Is there a way for those of us to contribute to the Colorado event who cannot attend in person due to work commitments, etc.?

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Author

You might be sick and attend? :)


We will be live-streaming part of the event... Stay tuned.

You can donate here:


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Please help me I'm being tortured.

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Please read the information on our website and newsletters. It's free. Please join the conference calls to get help.





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Thank you so much I truly need help

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I sending this message in hopes of getting help I desperately need. I have a brain chip in my head and right now I'm away from the people trying to murder me over it.i can't get any help here because nobody believes me. these people don't want to get into trouble and be sued.i know who is responsible. I have videos and proof of the things going on. They have access to my phone and tablets so I cant show you until this is removed or you look at it at a later time so its not erased because it's happened before.I know it's in there I've proven it to myself everyday theyre always on here they say they're addicted. Your help is needed ASAP.When the volume is turned up and down | feel it in my head.I sing a song in my thoughts and they finish the song when I don't remember the lyrics. They tell me what time it is.i hear this static in my left ear and when I grit my teeth it gets louder.I close my eyes and I see visions. i it's one person for sure because she tells me things that only she knows. Things I couldn't remember and didn't know but I find on later it's true.l can go this.I think its been in my head since 2016 but im just

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I sending this message in hopes of getting help I desperately need.I have a brain chip in my head and right now I'm away from the people trying to murder me over it.i can't get any help here because nobody believes me.these people don't want to get into trouble and be sued.i know who is responsible.I have videos and proof of the things going on.They have access to my phone and tablets so I cant show you until this is removed or you look at it at a later time so its not erased because it's happened before.I know it's in there I've proven it to myself everyday.theyre always on here they say they're addicted.Your help is needed ASAP.When the volume is turned up and down I feel it in my head.I sing a song in my thoughts and they finish the song when I don't remember the lyrics.They tell me what time it is.i hear this static in my left ear and when I grit my teeth it gets louder.I close my eyes and I see visions.i it's one person for sure because she tells me things that only she knows.Things I couldn't remember and didn't know but I find out later it's true.I can go on about this.I think its been in my head since 2016 but im just finding out about this.I can't wait to receive help and I have nowhere else to turn.There is alot more to my story and different people involved .Also i think the cia is involved.i have a very strong mind and im not on any type of drugs.My number 6156379787 i live at 220 rollingwood ct lavergne tn but right now I'm at quality inn in Murfreesboro TN Thank you for your time.

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If you truly want want help, then Please join the conference calls, especially Melody’s V2K call on Monday evenings. We have 15,000 members and 14 volunteers.

Do the math. We are overwhelmed.

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My phone is hacked they do deep fakes and voices turned family against me classic stuff hard to handle check out a band called the warning pretender I never new so many musicians are targeted Chris cornell Chevelle the bull rally musicians three days grace

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I'm writing this in hopes of getting help I desperately need.Right now I'm ok away from the people trying to kill me over this and the local police or nobody believes me that I have a brain chip in my head. I've had ct scans and exrays but for some reason it's not showing up.These people are trying to kill me because they don't want to get in trouble or sued and i know who they are.i have videos and proof of the things going on.They have access to my phone and tablets so i couldnt show you until this is removed or you turn them on to look at a different time so its not erased because that has happened. I know it's in there I've proven it to myself every day.theyre on there 24/7 and they say they're addicted to it.i talk to these people and it's torture and your help is needed ASAP. When the volume is turned up and down I feel it in my head. I sing a song in my thoughts and they finish it when I don't remember the lyrics.They tell me what time it is.i hear the static in my left ear and when I grit my teeth it gets louder.i close my eyes and I see visions.i know who one of the people are because she tells me things that only she should know and things I couldn't remember and didn't know but I find out it's true.i can go on about this I think it's been in there since 2016 but I'm just finding out about this about a year ago.Its still hard for me to believe so i understand why I'm getting no help.There is alot more to my story and different people involved.i have a very strong mind and im not on any type of drugs.please i need your help my number 6156379787 my address is 220 rollingwood ct lavergne tn but right now im at the quality inn in Murfreesboro TN room 114.

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This is Brady Cunningham and I need your help I have a brain chip in my head and I'm being tortured 24/7 please help ASAP. My number is 6156379787

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If you are hearing voices, you do not have a chip in your brain. Please read about V2K.



