Iā€™m just going to say it!! FUCK YEAH!!! Time to push things forward!! Targeted Justice, thank you for all you do!!! šŸ™šŸ¼ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„šŸŒ…

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Will Targeted Justice ask us to elect like-minded officials who can actually get these things done? Or just blurt these things out there to boost numbers?

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Number 10 of the list should include also prohibition of DEWs used overseas. I am in verge of kidney failure and death if this USA sponsored electronic international torture does not end. After causing irreversible damages to my soft tissues internal organs including diverticulitis with acoustic and combination DEWs, the criminal psychopaths proceeded to attack directly my kidneys causing infections pain and swelling of the legs, painful urination, and abnormal VS. As a victim I witness daily the attacks via the symptomology and observing visually the attackers gang stalkers in every country I pass through after crossing the San Diego border south on 5/29/24. The Mexican military got actively involved in the torture program against civilians and tourists. Filed 3 criminal cases in that regard in BCS Mexico. The international USA sponsored terrorism torture program involving foreign militaries and urgent care facilities also needs to be investigated and banned and victims compensated. The weaponizing of hospitals med staff who shamelessly lie to cover the med evidence of the crime needs to be investigated and banned. Whistleblowing of med staff encouraged. Not satisfied with the electronic torture the criminals instigate locals against me within my travel to harass and sleep torture and throw objects. There should be international ban of the use of DEWs against civilians for torture and experimentation purposes.

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Yes need to hold the medical field accountable also!

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make them if they falsely diagnose you and it kills you or they falsely diagnose you as mentally ill when not and don't try to investigate all areas before that then death sentences hold them to the do no harm oath they take and if they break it they die...

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I agree. Gathering our own medical records to ā€˜buildā€™ a hard-copy that mirrors the doctorā€™s files ~ as well as speaking-up at appointments, remembering that we can ALWAYS simply say ā€œN0ā€; is important also.

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Yes. Thatā€™s what we need to fight for. Iā€™m trapped in a CIA safehouse, in America just outside of Chicago where they human traffic, sell organs and drugs next to this executive airport. Sounds like the machines they got above me just went on. And now they are banging. Interestingly enough I know my gangstalkers. They are low lives. I am fighting. You keep fighting. I hope you are taking supplements to support your kidneys. šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•

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What type of supplements for your kidneys do they allow you to have?

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yes me too UTI's all the time had a fake fever yesterday talked my mind out of it by imagining 98.6 instead of the 100.4 I had... felt better not long after doing that. Get a bible use it pray claim no weapon formed will prosper keep that in mind daily pray the psalms that speak death to your enemies. Like psalms 31, 52, 58, 94, 109 120, and 140...

I've found a NATO radar in frequencies I've caught while recording v2k so yeah. NATO banned or pulled out of... So if NATO some several thousand of miles away from me are using Radar like Frequencies and I am picking them up yeah an international ban on DEWS and acoustic weapons of all kinds Lasers etc... Make it a death sentence. But eyah I know a Kids game site of Pro-nation radio discord which the owner is in India being used against me that's international law. The kid and his girlfriend and all others who he deals with should be in prison.

He says he's a self acclaimed hacker... if so he's most likely hacked me and you and others...

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Eliminate the CIA & DHS altogether, redirect any legitimate operations, if there are any, to the NSA & if they don't clean up their act, shut them down as well & pass it on to military intelligence. How many leach agencies does the American public need hanging on their back? Obviously, we have WAY too many.

"Put all your eggs in one basket and then watch that basket." - Andrew Carnegie

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To stop funding the targeted program and free all targeted individuals from torture please president Trump.

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Get on twitter and letā€™s all be loud. We have to be loud and direct. Follow me @jadekalilaveau I just started my account.

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Hold account the CIVILIAN RECRUITS that are also assailants against TIā€™s and reconcile TIā€™s credit accounts due to hacking & false exploitation while being hacked and falsified across the web and through the technologies.

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Damn right! šŸ‘šŸ¼ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„šŸŒ…

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Musk is in charge of cutting useless spending. The ODNI recruiting officerā€™s are some of that spending as well as the million dollar plus homes that the stalkers rent on Scottsdale Mountain where I live as well as the Porsche and Ferraris , corvette s they rent to drive around and stalk me and my family ā˜®ļø

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Require every public official to submt proof of a properly executed oath of office. Prosecute everyone who does not furnish proof for (1) impersonating a public official, and further (2) treason if they facilitated the illegal targeting program, jabs, lockdowns, etc

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cops do that I've read horror stories of how people moved to some town one in Florida which you'd think a Red state would know better but... But they guy now has a felon because of the Sheriff there. His son too now or a record of some kind. No lick of trouble anywhere now a felon what a bunch of shit... Audit and hold all Cops sheriffs accountable for their watch lists they keep too. they do people don't want to think they do but they do that needs to end too..

it's one thing to want a peaceful town or city but it's wrong to harass people watch them almost 24/7 and give tickets out for nothing etc...

