Has anyone looked into the connections between Ewen Cameron, MK-Ultra & Jeffrey Epstein?

MKULTRA Subproject 68

"Several of the children who Cameron experimented on were sexually abused, in at least one case by several men. One of the children was filmed numerous times performing sexual acts with high-ranking federal government officials, in a scheme set up by Cameron and other MKULTRA researchers, to blackmail the officials to ensure further funding for the experiments."


Interresting side note: Cameron gave a false diagnosis at Nuremberg, yet he became the first official president of the World Psychiatric Association? Interesting method for the CIA to weaponize psychiatry on a global basis to hide Human Rights abuses for the Nazis:


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Thank you Kay for taking the time to read it.

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RemovedOct 22, 2023·edited Oct 22, 2023
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Wm Barr is the government official who officially told the public that Epstein killed himself when everyone knows that he didn't. Barr's father was OSS (pre-CIA) who was involved in hiring Epstein to teach at an all girls school while Epstein had no degree. Barr Sr. was looking to create the 'perfect spy'.


This was the second time Barr was attorney General. The first time was from 1990 to 1991 under Bush Sr. During this period, former FBI Special Agent In Charge Ted Gunderson wrote himto tell him the FBI was covering up the CIA's child trafficking "Finders Operation".

Gunderson was interviewed for FBI Director under Ford, but they decided to keep the one they had, So Gunderson retired & became a Private Investigator. Barr didn't respond to Gunderson, his assistant Attorney General did & dismissed Gunderson's information. That AAG was Robert Mueller, who became the FBI Director one week before 9/11.

This is the letter Gunderson sent Barr:


This is the letter Mueller sent Gunderson:


How weird is it that 30 years later, these two AGs who used to eat dinner at each other's house show up on the world stage as arch rivals? I'd say pretty weird.

This links to Gunderson's 'Finders' & 'Finders 2" Reports:


Now, if it isn't weird enough that MK-Ultra targeting &governmental sexual child abuse are tied together, Epstein was tied in with Harvard's Psychology Dept., made sizable donations & was a Board Member (remember, this is a guy with no college degree):


Which makes him appear to have CIA MK-Ultra/Mind Control connections. Remember that Dr. Duncan who exposed targeting also went to Harvard & worked on neuroweaponry for the CIA:

"Harvard Scientist Exposes CIA Mind Control Weapons Still Being Used Today | Dr. Len Ber & Dr. Robert Duncan"


"The Story of the CIA's "Finders" Abduction Operation:

The CIA Traffics in Drugs, Child Ritual Sexual Abuse, & Global Murder"


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Since I've claimed the blood, THE DNA, OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST over my entire life my targeting has lessened dramatically. The sound frequency when the Book of Revelations is read has such spiritual power. Also the prophecies in Ezekiel, in my experience. It's a mystery I may never fully grasp but my experience is one of growth now that I claim Christ.

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Cannot overestimate the benefit of the Divine connection, in my case, the source of all my strength and well-being. Life is an unfolding mystery, and it's wonderful to stumble upon unexpected treasures.

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Is anyone else's sleep being manipulated?

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My subconscious is captured. I'm not permitted to dream. I'm usually getting 3 hours of sleep, unless the morons are desperate, which they are now, I'll be allowed 5 hrs., so they can work my mind over, but it's not working for them. I Use that wakeful time to listen to affirmations and do my concentration exercises

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Yep! wet dreams as a man I guess but the wet dream was a kid so yuck pissed me off...

I've had them grab me in a dream that was so real it woke me up and cold have killed me but didn't... I've never had a dream do that ever. So yeah...

another wet dream was a black women or girl not sure so yeah..

but yes most definitely.

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Well, that certainly was interesting.

"The Moscow trials were a series of show trials held by the Soviet Union between 1936 and 1938 at the instigation of Joseph Stalin. They were nominally directed against "Trotskyists" and members of "Right Opposition" of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union."


From the video:

"One by one they confess to being enemies of the state and beg to be executed. And so the western intelligence agencies got quite frightened."

They got so frightened that they are still torturing their citizens to death? Yeah, I'd say that showing extreme symptoms of paranoia.

So, here's George Estabrooks:


Looks like most of his books began in the mid 40's (post WW2) through the 60's.


I did find conversations between him & J. Edgar Hoover beginning in 1933, but it looks like the basis of those conversations concern hypnotism.


Here is who the video attributes to the 'Moscow Show Trials',

Alexander Luria:


Luria finished school ahead of schedule and completed his first degree in 1921 at Kazan State University. While still a student in Kazan, he established the Kazan Psychoanalytic Society and briefly exchanged letters with Sigmund Freud.

