Beware. I recently had to sign a waiver at the Dermatologist for a numbing shot. The nurse said “they use it in the dentist office all the time” 🤯🤯🤯.. it wasn’t until later that day did I realize what was probably in that shot & why I had to sign waiver

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Detox the nano technology from your body. There are many ways to do it. Ivermectin, fendenzapole, zeolites, gum spirits of turpentine, bentonite clay. Any one will work.

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If it works, where is the proof?

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Well, if you’re detoxing correctly, it’s in the toilet.

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The proof is in the pudding. It works.

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Where is this pudding?


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my experience with this letter was that NO DOCTOR WILL TREAT YOU WITHOUT SIGNING THEIR AFFIDAVIT

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yes true they can't treat you if you don't sign most sign so...

I've always signed never saw any reason not to. i needed the treatment too so...

But yeah if you don't consent they wont treat.

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If that's so , that's organized crime.

I hope everyone gets proof and is able to sue. The staff who go along with the lawlessness can be sued too.

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I went to a "painless" dentist (Dr. JN/Walnut Creek, Ca) and asked him to remove all metal fillings, and replace them with porcelain enamel, after 2 hours, I went home, passed out and next day saw that he didn't change out all of them, there were still three teeth, with fillings. I went back and he had the audacity to claim I didn't want *all* my teeth changed out!!! I then said, "I NEVER said that, please finish the job" Went back in, came home and STILL HAVE 2 teeth with "fillings" Now it gets interesting, 3 years later, after I found out I was a TI, something out of the air/a signal pings my head and "a crown" POPS OUT, on it's own!! I examine it, there's a metal patch/filling, ON A CROWN!! And there was no tooth nub to stick the "crown" on, no blood, nothing, no hole,nothing at all, just a full tooth with roots, in my hand! That tooth was eventually stolen out of my purse, which was in my car, AND THEY DIDN'T TAKE MY WALLET OR MONEY OR ID OR ANYTHING ELSE!! Since that happened, at least four teeth with RFID chips IN THEM, came out. The stolen "crown" also had an RFID chip and you could see a wire connecting the rice grain to the metal patch disguised as a filling, ON A CROWN!! I have since had more teeth come out and three of them have the same metal patch and wire connected to something IN THE TOOTH, they are taking out our teeth and shoving in individual ones, whenever it suits them. This happened from 3/2010-3/2024

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Thanks Jfess57. The more testimonies of truth go forth, Thanks!!! The crazier the evils at work through this government and globalists look. Thanks, again for sharing and for the fore warnings. 😊

It's never the truthful or upright man who becomes paranoid , reckless or unstable, it's the lawless, the criminals and the lying perverts.

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Can you imagine a class action lawsuit? How many millions of people have used injectable dental anesthetics? All you have to do is to show what kind of atrocity is being formed in these products, and get an expert who would testify that this is not supposed to be there. Straightforward. Where are you, hungry lawyers? This is billions of dollars on the silver platter for you. Even a dozen people would do. Get the records which anesthetics were used - get the same lot - I would be happy to produce images that would blow your mind. How this hasn't been done already escapes me.

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Product liability attorneys should get up to speed. The mas torts will make many millionaires many times over.

You made the discovery for them!

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I have about 4 of the teeth, with metal patches and the grain of rice sized tech INSIDE THE TOOTH! A powerful flashlight shows this, it is so insane what they do to us. I know the light has returned to expose all of this, everything the dark energy people did to the light eb=nergy people will all come out. Perps are dark energy people, TIs are light energy people. We are targeted BECAUSE evil cannot work through us like it does the perps. This is a spiritual war and the only reason I am not dead is because I have spiritual protection.

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Dr. Ber, I'm searching for a reliable Doctor to test for NKBI. I would prefer to visit your Physician. Would it be possible to get his/her contact info?

Thank you.

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are the first slides you did still active?

yeah I hope class action lawsuits come due soon.

