Every TI should share this newsletter with everyone they know.

Perhaps one day we will be able to elicit justice and compassion from those called on to administer it.

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deletedMay 7
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Try and not worry say it loud to yourself I'm not afraid. Repeat it your body will believe it .this is how i deal with this bs .it works and when u have no fear the craziness stops. I do it for my kids we only have each other and I'll be dammed Noone or nothing will hurt us. Check out shungite stones pyramids theyre cheap and amazing against emf I checked them with multimeter and emf detection . Also dmso a drop a Day in water help DNA damage cause by radiation and protects !!! Telegram has char groups on this your not alone 2

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Any advise about where to buy shugnite stone pyramids??thanks

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I use the faraday canopy to rest and work under. I have been sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies since I was a child. As a young mother I kept the television off as much as possible if no one was home. I always gravitated towards nature and avoided being inside not really knowing why exactly, just that it felt better. After 5G was deployed and of course being targeted, I couldn't stand Technology. Even though I am intrigued at the amazing things it could do when used responsibly I realized my environment is not in good hands right now and I need to protect myself as much as I am able to and definitely give it over to God. No, the canopy doesn't stop V2K that I would assume but it does give one a break from the constant bombardment of radiation pollution and deafening Wi-Fi/Bluetooth signals not intentionally targeted towards me. I slept for 2 days after setting it up. It was intense in the best way!!! I also bought the grounding mat, beanie and grounding bedsheets to keep me from EMF overload. It has help me be able to have a much clearer, rested and peaceful mindset waking up and going into a new day. Wow! That sounds so amazing compared to saying I wake up every morning with hate on my mind and anger raging from my heart. We have a song at church, "I am so glad trouble doesn't last always." ❤️ I know it may not feel like it at the time but the Light HAS already beat the darkness! And we are promised "Joy comes in the morning." I pray all our mornings will be joyful and without this unnatural sorrow, soon, and very soon. Amen

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Thank you for sharing that advice. Now I know what to do with my DSMO. I bought a bottle of DMSO over a year ago. It may have been in my truck and in heat for a while and I'm not sure if this would ruin the solution. I actually didn't know how to use it but I bought it because I knew I needed it. When I read the bottle it sort of threw me off with all the cautions and I wasn't sure how toxic I am or what reactions I may have so I just didn't use it yet. I would Love to have the chelating process done and the microchips removed. One thing at a time I suppose. I am still looking for a proper calcium that will help with my brain recovery and support. Also my bones because I'm sure I've lost bone mass. All of these things are fixable though and I am certain we have hope to recover all that has been stolen from us.

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My child is my everything, too. Unfortunately, my child deserves a better life than what the intelligence agency fed through my brain allowed. It makes me so depressed. I feel so trapped and manipulated and controlled. Like I live to die. For nothing!

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it's all demonic at least in the spiritual world, and witchcraft Sorcery etc... Satan's behind it for sure. Except he hides behind technology and the people doing it. People I think do imbue v2k with spells then send it.

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The enemy has been plotting this for a very long time. God is Omnipresent, the enemy is not, so, because he wants to be "like the Most High God, he has to use technology and mind control and unfortunately people. His goal is to steal, kill and destroy. He cannot hurt us if we don't allow him in our lives. And to get him out we need God to do it. If God covers you don't come out from under it. They enemy cannot harm you when you are covered. My conclusion after I could see the light: ALL MATTERS ARE SUBJECT TO GOD.

Last year, I was living in my truck by the water, I had pneumonia, and was completely abandoned by my frienda and family. Being a TI for who knows how long, A high pitch screaching constantly in my head, like feed back from a microphone, never letting up for a moment, yes, 24/7. The high-pitched sound began May 2020 which I believe is when they deployed 5G in my area. My only company, stalkers. I couldn't sleep, think, and almost to the point where I didn't even care anymore about myself or my life. Then one day my pastors wife calls me. I hadn't been to church since covid started and somehow, with all of this craziness happening in my life, I never thought to go back. My church is a miracle church and here I am suffering!? I called my pastor and we made plans to meet at a coffee place. On the way to meet him, I was trying to think of a way to explain what was happening to me. I thought it would be best to play a video. When we met we talked for a moment. I didn't say much about being a TI. But when I went to play the video for him, he stopped it from playing and said, "I'm going to pray for you, but after I pray, you must stay close. Don't be by yourself any longer." He said, "You need to be in a home where you know you are loved." I agreed, not knowing where I would go but, ok. After he prayed, THE RINGING STOPPED! So did everything else, stalking, hacking, etc. Even my family started being themselves again! After that, I moved in with a church member who allowed me to stay, rent free, until I was well (mentally/physically) with no stalkers! I went to Nigeria and Ghana West Africa for mission trips and even got my engineering position back, at a way better company and higher pay as an engineer 👏 yay!

