Absolutely TI's must write and call the Senate and Congress to uphold their oath of office to support and defend the US Constitution and not reauthorize section 702 of the FISA from now on until 12/31/23 the future of humanity is at stake.

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I read about in some books and how it was due for renewal in 2023 December. I hope everybody puts up a good fight and stops this order from renewal.

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House and Senate Republican's have consistently railed against FBI Director Christopher Wray all year long about Weaponization of the FBI and specifically abuse of the FISA section 702. It is disturbing to constantly hear Wray defending what he would call corrective actions or improvements over the years since he has been Director for which he is immediately interrupted by Republican House/Senate Representatives who quickly state, "I DON'T BELIEVE YOU", then classic examples are provided of continued abuses that are relevant and generally recent in the time of oversight. It's all lies as we know. I wouldn't discourage writing or calling a Democratic Representative if they are in your State or District, but they sung different tunes than the Republican's. As others have all ready stated, we need to make our voices heard. They are supposed to be our VOICE.

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I want to do my very best and help do what ever it takes to get these people stopped. I'm not very good at words so I'm asking what I need to say when I write these people please help me anyone. And thank you. Brenda

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Sample letter:

Please, vote “NO” on reauthorizing Section 702 of FISA and protect our rights to privacy.

As a voter, I am concerned about the government’s continuing use of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to peform mass surveillance of Americans’ communications with friends, family, and others abroad. Require the government to obtain a court order. I urge you to let this law expire.

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You said it so well! Take care!

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Plus thank you for fixing the House Over site committee I wrote them too just now...

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Thank you for all your hard work. I hope I can help financially soon. Thanks for letting US know what we can do to help ourselves out of this corrupt surveillance state.

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I did make a phone call to mike Johnson and left a message concerning the fisa 702.

I also did my best to inform and ask MARJORI greene and kat cammack as well.

Cross our fingers and hope for the best.amen

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Ok here just evidence but the one at least one in this is a Cajun... I hear him say and I don't speak at all. I just woke up TJ analyze this please feel free... But I hear I am going to get those Dogs right at the start. While AI is involved I've had this Cajun in every video or audio I've recorded...

I am not speaking why would I say that?? It's my dogs this POS is threatening it's a Human.

The shuffling isn't me unless I am blowing my nose other than that NO!

I've recorded this Cajun many times in my other recordings so...

But here this is the first one


Only amplified not filtered I will filter it though let you hear it filtered...

I only post since I am mad right now with this fucker threatening my dogs... You don't get no fucking Dogs pos... Excuse the language but needs said just like that...

This one is filtered through Isolate voice. I hear clearly I am going to get those Dogs plus many threats against my dogs... I hear we've killed people before too...

I don't sound Southern not Southern I hear a coward who can only speak when there's other sound or noise who speaks along with the sound or uses the sound and forms words with it...

https://youtu.be/ZsV1Yqzd3Mo i hear something about grand kids too near the end.

this next one is low and high pass filtered.


this next set are shorter all from this morning to catch all the beginning criminals.

The static is like they recorded the rainstorm we had here yesterday.

OK I applogize for my voice and cussing in this I was trying to order this shit like God says to do but AI and if people like Satanists are involved they aren't held to those rules which sucks.

but here.


https://youtu.be/EjBVcTyZwCY isolate voice


last one high and low pass filtered.

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Ok here just evidence but the one at least one in this is a Cajun... I hear him say and I don't speak at all. I just woke up TJ analyze this please feel free... But I hear I am going to get those Dogs right at the start. While AI is involved I've had this Cajun in every video or audio I've recorded...

I am not speaking why would I say that?? It's my dogs this POS is threatening it's a Human.

The shuffling isn't me unless I am blowing my nose other than that NO!

I've recorded this Cajun many times in my other recordings so...

But here this is the first one


Only amplified not filtered I will filter it though let you hear it filtered...

I only post since I am mad right now with this fucker threatening my dogs... You don't get no fucking Dogs pos... Excuse the language but needs said just like that...

This one is filtered through Isolate voice. I hear clearly I am going to get those Dogs plus many threats against my dogs... I hear we've killed people before too...

I don't sound Southern not Southern I hear a coward who can only speak when there's other sound or noise who speaks along with the sound or uses the sound and forms words with it...

https://youtu.be/ZsV1Yqzd3Mo i hear something about grand kids too near the end.

this next one is low and high pass filtered.


this next set are shorter all from this morning to catch all the beginning criminals.

The static is like they recorded the rainstorm we had here yesterday.

OK I applogize for my voice and cussing in this I was trying to order this shit like God says to do but AI and if people like Satanists are involved they aren't held to those rules which sucks.

but here.


https://youtu.be/EjBVcTyZwCY isolate voice


last one high and low pass filtered.

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**FAST AND PRAY 11/06/2023**

12 A.M. - 12 P.M.

Asking all TIs to unite in prayer and fasting starting at midnight (in your specific time zone).

