If you had only left Taylor and Travis out of it I would have liked this post all day long … lol.

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Positive these manipulations are happening!

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I noticed similar strange things at the FIS Ski Jumping event the past weekend. On Saturday more or less all the cracks that are in the best 10 athletes class had abominable results. MInd you, they were jumping from the 5G Tower in White Plains! So all very easy to manipulate. From unexpected wind gusts to manipulating the athletes themselves, all a nice game for the baddies. I sometimes thought, that they had made the jumpers land long before they usually would.

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See Author Firstenberg Substack: World Cup Skiing at White Plains. Published in January 2024 5G tower.

The Horses at Church Hill Downs. Published in June 2024. Radio frequencies packs put onto the horses.

I remember seeing a movie a few years ago. Main female character was dating a politician. Men in black suits followed her around with ipads, mapped her geo location, then shows tracking her and causing her accidents with coffee spills and other things with energy pushing her around. She was a dancer - caused her a major ankle injury on stage. Men in suits told politician - "keep seeing her and worse things will happen to her - we will end her career".

They tell us what they are doing - in small snippets via entertainment industry.

Divergent: Shows injections via shots then mind control of a segment of the population. Among many others things found in the TI community regarding, "The Program." Especially neural technologies.

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I thought of the movie Divergent also and where we are headed. People are being interfaced with computers. The military special ops unacknowledged projects are working with this technology per top security clearance whistle blowers. The sad truth is that all the ignorant fools out there are too stupid to get it.

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Unfortunately people need to experience something before they understand it. I think that is why we see such a lack of empathy. And we cant count out the frequency radiation effects of command and control mechanisms of deeply apathetic behaviors. We know they unleash "the program" on new victims everyday. The more people stay silent and complicit and stay intellectual lazy and refuse to learn and gain knowledge the more heartbreaking damage is done to the general populace. Then, they will cry the loudest. Chickens always come home to roust.

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Did appreciate certain aspects of Divergent. My Visualization ability was extremely attenuated decades ago, and I'm not permitted to dream. Those abilities are crucial, but not absolutely necessary, for escape from the electronic Gulag.

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Too incredulous that humans can be so evil, and too Mk'd to even consider the possibility that electronic weapons exist.

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I believe people are being gangstalked by Schriever satellites that tell the gang stalkers where you are at any moment in time. It’s part of their psych ops program to make you think it’s initiated by your neighbors and random actors who are just paid to create the illusion

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Who may or may not be getting paid I should say.

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I agree ... creative license to disguise it ... but definitely showed the staking and use of energy cause and effect the many accidents and injuries of those "they" target.

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And here I have something for the conspiracy fans:

"⭐️ A few years back on his YouTube channel, author and whistle blower David Wilcock said Disclosure and the RV will happen … and the marker will be when the KC Chiefs beat the SF 49ers in the Super Bowl … signaling masonic/cabal defeat and victory to the light and galactic federation. Chiefs, meaning the indigenous rightful owners of the land beating the S.W.I.F.T. system.

You’re welcome. 😇 😎 Namaste. 🙏🏽 💜 - Morning Star ⭐️"

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I am sure full disclosure is going to happen this year with all the whistle blowers coming forward from the MI and pentagon.. Check out the Shawn Ryan Show and see whistle blowers talking about V2K (Eric Hecker) and its use by the MiC and the top secret army intelligence officers who were heavily involved in remote viewing and human consciousness.

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Hope you're right, 'cause I'm running into a stone wall with VA. TJ's lawsuit is being stalled by lies and obfuscation

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also to consider, the magnets in gloves, the remote controlling of a football or puck at key moments to shift the game

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Absolutely! Funny you brought up football because one of the veterans just told me last Friday he thought the football games were being affected by frequencies and he went as far as to say he thinks the DEWs can manipulate the trajectory of the ball over the goal post to win or lose bets. He says people gamble in real time as the games are happening and he believes the outcomes are being manipulated to put money in the hands of criminals. Guess what? I wouldn’t be surprised at all.

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Too, I saw on the news they are going to be using AI in the stop lights. AI is used in v2k and targeting that's going to be chaos. I didn't like them at first but I think the round abouts they're putting if will be safer. AI is already attacking us, just think being used at stop lights? I do not trust AI it's dangerous.

That's whats attacking me inv2k now so... Remember space odyssey 2001 or whatever it was called.

AI went nuts. Terminator etc... If like I said happened to Andy Reid and he did say space force then look for AI to give a kill command soon to all the others who are already controlled by it.

Those who willingly and knowingly took the jab, those who take all these meds knowingly and willingly etc...

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The satellites, 5G towers and many other electronic devices are creating a spider web effect over this planet for the One World Fascist Takeover agenda in the works.

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what gets me is they have a computer or some kind of program called S A T A N

Go figure.

Plus things called Medusa and some other thing called Hydra. Hydra is a 7 headed thing like in 7 heads ten horns...

