May God speed up the Day of reckoning. They cannot continue their Injustice and inhumanity to life indefinitely.

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Asking for off topic Forgiveness. Please write Congress to end or support Representative Jordan's Committee whom along with (Ironically) Jerry Nadler are pushing for changes in the FISA 702 which sunsets next Friday if nor reauthorization. President Trump is requesting Congress to reject and shut down FISA 702 and is due to meet with Speaker Mike Johnson this Friday for a joint Press Conference. Again, please forgive me for breaking the rules and your request included in the Symposium newsletter. Steven

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I suggest you dedicate it to targeted Dr. Deborah Gilmaker who died in 2015. She can no longer speak for herself.

“Dr. Deborah Gilmaker Memorial DVD”


“Are other American doctors at greater risk for being targeted to death for their upholding their “Do no harm” Hippocratic Oath by promoting safe and effective natural protocols rather than caving to the AMA and Big Pharma? How many other holistic doctors or doctors with interest in natural, alternative remedies rather than drugs Big Pharma pushes have been covertly murdered? We have documentation of one in recent months, Dr. Deborah Gilmaker. (See: Secret Society Kills TI Doctor (Videos)) Dr. Gilmaker had been in contact with Deborah Dupré with her account of how she was being covertly targeted. “Deborah touched my heart after only one phone conversation and a couple of emails. This almost never happens to me – and now my heart is broken,” commented Stephen Axelrod wrote four months ago about Dr. Gilmaker’s suspected murder.

“Even though our encounter was brief, it was immediately clear to me, this is a woman of wisdom, of kindness and perhaps a kindred spirit and her untimely death diminishes us all. I am sad.” “She was an extremely beautiful soul who, even though I didn’t see her much these past few years, helped me, encouraged me, and kept me going when I was very ill. I just can’t believe she’s gone. It’s devastating to me…” writes commenter Karen Redding. Two days ago, Eve Axelrad commented about Dr. Gilmaker,

“I think about Debbie often & it is close to her birthday now and I am wondering how the family is managing. Debbie kept me going when I was very ill. She was so magnificent and brilliant and funny and empathetic, and talked about her wonderful kids that she adored often.” Perhaps as more US doctors are targeted for upholding their Oath are covertly disappeared and/or assassinated, more Americans will believe the targeted individual phenomenon and demand change. In this regard, the US is becoming more like the country they are warned to not travel in, Mexico.

Perhaps only when more Americans realize that chemical/drug profiteers are planning for some half of the U.S. population to be disabled with autistism or with Alzheimer’s by 2050, will enough American citizens demand better. Meanwhile, the targeting to death of America’s best professionals is soaring, as are autism and Alzheimer’s rates.”


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More than 90% of all media all outlets streaming cable local TV newspapers entertainment sports movies his-story sci-fi all owned by only six corporations owned by only two vanguard corp and black rock yet corporations set things up in the way that a corporation has a loop hole to avoid any individual getting in trouble for what a corporation aka (somehow viewed as a person) when it trouble meaning they can just buy their way out of every issue illegal or (made legal) and just take the money from the average person to pay bailing themselves out with tax payer dollars ultimate corruption to get away with crimes against humanity which I wouldn't be surprised if wireless weapons have been used to take over other individuals businesses or manipulating politicians to pass what they want to further their own agendas to completely enslave humanity control humanity like the federal reserve bank having created fake inflation at the average persons expense yet benefiting a very small group of mentally ill greedy world wealth Hoarder controller bank accounts that are always inflating yet sitting there doing nothing for no one just a digit used to control!!!!

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Love it. !!

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[18/04, 14:54] Treval Healthy: We know one such group who do stakling we have loged complaints police crime no. Is there.

we need more evidences if some one genuine TIs is there please contract suupportbliss@aol.com

or dr.sameerk@yahoo.com group details against whome complaints and crime no. Is there as under:

[19/04, 12:06] Treval Healthy: We want to sue them for $ 1500 million or more how you all can help. With evidence and funds.

There photo as under

[21/04, 08:06] Treval Healthy: Fake profile makers and slow kill white collor criminals mafia stakler groups are operating from Indian soil . releasing photograph of one such group having links with overseas people may help you all Ti's.

[21/04, 08:06] Treval Healthy: Many of These above are booked by crime branch but no action as at positions now and money plays.pressure and final reports are made on there say.

[21/04, 08:06] Treval Healthy: Few are killed by them we need strong evidence against them who ever can help are welcome , as they after running slander stakling campaign blackmail to compromise and extend pressure , if compromise fine or else will kill.

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[18/04, 14:54] Treval Healthy: We know one such group who do stakling we have loged complaints police crime no. Is there.

we need more evidences if some one genuine TIs is there please contract suupportbliss@aol.com

or dr.sameerk@yahoo.com group details against whome complaints and crime no. Is there as under:

[19/04, 12:06] Treval Healthy: We want to sue them for $ 1500 million or more how you all can help. With evidence and funds.

There photo as under

[21/04, 08:06] Treval Healthy: Fake profile makers and slow kill white collor criminals mafia stakler groups are operating from Indian soil . releasing photograph of one such group having links with overseas people may help you all Ti's.

[21/04, 08:06] Treval Healthy: Many of These above are booked by crime branch but no action as at positions now and money plays.pressure and final reports are made on there say.

[21/04, 08:06] Treval Healthy: Few are killed by them we need strong evidence against them who ever can help are welcome , as they after running slander stakling campaign blackmail to compromise and extend pressure , if compromise fine or else will kill.

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**ONLY TIs**




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Kill the Messenger documovie exposes the Truth about the "war on drugs" it's a reverse psychology entrapment system that's it's taught to children from 5th grade on until graduation every little aspect of drugs how to use, jokes about where to get them and from who then pharmaceutical drug cartels used confiscated drugs to make their drugs !!! To sell to Americans and the world again! Just say no and dare were jokes telling kids no one is allowed to have them not even adults sparks curiosity in 5th graders as to what's the big deal and fuss about it all, just like a toddler seeing something they weren't supposed too and hiding it they'll bug and ask what ever it is your hiding until they know and won't forget about it either but then you just show the toddler oh here you go have a look what is this question asked ohh it's herb, what's that it's a plant that grows in the ground they'll totally forget about it and move on to what ever exploring they have in mind just goes back to the reverse psychology teaching to kids that isn't for their benefit what so ever !

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I wonder if Tim Ballard was set up women paid off to smear Tim Ballard for the work he's done exposing the customers to the horrific trafficking individuals !!! ?????

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Operation Paperclip didn't do anything good for America or the world ! Ulterior motives about their mind control technology and progress made and kept secret 1700 nazi scientists moved to America given money made wealthy giving them businesses etc ... And people wonder why our society has been declining for a whil mow

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That's so messed up that those supposedly working in law enforcement are supposed to be upholding their oath to the United States Constitution are being used against us like reading about Alex Jones being set up to take his money is just cold hearted move especially when it comes to him using his first amendment right to question everything question the very strange circumstances around shootings in general having been created by wireless weaponry Havana Syndrome V2K Voice 2 Skull etc

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