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Quick question, how is Targeted Justice getting this in front of Trump

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The question is: What are you going to do to get it in front of President Trump?

We are all on this together.

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I gotta tell you guys! If you saw the 7 things he is planning to use executive orders on, a lot of it is about surveillance and intelligence being held accountable. RFK Jr, tulsi, and Trump are targets. I think they know. We just have to keep caring for ourselves as best we can, supporting each other and I started a twitter page as well as I am getting on tik tok.

Iā€™m a singer, writer, comedian, healer of 20 years, activist and target. I will speaking on all of these things. We have to make sure that even WHEN this ends that it can never happen again and people need to know MKultra never ended. People need to know we are real and we were unlawfully and cruelly experimented on. Stay loud! But I think these guys know. šŸ’•ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸŒ…šŸ’œšŸŒšŸŒŽ

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Tik Tok has the frequencies weapons in its algorithm, be careful. It is a China based platform.

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As do cell phones

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Yep, and the platforms add to those!

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Hi Ana, I have posted below about twittering tulsi and rfk in a 2 hour time slot, that way our posts are line up by the hundreds if not thousands, we can all spread the word , I have 500 targets on my twitter, can t.j recommend a time slot so all our posts are lined up?can we do this, does anybody have any other ideas? Peace and strenght.

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This is an excellent idea. Please this plan in action. Maybe it can shared at weekly meetings up until the event.

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Over too you t.j., we are in the ninth inning, let's drive this home.

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I was thinking of us going to the Whitehouse when he takes office...or before. Either way will grab his attention, but I feel going before is more effective.

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It needs to be an organised effort

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Do you have suggestions as some are not as familiar with politics because I never trusted any of them. Good to know I was correct there!

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I think we should contact tulsi gabbard and rfk, pick a two hour time slot and twitter like blazes, this way the posts will be lined up, are people up for this, the goods are ready for shipping but no direction to get them there, this is my suggestion otherwise we are whistling in the wind, can t.j. pick a time to make this happen???

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Good suggestion!

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Unfortunately it's falling on deaf ears, no leadership from t.j.,

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There are a myriad of ways. We just gotta be persistent and the more numbers we have the stronger the message and thatā€™s what we need. Numbers.

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And how do we get this message to trump in a collective manners?

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I started a twitter page and if I had it my way I would have all of you on it. We have to keep gathering people to join on one network that has its Shit together. Well, I think we are here. Targeted Justice flyers and break downs of who, what and where is so excellent that when I show people, their eyes get big. Like itā€™s well put together and believable. I thinks uniting under this umbrella is right. I got find other targets in social media and talk with them and tell them about targetedjustice.com

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I canā€™t do other social medias, my perps took private credentials and hack them every time though. One was a former roommate. I was warned about her but I am a better person and she has been the main attacker upon my life since.

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Mein FB

(Facebook Name ist Vicky Theo)

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Bitte mich auch eintragenā—.

Ich Bin eine Targeted Individual aus MĆ¼nchen (Deutschland.)

Hier gibt es keinen Zusammenhalt.

Niemand Hilft ā—

Mein Name ist

Vasiliki Theodoropoulou

Mein Name ist Vicky Theo

Ich hab noch kein Twitter

Was Unsere Kƶrperliche Ursachen angeht,

D.Trzmp hat die MEDBEDS patentiert.

Sie sind Einsatzbereit ā—

Ich habe es Gestern Erfahren und mich angemeldet.

Hier ist die E-Mail fĆ¼r alle Orte

Medbed hedquarters@gmai.com

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I want to join in getting this msg to Trump when he goes in office let's get together and personally deliver it to anyone in his staff willing to listen I have v2k recorded and all kinds of video of the weird chit the perps are doing.

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Gotta hit them republican senators too, baby!!

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I am not holding my breath. I truly hope we see some positive movement in this fight. I'm tired of being unemployed, homeless, hungry, being called a pedophile, targeted by police, gang stalkers, my family, and gang members. I'm tired of not being able to own a phone or taking the risk of using the computer at the local library because law enforcement is trying to set me up as a drug dealer so they can have me murdered in prison. I'm really tired, physically, emotionally, spiritually. Tired.

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Dear Marty:

It was an honor meeting you in Colorado. I hear you on being tired but I hope you Stay strong! You have overcome great adversity. I hope you know that we will never stop fighting for freedom.

