Merrick Garland has a lot to worry about.. The countenance of a man is made bare before YHWH. It's their arrogance and pride that'll cause their fall / destruction.
" Pride goes before a fall."
When your enemy falls do not laugh. Cover your mouth and be afraid.
Laughter at your enemy's fall will stop their full punishment.
Shouts of joy to YHWH for His victory . Give Him the Thanks and Praises in Jesus Christ's name Yeshua, amen !!!
Stay Strong Targeted Individuals!!! What powerful witnesses you've all been of everything good, in a world turned upside down . You don't know riches and rewards that await you. But one day you will. Who can attest to what you've endured and stand ??? You did not become a coward. You fought the good fight. 😊 Thanks!!!
Exactly I forgive them all, and I keep praying the lords prayer daily along with psalms that are like revenge psalms. 31, 52, 58, 94, 109, 120, 140. then to close I pray outloud the lords prayer daily all of them outloud.
I stay humble I may get excited some when I see God's hand working, but I stay humbled.
I love this! The field hound criminals we know today as pilots are feeling the effects of the database issue, and are still sent daily from the analysis centers to retrieve the information they knew about yesterday! This is a punishment that they know is happening, however are stuck in the sandwich of the Awesome Ana Toledo Fact Check Train, and the fantasy life that they label us to be as their choosing ! I was sent for a med referral in 2013, and I’m willing to take 5 years off the agent whom sent me if he is able to pronounce the medication that I was prescribed! 🤣🤓🤣 JK however I have a well documented case in Kansas, been involuntary committed by a federal agent twice and have 2 federal lawsuits regarding Civil Rico Cases, Kansas City, MO both were dismissed as frivolous. I love the weekly updates from doctor Lin and Attorney Anna, 😜 Thank you
Stay strong and May the lord bless us all in the name of Jesus!
Champagne wishes, caviar dreams. Lifestyles of the rich & worthless.
It would make him feel better if he shared some of his ill gotten gains with the victims under his watch who's lives were destroyed by his gross dereliction of duty & incomprehensible negligence. Like a penance of reconciliation for abhorrent mortal sins committed against his fellow American citizens. Say, to the tune of $1.3 billion?
Sickening! I don’t believe in animal experimentation. And I think that this Yale Neurologist should be investigated for threatening to hijack peoples lives and free will. On one hand, our government says one person one vote. On the other hand, our government allows the psychopaths in positions of power to control other peoples decisions, thoughts and behaviors. What kind of demented society allows this to occur? Certainly not a democracy.
I've known her for years, I've been through all of her stuff. When this guy sent a FOIA request to the Washington State Fusion Center, they sent him a packet of Eleanor White's information. She owned, she lived in British Columbia:
After my divorce, I noticed the public servants started treating me like I was a criminal just because my wife decided to break her marriage contract, which the state encouraged. I got suspicious & ended up documenting that there was an intentional covert war on the family for depopulation that was being conducted within the power of the state.
I started getting vocal about it, figuring once all of the disassociated fathers knew what was really going on, that I could have started my own revolution. I was still under the impression that the state was under some kind of obligation to act within the framework of the law - I was mistaken. That's when I found myself targeted.
I'm not licensed anymore but I'd just as soon TJ force it through the courts to release the list anyway. This atrocity has been hidden for way too many years, it's about time it's forced into the light of day. I'm sorry that anyone has been victimized by criminal activity from a group of individuals who hide behind the power of the state. They need to be brought to justice.
Fun & illegal things to do with microwave weapons to your own population by the dipshits in our government who were hired & protected by the other dipshits in our government. It's a vicious circle jerk for reasons of irrational immaturity.
I am so very frustrated. And I H.A.T.E how cocky these people are. It's GROSS. Sorry, if this is a bit off topic. But I just can't freaking fathom someone, like any "1" actual person doing things like this, trying to actively destroy someone else's ENTIRE existence. Like they don't care how it impacts your family or anything. It makes me soOoOo SOOOO very sad. To cause someone to live in a perpetual state of fight or flight or freeze while daily, draining them of their GOD given life force energy, it's SINcredible!!!!! Who would even desire to do this????? The people perpetuating this will not live forever either. So, instead of simply living their best lives, they prefer to spend their time on earth ruining other's lives?!!? Like WTF! I am a TI and what's being done to me almost caused my young adult son to take his own life! And now he won't talk to me and wholesomely trusts no one, all due to this stupid bleeping program! So now my son is being forced to believe that I've gone mad and that he's all alone in trying to grow, learn, navigate and make good sense of life. He no longer even wants kids.. This program is disgusting.repulsive.vile.sinister.sick.ETC! The Government as a whole cannot be trusted for them to even have allowed or created a space for something like this to happen, while others sit quietly complicit. It's beyond me! God help us all.
