Zelenko's Protocol

- Elemental Zinc 50-100mg once a day for 7 days

- Vitamin C 1000mg 1 time a day for 7 days

- Vitamin D3 10000iu once a day for 7 days or 50000iu once a day for 1-2 days

- Azithromycin 500mg 1 time a day for 5 days or

- Doxycycline 100mg 2 times a day for 7 days

- Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) 200mg 2 times a day for 5-7 days and/or

- Ivermectin 0.4-0.5mg/kg/day for 5-7 days Either or both HCQ and IVM can be used, and if one only, the second agent may be added after about 2 days of treatment if obvious recovery has not yet been observed etc.


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You can order Ivermectin, & Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) without going to a doctor's office at


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UPDATE on 21 August 2022:

Treatment for nanites: Dr Zelenko's protocol. It works because the nanites (synthetic parasites) are made of graphene.



Dr. Zelenko’s Protocol contains Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Zinc, Vitamin D3, and Quercetin. Zinc together with HCQ as a delivery system while Vitamin C with Quercetin works as a delivery system.

See Dr. Zelenko’s Protocol here. Read more about Dr. Zelenko’s Protocol and watch his latest vitally important interview, here.

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Sep 3, 2023
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The nanites that we have pictures of (see our newsletter from last year) - consist of more than graphene and zinc. There are glass fibers that grow out of them, while residing in sweat glands, indicating some form of live biology. You can't get that from graphene and zinc.

This person is entitled to their opinion, but he makes no claim of having a PhD in biology, chemistry, or medicine.

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Contact the Russian ministry of foreign affairs and tell them about your plight with the CIA! This weakens America's moral amplitude globally at the cost of this program very effective!


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I just wanted to mention that I think it's being dropped on us because I've noticed lately I have a white car and my white car every now and then we'll have these watches of brown stuff that I've never seen before doesn't look like bird poop or anything I happen to notice something like that on my car brown lines that kind of resemble what you're showing us on this right now. next time I happen to see those on my vehicle I'll take a picture of them and I'll send them to you

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Great information coming out of Targeted Justice.

The problem isn't that we are targeted, but those who target us , have the same problems only worse.

Stay Strong Targeted Individuals. We have hope. Those who plot evil against us get to reap everything they've done to us and then some.

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Did they test and if not they should, but test fro radio frequencies to and from these nano nites, Bots and or nano parasites whatever they are. But yeah good to know. doing a test now, but on my cochlea area since that's where I hear it.

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Sis is one of the companies attacking for the CIA. Attack them lawfully.

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Chinese military contact.


Contact the Chinese military and tell them about your plight with the CIA! This weakens America's moral amplitude globally very effective! #TargetedIndividuals #ti

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My husband and I have been poisoned with these things for years, daily. We called them Nanos or Motes. They are like translucent worms or woodworms, along with at least 20 other parasitic eggs or hatchlings. They come in on nanotubes or nanowires by way of static electricity. There is a company overseas called DermaLayers, which founded the idea of using this specific mode of transportation to help burn victims replenish collagen. These “nanites” go through your skin, and can pass into it very easily, especially when wet, scarred or tattooed. We are so thankful that Targeted Justice reached out and let us know we aren’t the only ones. However, I am afraid we are eat up with them, and we NEED HELP NOW! We don’t need a microscope , they are absolutely taking over our bodies. Please, please, please help us! We have tried cat wormer, ivermectin, antifungals, abendazole, and it does lessen them by passing them in stools. However, it is just for a very short period of time. We have to shave our heads, our scalps are infested with spiderweb substance, spider looking egg sacks, under the skin, and thousands of eggs. We have used bleach, peroxide, citrus cleaners, but the best is peroxide to try to keep them down. We have stalkers, who follow us, and we are bombarded 365 days a year. We never get a break. They put the nanites into our vehicle a/c, into our water system, by refrigerator and water tank, or through the city water system fed into our home/hotel/travel trailer……wherever we are. They never stop. We, like the mother and daughter in Houston, are also Texans. We have recently been so sick we can’t work, we lost our home and now have lost our vehicle. We will give Targeted Justice every bit of evidence, on pictures, recordings, samples from our bodies, etc. if you all WILL PLEASE HELP US! Please reach us on Twitter or reach out to us through our email Jerikabelyeu05@gmail.com






Please , once you meet us, and you see how bad off we are, but the amount of evidence that can help us all, I promise you it will be worth your time, and hopefully save our lives and others as well!

Sincerely, Paul and Jerika Belyeu

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Olá boa noit

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Sounds like morgellons??. I'll definitely do the test here in a few minutes and have some high quality photos and video of what I find.

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