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Donā€™t hold your breath. But as long as you have breath, donā€™t give up. Donā€™t give them that. Prayers for you even if you donā€™t want them. We are in this together even if you donā€™t feel it. šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•

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Iā€™m being made so sick I have sensors implanted in my throat and mouth and some device is curing holes thrugh my meat under my skin and itā€™s starting to sag off extensively

Drs all say there never seen this and that leaves me stuck with these monsters playing music and chattering in my head a day Iā€™m in so much pain why wonā€™t anyone help us

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Have you gotten the doctor list from Len Ber to get diagnosed with Havana syndrome?

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No but I really wish the tj would send me to see a professional of one sort just to see what this is doing to me itā€™s undeniable my skin is sagging off and there constantly playing music and chattering about me

I should be compensated and Iā€™ll give my body to science if I just knew who could help me !!!!!

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I believe you have to reach out to Len on Substack for the list of docs and you have to reach out.

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Hi Jeremy

Have you considered meditation videos? Twenty minutes a day.

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I do but there molesting my brain the whole time making it impossible

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Dr. Lydia Shajenko, MD

Clinical Neurophysiology

725 River Rd, Edgewater, NJ 07020

(646) 712-1635

Rating: 4.1


Cerebrovascular Disease

Post-Concussion Syndrome


Traumatic Brain Injury

Gait Abnormality

This is the doctor who confirmed Dr. Len Berā€™s Havana Syndrome

Michael E. Hoffer, M.D.


1120 Northwest 14th Street, Floor 5, Miami, FL33136


Rated: 4.8

Otology & Neuro-Otology, Ear conditions, Cochlear Implantation, Hearing loss , Vestibular Neuritis, Concussion management, Dizziness and Vertigo ONLY when Referred by ENT or Neurologist or Pediatric Dizziness. Adult & Pediatric Hearing Loss, Sudden Hearing Loss, Meniere's Disease. Tinnitus to be seen by ARNP.


Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea is prescribing EDTA, Vit C, methylene blue, antioxidants, etc

Do you do some kind of shielding? You should be. Try the videos again.

You have a few choices here to help out. I know one of these suggestions is going to help. Good luck.

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Gang-stalkers must be called what they actually are, HUMAN TRAFFICKERS. They utilize advanced technology as a means to use our bodies and minds against our will in order to exploit us in whatever way they see fit, if thatā€™s not modern slavery I donā€™t know what is. I feel like if we start saying slavery and trafficking the public will better understand the severity of our circumstances. The words we use can change everything.

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I agree Jennifer. The language we use is really important. I like ā€œassault frequenciesā€ for example instead of High Power Microwave Radio Frequency Directed Energy Weapon Systems (HPM RF DEWS). I like ā€œthe federal targeting individuals programā€ instead of the singular Targeted Individual. I rely on ā€œmaserā€ a lot when trying to teach on this, people are already very familiar with LASER pointer technology. Dr. Townes was handed a Nobel Prize in 1964 for his invention, his maser dates back to 1954 (and he wasnā€™t Russian but came out of South Carolina). We need to start with what is familiar to people and work from thereā€¦

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Even Dr. Robert Duncan uses the word ā€œmaserā€ in that interview not so long ago with Roy Eacups (YT Targeted Individuals United channel).

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The prototype for the Vircator weapon being used from orbit:

United States Patent 4,345,220



Aug. 17, 1982

Inventor: Donald J. Sullivan, Albuquerque, N. Mex.


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I can attest to this. Itā€™s a story but we ended up living in a hotel residence in and it turned out to be a CIA safehouse. I have met the man who is supposed to be my ā€œhandlerā€ and what I have learned being here is they may recruit TIā€™s to move drugs or assist with other nefarious activities. I truly think in this manā€™s mind, he believes he is helping us. He isnā€™t. I have seen human trafficking, Satanists, I have witnessed the Alice and wonderland tactics several times and oh was that a good time for me as I grew up with a professional gaslighter so I know it when I smell it, and I met a man with a messed up looking ice cream truck and even chased him out of here (believe it or not) who I know has some ice cream in that truck but mostly organs. I have witnessed them moving sensitive technologies and figured out a lot of their system here. You may wonder why I am alive. Because Iā€™m supposed to be.

I have pulled out a lot of technology and even that little frog and tadpole thing Michael Levine has talked much about in bio hybrid robots. That was crazy to witness. Now these Feds/CIA/low life gangstalkers have been jumping up and down upstairs and trying to drive me nuts via old technology along with talking about with one another what I was just watching on YouTube when Iā€™m in the lobby. I can tell my ā€œhandlerā€ isnā€™t paying up and they are pissed because I was suppose to be off the rails by now. All they did was give me evidence. They are all involved in drugs, human trafficking and associated with the executive airport across the street and the military base underneath it. This place looks oddly similar to Langley. The all state tech core building is mostly feds. And the cars in the lot to be auctioned was how they were moving a lot of illegal shit. I was loud about that too. A majority of the cars or lot has been emptied.