I will never forgive any of them. They have the same we have; a brain to think. They know what they're doing. I can't forgive anyone who has taken everything from me and killed off my siblings. To hell with them. They have to pay when it comes to what I suffered. They don't deserve my forgiveness.
When I can’t forgive people doing evil to others, I give it to God and let His will be done. Evil tries to plant the seed of hatred in our hearts. Give it to God.
I understand. It can just be so difficult. But, I also understand that by NOT forgiving them, I give them power OVER me, as if they don't already have enough! I truly want to forgive them ALL, even the evilest of them, because "I" have always had a forgiving heart and have always prided myself on this fact. But, this is a hard one. We are living through something that sometimes I even wonder if GOD saw this coming. I must believe so. To lose all hope is not the way to achieve anything worthwhile. They are literally screwing with my hearing as I write this. Just wow. Anyway, I will hold you all tightly in my prayers.
I don’t have to forgive evil to be a better person. It is enough that I give their evil to God to forgive them because He most likely will send them to hell. That will be his forgiveness of them. They will ultimately pay the price for their crimes against humanity. Evil people who turn against God don’t go to heaven unless their hearts truly change, and they feel and understand the destruction and damage they’ve done to other people and animals. I forgive people who have done wrong and understand what they’ve done to others, and want forgiveness, and their hearts have changed towards God. We can all seek forgiveness before God. Everyone is not going to heaven. I don’t hold bitterness in my heart when I give it to God. He will send them to hell or take them to heaven.
It’s getting so bad! They are getting on my roof they have actually put microwave antenna in the most of the neighbors houses all around me. If I call and report it I get the same old thing as last where they look at you like your nuts and end up not doing nothing at all. We pay them to serve and protect. I feel like I have nobody I can trust. Where can go to get protection. Ever since this all got started they have hopped up the attacks to every night and more intensely. I feel as I have no one I can turn to and my safety is at risk more and more now that this law suit has begun. What do I do if I need to call 911? Is here any type of protection we can utilize or someone we can trust? Please let me know how have a feeling I’m falling ill from all the attacks . Anyone have any advice)
Yeah it really does . Either they are real quick or I can’t it’s not a person up there. I think it’s what they want us to think so we go out and start looking around and look crazy. They want our neighbors and family friends to think we are mental so they can argue that we are mentally unstable. I wonder just how many people are in mental institutions be of them. They are evil the wouldn’t care of what they do kills you. I honestly believe they are trying to eliminate the targeted. We scare them for some reason . They fly their plane over my house as much as 15 to 20 times a day. I go to work and they are flying over work when I lived down in Mississippi they did it there too. I come home to unlocked windows and doors all the time. I believe they pay neighbors to help them and participate in calling in my location at all times. Remember they use ultraviolet light to activate nano technology they put in our food. They know exactly when I’m about to fall a sleep. I passed cars with ultraviolet lights mounted on the front and rear of the vehicles turning them on when they pass in front of me then turning them off after they pass. I found lost of they stickers have out of state tags or temporary tags. A lot of them are Texas , Florida a lot of New Mexico. They will have a pink automation tags mount.
you know, I've concluded it has to the DEW penetrating through the roof of the house because it happens when I visit family and friends. This also happened to me while I was in flight...this is what convinced me that it's sound effects from penetration through structures...I know no one was on top of the airplane while in flight. But yes, it does sounds as though someone is in your home. They want us to call law enforcement so it can be on record that a call was made for noise in the attic but law enforcement did not see anything. Hope this helps I understand.🙏🏾
Yeah I’ve come to the same conclusion. Although I’ve had them look through my window before pushing the curtains aside to see in. But the sound I hear on the roof is most likely the sound penetrating through or something of that nature because I’ve never caught anyone on the roof. They want you to call the police so they can report that you might be a little crazy. They will use that against you.