I had all my teeth pulled a few years ago never got dentures. But don't know what they used.

I may run over to them they aren't but a few blocks away and see if I can't get my dental records from them, of all the crap they used in me.

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I was just going to ask if this is limited to dental medications/anesthetics, etc. I think I see the answer above! Yikes!

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Thanks again Targeted Justice Inc. for providing us another useful letter addressing our health care. I appreciate your hard work.

Government could fix the budget, Illegal Targeting, and murder(s) in a heart beat by shutting down all these useless government agencies of corruption , lawlessness , and save the nation's children. If they were smart. 🙄

Thank you Dr. Len Ber for sharing your work and assisting us. I'm thankful and grateful to see and hear your voice, your thoughts and findings from your mouth. I can see why you have been hit so hard by the enemy of man.

A weak man is a threat to no one , but himself. You are a threat to those who are attempting to oppress this nation.

In this fight for what is truth and right you are a friend to all man , to all Targeted Individuals, and a friend of YHWH. It's only a great man or woman who remains faithful to their conscience, their GOD to the end.

I am even more thankful that our Heavenly Father YHWH heard all our prayers concerning you and all the Targeted Individuals through this time. I am sorry that you've suffered so much , but I am glad that Targeted Justice notified us of what you've endured. It gives us the insight of what to pray and how to pray for you and others. Even if we just call out your name before a Holy GOD YHWH.

" Does He that maketh the ear not hear , does He that maketh the eye not see ?"

Answer. Of course HE does. Thank you Jesus Christ Yeshua!!!

Thanks again to all Targeted Individuals for your fortitude, strength and faithfulness to endure for the sake of others. I pray that you are all blessed by our Heavenly Father with a double portion as both Job and Elisha were, in Jesus Christ's name, amen!!!

" The latter reign will be greater than the former reign."

Christ Jesus said, "These things that I have done you will do also only greater."


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Want to learn how the WEF and the WHO want to steal land , I'm telling you to read Rosa Koires book on Amazon 24.oo ish$ "Behind the Green Mask" by Rosa Koire expert on property. targets are part of this takeover. Please please order and read the book.im so horrified by uhow they planned this.

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Saw some of her videos. Lovely soul.🙏

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Recently, while at the dentist and before the administration of anesthesia injection, i asked my dentist, "does this injection have any nanotechnology or graphene in the ingredients list"? She didn't seem at all surprised by my question - then answered, "No it does not".

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"Thanks, Doc. So you won't mind giving me a sample of the anesthetic to take home and test."

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I’ve been to two holistic dental offices and neither will acknowledge this

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Thanks Susan. Good to know.

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I have been a bit suspicious of dental work. I also came into realization of something and really wanted to lay it out to people who understand the ti life. I have been suspicious of this as well. And let me tell ya...i've been one hell of a victim of it. See if you could possibly be a victiim of this. The article indeed mentions targetted individuals. christinagerrard.substack.com/p/the-wank-bank-part-1