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Prosecute perpetrators especially if you know who they are and have proof

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Great, extraordinary, and get informed about the dangers of the developing Technocracy (bureaucratic digital dictatorship). Visit David A. Hughes' page at the Substack (http://dhughes.substack.com), download his book without costs, "Covid 19, Psychological Operation, and the War on Technocracy"..

Watch his videos. "Omniwar", a gem. Politicians won't fix this nightmare. The WEF shines dark light at the end of the tunnel. For more, visit Patrick Wood's, at technocracy.news... David Icke's books, Ickonic, excellent resources..Good night.

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This is what Iā€™m talking about!!! Iā€™ve been trying to get in contact with DJT, Tulsi Gabbard, Shawn Ryan Show, Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk, trying to get our stories out there! This would be absolutely AMAZING if we can FINALLY get off this list. Iā€™m a from birth! They JUST pulled a home invasion on me the morning of my birthday. Election Day! Police did NOTHING again. Refused my picture evidence and audio of them in my motherā€™s home and took the neighbors word that none of it took place and threatened me with a no contact to my neighbor. Absolutely they were here to stage a scene. This would be the 5th attempt on my life in less than a year. 3happened in one day last Xmas day. I seen people go into her basement window! There were like 6-10 people that I can tell. Maybe more. PLEASE LET THIS BE REAL!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS! THIS REALLY HAS BEEN THE YEAR OF TRUTH!!! LETTTTTSS GOOOOOO!!!

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Eric Hecker is a whistleblower for Raytheon. Him as well. Dr. Jack kruse has a podcast with Danny jones! I highly recommend you watch that and he is another person to reach out to, I feel. And it seems twitter is the safest place to do that. I will start posting the podcasts I have found where people with power have started talking about us without using the term targeted individual.

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Thank you so much! I am not trying to jump the gun, but Iā€™m too excited! Now Iā€™m actually scared kind of. Weird right? I just turned 40 and I have no clue how to lead a ā€œnormalā€ life. Iā€™m def a ā€œfrom birthā€. Theyā€™ve literally taken everything from me. Definitely feel theyā€™re going xtra hard right now as well. I donā€™t know what to doā€¦ šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

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Okā€¦so for being a from birth, Iā€™m still very new at everything I should be doing. Iā€™ve just been fighting this on my own. Unfortunately I live in a democratic state and itā€™s horrible here. I donā€™t trust anyone cause they proven I shouldnā€™t. What should I be doing? I printed the dr notices and will be handing them out tomorrow. But I am struggling very badly with focus. Iā€™m already severe ADHD. I keep trying to learn things I need to do but I just canā€™t. Probably them hitting me at those times. Like diagnosing or any of that and how when I canā€™t work and donā€™t have money

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Yeah they have been ramping up with me too. Mainly messing with my work. Which I get a lot of my work now as they dismantled my business via an app so they just started seriously messing with the amount of appointments I get. Just try to stay steady. Stay hopeful but keep doing whatever you do to take care of yourself. Naturally, they will try to get what ever info they can or as much experimentation as they can before they get shut down. I pull technology out of my body a myriad of ways. Just keep doing for yourself what you can. Keep that hope alive!

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I mean Iā€™ll figure it out like I always have, but I still feel so lost regardless the amount of time Iā€™ve been doing this

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Hang in Joshua, you are a warrior with a story to tell, I think help is on the way via tulsi gabbard the new director on intelligence agencies.

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I heard the other day an attorney tight with Trump say ā€œcoup cogā€ ā€” YT less likely to censor.

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Iā€™m doing the same shit with the same people. Also Erik prince talked about this program on Tucker Carlson. Push to get to him to. Please feel free to follow me on twitter. Jade Kali Laveau.

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I have emailed Jim Jordan wrote the office of inspector general. Federal trade commission.

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The ppl in the community tht help use these weapons shud be brought out for the public names address phone number.the civil suit then criminal charges. You have ppl who are poverty stricken and it's so easy to divide them with few dollars or gift card

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They used that tactic on me with people I knew.

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I recommend amending all state law and the federal code so that any definition of ā€œIntellectual Propertyā€ will include ā€œBrain Dataā€ ā€” Iā€™m a little tired of government gangsters and their proxies stealing my brain data number one and number two getting away with the stealing of it, the sharing of it, the shaping of it, the storing of itā€¦

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