At midnight, meditate on God...through prayer, praise, reading/listening to audio Bible, listening to gospel music, watching church service...or just sit quietly and talk to God...or, play one or both of the following on repeat

Book of Proverbs Audio Bible




No eating. No snacking. If necessary, only drink water during fast.

***Anyone with health issues that may be affected by the fast, please do not participate, continue following your Doctor's orders; however, if u r participating and have to take meds, please continue with your Doctor's orders.

Dear God,

We need you, your power, your presence, your grace, your wisdom, and your promise...in Jesus Christ name, Amen.

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I got a reply from Cliff Bentz, but a generic one... Didn't say anything about what he'd do or not. Basically pointed out to me he's not part of that committee like so many times they do.

I take it to mean thank you but I don't vote on that or wont one way or the other so piss off...

but I guess...

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I did all of these like I said earlier but the one link needs changed it's incorrect.

But here is a good interview


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well ignore the link bellow I deleted that use this one it was taking too long so here listen to this


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Where is the 'Union of U.S. Sheriff's'?

About time their voices were heard as the strongest Law Enforcement of the Land...IN THEIR OWN COUNTIES.

They can Deputize as many of the population as they determine they need and it begins to sound as though they need millions of Patriotic Americans to STAND WITH THEM.

To date, it's the ONLY Law Enforcement Force in the United States sounding to be freer of corruption; if not perfectly so.

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Already read "Confessions" and never wrote anything insinuating all 'County Sheriff's' to be good as I've had some experience on the receiving end as well as on the monitoring end. Sometimes, they're as evil as those in D.C., NYC, Chicago and every other Democratic/Nazi Enclave with sociopathic establishment abusing other people. Though came from an influential family, was a victim as a child by a Deputy living in our neighborhood who allowed men to abuse their wives and kids while spreading nasty gossip about the woman and kids to further abuse them.

Have also seen such people taken down in ways not apparent to the community at large, and even murdered in ways leaving no evidence by their own associations hidden from sight most of the time.

Regardless of what you wrote; or what anybody writes...There's always an avenue out IF people have the courage to choose it. For many in the U.S., the County Sheriff is a viable option even if it isn't for you...And, were I in your shoes I believe I would seek-out weapons, training to use them and a safer place to live.

It sounds as though it's been very rough for you and that's a sad fact of life in many ways. Sometimes, evil is a genuine mystery...As hurting others is never about anything logical. We don't all have the same options or opportunities to deal with it. I'm sorry for what's happened to you. There has to be an answer, somehow.

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You have that right to NOT have a weapon...I have many and the family an arsenal. Was raised knowing how to use them and in my career; it's been an advantage as have been stalked and attacked numerous times and needed them to protect myself and my kids.

In this time, given the world as it is, you may wish to reconsider that decision. Wise criminals DO think twice when they know others know how to protect themselves and those they love...And, are willing to do so.

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You're OK, Kay Beazley...

Wish you would have been in one of my 'Women's Groups'...

A few weeks out on the Farm/Ranch feeling safe with our men would have done a world of good for you. Your story makes me cry.

We all must listen to one another...An act of love having no equal.

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Yeah cops most of them are crooked. But with Revelations here already what it says in Revelations 20 I think is coming.

This v2k technology is what they want us all to do. I own guns and the time is coming I think for us to use them against our Treasonous Govt..

That said I love Ana and all what they are doing and Dr Len, but not sure how much all this will go...

Yeah not surprised that a lot of fake Christians are gangstalkers.

Gangstalkers are a pimple on the butt of humanity that need popped. AI used in v2k needs destroyed it's just pure and simple...

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yeah most cops sheriffs are gangstalkers... They're just as crooked involved in child human sex trafficking... My v2k file says several cops and EMS groups are involved in my targeting.

Plus lake Land Police dept from Florida was heard in some of my v2k file. Why in the hell is a police dept heard in my v2k???

but from Aime she says she hears about them in a lot of clients v2k files she hears...


The only one I liked and not sure how good he is is the one that tried to help Bundy when they were held up here. I think he was the one from Grant county...

Fricking State police killed Finnicum.

So yeah most cops Sheriff's are not good...

They're the ones hiring gangstalkers to hurt us...

Must have been infiltrated by leftists or Newer Generations don't care they just want action and believe in absolute Obedience to law...

Check out my post on my Subtac about the higher Liberty it's very true.

The guy in the video was right there in that area when Bundy was held up there.

He knows the Sheriff and the Mayor. They are all crooked...

Check into the shooting of that Rancher in Idaho a few years ago look at their minutes in that town. There's only two on the town council so if they want a raise they get it...

Small towns are as corrupt as big towns more so...

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hear or do you hear the vibrating sounds in this?

and the stupid AI child like voices


TV is on so you may hear some of that but most of it is AI

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