In my experience, I don't really get much "gangstalking" stuff. However, I have seen demons, aliens, etc. These have taken the form of shadowpeople and faces on the wall. I have no idea how they pull this off, but they do. I'm sure I gave them plenty of material to get their fun...they surrounded me with snakes so many times that I lost track. I was petrified. Over and over. They lied to me, and led me into situations that seemed so real, that I believed and was loosing it mentally. They are evil beyond belief. The things they did to me would make anyone shudder. I will never be the same. Nor will my relationships with people that really matter to me. They "hunted" me with flying insects, designed to take out my eye. They want my eye out. They've been telling me this for years. I had to fight off insects flying around my eyes. I have no idea how this has been pulled off. I know they have special technologies. I have seen it. I don't understand it. But when you feel insects flying close to your eyes you actually start fighting off the insects. They have threatened my eyes with lasers coming for them to take them out. I wondered if what I was dealing with was a bunch of dark group who gets into body part illegal activities. I know how odd all this sounds, but I have lived this for all I can take. I want them exposed. I want them found out before more lives get ruined. Another clue that what this person wrote is conneccted to my case...who I am obviously a ti because I get tortured in every way that is listed in her article and also have all the effects on my body that she listed....is in the earlier days I am sure I was being recorded for my sexual endevours. Once this stopped, indeed I am guessing I went to the torture rooms now. And am being broadcast, it sounds it. The snakes look so real that even the cat seen it and was puzzled by it. I am hurt daily. I am fried daily. So much that I am forgetting things in a way I never did before. I know it is connected to the crap they are doing to me. They hurt my body from top to bottom. My feet burn alot. They pull at my toenails. Even when I am at work somehow. I do not have the answers as to how they are doing it, but they are doing it. Even when I sleep. In the early days they told me that there is tv involved. I simply didn't know what that meant. This person wrote it up in a way that hits the nail on the head. My guess, perhaps some of you are experiencing this too? I would love to hear what you think or if you maybe a victim of this aspect of it. I do realize, for whatever reason, I am a special case probably. Due to the amount of special activities I have experienced that had to be a product of technologies that I have seen. I seen a huge globe that will indeed produce things like ghosts, demons, dragons, snakes, etc. I did not see this globe at first, after awhile I seen it a few times. It is very hard to see. I called it "the glinda mobile"...a reference to the wizard of oz..because this is what it reminds me of. It hides in the air. It is merely invisible. I assume it is behind much of what I have seen. There is technologies and a person within it. I also seen other stuff that was odd in the category of technology. I seen and experienced things that others don't. It could be that I am a victim of aliens. But probly the aliens were a product of this glinda mobile. Idk. I often think others have the people on their walls and floors like I do, they just don't realize it. They, too, blend with the environment like a chameleon. Sorry to unload all this on you here. I just need to get this all out and have no where else to go with it where I feel safe that I am dealing with other tis. I believe in what this girl wrote, i have been experiencing it. Some sicko has been making money off my victimization. And no one will hear me. I know how crazy it sounds, but I don't lie or make up stories for attention. This is real. And unbelieveable evil.

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I will pray for you! I am so sorry that this evil has ruined your life! My heart breaks for you. May the Lord Jesus Christ give you the strength to get through this torture from these demonic people! I hope and pray you believe in Jesus! God bless and stay strong!!!

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Amen !!!

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Thanks Azzarah Jayde . You're expressing what you've experienced. Thanks . It's not spirits, ghosts, space aliens ,not real snakes or even anything real. You are seeing projected images. Pictures. Pictures cannot hurt you. They are trying to get you to operate out of feelings of fear. Spirits do not cast shadows . They don't have a body like we do. "Spirits are like the wind . You cannot see the wind , but see and feel the effects of the wind." Paraphrased.

The frequency's can cause itching , movement, burnings, sounds through the airwaves. Like theater. Watch and notice the timing ( one second intervals , faster , slower , day or night) of the incidents , images , sounds ,vibrations or burning pain, etc. It's all done by and through technology. It's done to you so that you operate out of fear. The same fear that criminals , evil people and sadists operate out of. Demons and devils operate out of the very people attacking you. Demonic people operate out of fear. Who are always trying to project their rottenness and fears on you others. If you receive whatever is coming from them they're delighted and you are made miserable. Speak to your mind what is truth. What is real.

I pray that you experience the perfect love of Jesus Christ . That every fear , anxiety, pain and sufferings be cast on Him and for His namesake he brings you through in perfect peace and restoration. I pray that your mind , body , soul be healed by the stripes of Jesus Christ and whatever the fowler ( evil ) stole from you be brought back to you in Jesus Christ's name, amen !!!

" Perfect love casts out fear. " It's Christ's perfect love that heals us. Even while insane people try to overtake our minds and bodies.

