This is it folks the beginning of the end of our targeting. This is our year. Justice is about to be served. I hope all the idiots that participated in this will get their comeuppance. She said this is the first of many. This roof is about to blown off this gangstalking once and for all. Way to go Ana.... way to go.!!!

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These are crimes deserving of a 21 gun salute or hanging.we must send a strong message to all government and politicians we will not stand for this and you dont get off easy with just an injection

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This war were in is just as bad if not worse then what Dr Martin Luther king was up against. We're tortured everyday every night . I'm under attack right now

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Me too.... they honk their car/truck/semi horns wherever I am. It's been since 1999. I can't believe I've survived this long.

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Chris! It must be you!!! I never heard back from you, but I'm glad to know you are still alive and know about TJ. It is so exciting, what is happening here. I got stripped of my Facebook account so I could not contact you if I wanted to, which I have wanted to....If it's you, I will look for a reply

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Me too. Over 50 years.3 generation family member dying until right now.

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Idaho targeters came all the way to Saint George Utah and followed me to Washington state. Even from British Columbia Canada to target me. I reported those guys to the Canadian intelligence committee. I literally had an Indian couple in Utah follow me since this started becoming overt on and off in a white Tesla from Canada BC. Imagine my surprise when they followed me all the way up to Washington and then kept reappearing all over town. Every since I pointed them out to my son and reported them to the Canadian intelligence service I have not seen them at all. There is also another Indian guy who drives a Tesla but who switches cars and headscarf’s to whatever the targeting color is. I don’t go out much anymore but when I do he is one that continuously shows up and a giant white truck that photographs me every time I go to a dispensary whether I get anything or not. They better be doing that to every dispensary patron otherwise it’s discrimination. At this point does it even matter. The only national security they need to worry about is the truth of this program getting out. I bet there are hundreds of thousands like us that have no clue they are being targeted yet. If my country lets criminals run free while an average person like me gets tortured and brutalized and all their rights stripped and no one will say why……. I have no hope for a single person on this planet.

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Feb 21, 2023
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I do not recommend too many doctor visits, they lie on our records. The very people we are supposed to be able to trust can destroy our lives. I do not recommend sleep meds because the shit they will do to you while you are knocked out is deplorable. And it keeps your head foggy. Plus we don’t know what else they are drugging us with. I was drugged constantly for years in Utah. Some days I feel like they are drugging me here. I want a clear head as much as possible. It’s hard though. Just found out I might have lupus or some other condition. I know some people have to have something. I get it. Keep it as lite as possible for your own safety.

On and off I take CBD. It is the only thing that helps and I can still keep a clear head unless I over do it.

My sister has been on ambien for over ten years and anti depressants. I tell her she is targeted but they don’t believe me. Maybe some people are told they won’t be targeted if they target and keep the secret. All the while they don’t realize they get targeted anyway. I can see the appeal in that.

When we were still in each other’s lives I could hardly have a coherent conversation with her some days. She is a target but also targets me, my entire family has been targeting me since I got out of the military in 1998. I had no idea. My heart aches because of it but what can you do.

They never wrote or stayed in touch when I was in the AirForce for 9.7 yrs. Very little. Why I thought I had a family to come back to is beyond me.

If everyone targeting me came forward and told the absolute truth I would have nothing but forgiveness for them. Wouldn’t want anything to do with them unless they were forced. Even then it would be hard.

Check out some of the info on my substack.

As a result of realizing everyone in my life since I was a kid was a psyops targeter or an agent I disowned everyone at this point. I wonder what it’s like to have an authentic person in your life everyday.

Time will weed out who is authentic and who isn’t. I have faith this will end.

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Brother I am a Target in Utah as well...slowly killing me. I'd like to speak with you. Send me an email @ raviakibabenjoseph@gmail.com

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Not a brother. No longer in Utah. You can not trust anyone in Utah. Everyone including the AIG, and school board WATCHERS, the FBI, LAW ENFORCEMENT AND POLITICIANS EITHER DO NOT RESPOND OR SAY SOMETHING STUPID LIKE, “ we will look into it if we feel like it or someone will contact you if they take it further. ACLU and all the public service sectors are corrupt from my perspective. I was hung up on by the FBI when they realized I had someone else on the line to witness the conversation. Don’t even bother with the church. I know factually the church is directly involved in the attacks or at least a shit ton extremist members. I could give names but I save that for investigators. I even sent a long email to the group that claims “Building a Better Utah”. Nothing.