The gangstalking is usually run thru Fusion Centers - find the one that is closest to you.

The V2K is programmed by CIA PsyOps in Denver. The Directed Energy Weapons are controlled from Schriever Base near Colorado Springs. That's the short answer.


Please read all of the tabs under TECHNOLOGY.


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It is a mix of high / low frequencies with a bent sound field that hits part of the head differently in multiple directions for example a high around the left and several lows around the right with pressurized vibrations with an audible, I can clearly hear the 3 voices of whom I know their actual names and the series of lies they role-play. It is a mix of these types of technologies that they tested on solid objects before turn people of whom are not “ solid objects “ they want you to think you were implanted. Awareness is necessary to understand what wicked people and technology is being misused!

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I am one of the Ti's. I have multiple electronic devices in my body. I am tortured, terrorized, programmed and brainwashed nonstop. I need help showing this tech was used in the mass murders in the USA. I have audio implants, creating a high pitched nonstop programming, a metal chip in my brain for two way telepathy, electronically induced and controlled, and I believe this chip or another one is being used to run electricity through my spine, causing excruciating, debilitating and immobilizing pain. I can also prove They also have fiber optic cables pushed through the back of my eyeball, to produce images and subliminal commands, controlling and causing pulses of pain which cause 250/150 blood pressure, extreme body temp, convulsions and strokes. The combination audio, mental and visual subliminal messaging puts me into a fugue state, literally turning me into their electronic slave, and I can PROVE IT ALL, and much more. Framed, slandered, beaten daily, multiple attempts on my life after realizing this tech is being used in mass murders in USA. I can prove it all, can you help? Also, due to the tech, I am heavily censored, they know all my passwords, and I can prove the mind control as well as the electronic telepathy, is there anyone who can seriously help, I have the evidence and nowhere to put it.

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If you are hearing voices, you do not have a chip in your brain. Please read about V2K.

There are patents for the technology. There is no need to guess.



Please read about Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM)



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Wish you all luck wish you all luck I hope 2-300 or more make it. Come to Tri-Cities Washington or Pendleton Oregon I may attend those are close by.

Possibly Spokane since we like to go to the Cour D` Elane casino there but..

But yeah good luck and look towards movies and videos of the event and speeches if any.

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Maybe you all could reach out to the scientific community such as Beverly Rubik who wrote the article on "Connections between COVID-19 origin and ambient radio-frequency including 5G."

If you had more scientific data to back these claims up more of us would have an easier time grasping what you all are going through.

I recommend reaching out to her and providing her with biological samples that she may could verify whether or not had been exposed to specific energy etc.

Her contact number is:

tel. 510-428-4084

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I can't go , I have to care for my elderly mother. I really would love to go, just not this year. I pray others will attend and make this day something to remember.

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Targeted Justice, pls let us know in a newsletter what perpetrators are actually intending and directing at Tis, when they direct their cell phones at us. Also when they have technology in backpacks. Thank you in advance for all you are doing and your Sevice of the Light. But when all is exposed, you are what it means to be patriots as founding fathers were.

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What is your experience with backpacks ? I always see the same few people with backpacks and apple air pods in their ear fishing outside of my house in a small pond no one ever uses to fish ... They don't smile they don't even look at me. it's really weird. But they have a backpack on and it looks really full.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Author

We noticed that you are into "420." Maybe cut back on the dope?

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RemovedJun 27
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After 8 years and thousands of emails from TI's - you are the first person to bring up "backpacks." That's not how the technology works. Please read the TECHNOLOGY tabs on our website.

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They have technology that directs energy in the backpacks, doffil bags, totes. Once I saw the technology. And the cell phones are dews disguised as cell phones. They target the implants and microchips. I want Targeted Justice to address it in a scientific manner. The drones do the precise tracking. And vehicles are equipped also. And individuals handle cellphones and what is inside backpacks

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Jun 27·edited Jun 28Author

Please read the diagrams on our HOME page. More than 90% of your painful microwave attacks come from cell towers. The rest are usually satellites.


There is not enough volts in a cell phone to tickle a mouse. Please see our newsletter of Sept 11, 2022. It shows an image of the smallest microwave beam weapon ever constructed. It weights about 400 lbs and it still does not include the needed electrical power, which would add more than 1000 lbs to the system.


It does not fit inside a backpack.


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