The Targeted Individual program is real. But how do you tell your family and friends?
We have prepared some basic information here:
What is a Targeted Individual?
A Targeted Individual (TI) is someone that has been selected by the Deep State (usually FBI, DHS, or CIA) to unwillingly participate in an experimental CIA torture program. This program was developed under the CIA's MK-ULTRA project and the FBI’s COINTELPRO program, and is designed to break down the individual and "neutralize the person," using psychological, physical, and emotional stress. The ultimate goal of this program is to control the entire population, through intimidation, fear, and threats. Political activists, Labor Union leaders, Scientists, and Whistleblowers are some of the main targets of the program. However, some people are randomly chosen. Family relationships are usually destroyed, as part of this psychological torture.
The FBI & DHS Fusion Centers run the global gangstalking program, which is designed to harass, intimidate, and break down the person. The FBI outsources much of the local harassment to community groups, such as Infragard, Citizen Corp, and Neighborhood Watch. Targeted Individuals are placed on the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) and tracked as "Non-Investigative Subjects (NIS)," so that local police and ambulances can be instructed, not to assist with their emergency calls.
At the FBI, "Targeting Officers" or "Targeting Analysts" nominate new people to the "suspected terrorist" list - whose only "crime" is being a whistleblower or political activist. According to the Office of the Inspector General, 97% of these people have “NO KNOWN TIES TO TERRORISM” - yet they are placed on this secret list. FBI Managers are paid bonuses up to $50,000 each year, to add people to the list. Recently, the FBI started claiming that Christian Catholics are "Domestic Terrorists," and so are parents that attend school board meetings.
The CIA and FBI "are behind most, if not all terrorism."
- Ted Gunderson, former FBI Chief.
1. Start with pictures.
You can’t make this up. Many Targeted Individuals are burned & tortured every day with Microwave weapons. These images seem to break through whatever subliminal messaging/programming has been put on them.
2. Video with 5 Medical Doctors describing the targeting program.
3. Attorney Ana Toledo and Richard Lighthouse explain how the targeting program works.
4. Two Doctors, Two Lawyers, and an Army Officer with Top Secret clearance
- all say the targeting program is real.
5. Six Lawyers state that the Targeting Program is real.
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Gather all the information you can , print everything so they can read about it .
I know it’s true my sisters and myself are targeted by the useful idiots . Funding is going to be cut off from this criminal study on humans .
Good Luck and take care of your Mind and Body 🙏 Ne the light so the darkness can’t touch you ..
I would add that those on the watch list are farmed out to contractors, like commodities, for experimentation purposes such as testing drugs, gases, frequency weapons, psychological manipulation techniques and training exercises, where they need human subjects to test on but are unlikely to get anyone to volunteer.