It’s coming from satellites and 5G towers. The deep state is creating a web of connections to buildings, traffic lights, electricity poles. The satellite tracks your movements wherever you go and directs the attacks against you. This is much bigger than neighbors who don’t have the time or resources. This is the Military Industrial Complex. People all over the US and Europe are being experimented on. This is for economic and social control and ultimately to bring down the population.. Don’t waste your time blaming neighbors and friends- Our Government is at fault for refusing to investigate and protect us. It’s their fault for allowing this torture to take place and most people in public office are too cowardly to protect us. There is a bigger picture than neighbors. It’s the Military Industrial Complex- demonic and soulless only out for war and profit through the blood of others!!!.
It's a crime in itself people like Attorney General Garland are living the high life while the rest of us are being exploited and abused merely for trying to live our everyday lives! They are comfortable with our sufferings, it fattens their wallets even more so. They couldn't care less over all of the innocent names on the TSDB list. Thank you Ana, and all of Targeted Justice for fighting on our behalf. Prayerfully, this illegal list will soon be released!
Every TI needs to watch the documentary about Skinwalker Ranch. The federal government investigated this ranch for 20 years and has knowledge about the DEW attacks against people and animals. The microwave and radio frequency attacks with UFOs have been going on for more than 20 tears there. The recent investigators include an aerospace engineer who worked for NASA and the Department of Defense for 30 years and is now investigating this ranch. The group has advanced training in energy weapon research. Some of the investigators have gotten injured by these attacks-with microwave burns, head trauma from 1.6 GHtz, headaches, heart problems. If Tis want to know more about their condition than watch this. It shows a video of a young healthy cow being attacked by a directed energy weapon from an UFO in the sky above it’s head. This is area 51 meets every day people and animals and ifs a 5 alarm fire. People need to wake up and smell the roses. Tis need to gather and tell congress to help TJ gain momentum. The terrorist are attacking just enough people out of the world population that the rest of the billions of people are unaffected and don’t care. You have to get in Congress’s face and make them take notice while the lawsuit is going on. Each time you call a senator it gets easier.
I believe there are aliens in our universe and Area 51 knows about it. I believe the military acquired advanced directed energy capabilities from 20 years of research at the the Skinwalker Ranch and are attacking people and animals there and abroad with this technology. There have been very unusual reports from that area since the 1800’s. I believe a highly classified advanced rouge element of our military, area 51 style, are conducting experiments on people and animals with the knowledge they’ve acquired and believe the UFOs belong to our government and are being used to kill animals and people from the sky. I have videoed a military style UFO following me from city to city and stat to state. I believe they started with animals and a small number of people serving in the military, and have now expanded their torture to people globally. I think Travis is a good man trying to get to the bottom of the unusual happenings at Skinwalker Ranch. When the world is globally attacked, it will be from corrupt deep state federal agents and militia groups in our military in our country and n our allies countries not from aliens. I talked to a person from Ireland who knows many people in France and England and America being attacked with DEWs as we speak. My torture is 24/7 with more or less intensity from the Havana Syndrome. It is a miracle I’m still able to work.
Thank you for all your research Kay👍 in into this monstrosity! I am going to post that picture and document to my You Tube channel @havanamarlena. ( I know it’s very armature but I’m trying). I hate and despise animal experimentation. It turns us into non caring monsters that have this great sense of entitlement to torture other living creatures and look, now we are the targets!
I'm going to post this on my subtack too. but listen to both audio files one is my own v2k recording just earlier today. The other one is an audio file from Wikipedia from HAARP.
You should hear in the high pitched voice or squeals, the same voice on my v2k recordings please listen.
I also as a FIOA from HAARP I sent them one to ask some things about their stuff. According to Wikipedia the University of Alaska own it now. It says those who pay can use it to research stuff so I want to know who they sell rights too and other things.
Criminals rule! Where are the honest department heads, living within their means. Corruption is rewarded, whistle blowers are punished, and the innocent are tortured 24/7 for withstanding the evil perpetrated by corrupt government. Blessed are Warriors!
That's powerful Targeted Justice!!!
Merrick Garland has a lot to worry about.. The countenance of a man is made bare before YHWH. It's their arrogance and pride that'll cause their fall / destruction.
" Pride goes before a fall."
When your enemy falls do not laugh. Cover your mouth and be afraid.
Laughter at your enemy's fall will stop their full punishment.
Shouts of joy to YHWH for His victory . Give Him the Thanks and Praises in Jesus Christ's name Yeshua, amen !!!
