AMEN let's end this torture program! Targeted individual's let's go ... God bless all of you who are being tortured for being on a watchlist that gives them the power to kill us in dark places but GOD will protect his children in Jesus Christ name amen 🙏😥🙌 rejoice 🙌🙌🙌 merry Christmas ti's we will win in the end ❤️😌🥰

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Since the borders are being invaded with hundreds of thousands of illegals many terrost are coming across,I don't see the fbi worried about the real terrost.This is all a planned out attack against innocent U.S. citizens. We need to fight and show the people that this is all an inside act of terrorism by the Un ited States government

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I'm with you on that; how will we go about reaching the willfully deaf dumb and blind regarding this issue?

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They knew Americans wouldn’t destroy each other or the country.

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I'd like to agree with you, but history will demonstrate, and has demonstrated that Americans have destroyed this country. Check the document Silent Weapons for quiet Wars. Check the Strategic Studies Institue document which proposes the use of Satanic Culture, EASTERN Bloc Mercenaries, UFO Psyops, and unbridled crime as a means of destroying the American way of life. The flooding of the U.S. by people, many military aged men among them, is being allowed by the Congress, which is ruled by Israel.

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Yeah what's that one gangs name they've let in. Something 13... like GS13 or something. They've taken over small towns and made even the cops afraid... Not that cops give a rats ass they child sex traffic anyhow.

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Thanks for the details. You know how it’s hard to fight brain fog, this helps. God bless your efforts. It’s a spiritual battle & they have a lot of mean & sneaky tricks ( understatement).

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Like “writing to your Senator”??? Way to put a 🎯 on your back

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You already have one

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If you’re already targeted, what difference does another list make?

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Yep, his website banned me. Said I am security risk and didn't send my email. I did last night so maybe that's good enough.

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So I tried but I did get one through last night.

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They are really going to try to kill me now targetedjustice I can't even see anything on IG they totally blocked me from ig I have screen recording it's never been this bad but just know when I stop commenting they finally got me but the bible says do not be afraid rejoice 🙌🙌🙌 we are God's army what can man do to us amen stay strong keep fighting do not be afraid GOD gave us a spirit of love power and a sound mind not a spirit of fear 🙏🙌🦾😌

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No weapon formed against you or me will prosper. All tongues that rise and rose up against us including v2k and other weapons will be we get to condemn. They shall gather together against us you but not by me they will fall for our sake.

All pits they dig for us they fall in. AMEN and AMEN hang in there brother...

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I posted the above link which is a CBS news article relevant to the reporting that TJ recently shared in a Newsletter. This article references Democrats that jointly sent a letter to the Biden Admin relative to concerns of the TSDB.

I share the feelings expressed by some about the Democrats consistently defending the FBI including the FBI oversight meetings when the Republicans railed on FBI and DHS about abuses of FISA, 702 and the targeting of US citizens. As many may know 702 was extended without any reforms and o

included in the NDA (Defence budget). 702 was said to be extended through April but many reports were conflicting whether this April extension was through 2024 or 2025.

The Senators included in the link above were not included in the request by TJ to act now in making contacts. I don't have Twitter/X and don't have the their X handles but those who don't trust the Democrats or don't think they will act to really help, I would just pray that we could set aside our feelings and contact them a s though they were more aligned with the Conservative's that have shared our concerns.

Many of us are beyond mad but I would also pray that we all listen to the plea of Ana and Dr Len to please be Professional especially when we reference TJ website.

My targeting in the rural farmland of Florida on a dead end street has been brutal. Today is the first day my head is not screaming the torturous searing electrical sound. The electricity to my home is compromised, I suppose it is Dirty Electricity but something beyond that as I have lost many electrical appliances including my well pump costing near 3K. As an example my charging cord to my phone when testing with an ERICKHILL EMF METER is showing near 400 Vm and I can't be certain this is the cause of my recent Cancer diagnosis but certainly likely.

I am not alone with this ramped up attacks and I am running out of steam but will fight in the right way till my last breath for all experiencing this evil as well as for my Children and Grandchildren. We have got to get this right and all act while the attention seems to be on the right places. I pray for a Happy New Year for all of us.

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Stay strong God sees everything And the wicked one's will not win in the end 🙏🦾❤️

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yep all of them now say security risk.

Well I wrote Peters last night so...??

we need though the whole list of their live emails but to only those who are on the committees that Peters is on... Most when not on that committee will tell they aren't and don't have nothing to do with it until it comes to vote.

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I wrote him on his website last night. Are those @whatever emails or Twitter? I don't want twitter so if so I can't use those,but if emails I can try.

But I don't truly trust this guy, for one he's a democrat, democrats if you've seen any of the FBI hearings, they Codle the FBI. I also seen another link of his talking about J6ers and how they are domestic terrorist. This guys may have done this but from what I've read he's only concerned is with Muslims and other migrants and minorities. I will try though.

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I just tried to comment on Barack Obama's Instagram and they are attacking me now sent a dm and they blocked my dm from going through I don't know how our letters will go through to any of them 😥

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Obama's a Child sex trafficker.

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Let's not be a false witness if we are not 100% sure or have proof brother God doesn't like false witness let's stay away from name calling right now stay focused on ending the torture program God bless you brother stay strong 🦾❤️🙏

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I have evidence so I'm a hundred percent sure.

He's listed in v2k and other evidences so yeah.

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Didn’t they buy the children through “adoption “? Michael and Barry?

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I was just reading about Josef Mengele and the atrocious experiments he carried out on various targeted peoples. It brings to mind the fact that we have entities associated with government which are carrying out atrocious medical, and perhaps just commercial, experiments on individuals whose lives have been deemed to be useless, worthless, and crushed without a thought. Also reading about the Fourth Amendment and the fact that unconstitutional and warrantless seizures are prohibited and yet our entire lives have been seized by some entity of government, on a mere whim, and there is no response from any entity that should be in a position to address this issue, from the Supreme Court to the legislatures, national and local, an issue that's totally ignored; I'm pleased to expect that this Babylon the GREAT, this this nation, will receive it's just due, in time, for the prolific murders and thefts in which it engages. BTW, what kind of responses have been received from the Senators?

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Sounds good to address the Senators, however it causes the GS's to amp up their attacks

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3 hours long but worth it. I am going to post this on my substack too.

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