I feel most groups like my sons Utah school say they are there to support the non-traditional residents, the misfits, the lgbtq, etc…and families that oppose the church. To me they are just fronts acting like groups for fair and equal justice and support but then are really just gathering information on outliers to set up these attacks. Many students and parents from my sons school targeted me and his teachers. Who knows what lies they are being told about me.

Do not trust a single mental health professional in that state and stay away from groups like AA or NA. They are not safe spaces anymore. All being infiltrated across the nation. I read an article about it by an investigative journalist a few years back but did not believe it until I saw it happen. Even here one of the guys that was in my first meeting was a guy I observed about 5 or 6 times in different places I had gone throughout the day. He looked like a homeless guy and someone you would never suspect. When I started talking in the meeting saying there was a person infiltrating the meeting probably spreading lies about me already and that Washington State was one of the most targeted states in the country for this stuff, that same guy shut me down from continuing to share at the meeting.

I’ve had a lifetime of abuse and my military training so I notice things the average person seems blind to. I don’t think he knew that I knew who he was. He really thought he got away with it. Same with this Angela girl. So now, I can never go back to AA. When I first got here one of the psyops themes was to parade people with booze all around me. On tshirts, carrying stuff in carts, by hand, in line with me. It was rediculous. I guess they thought it would make me relapse or something. I’m chuckling to myself just typing about it. I call it, “Idiots On Parade”.

I’ve been sober without AA since 2010 when I realized there wasn’t real AA in utah. Sept 15, 1999. Still sober no interest in changing that. Especially now. I can’t imagine the torture they would have planned for me if I drank again. No thanks. I will forever use cbd until I die or everything is illegal again. I don’t “party” as they might call heavy users in groups. Been taking it like medicine since Utah made it legal. I’m not ashamed and don’t feel like an addict.

Out here 5 apartments 3 on my side and 2 on the other building would go out on their balconies whenever I opened my windows for fresh air. All you would smell outside and throughout the building was weed. The owner explicitly requests no actual smoking of the product. Even though he used to own a dispensary. I figured it was the thing similar to parading booze around me. I ignored it. Thought about reporting it to him but figured it was a waste of time since he is directly connected to the people targeting others. It also told me who the targeters were. 306, 305, and 304, upstairs. One guy targeting works for a dispensary. He is directly connected to the four major states that target me, 2 imparticular, Idaho and Utah. The other 2 are California and Nevada. Those are facts from a direct conversation I had with him. The landlord shut it down about 2 weeks later.

As far as hyper sensitive to our environment, Most of us targets get that way after a while. It’s a natural response when you realize you are a target and have been for years before you ever even became aware.

I encourage everyone to go as far back in their history as possible and find those moments that made you stop for even a second, remember the times where something happened and you brushed it off as bad luck….I’m telling you, if you do that you will start to see a pattern. Look on my substack. I do repeat some stuff over and over in my articles about myself but it is always connected to new things I am learning. Since sex offenders are continuously given my personal information and following me wherever I go, I think there are possibly 6 living between the 2 buildings where I am now, minimum there are 4 for sure. Might not be registered but abusers none the less. It is unlikely I will contact a complete stranger on here or anywhere. Trust no one. I am trustworthy but I respect no one to trust that. Trust was the first thing they took from me after I learned what I know about my stepdad, his connections to law enforcement and the kkk and the people who pretended to be fake friends and ex-Mo. no thanks. I’ll pass. I barely trust people on here. Especially since I am a critic of Scientology and see some of their activity on here. Either that or it’s agents doing psyops pretending to be from both churches to see if I will attack either church. Who the hell knows anymore. I won’t . I have no desire to attack anyone. I keep trying to get away from them and THEY keep attacking me. Including law enforcement.

Watch the new show “rabbit hole”. Kiefer Sutherlands character traits are mine at this point except my perception of reality is unwavering. And I have zero resources. I know the difference between reality and delusion even though they try extra hard to change that, even by drugging me, I am and will remain unwavering. I refuse to question myself. I’m tired of being abused. I am hoping this new raid gets closer to catching these targeters.

Anyway, if anyone needs to know anything about my case I post regularly on my substack. And most comments I make here end up on my feed too.