That sums it up. All of us know and have experienced the beginning and middle of my story. I want to share this part so maybe all our stories can have a miracle ending. ❤️

(Or at least this part can finally end for someone else.)



With Love,

Rebecca Grenewicz

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Cool wish I had that luck. I met a pastor online here and went to his church a couple of times, and had him pray for me. Nothing worked. v2k is worse still now and I kind of think he is and his church are part of the whore churches now.

I mean I went when this was first happening or came back in Nov Of 2020 in Dec just a week or two before that Christmas. While I was there I'd hear as part of my v2k or other, bells ringing I'd think to myself who or where is that coming from and he held up his tambourine a in a way to tell me it's him. It may have been a coincidence but I am sure he's with Satan not God. I mean and yeah in my earlier years Halloween was one of my favorite Holiday's now I hate it. But at a breakfast he'd invited me to and paid for he showed me pics of a Halloween party and in it he was dressed like the devil. I got an eerie feeling from him from that point on never been back. A while back I found out the church he's pastor of almost burnt down so???

So, yeah glad you had such a good thing wish Mine would go away. I had this v2k crap since 1999-2000 and it only went away or to low tinnitus after about two weeks in jail after an assault charge on me. I guess I did what they wanted to left me alone for the next 20 years. Now I don't so they keep at me.

but yeah you've hit the head on the nail Satan is copying what God has and can only do what he can through technology. He's trying to to give his version of immortality. And yes even though this AI bot machine v2k crap keeps trying to tell me they have authority over me I say BS to them.

My guess and it's not really a guess it's biblically educated that AI is the image.

Man kind and our govt's are the antichrist AI is our image or the coder the one who coded it created it created it with the false teachings that we have all been part of to some degree. Now I know Daniel says they made a Golden image but look at the slides of the nano tech hitting into us there's Gold in them and look like Golden cities of nano bots and nano chips etc...

Thanks for sharing that though.

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Yes, that is an awful experience to have. Your reaching out to whom you felt were good people and for help from God and you get a trick.(didn't intend the pun but kinda works really well there.) One thing that raised a flag in your statement was that you found the church on the internet. We are TI's and cannot always (I don't) trust contacts we meet on the internet. Especially when the enemy is trying so hard to deceive us. We also have to remember that the people around us (not everyone) very easily can be subject to the enemy's influences. Wether the influence be by D.E.W. or simply whispering in someone's ear to get them to say something that makes us think they are against us. I'm not referring to the pastor/church you spoke of necessarily, they could just be a weirdo group, idk, or it could be the same thing as everyone else around us that seems to have turned against us. It is all a trick of the enemy. God says, "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:

7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." We cannot fix this ourselves. If we could have we definitely would have by now. Wether it be this experience or the next, yes, life is not over yet, and the enemy will continue to try anyway he can to keep us from our promise that God has given us. People will never be good. That's why Jesus took the condemnation for us. God once told me, "There is nothing you can do to make me Love you less." If we can just get to Him, He will cover us and the enemy cannot touch us. I could write forever. I hope it wasn't too much. It's just, all the while thru my gang stalking phase, all I could think of was, gather as much evidence as you can while you're here, learn as much as possible about what this is and who is behind it. I knew nothing about TI's or gang stalking and noooo idea it was this huge. I thought it was local sex trafficking scumbags and internet sickos and I was going to fix em good! Lol. Silly Wonder Woman(my childhood hero/nickname), your truth lasso doesn't work here. As stubborn as I am I figured everything else out except the fact that lil ol me was not going to be able to help anyone being so sick. All I have now is my testimony and an offering of hope. Which is so much more than anything I could've done on my own. II only stumbled accross a video on Gaia about gangstalking and somehow found Targeted Justice. Thanks to Richard calling me and informing me further about the truth I was able to let it go and let God. I'm still in the fight just fighting the proper way now (not plotting to blow up the companies I figured out were doing this in my area or destroying my whole neighborhood with napalm or someother creative insane way to "correct" the madness happening around me🤪) I am so grateful for all the Wonderful board members, lawyers, doctors and all the courageous soldiers we have fighting for us. I'm praying for healing and restoration for all.

