yesterday morning! I stopped everything I started my morning doing to read. I can not tell you the wave of emotions I was experiencing...thankful and rejoicing, while shedding tears of joy and a reminder of the pain I have been enduring. And hopeful this is the beginning of an atrocious ending! The day of judgment and justice is on the horizon! Giving thanks to Targeted Justice and Ana Toledo, Esquire.
Hello Ana I justed wanted to tell you what's going on here in Michigan I'm being torture as you know but there surveillance has gotten worse and this is not all they are leaving feces in my toilet put spit on wall and furniture steal my clothes out of my home. Come to find out they mess with my door so much it doesn't close tight. In November 22, 2023 I was hit by FedEx and after that my car was stolen in January 4, 2023 I just needed to let you know Ms Toledo what's going on Here. One more thing I have banging noise in my basement 24/7.
Thanks for all you do God bless you! Regina
I'm so sorry to read that.
They are in desperate rogue mode.
They do noise campaigns on me and I smile thinking the following: I will make them pay 3 times what they invested in tormenting me. Let them continue spending money and causing damages. All the more that they'll have to dish out to pay for damages.
***TSA illegally generates watchlist "Quiet Skies" of innocent traveling Americans***
Hi Ana,
Must watch...https://youtu.be/NWhpczIosTo
How are you? I'm Chrys. I'm also in Michigan. I'm looking to connect with as many Michigan TIs as possible. Strength in numbers.
I can hardly wait for the day we sit across from them in an orange jumpsuit. I know it’s coming.. I pray for our volunteers safety. God Bless all TIs
I want them dead. They don't deserve to breathe or to misuse anymore tax payer money.
Targeted 2014 after call to police on Federal employee neighbor. Vehicles suddenly appeared on security camera sitting out front my home including marked and unmarked police cars. In my case at least police are absolutely involved in my targeting. I am now a walking experiment for some sick program. May God keep us safe from the pure evil that surrounds us 🙏
They are heavily involved in mine too. :(
The criminal investigators are In on it too
here in modesto there killing people trying to give them heart attacks like myself, they use people from mexico they brought here they stole my puppy for 4 months tortured him. all goverrment are working with them, I cant get help from anyone its like being trapped