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They called they AI, HALE ... or maybe it was HEIL ... may me think of Project Paperclip 📎

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The Niners relatively new stadium built right in the heart of Silicon Valley probably has all sorts of electronic warfare ready to step in depending on the betting lines....when Alabama player Clemson several years' ago and got beat pretty bad it looked like Trevor "Fabio" Lawrence was playing much better than he normally would

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I slowly weaned off about 8 prescriptions for various autoimmune issues, one at a time. Helped the targeting with less pharmaceutical junk inside?

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T.Y. Rosalind 4 the insight - - and very good advice 4 all . . . . blessings

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I did stay on my thyroid medication, synthroid. Now I take np thyroid hormone. Had it ablated years ago.

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especially steriods, and I found benedryl !! to have a very negative effect on memory and concentration.

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I've considered this possibility or likelhood for years, I'd include every activity which involves human minds and digital devices to be hackable, especially lotteries.

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Why did the 5 eyes suffer the most from covidcon?


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Greatest application of MK

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That's certainly a big part of it.

But why do they want to get rid of so many English speaking white folks?

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Who are the People most in control of their minds? They will be the first to be victims of menticide. We are blessed to be able to program our minds. We can create the most positive, constructive state of mind.

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I'd like to reach out to those who understand that our minds are the target, and have devised methods to maintain their integrity AND their sanity. Few realize that DOD, CIA, trauma-based AI is running their lives. I'm looking for a free, confident mind.

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Wildly conspiratorial and I love it!

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conspiracy fact

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uh yeah the night before I said to myself KC will probably win. I know Taylor Swift is thought to be a witch. Kelce yelling at the coach to leave him in, was most likely because he knew Taylor swift probably put a spell so he'd play good and win who knows. I just had a feeling they would. At first it didn't look like it but the way the playoffs have been going every team who were winning lost n the the second half.

Buffalo, and the Lions. I think Detroit could of won the Chiefs.

Yeah read the comment bellow it was like these player just running along falling down suddenly no reason. I mean tackled is one thing but just running on to the field and fall Yeah no! It happened to both sides though at least two or three different times just falling down in pain no reason or tripping over your own feet. Watching the celebrations did I see Andy Reid turn to the camera and say Space force? which went and goes along with my v2k so???

That's what it looked like my v2k does that a lot I've seen it in Baseball games where the audience will say things that go along with my v2k. Two years ago during a Mariner game a black lady in the front rows said I though our rules or mouthed it or Our rules or our world but she'd mouthed it.

Watch the crowds in these games and watch what they say when the camera is on them...

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The Bible prophecies that during the tribulation, which the signs of the times seem to indicate is on the horizon, demons (fallen angels)will be used by YHWH (Yahuwah is his name, no “J’s” until 500 years ago, man took God’s name out of the Bible 7,000 x’s) to torment those who got the mark of the beast. It says Rev 9:11 “And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon” (watch out for modern versions they have flipped the mark to be “on” the right hand or forehead, but Geneva Bible 1500’s & older bibles say it is “IN” the right hand or “IN” the forehead. Read Rev 9 for the reason they push false alien invasion lies. They will lie to the ppl when Rev 9 goes down & say it’s aliens. 👽 😂 the Bible says it lasts 5 months. ALSO, look 👀 at the clock 🕰️ in older movies 🎥 it’s always “9:11” bc those ppl who were stagehands or directors were Satanists quoting scripture about their false god. That’s why the ppl worldwide (govt, etc.) “sacrificed” all those ppl on September 11 Biblehub you can compare multiple bibles.

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Bill Gates medical microchip “WO2020060606”

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Ok. Lol. I apologize if I’m out of line here . Didn’t mean to throw a wet blanket on the conversation. I just referred two people to this page and I’m just imagining what this would sound like to them … no worries.. carry on …

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I’m from Kansas City, MO and I can assure you that we won fair & square. The pressure at these games is overwhelming & ppl may get paid off to play poorly. Gambling never should have been permitted. Lots of bad calls against KC, as always, especially at the end to the betterment of San Francisco. Frequently, they call out our players for holding or pass interference, but not other teams consistently. We’ve had touchdowns taken away for holding. I guess you missed Super Bowl play where some guy grabbed a player’s head which is against the rules. Crickets 🦗 from commentators, as always. Mahomes was punched in the face in Ravens 🐦‍⬛ game, crickets. Pass interference w/ Kelce. I agree his relationship w/ Swift is off; I don’t think she’s sincere and she’s bad news. She is, after all, performing satanic rituals on stage 🙄

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Feb 12, 2024
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Taylor Swift put on devil horns and hee dancers had robes wherein it looked like some sort of clandestine satanic ritual. It’s all I’ve rage internet. Christians should avoid Tay-Tay https://www.movieguide.org/news-articles/taylor-swift-promotes-witchcraft-on-tour-in-willow-performance.html

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