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deletedMay 8
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don't be I am ashamed of our country. We are Babylon our Military is taking over without firing a shot and that sucks so don't be sorry and if it was truly correct to say so before say so again.

But yeah if your in Christ read pray and have faith and pray for more faith and wisdom. We I need prayer Warriors with the faith to move mountains.

Proverbs says our words are powerful and those that love it will reap it's rewards. Forgive these criminals their evil signals they post on us. There Baby raping monitoring sex trafficking etc... but put it up to God. Let him deal with it.

But we can still pray for him to take revenge for us. Pray they repent if possible but they wont Revelations says so, but still... But pray these psalms 31 52, 58, 94, 109, 120, 140 but pray the lords prayer out loud then those the same then close with the lords prayer at least once a day. They've invaded our atmosphere with negative try to invade it back with positive. But yeah it's OK to be ashamed of our country I am. You can't trust cops EMS groups military none of them any more.

I'm hit hard with v2k IE Havana Syndrome and or voice to skull and it's damned hard to not be angry at these criminals. but yes please try to join a prayer warrior thing like I said and we will notice changes soon.

Put these on the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, the sword of the spirit, the belt of truth the breast plate of righteousness, and the shoes of the Gospel and the cloak of revenge it's found in Isiah 59 I think.

Thanks for joining my substac too I try write something every week or so.

Mostly Christian stuff or prophetic stuff...

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❤️😭🥰yes! Thank you. Please keep sharing this positive effective advice.

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It's going on just about everywhere... crazy land of OZ will be going full control with digital ID to match our digital twin on the cloud... You say your Christian, remember... there is only one thing to fear... fear it's self! God Bless you.)

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❤️ God is Love. And He said "There is no fear in Love" anything that feels like fear is not of God. If we don't want to be afraid anymore stay close to Him. There is no fear of worldly matters when you KNOW He is with you.

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In the past two to three years I experienced V2K personally in Hawaii. The creeps in the CIA can implant weird dreams into your mind and disrupt your circadian cycle, and can make you physically do things you would not do. I know this first hand. Fortunately, I learned about this shit sometime ago. So, when I was being hit with this shit, I didn’t panic. This attack on me is due to what occurred on Maui, Lahaina. Secret: It was DEWs that murdered people and toasted buildings, cars, trucks,etc.

Note: Hawaii’s military installation is the largest in the whole USA. They have been illegally occupying the Hawaiian Islands since overthrowing the sovereign Kingdom of Hawaii’s Monarchy on January 17, 1893. And they wanted Pearl Harbor for their Pacific Theater for war and to expand the US Empire.

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RemovedMay 8
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Morning Kay, absolutely Land grab…stealing Land, privatizing Land…..”Private Property”

The definition of the Latin word ‘privare’: to deprive, e.g. to privatize land, resources, …

The Earth is full of signs that say, Private Property, the late comedian George Carlin divided the USA and other Countries into two camps.

Camp One: People obsessed in owning (possessing)all the Land, including people.

Camp Two: The envious & jealous people that want to be in Camp one.


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I heard something similar, something about a second Canal that will be built in the next ten years, so they're trying to grand the land now, to control trade later.

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CIA is pure evil.

It needs dismantled along with the community level minions.

What server are they on?

What websites are they using?

Where and how are these kids getting these DEW's?

Why are they not tracked like we are?

Why are these things still happening when there are laws now like CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY?

Seems to me things need to flip

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Ana, the lawsuit...all of them in fact, need to go before the Supreme Court before the election in November. Kavanaugh was/is still targeted. In fact many of our representatives were/are targeted.

I think we need a massive, peaceful March on Washington DC. before the election. Every TI...even if we have to walk from our respective states and meet-up and carpool. I will. Actually, that will provide us the coverage we so desperately deserve. This is our time. I will do whatever I can to help. I know we are poor and dealing with health issues, but wouldn't that make it all the more special. We will need credentialed guest speakers from businesses that deal with the dangers of EMF in your home as a seguay into targeting. People can set up tables from shielding companies. We can reach out to every whistleblower to speak. For instance, Robert Duncan, Kevin Shipp, KMS, Mark Zaid, You of course, Dr. Ber, John Kirakou etc. At this point, we must think outside the box. Our window of opportunity is starting to close. We need exposure.