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I'm also a targeted individual we definitely need to talk more about this I'm from Wisconsin, seversondarrick@gmail.com

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I'm a target in Amherst Wisconsin 54406,

What can I do, please seversondarrick@gmail.com

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Unfortunately there really isn’t much you can do. Document and protect any evidence you have the best you can. All of us are in a sit and wait position. Waiting to see what happens with the law suit. In the meantime you need to start filing FOIA requests from anyone and everyone you can think of that might have a file on you. Stay as far away from fire and police as possible. They are the execution squad. Because even if the law suit goes through we could find out we are still on someone else’s list or they found another way to continue the program under cover. My stuff leads to some pretty rich powerful people, my step dad and 2 churches minimum who have no sense of humanity and should be shut down. You just have to hang in there. The truth is on its way.

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I live across the street from a fire station. Being targeted every day. They make me feel lazy and confused when I am at home

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Side effect of CBD and Cannabis in general is it stops you from having deep sleep dreams. Very good for Soldiers with PTSD or acquired brain injury.

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I went to see a doctor and he tried to murder me. i was force injected 4 times and I know they were coming every hour so I ran the second they took their break. The last time, which I was nervous to go to, the fake doctors big ole ancher tatoo was in my face and he did nothing for me. They are trying to put everyone in mental institutions in Canada, asking mental health questions for no reason. Then they drug you to take you to mental health, where they can turn you into a vegetable, as they did in the past with the Duplessis Orphans.

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Feb 26, 2023
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Feb 27, 2023
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Same for me... They cause sleep-deprivation by somehow switching off the sleep hormone melatonin ☹️

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May 28, 2023
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Whatever the law deems for the crime.i just know that treason and other crimes are punishable by death?

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My question is this what will happen to all the neighborhood perps who participated?

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They get to reap what they planted. The same evils that they put on other's.

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yeah some make excuses fro these dirt bags. They say Oh" they didn't know or was lied to etc...

BS they cowards they do it so they don't get hit by this crap. It would take a few days or a month or so to do you're own god damned investigation to see if what they're told about us is true or not. Bullspit I want them to bleed too.

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Yep. My question too. They will always know who we are but we may never know who they are unless they grow some morals and a conscious and tell us. I’m not sure any of them are capable of telling the truth, ever.

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I was thinking the same thing

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Jan 14, 2023
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I heard that my brother. I feel good being in here with you guys. I love your response and agree with you 100% .I want to take all of the possetions they got to use against me. Wolves in sheep's clothing

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Me too. I wish part of our reward would be to get quadruple the money they made for targeting us and the choice to target them for a year. See how they like it. I had to give up 3 cars and 2 houses because of this crap and now burning through savings. How is this 2023? Bunch of criminals running amuck pretending to be pillars of society. It’s very sick.

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I hear you. There trying to take my mom's property over this there silently killing us. We need to stick together. My email seversondarrick@gmail.com

I'm from Wisconsin.

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True. They use demented and psychotic families to attack us. My sister and her family of 4, all 44 years of age and older have attacked pretty much all of our families. I live in Albuquerque,NM and was gang stalked in California also. My sister's family was involved there too. They are evil.

Take the time to share your story identifying your attackers and where. They don't want to be identified and cannot afford to murder you once identified. Because, they become the identified murderer's. The Guilty Culprits. Crimes of Coercion with using more than one person involved in the Crimes against you. Share your story.

Will they bully you more ? Of course. Pray against them that they reap everything they gave to you in Jesus name,amen!!! God does care what you have endured. Praying for you too.

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Jan 22, 2023
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I just posted you. It's in today's Sunday 1/22/23 thread. I apologize. I messed up.

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Jan 15, 2023
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Absolutely!!! Truth always comes to the light. Truth smashes the lies of darkness.

I have a friend T.I. from WA like you horribly targeted . My friend who I pray for every day. You will be easy to remember every day in prayers. With the love of Christ over your life, I pray you are more than blessed and protected in Jesus name,amen!!! Please know that you and others like us were set apart for such a time as this. Our sufferings will never be forgotten or overlooked. A powerful God brings us through. Most people think if there's a God why is there so much suffering. Because, of the evils in man. You are set apart for the glory of a Holy God. Holy means , "set apart ." Lord says,

"I set apart the lonely in families for myself. "

If He didn't you would have been like the rest, hateful and vile. You took a different path. BRAVO!!! As you walk through what would break most people I pray the Lord Most High God strengthens you, gives you His wisdom, bind up and thwarts the plans of the wicked and is a powerful shield and buckler about you. That the very fear of the Lord be your strength and your joy. That He makes you to be more than able to overcome all that is thrown against you . That He fights against those who fight against you in Jesus name ,amen!!!

