Looking forward to speaking at the symposium alongside highly respected high-profile trusted public figures - physicists, attorneys, physicians, intelligence, and media people. I am going to bust 10 Myths about "Havana Syndrome". The public deserves unfiltered truth, not carefully crafted government propaganda.

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Will the symposium be recorded to watch at a later time?

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Yes Thaddeus your right they never did go away the murderous monsters such as Klaus and Charles his robber baron son is the reincarnation of Hitler, and our own bought out govt...

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I've reported my targeting torture to the Dept. Of Justice civil rights division and never here back report #393592-cdv. Further more most of the time I share post about targeting no one ever comments I think there blocked.

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Seth Moulton a rep. In salem, Ma. Was taped at Davos a mover and shaker he was tàped on the censorship committee in 2023. Go look for yourself.

Barbara Guillette

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Thank you to all involved and for notice of the event. !!! I hope you will share this event with Natural News .com, Brighton.com , Mike Adam's. Decentralized news and TV apart from government control. Mike Adam's is a Christian.

I've notified their company of Targeted Justice Inc, the lawsuit , about being Targeted as a customer.

I hope your efforts in contacting Mike Adam's will have more impact and weight. Some of you have been on Brighteon News , BBR. 😊

We thank the the Most High GOD YHWH for all you and all the Targeted Individuals across the earth who would not bow to the evils of this world in Jesus Christ's name, amen !!!

Even a dying and depraved world and the bowels of hell will be moved and witness the glory of Jesus Christ . " The heavens and the earth will be shaken ."

Praying our Savior glorifies Himself through each person who has been Targeted and suffered so much , for so long to be healed in body, mind , soul, spirit and finance's in the name Jesus Christ , amen !!! Our eternal hope.

Book of Job " ...........and only I escaped."


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Thanks for the sunshine of your spirit

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😊 Thanks, Thaddeus ! I got it from the Scriptures in Christ Jesus.

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Jan 23, 2024
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"Judge a tree by the fruit it bears. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit."

Russell Brand and Mike Adam's are two completely different people. If Mike Adam's is so controlled you should take that information to him and address him.

We know more than most as Targeted Individuals what false judgements and slanderous accusations sound and feel like. It's wrong to do against us and it's wrong to do against other's. I appreciate your thoughts and shared words.

I just ask you to weigh out whatever you have heard in the light of truth before you compare one man or Christian against another. Because, again, that's what all this evil Targeting has done to us. They judged us first wrongly and without an ounce of truth.

The Spirit of YHWH , the Spirit of truth tests all things. That's the Spirit we are banking on for justice. 😊

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Jan 26, 2024
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Praying for your efforts. 😊

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I love you guys.

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I respond to those who say, “you’re preaching to the choir” which”yes, but the choir has to stay in tune and practice for the best presentation”..

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Cant wait to win this thing.

Getting back to work by the grace of god.

But I'd love to retire and vacation.to enjoy life from all the hell we been through.

Administration and everyone involved thank you so much for all that you do.


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Jan 23, 2024
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The end rests will be a win.

If not keep praying bro idk what to say.

Be positive.

Atleast you have a shot with us to ending this.

If we weren't here defending this youd have no choice but to deal with it.

As I said be positive

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Yes "We the People" about time. Many have died. Rosa Koire one of the first to really sound the alarm . Youtube 1-4 parts in detail. I miss her..."The Nuremberg Code" about our medical rights." Informed consent." And of course our shield against tyranny" The Declaration of Independence " against the resurrgence of Nazism and the totalitarian state they were promised Paradise with us all dead. The vaccine and the lockedown gave the elite a taste of what it would be like with us gone. They loved it. Fight back ...Anyway you can. Ask all govt officials if they are a member of WEF? Or part of Davos?


Barbara Guillette

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There's no resurgence of Nazi ideology and science. They never went a way! Through Operation Paperclip and other machinations, Nazis were brought into various "government" agencies, including those Nazis whose expertise was black magic. Can anyone verify that Mengele was one of them?

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Yes, Rosa Koire and her fearless efforts are no longer contained in that that beautiful being who learned and shared through her tenacious personality. But now we know; and now we cannot “unknow.” Are there sites which have records and details of autopsies? Hers? And of Dr. Rachid Buttar, Dr. Andreas Nowack? I would like to see a list of causes of death from autopsies during the past few years for, uncommonly, over 200 doctors who have unexpectedly died.

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Absolutely no doubt for any person with two eyes to this madness in America today. But is there a specific name to the Stalking Program cause that's what I personally have the most

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Jan 20, 2024
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Yes knew that lots of it comes from our old friends the East German Stasi but thought the FBI/NSA/CIA stalking program they do to us in America has a specific acronym or name. Like that one Targeted Justice called SATAN or COINTELPRO - like that?

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Hello Will there zoom?

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I'm a victim of this crime and registered on the lawsuit.

I've been nothing but nice and respectful,not rude

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Cannot watch the symposium at all. Tried computer and smartphone. Sorry

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Thank you for your sharing your experiences with me. We are instructed by word, " if you have something against someone we are to take it to that person. " As you stated you did. Good.

We test everything by the Spirit of YHWH.

With all your time and ability to research you'd be a great asset to the Targeted Individuals community.

Please understand , that I don't find it beneficial to publicly destroy another in the process of the truth. Christ said take the offense to that person privately. After the many attempts to speak to these men without the issues addressed,

maybe try another approach so you can be heard publicly.

I understand your position . The truth is the truth and stands on it's own. Good to read you care for what is right and other's. No doubt you will continue. Hope you have success in whatever the Lord has in store for you in your life.

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