Stay Strong Targeted Individuals!!! What powerful witnesses you've all been of everything good, in a world turned upside down . You don't know riches and rewards that await you. But one day you will. Who can attest to what you've endured and stand ??? You did not become a coward. You fought the good fight. 😊 Thanks!!!
Hang in there girl! We will make it through this together. You and I are not alone.
Exactly I forgive them all, and I keep praying the lords prayer daily along with psalms that are like revenge psalms. 31, 52, 58, 94, 109, 120, 140. then to close I pray outloud the lords prayer daily all of them outloud.
I stay humble I may get excited some when I see God's hand working, but I stay humbled.
Amen. Thanks for the reminder to stay humble as the deep state crumbles before God. No weapon formed against us shall prevail in the name of Jesus.
Thank you so much for sharing more hope with us.
I'm so grateful to Ana , and Targeted Justice! You guys Rock! I'm so excited to see what comes next!
Very good work !
BIG ups too Anna and the team!!!
I love this! The field hound criminals we know today as pilots are feeling the effects of the database issue, and are still sent daily from the analysis centers to retrieve the information they knew about yesterday! This is a punishment that they know is happening, however are stuck in the sandwich of the Awesome Ana Toledo Fact Check Train, and the fantasy life that they label us to be as their choosing ! I was sent for a med referral in 2013, and I’m willing to take 5 years off the agent whom sent me if he is able to pronounce the medication that I was prescribed! 🤣🤓🤣 JK however I have a well documented case in Kansas, been involuntary committed by a federal agent twice and have 2 federal lawsuits regarding Civil Rico Cases, Kansas City, MO both were dismissed as frivolous. I love the weekly updates from doctor Lin and Attorney Anna, 😜 Thank you
Stay strong and May the lord bless us all in the name of Jesus!
Ana Toledo and her team is doing great work!
Well done!
Champagne wishes, caviar dreams. Lifestyles of the rich & worthless.
It would make him feel better if he shared some of his ill gotten gains with the victims under his watch who's lives were destroyed by his gross dereliction of duty & incomprehensible negligence. Like a penance of reconciliation for abhorrent mortal sins committed against his fellow American citizens. Say, to the tune of $1.3 billion?
Sickening! I don’t believe in animal experimentation. And I think that this Yale Neurologist should be investigated for threatening to hijack peoples lives and free will. On one hand, our government says one person one vote. On the other hand, our government allows the psychopaths in positions of power to control other peoples decisions, thoughts and behaviors. What kind of demented society allows this to occur? Certainly not a democracy.
I know about Delgado, chief head cook nut job -
Eleanor White interviewed the late TI Alan Watt in 2005:
I've known her for years, I've been through all of her stuff. When this guy sent a FOIA request to the Washington State Fusion Center, they sent him a packet of Eleanor White's information. She owned, she lived in British Columbia:
How they ended up with it, I have no idea.
After my divorce, I noticed the public servants started treating me like I was a criminal just because my wife decided to break her marriage contract, which the state encouraged. I got suspicious & ended up documenting that there was an intentional covert war on the family for depopulation that was being conducted within the power of the state.
I started getting vocal about it, figuring once all of the disassociated fathers knew what was really going on, that I could have started my own revolution. I was still under the impression that the state was under some kind of obligation to act within the framework of the law - I was mistaken. That's when I found myself targeted.
I'm not licensed anymore but I'd just as soon TJ force it through the courts to release the list anyway. This atrocity has been hidden for way too many years, it's about time it's forced into the light of day. I'm sorry that anyone has been victimized by criminal activity from a group of individuals who hide behind the power of the state. They need to be brought to justice.
Fun & illegal things to do with microwave weapons to your own population by the dipshits in our government who were hired & protected by the other dipshits in our government. It's a vicious circle jerk for reasons of irrational immaturity.
I am so very frustrated. And I H.A.T.E how cocky these people are. It's GROSS. Sorry, if this is a bit off topic. But I just can't freaking fathom someone, like any "1" actual person doing things like this, trying to actively destroy someone else's ENTIRE existence. Like they don't care how it impacts your family or anything. It makes me soOoOo SOOOO very sad. To cause someone to live in a perpetual state of fight or flight or freeze while daily, draining them of their GOD given life force energy, it's SINcredible!!!!! Who would even desire to do this????? The people perpetuating this will not live forever either. So, instead of simply living their best lives, they prefer to spend their time on earth ruining other's lives?!!? Like WTF! I am a TI and what's being done to me almost caused my young adult son to take his own life! And now he won't talk to me and wholesomely trusts no one, all due to this stupid bleeping program! So now my son is being forced to believe that I've gone mad and that he's all alone in trying to grow, learn, navigate and make good sense of life. He no longer even wants kids.. This program is disgusting.repulsive.vile.sinister.sick.ETC! The Government as a whole cannot be trusted for them to even have allowed or created a space for something like this to happen, while others sit quietly complicit. It's beyond me! God help us all.