Thanks for sharing!!! The gang stalkers cannot afford to be identified. Especially family members in the Not secret society's. Anything that happens to you points the fingers back at them. Their guilt.

God said, "I did not give you a spirit of fear , but of Power, Love , and a Sound Mind."

You have all three or you would not be standing for what is right. Stay Strong!!!

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The thing that pisses me off is they still call this the home of the free and the brave and no one is being persecuted here Bullspit.

From what I see it's us Christians true Believers who are being persecuted so this fulfills scripture. So yeah America is persecuting us and there are millions of us not just a small little corner they like to say lying bastards.

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I have a niece who foolishly joined the Freemasons. I can't even talk sense to her, but bother her parents have died and she believes the cause of death to be normal somehow. I have been holding back from contacting my siblings for this reason; to keep them from being targeted. I try to get people to group so we can do something but no one is listening. I think they are all tuning out on key words. I read "the secret".

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MHO, we should be grouping, as they do, to clean the swamp. If we ever get justice through the courts, it could end up being when we are on our death beds.

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Amen. I can honestly feel it in this room with all of you. I feel optimistic. How do I find out if I'm on the lawsuit? Have you been asked to provide evidence?

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I hope so! BTW, prettiest TI ever right here☝️ Life would be so much better to have someone to share it with who can totally relate to this nonsense;)

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How can I get a law suit going here in Denver,Colorado it is the hub for all the Federa ,l Counter intelligence /Gang Stalking, I've had every possible probably gaslating experimentation,Including all their tactics done to me been hospitalized with injuries By the grace of God I'm still alive I choose not to let them affect me I stay productive , Positive and living a spiritual life style each day ✨️ 💯 😎

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I'm not sure I would ask Ana Toledo.

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What makes you think these people will soon face justice?

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I have a video on rumble that has gotten me the same attention.. it shows a type of wave coming out of sky that hits a tree and makes every bird take off in flight.. they have me severely monitored though..

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I want to get on this lawsuit please. I have been trying to fix my life but I'm being destroyed by my small town and local law enforcement and possibly more I just want to be left alone. EMF pollution. Cell phone bugging and blue tooth devices. They been doing this since my mom's death from cancer. Please help someone. I don't do FB or Instagram or messenger. But here's my email seversondarrick@gmail.com God Bless Us All

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Sep 6, 2023
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Exactly they are mind controlling every American so I don't think we have a chance unless we start taking out the towers. IDK there's just too many people that just can't open her eyes and it's just not right seems like it's totally being mind controlled by the government to make us all feel like everything's okay . Very sad world we live in. Reason I say that I come from a family of eight siblings and we were always tight close together never disagreed about anything to each other until now none of them want to believe that they're trying to take my mom's property which is theirs too cuz my mom passed away and everyday I'm dealing with gang stalking police public people . For 2 and 1/2 years maybe 3 years they had me feeling paranoids scared wanting to kill myself and I've never ever been one of suicide being that I lost two of my friends to it I got two kids I would never hurt myself and I had reason to believe that nobody ever would believe me or understand me so I might as well just in my life and I've never ever ever thought like that it's just crazy I live in Amherst Wisconsin the fire department's got it Tower across the street from my house that the police department are using and it's for microwave use I feel like I'm being radiated and I am getting cancer from it scared to go get checked out because I have state insurance and I feel like that's what they want me to do just like they want me to go and see the doctor and say that people are watching me people are stalking me and all that so you can throw me in the looney bin and that's what they want everybody to do not everybody but some people have already killed their self and it's just sad it's enough for now have a good day pray to the Lord