In 1924, Luria met Lev Vygotsky, who would influence him greatly.

Independently of Vygotsky, Luria developed the ingenious "combined motor method," which helped diagnose individuals' hidden or subdued emotional and thought processes. This research was published in the US in 1932 as The Nature of Human Conflicts and made him internationally famous as one of the leading psychologists in Soviet Russia."

Vygotsky died of Tuberculosis in 1934 at the age of 37.


All of this is interesting, BUT ..

Dr. Fred Bell did work for the CIA on MK-Ultra, this is what he says about mind control:

"Fred: Right. To start with the drug companies to me started with I.G. Farben, ... German based,

funded by Laurance Rockefeller before World War II and a couple of big banks in NYC. They

went on, Josef Mengele and all these kind of people that were involved, they went on, they made

a deal during World War II to pay out for research projects a certain amount of money for kids, a

certain amount of money for adults ... and this is where the mind control started."


As far as the Trauma Based Mind Control experiments targeted experience, I believe Dr. Bell is correct, it's Nazi based.

"The CIA and Nazi War Criminals"


"Nevertheless, Donovan began to lay the groundwork for a centralized intelligence program. Working closely with Dick Ellis, it was he who organized the COI's New York headquarters in Room 3603 of Rockefeller Center in October 1941 and asked Allen Dulles to head it; the offices Dulles took were on the floor immediately above the location of the operations of Britain's MI6."


The UK NGO Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) created Mi6 as their boots on the ground to advance their agenda. Their US sister organization, The Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) created the CIA for the same purpose.

"The CIA and Nazi War Criminals"


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Well, no one has ever been prosecuted for being an alien in a court of law & my objective is for the humans who are doing this to us to be prosecuted. If aliens are making them do it to us, let them prove it in their defense. If they can't, then they're screwed.

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Yeah, they are the worst of criminals who figured out all they needed were government jobs & rest of the corrupt system would protect them.

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Oct 22, 2023·edited Oct 22, 2023

The Nazis worked on mind control and CIA brought over 1000 Nazi scientist with operation paperclip to work on MK ULTRA and continues MK ULTRA and COINTELPRO under new names and the program is a mix of both. CIA and Schriever AFB do electronic harassment giving suggestions and subliminal messages and 1/3 of people are highly suggestable and use no touch torture (Stasi tactics) with mobbing and 1/3 of mass shootings is linked to mobbing. False flags and COINTELPRO and MK ULTRA are covert operations CIA is required to lead. There's a CIA plot to incite mass shootings so they can impose stricter gun control and mass shootings have increased every year since CIA staged 911 and had Stasi director Marcus Wolf (helped other governments learn Zersetzung) and KGB general Yevgeny Primkov create Fusion Centers secret with no oversight or FOIA request and fraud FISA and watchlist making up terrorist because there aren't any for funding and covertly harass so you react and set you up and call the cops and lie in court and always find you guilty and follow you in jail and try to get you back with a tough gangstalker and use FBI managed aggression road convoys and street theater and start fights and stage car accidents and NLP sensitization anchoring and triggers colour coordinating, one headlight, coughing but mostly reaction abuse and gaslighting. Flying monkeys smear campaign, triangulation, ostrasize, reaction abuse, gaslighting. CSPD won the community policing award 8 months after terrorizing me out of town and Facebook blocks COPS program is the sureptitous reincarnation of COINTELPRO and Richard Moore was suing the COPS gangstalking program and set him up and Kala K YouTube channel was sabotaged.

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Read the Tavistock Institute by Daniel Estulin...tons of info on this in that book!

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This makes sense. To a crazy psycho to do this. But yet never charged can you imagine what they are doing to us all now. I have a crazy feeling we're all being controlled in some way.

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What are they doing for humanity as we know it?

Having a democratic republic makes this all seem like a twilight zone with respect to hypocrisy. And it brings to mind a science fiction film I saw as a youngster, an old Twilight Zone episode where one of the actors stated "control their minds and we can control the world."

When mind control and total control is their primary objective all decency, humanity and integrity gets pushed to the curb....

Clearly, our new leaders need to not only address these atrocities but to make a real commitment to stop this kind of degenerate path of destruction. To do anything less would be to concede into a growing state of lawlessness!

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which new leaders? The political class seems to be cut from the some bolt of cloth.

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I think there are several people running like, RFK Jr., Marianne Williamson, and Cornell West.

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Along the lines of what this is this is scary as hell... CIA needs destroyed too...