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Well stated and I agree with you 100 💯 percent, what's people's opinions on this idea? It's now or never

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Sure ….. let’s do this!!

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We are getting poorer everyday how can we all travel there , a walk a march to DC walking and meeting

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I appreciate this post very much. It’s important that we have the resources to back up our fight because we need them as ammo. When we approach this with persistence and intellectually they have to coinsider this true! Because it fricken is true and it needs to be surfaced .

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ys.. Anytime people are standing in truth and persistent in that truth, they will succeed in their endeavors. Persistence is key. Eventually the truth will come out!

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Easier to turn away in denial!

Keep praying that our leaders fess up with their iniquities so we can 👀 past them to get MORALITY and Trust back into our great nation.

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TEXIT is the best way to MAGA. We succeed, in draining the swamp, when all red states sucede DC.👈To save our nation from tyranny...Focus time and energy accomplishing this task. 38% of Texans are Pro-TEXIT...we just need 51%. All other states, blue and red, have around 20% of people in favor. Govt gains their power thru the consent of the governed. Yes, we can CONSTITUTIONALLY RETRACT OUR CONSENT. TEXIT is the Sequal to 1776.

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I wouldn't doubt it. Yeah kiddy porn I am sure they would. They're into child human sex trafficking us so why not. With v2k they can tell a kid to strip or change their cloths and video it then sell them on the black web. Cops IE Sheriffs get reduced rates for rapes of us, and kids. I have a pedo group in my v2k why? My guess is since I've been through that crap not as a culprit, but falsely accused of that so they figure they'd get off watching me if I did that crap, which I don't. Those who are to be trusted with authority aren't trustworthy no more. I also have cops and ranger or game wardens and ambulance crews named as evidence I have. Lake land police dept if named by name in my v2k file I had done.

3k miles away wow...

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Hi, I'm not sure if this has been answered here already. Do you suggest a calcium supplement that can help repair what has been damaged and keep our brains healthy? I watched a video on some supplements to use for detoxing from heavy metals and such where they mentioned calcium ortate as the best for absorption and proper delivery of the calcium. I believe there was vitamin D-K we should pair it with? This is not an answer but a question. Other's, please don't take this as advice but consider the answer to the question as a more accurate statement. I don't want to give false info. Just hoping we have an answer on here. Thank you 😊 💓

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May 13·edited May 13

Regarding the Havana syndrome coverup, it is worth noting that those who have investigated UFO injuries for the US gov like Dr. Garry Nolan say that the symptoms of it are nearly identical with those of Havana syndrome, and we know from prior public research as performed by e.g Jacques Vallée into the infamous chupas of Brazil that they kill and injure with microwave weapons, as indeed all victims who have been examined that we know of have injuries consistent with damage from microwave weapons.



The size of chupas suggests microwave capability far beyond what we are capable of, as for us to do similar would require enormous and unwieldy technology indeed, and it sounds quite unlikely if not impossible to me that any government has managed to not only secretly develop such capability, but mass deploy it while using it on nearly random targets in a way that doesn't seem strategically useful.

It is very interesting the CIA publically dismissed all of it as basically nonsense or psychosomatic, which although not unbelievable as a cause of some cases, is quite contradictory to the claims of medical doctors they've worked with like Nolan who suggest symptoms to be caused by a physical phenomenon.

Despite how absurd it may sound to those unfamiliar with the scant literature we have and that it's unlikely to appear on your death certificate, injury and death by UFO are far more common than one would think, and that's accounting only for cases that can be clearly said to be such without speculation where there is very good physical evidence and/or witnesses. That this continues to be overlooked, ignored, and irrationally denied due to its incompatibility with the common wisdom and reality consensus, while such coverups of things like Havana syndrome are widely accepted and unquestioned, seems to me to be at our own peril.

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Not to mention we now have Elon Musk and his Nuralink!! I live very close to U of M and they are all over me!!

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I have not heard one thing come out of Carlson's mouth i did not know about already... controlled?

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They can call it musical ear syndrome too. For a while I thought that's what mine was. It is musical but the things it does and sings or says is not my mind making up for my hard of hearing.

It's AI now.

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yeah Truman I think was the won who brought it in or Eisenhower, it's funny how those who destroyed this country always after the do say so. Woodrow Wilson after he brought in the Fed, and the IRS said so. Hey douche bags how about not bringing these things in first then you won't have to say you destroyed this Country.

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RemovedMay 9
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Agree Kay! This is horrific and needs to stop now! 🤬🤬🤬

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