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I never thought I make to this day or believed it was going to be even possible.now it's important for all of us to double down are awareness of our surroundings , I know mine have been full throttle all these years.fight or flight mode 24/7.man what the human body is capable of to survive mentally and physically..with all the letters , packets of evidence in sent to ACLU and congress members, with 90% of them being intercepted by the evil ones.IIT WAS A FIGHT I MEAN A FREAKING FIGHT.THEY THEY THOUGHT WE COWARD IN FEAR IN ARE BEDROOMS, THEY GOT THAT WRONG, ALL OF U SHOULD BE PROUND FOR STAYING STRONG, I TRULY BELIEVE MOST COULD NOT.REAL TALK , BUT WERE NOT THERE AT THE FINISH LINE YET.KEEP YOUR GUARD UP, CONTINUELY KEEP CHANGING UP YOUR DAILEY OR WEEKLY PATTERNS.MY WHOLE LIFE I FELT LIKE I HAD NO PURPOSE, NOTHING WAS REALLYY CONECTING, THEN COMES ALONG, NEVER WIEGHT MORE THEN 126lbs , couldn't hurt a fly, couldn't understand hate or greed, the bullying of others, the drama, so I was fine working in my studio on music or working on electronics or even what I was going through with this, if I could help someone who truly was in need of it. That would get me through the rest of my days.we were all not adjusting fighting for us but for all of us. Just wanted to say a few words

Piece to the world, get rid of -hate -greed= can you only imagine

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You have an overcomers attitude. I applaud you. We see the greatness of a man when all odds are coming against him, but he is able to overcome all of them. He lives. He's able. BRAVO to you and all Targeted Individuals who fight for what is right. Your /Our Victory's will remain far after we are gone. Your name has a place of honor even amongst those who hate you. Praying for you and all Targeted Individuals across the earth a powerful victory for us all and an overall healing, and restoration in Jesus Christ's name, amen!!!

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Callybrookewhiteland@gmail.com… if anyone wants to contact me… I have tons of proof on what’s been happening to me

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Hi I'm being targeted in Wisconsin. Amherst to be exact. Since 2004 seversondarrick@gmail.com

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2004 for me also but major increase in 2020 and again in 2001 and today i can't stand it

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So sorry to hear. I'm in Wisconsin and if you want we can talk on telegram if you want? I seriously think we all need to stick together. .

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I'm being severely Harassed with these waves going thru my body and laser like burns to the point of being close to reacting in a way I shouldn't it would be against my best interest to react but I don't kno how much more I can take and to have people look at me like I'm crazy because they never heard of it before is a stab in the heart because I'm so far from crazy smh idk I hope I make it through this but it's tough when u feel alone

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Couldn't agree with you more Aaron!

I've been Targeted for 30 years! These people destroyed my life murdered my Mother and brainwashed my child!

Thanks for standing up to these cowards and reach out to me if you want to compare notes!!!


Jeff C Smith

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This what they are literally doing to me. Headache's and gangstalking . I have a fire department across the street. And I have been harassed since my mom's death from cancer. 6 years later it's getting to me. I want to know how to get my name on the lawsuit. If I don't get it. My kids deserve it. Ever since I didn't make a statement when I was using drugs cause the law wanted me to tell on my brother but I didn't life and everything has been down Hill for me and I'm open for suggestions

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Email me if you want to talk or text email me and I'll give you my number to text.main thing ,no fear ,don't show them any signs that your fearfully,.that's what they want 813409.try your best to not give any signs that you know there there,completely act like you don't even notice and on a out of blue day and your with somebody in your home and your able to say this without it not fitting into the conversation4609.ON A DAY YOU COMPLETELY PRETENDED YOU DIDNT NOTICE THEM.(MAN I CANT BELEIVE IT.I DINT SEE ONE PERP OR STALKER TODAY MAYBE ITS OVER.this sends them into a panick,SOMTHING failed,but it's also important to plan a lead up to this.i call it,(give them hell)a few days before or a week up to your out loud statement of man ,maybe it's over not one perp or stalker today.now give them hell day or week for me is one day go up to your local gas station ,put gas in your car when your sure you got two or 3 of them.pretend your leaving by starting car and start to drive only to another pump.get out the car and start detailing it at night and take your time like two hours or more no hurry.now there playing our game.this infuriates them.another .,mimic there tactics honking two times as your pulling out .another day ,just get in your car and drive,don't think about where your going ,don't gps anything,don't tell anyone completely random.go places you never been stores malls .but do not think just do as you pull up on it and pull in .this gives no 0 chance of prestaging and that day is a fail for them .they do not like that.never been to a adult book store ,but one day I had the whole squad on me randomly driving down this road(Email )and pulled in and stayed in until they walk in.you want to talk (aclu.shawnpeterson)about the looks on(@) there face was priceless(protonmail) (.com) and a good day for me a lost for them.