I will never forgive any of them. They have the same we have; a brain to think. They know what they're doing. I can't forgive anyone who has taken everything from me and killed off my siblings. To hell with them. They have to pay when it comes to what I suffered. They don't deserve my forgiveness.
When I can’t forgive people doing evil to others, I give it to God and let His will be done. Evil tries to plant the seed of hatred in our hearts. Give it to God.
I understand. It can just be so difficult. But, I also understand that by NOT forgiving them, I give them power OVER me, as if they don't already have enough! I truly want to forgive them ALL, even the evilest of them, because "I" have always had a forgiving heart and have always prided myself on this fact. But, this is a hard one. We are living through something that sometimes I even wonder if GOD saw this coming. I must believe so. To lose all hope is not the way to achieve anything worthwhile. They are literally screwing with my hearing as I write this. Just wow. Anyway, I will hold you all tightly in my prayers.
Be Well & $tay Golden!
I don’t have to forgive evil to be a better person. It is enough that I give their evil to God to forgive them because He most likely will send them to hell. That will be his forgiveness of them. They will ultimately pay the price for their crimes against humanity. Evil people who turn against God don’t go to heaven unless their hearts truly change, and they feel and understand the destruction and damage they’ve done to other people and animals. I forgive people who have done wrong and understand what they’ve done to others, and want forgiveness, and their hearts have changed towards God. We can all seek forgiveness before God. Everyone is not going to heaven. I don’t hold bitterness in my heart when I give it to God. He will send them to hell or take them to heaven.
It’s getting so bad! They are getting on my roof they have actually put microwave antenna in the most of the neighbors houses all around me. If I call and report it I get the same old thing as last where they look at you like your nuts and end up not doing nothing at all. We pay them to serve and protect. I feel like I have nobody I can trust. Where can go to get protection. Ever since this all got started they have hopped up the attacks to every night and more intensely. I feel as I have no one I can turn to and my safety is at risk more and more now that this law suit has begun. What do I do if I need to call 911? Is here any type of protection we can utilize or someone we can trust? Please let me know how have a feeling I’m falling ill from all the attacks . Anyone have any advice)
I have the roof ceiling issue too. Sometimes it sounds like they're in the attic following me from room to room.
Yeah it really does . Either they are real quick or I can’t it’s not a person up there. I think it’s what they want us to think so we go out and start looking around and look crazy. They want our neighbors and family friends to think we are mental so they can argue that we are mentally unstable. I wonder just how many people are in mental institutions be of them. They are evil the wouldn’t care of what they do kills you. I honestly believe they are trying to eliminate the targeted. We scare them for some reason . They fly their plane over my house as much as 15 to 20 times a day. I go to work and they are flying over work when I lived down in Mississippi they did it there too. I come home to unlocked windows and doors all the time. I believe they pay neighbors to help them and participate in calling in my location at all times. Remember they use ultraviolet light to activate nano technology they put in our food. They know exactly when I’m about to fall a sleep. I passed cars with ultraviolet lights mounted on the front and rear of the vehicles turning them on when they pass in front of me then turning them off after they pass. I found lost of they stickers have out of state tags or temporary tags. A lot of them are Texas , Florida a lot of New Mexico. They will have a pink automation tags mount.
you know, I've concluded it has to the DEW penetrating through the roof of the house because it happens when I visit family and friends. This also happened to me while I was in flight...this is what convinced me that it's sound effects from penetration through structures...I know no one was on top of the airplane while in flight. But yes, it does sounds as though someone is in your home. They want us to call law enforcement so it can be on record that a call was made for noise in the attic but law enforcement did not see anything. Hope this helps I understand.🙏🏾
Yeah I’ve come to the same conclusion. Although I’ve had them look through my window before pushing the curtains aside to see in. But the sound I hear on the roof is most likely the sound penetrating through or something of that nature because I’ve never caught anyone on the roof. They want you to call the police so they can report that you might be a little crazy. They will use that against you.