I appreciate your words and have experienced some what you are sharing.

It's fake falsehoods made to look real so you do go crazy. Overdone theater. You're not crazy. Once you know the truth no one can make you walk in fear.

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I indeed have wondered this. However, there are some things that I cannot possibly see happening somehow by tech. I am NOT discrediting you in any way. I'm trying to find answers for myself. If they project things...like the snakes...how do they do it on the inside of my home? How can anything be projected inside. I have seen faces of people and then later met them. They were people that meant very little to me but later met them in my life...at a hospital, at a future job, etc. I also experience much synchronicity. Is this possible with tech? I know much can be done with tech, I've seen it. I just can't seem to put my finger on all of it. I do believe and have been trying to get a better grip on my spiritual path to Christ. Going thru this other stuff...which is extremely spiritual for me to begin with...that path to Christ becomes more of a challenge. And feels much like a roller coaster. They play on my mind alot with my spirituality. Which makes me see this all as spiritual warfare gone mad. I can see how going crazy is a realistic possibility for some people. And yes, fear is one of their fav games. I do know this stuff is very real. I know I'm not crazy, as much as it sounds crazy. I know reality from not reality. Thanks for understanding and thanks for the prayer. :)

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Thanks Azzarah Jayde . He said,

" I will lead you into all truths."

Nothing will be hidden from you. The Spirit of YHWH reveals all things.

The images of faces or people is nothing more than mental telepathy to make you appear crazy. I watched them do it to me and watched the people who they used to set me up . The same as they do to you. The nano technology is inserted into your body and brain. The images , sounds are carried through the airwaves just like television or radiowaves or the wind. We don't see any of the airwaves or wind ,but we see the effects of the wind and the images emitted through radiowaves or other

frequencies. The same way V2K is heard by one and not others. They ( gang stalkers, perpetrators) set us up to see them . As if we wouldn't be able to call out the truth. It's theater. They set you up so you and are always focused on what they've put in front of us. Instead of moving forward we become stuck in trying to figure them out.

I like the fact that you desire to even know and understand the truth. Seek the Spirit of truth and He will reveal everything you desire to know and understand. Pray for wisdom, knowledge and understanding, the discerning of spirit's and He will give them to you. Thank Him ahead of time even when you don't understand or know anything. It's you faith and who you belong to who will bring you through. It'll be Jesus Christ Yeshua Himself. "Greater is He who lives inside me than he (satan) who is in the


You will see the truth. It's technology and man trying to play god. Thanks again! I'm glad that you have a mind to question. We should all be that blessed.

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I've had al8t of dental work done . To the point of dentures. And the article is of interest to me. I am alsilo curious as to if anyone had addressed the issue of technology that could be hidden withing a dental implant imbuntment.

I have four of them and when it gets "noisy in here at night" I notice that they almost vibrate. It's an odd sensation and yes , it makes me wonder. The only time in my entire life that I've bern put under was the day that I hot these impacts in my lower front jaw. And the reason for suspicion isn't the vibrating sensation so much as how the procedure went down.

Right before they put me under there were two additional people present. A man and a woman. My dentist said that they were "reps" from the company who manufactures these "new" type of implants that we'd be using today. I was halfway gassed up so of course I didn't mind.

But if I were to have ever been unknowingly chipped or whatever, it would have been that day. Any instances if this occurring as I've described to you. Thanks and take care.

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Grateful! I’ve had this conversation with myself as to how to approach dentist that would be heard and not dismissed ❤️

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Don’t blame the nano …..

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so how are you going to prove that this is organized crime ....of course they will tell you that such things are not in there..even if they are...so then you have to get a hold of a syringe which is almost impossible to do and then pay for it out of your own pocket for an exam at a facility and then they will say...well this syringe was not from us...so then what is one going to do?

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yeah good thing to do. I would if I had a dentist I may just send one to some local dentists but yeah do this people need to know if they don't and be shamed if they do.

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