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7152042654 is my cell. Shawn

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Just text me. Please I'm not good with email shit but I'm learning

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Please I've not said a word tell now but i need help every where i go its not 10 are 12 its 20 to 40 of them and they no where I'm going and get people in them places to hate me to where I'm always by myself. Please help

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Praying for you and against all those who wanted you destroyed ,that your life will be blessed and triumphant in Jesus name,amen!!!

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Thank you and the same to you . It's taken me a year to

Make myself calm down about this because when they started getting close and and when i realized the following was so extreme one thing I am and that's a person that don't let folks get close to me and I was like a wild man the first 6 mouths. I think how I most of got in this was during covid I never made a video but shared alot of them about flat earth and Trump doing what needed to be done about child trafficking and the colt. I heard they dont like wisilplowers.

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They hate whistleblowers, Truthful people, anyone with an ounce of integrity, honesty , Christian's or Bible believing Catholics, anyone not feeble minded, corrupt, abusive, or demented like them.....like Child Traffickers. Sex Traffickers and the like.

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So true. What an evil world we live in ☹️.

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Ignore it be strong.they work off of scare fear tactics show your not afraid puff your chest walk like a gorilla beat on your chest.

Show them your not scared

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O I do but this past weekend was the first time they used a car on the highway and slammed me into a guardrails and spon me around twice then the law I could see from the start was not on my side it all.

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I'm sorry to hear that bro,I have a hot rod I've had 5 cars ar once following me I made the left turn but they all blew the lught,no cops around but.v2k wise they thought I cherished my car I do but its materialistic, and I have no problem running them into a parked car a pole I dont care I told them if you think I'm bs'ing TRY ME AND FIND OUT.

they may have threatened and laughed at me,but the truth is they are scared of me they know I'm crazy as in I'm not taking no crap off anyone.


meaning play stupid to learn there crap to prevail.

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You're absolutely right!!! Gang stalkers are full of fear , paranoia, oppression and full of hatred against anyone who has the insight and strength to stand up for themselves, Because, they CAN'T. It's called Projection. They thought they could project on us who they are. NOT POSSIBLE. That makes gang stalkers thinking 5150.

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Truth about gangstalkers they are victims as well 1/3 of the population there eyes are wide open but in actuality they are in a deep trans and the government can make them do and say anything they want,I've experienced a few times,I may not be well educated but I'm extremely smart.i found out a lit of there crap before I found this law suit. Stay strong we will win.

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Get rid of your cell phone. All I can say seversondarrick@gmail.com

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$1.3 Billion is NOT Enough for what FBI did to these citizens.

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This is a side suit.from class action.

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We are close to, 2000000. individual TIs that have been torched ,humiliated ,Murdered By FBI. For Unreasonable ,Insane punishment as an terrors' group without any legal justifications & Couse. Shame on you FBI.

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What do you mean by a side suit? Is this not the main lawsuit then?

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How do I join the lawsuit?

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Here in Brazil we are many ITs, we created an association as well. It can bring hope.


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The FISA courts need to be abolished first, it takes away innocent until proven guilty and the right to fair trial. That's how they get clearance to do this

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They Aren't Working For We The People But Corrupted U.S. Intel Agencies (FBI/City/State/Other Law Enforcements) And Other Agencies (Fusion Centers) ↘

Please Read My Above Comments ↖

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Sure but they still use that to cover the legal side.

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Congratulations on this important step. Nice to have a bit of hopeful news.

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Or look at it this way, Ghislaine Maxwell got 20 years for trafficking underage girls and not one of the pedophiles have been publicly named or prosecuted.