It’s coming from satellites and 5G towers. The deep state is creating a web of connections to buildings, traffic lights, electricity poles. The satellite tracks your movements wherever you go and directs the attacks against you. This is much bigger than neighbors who don’t have the time or resources. This is the Military Industrial Complex. People all over the US and Europe are being experimented on. This is for economic and social control and ultimately to bring down the population.. Don’t waste your time blaming neighbors and friends- Our Government is at fault for refusing to investigate and protect us. It’s their fault for allowing this torture to take place and most people in public office are too cowardly to protect us. There is a bigger picture than neighbors. It’s the Military Industrial Complex- demonic and soulless only out for war and profit through the blood of others!!!.
It's a crime in itself people like Attorney General Garland are living the high life while the rest of us are being exploited and abused merely for trying to live our everyday lives! They are comfortable with our sufferings, it fattens their wallets even more so. They couldn't care less over all of the innocent names on the TSDB list. Thank you Ana, and all of Targeted Justice for fighting on our behalf. Prayerfully, this illegal list will soon be released!
So Thankful to Ana, may the Lord Jesus keep her safe, she is an Angel from above, I love her work and attitude! 😍
Every TI needs to watch the documentary about Skinwalker Ranch. The federal government investigated this ranch for 20 years and has knowledge about the DEW attacks against people and animals. The microwave and radio frequency attacks with UFOs have been going on for more than 20 tears there. The recent investigators include an aerospace engineer who worked for NASA and the Department of Defense for 30 years and is now investigating this ranch. The group has advanced training in energy weapon research. Some of the investigators have gotten injured by these attacks-with microwave burns, head trauma from 1.6 GHtz, headaches, heart problems. If Tis want to know more about their condition than watch this. It shows a video of a young healthy cow being attacked by a directed energy weapon from an UFO in the sky above it’s head. This is area 51 meets every day people and animals and ifs a 5 alarm fire. People need to wake up and smell the roses. Tis need to gather and tell congress to help TJ gain momentum. The terrorist are attacking just enough people out of the world population that the rest of the billions of people are unaffected and don’t care. You have to get in Congress’s face and make them take notice while the lawsuit is going on. Each time you call a senator it gets easier.
I believe there are aliens in our universe and Area 51 knows about it. I believe the military acquired advanced directed energy capabilities from 20 years of research at the the Skinwalker Ranch and are attacking people and animals there and abroad with this technology. There have been very unusual reports from that area since the 1800’s. I believe a highly classified advanced rouge element of our military, area 51 style, are conducting experiments on people and animals with the knowledge they’ve acquired and believe the UFOs belong to our government and are being used to kill animals and people from the sky. I have videoed a military style UFO following me from city to city and stat to state. I believe they started with animals and a small number of people serving in the military, and have now expanded their torture to people globally. I think Travis is a good man trying to get to the bottom of the unusual happenings at Skinwalker Ranch. When the world is globally attacked, it will be from corrupt deep state federal agents and militia groups in our military in our country and n our allies countries not from aliens. I talked to a person from Ireland who knows many people in France and England and America being attacked with DEWs as we speak. My torture is 24/7 with more or less intensity from the Havana Syndrome. It is a miracle I’m still able to work.
Thank you for all your research Kay👍 in into this monstrosity! I am going to post that picture and document to my You Tube channel @havanamarlena. ( I know it’s very armature but I’m trying). I hate and despise animal experimentation. It turns us into non caring monsters that have this great sense of entitlement to torture other living creatures and look, now we are the targets!
I'm going to post this on my subtack too. but listen to both audio files one is my own v2k recording just earlier today. The other one is an audio file from Wikipedia from HAARP.
You should hear in the high pitched voice or squeals, the same voice on my v2k recordings please listen.
I also as a FIOA from HAARP I sent them one to ask some things about their stuff. According to Wikipedia the University of Alaska own it now. It says those who pay can use it to research stuff so I want to know who they sell rights too and other things.
But listen thanks.
Video link my own recording
Video link
from Wikipedia.
You should hear similar sounds or voices especially the same high pitch from HAARP in mine.
Criminals rule! Where are the honest department heads, living within their means. Corruption is rewarded, whistle blowers are punished, and the innocent are tortured 24/7 for withstanding the evil perpetrated by corrupt government. Blessed are Warriors!