So do not hold your breathe, better to have a back up plan when this does not work

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I am a target since early 2020, as far as I know. I believe targeting is the penalization of non-offending subjects, persons wrongly flagged as terror threats, who since they are innocent, cannot be charged with crimes they "might commit someday", according to DHS's faulty, sham of a program called "Countering Violent Extremism". Citizens enter voluntarily through any number of pathways which all funnel down to the one CVE program, each municipality creates their own version of a related program locally, based on a template provided by DHS, recruits receive training by 1st responder firefighters (at least in SF), so as to keep distance from police, who also participate, protecting citizen stalkers, and dismissing our reports. From the top at DHS and down to the ground-level activities of the citizen "do-gooders", documents, whether from FEMA, FBI, law enforcement related groups, whoever has chosen to participate, state that DHS/Fusion Centers are in charge, demanding each step in training, recruiting, assignments, locations, notification of local authorities and businesses, etc, goes through DHS, UNTIL THE BOTTOM, the actual activities the citizen groups decide to implement in order to "mitigate" the terror threat in their neighborhood. That part is a lie meant to allow plausible deniability by DHS. At first glance it looks as though DHS has found a way to secretly punish terror threats the law did not permit. And then there is the illegal use of directed RF used on us.

But I have been thinking about WHY, as we all do. Why so much ado for each of us? I think we are hit by DEWs meant to hurt so we complain out loud. Meanwhile, there are hundreds of citizens assigned to each of us, all of whom have NEVER YET BROKEN THEIR SILENCE. No mistaken admittance of wrongdoing, or even admitting they know what we're talking about. Given the number of targets, there are 1000's and 1000's of perps, but no one slipped up yet. I think THEY ARE WHO IS BEING CONTROLLED, not us. We are the common enemy they share. Remember most of them do not know one another to begin with either. They just know the target and what to do. Regular people just can't stay angry at someone or something with a level exactly as day one for more than a few months. These guys go years! I think THEY are who is being manipulated. Any thoughts?

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I better be included for my damages

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Jan 12, 2023
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Very Impressive !!!

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The Fed's own FB and messenger ,

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#Transhumanism #TelepathicTechnologies





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PLEASE GOOGLE & YOUTUBE: 1) #TedGunderson 2) #YuvalNoahHarari & 3) #SteveHoffman. - All Separately.

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Can you please post real evidence on your site for once and add all the other people to the lawsuit who signed up for it years ago thanks. You V2k is wrong I have is classified and listed and sent you the info a long time ago.

Right now the only two things besides maybe medical imaging thats evidence is torture signal on video hitting skin and the frey effect at 1.32ghz IQ data saved to hard disk. This is actual evidence that can be used in the court of law. Your freq for v2k are not correct. Please present IQ data and FFT plot along with waterfall for your v2k claims if you cant do that please admit my evidence.

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If only. I know for me it is NSA, V. A., DARPA and AirForce. Minimum since I was 8/9 yrs old and I have been trafficked through this system that includes my stepdad ( his government connections) and law enforcement as well as KKK. I discover more layers every time I look. It is big, it is deep and the system will protect itself even if we have to die to keep their cover. That I know for a fact. I am one of their victims whether it is sexually, medically, or technologically. For Most of us it has been from birth. You just have to dig into your own experiences to find how it connects to you.

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My name is Hosameldin Ismail , born August 7th, 1988. Birth place Alexandria Egypt. I live in New York City. I was recently incarcerated for 10 years , my Targeting starting on the inside, i have been threatened, rapped in my sleep with out any anwarness, black mailed by everyone, tortured for years for no reason what so ever, i thought my ethnic background had something to do with it, I spoke to a couple of people about what I was going through, but didn’t want to seem crazy, I might be getting locked up and deported , probably won’t make it out of jail this time after they have turned up the V2k , that I have quit school, lost numerous jobs, got kicked out of all of my apartments for standing up to this bullshit , and the cherry on top of the cake the only person that has been in my life since I have been home , that I trusted whole heartedly with my Targeting , my so called “girlfriend “ turned out to be a gang stalker that was setting me up from day one, I tried to commit suicide , but couldn’t do it, I am too paranoid to go outside any more , since they have the whole world abusing me and targeting me, I don’t know who to run to since I am not a citizen of this country and a parolee. This is abuse beyond any one can take. I was locked up for 10 straight years for some nonsense that I paid more than my fair price for , but this beats it . It’s non stop 24/7. I haven’t dot nothing to deserve running away from everyone 24/7 , they are the bastards that’s abusing me , I became aware of my targeting since 2018, but I believe I have been targeted ever since I stepped foot into the system as a 24 year old. Iam almost 35 years old now. They have rape videos of me all over the internet, that I have nothing to do with . I am scared to go to sleep. These bastards don’t give up, I haven’t been able to see my family or been able to safely speak to them with out being in fear that they would hurt them. I only have a mother and a sister. They make it feel like I deserve this bullshit for a crime that I should have gotten 3 years for that I ended up eying 10. So I paid more than my fair share. I am also a refugee here , that’s being fucking tortured by the people that’s supposed to be protecting me. Rapped in my fking sleep to wake up not knowing what happened and the whole world laughing at me and I am supposed to battle them as a parolee, my circumstances are much worser than a lot of T.I’d , because of my citizen ship status, I didn’t do nothing to deserve this bullshit, I even agreed that I deserve this bullshit , just to passify them , but that want good enough, I even agreed to sell my soul and do whatever it takes to be left alone , but they just lied the V2k. They ended up setting me up with the most evil social worker that was supposed to be my girl, but all she did was call the cops on me numerous times , trying to get me thrown back into the system, threatened my family, abuse me mentally, knowing that she was the only one person that believed my story , turned out to be the biggest POS . I am having a hard time copping , accepting reality, I have been running all around NYC trying to drug my self to numb the pain of not knowing what to don next or who to run to , because it’s this government the one that’s supposed to be protecting me is the one that has been rapping me, voices in my head , everyone that I never met before seems to know my business, setting booby traps up for me, making me seem like I am crazy, when 10 years of hard time couldn’t do that. I have been getting called every name in the book since I have been home by everyone I have came across, they are super passive aggressive, Iam easily triggered and I still managed to hold my composure , but then I get called a coward for not reacting. I have heard my mother and sister getting rapped numerous and then to find out that it was done by voice morphing. I keep getting threatened by the voices in my head whomever they are by my immigration status to be snatched away from me if I post this post, I am actually in fear, because these bastards ruined my reputation with all the rape videos they have on me , that I could never step foot in my country again not to even mention why I am even a refugee in the first place. I am terrified of posting this because I know it might have some severe impact on my parole and my immigration status, especially since it’s the government, but I am about to roll the dice on this , and hope the beacon of hope has some people with nuts that will stand up for the oppressed and helpless that has no where to run to. I am one man.I can’t take on the whole government, especially not being a citizen, I can’t take on ever one I encounter, I can’t take on all your institutions. I loved this country and will do love to death, I am just lost to how can everyone be so fking submissive and scared of these bastards and not say a word when they see people see people being rapped and killed and heir just laughing. I wish I can say that I am so fed up that I want to kill my self , but I am not there yet. Maybe someone other than these cowards I encounters since I have been home could look my dead in the eye and tell me why I deserve tk go through this B.S. I have an okay feeling that not everyone is mind controlled by these bastards yet and that this lawsuit might do something to get helpless people their life back. I Hosameldin Ismail, did not consent to having any experiments done on me. I DID NOT consent to have any people control my life. I was rapped numerous time against my will in my sleep and woke up not knowing what happened and the whole world laughing at something that I don’t know what they are talking about. I don’t know how I was made to look like I had something to do with that rape, but from my understanding later on, is that they can put you to sleep and still make you act. My mother and sister for all I know have been held captive by these bastards overseas somewhere and have been beaten and rapped. I have no where to run for help , I have nothing that I can possibly do against the Feds or whomever. I am one person that’s a parolee and not a citizen of Egyptian decent. I have never been involved in no terroristic activities and not even that strong of a believer .I drink , do drugs and have sex casually. These bastards already made me look like a homosexual infront if the whole world with the rape videos, they will probably go further. I didn’t do nothing to have my whole life turn into a horror science fiction movies and become a lab rat, just because my name is too hard for them to spell.I hope and pray till whom ever might have mercy on me, that whatever happens to me, that someone will be able to say that I was being abused by this synthetic telapthy, V2k,neuro B.S too for almost 10 years now. I hope all other real T.S that has been suffering more or less than me , get their day i court with these bastards, nothing is impossible, because if they were so sure of this nonsense , it would have became law. Last but not least them cowards in my head with all them threats, could go and kick rocks, I will talk my chances.

Full name: Hosameldin Ismail

D.O.B: 08/07/1988

Country of birth: Egypt

Reside in NewYork City

Place of residence: 2801 Amsterdam ave

New York New York 10040

Phone number :929 688 1344

Wish every one luck and for these bastards to get whats eventually coming for them sooner than later.

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I feel your pain I'll keep you in my prayers.

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