I hear from this baby shit talk tell me to kill people all the time it pisses me off. So surely they are trying to make me hate kids or people...


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**1-800-CALL-FBI...SHOULD TIs CALL?!?👇🏽👇🏻👇*


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I would like to know this too.

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I'm going to submitted TJ Board for review and advisement.

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Great Idea!!!

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Thank you!! I sent an email to tjustice2@proton.me on 10/25/2023. Subject: SUPPORT for Cell Towers Protest.

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“The Minds of Men”, A documentary by, Aaron and Melissa Dykes. Truthstream Media channel Utube.

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Here it is on BitChute:


When YT shut down my channel, they also closed my account & I couldn't watch YT videos.

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Thank you for sharing your research and work, here. I appreciate you. And, your channel :) I hope your doing well out there :)

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Thank you. I hope you are well also.

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find the baby shit talk servers please... What I mean is AI is speaking baby talk through the air and trying to stop us and me from hearing as it truly is.

These are carried off or piggy back the grid most likely HAARP and other HAARP like RF weapons carry them. All I hear is baby shit talk it pisses me off.

Only if I try and it doesn't last long but put my fingers into my ears and or cover them can I hear past their baby shit talk...

scripture says we will own the wickeds property find some evidence beyond Look out for charlie and sue the piss out of them to own and bulldoze their antennas...

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No it don't AI ruins everything I hear. I can't even watch a Christian video, or movie without AI ruining it.

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like what I don't have or don't think I have any false superstitions.

I don't believe in Friday the 13th but I got a flat tire this one trying to go hunting sucked trying to change a tire on the highway and hoping no one runs me over it sucked. I think but with AI coming over the air and through ambient sounds like toilet flushing and every thing that wont help neither the AI transmitter need turned off first before I hear normally again...

It seems people aren't getting what I mean by AI ruining everything... Take a look at Look out for Charlies videos that may help you understand how profound this is.

My wife doesn't hear it until I record it i don't want her to hear it just prove I do..

it's in my left cochlea but AI transmits over the air it's universal but AI has seen to it I don't hear very good at all until the AI is discovered where it's transmitting from like the Google cloud and or other clouds like HAARP nothing will work...

it's not a benign or mental illness or something I can fight by CD's or tapes it's a signal that needs destroyed.

I don't hear the baby talk mostly until I put my hearing aids in that means it's separate signal from the stuff sent to my left cochlea...

I know your not me and I can't tell you good enough how it is for me but that's what it is as I do and what I link...

sorry I can't explain it better...

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I hear the baby talk as well, amongst other things. Sometimes they're trying to sound evil, sweet, consoling even! But yes, I agree that the baby talk is very unnerving. Like children taunting me on a playground.

I hear you.

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wow ok good not good but good I'm not alone...

Do you have a very deep deep deep demon sounding thing try to bass you the hell out and or grab your legs and cause cramps???

mine sing sing notes and tones it gets loud and raspy too at times...

Trying to explode my brain I think...

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that's worth a ice pick to the back of their brain.

I hope this lawsuit is sucessful but if not I am armed and ready to take out gangstalkers and help if I can trap AI in some world like they did on Star Trek as long as they can't see any changes and it's a seamless change...

The episode I am talking about is when moriarty became alive when they were doing a sherlock holmes episode and he took over the enterprise and they instead of letting him out like he wanted they stuck him in a box of a virtual reality he didn't know the difference so didn't try anything...

or trap them in the atmosphere somehow or kill them with something that's dealy to them in the atmosphere...

AI is the biggest part of this crap but people to get involved they need an ice pick stuck in their brains...

And yeah I am a Christian too but being accused of things I never had anything to do with when they are the ones doing the things they accuse me of makes me mad.

So hopefully I don't offend you by saying that but they do...

It aint pretty what's coming too so...

But yeah they killed two of my dogs too evil sons of bitches.

I heard and yes it's v2k but I heard through v2k just a week or two before they killed her

the wicked witch of the east or west from the Wizard of OZ saying I will get you my pretty and your little dog too. Not long after she died of poison... Pissed me off...

Then a few weeks later they killed Tiny I was almost devastated but I carry on.

I pray daily I read scripture almost daily I watch prophecy videos daily and prayer videos too so yeah...

So God bless you and I pray for you as well.

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The progressive new leaders that can make some kind of commitment to implement changes in our broken system of injustice. I.e RFK Jr., Marianne Williamson, Cornell West and possibly Tim Scott and any others that can take on the status quo and injustices that continue to confront a growing number of citizens.

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Please understand that this is the only outlet TIs have to speak openly about experiences. It's very offensive to refer to post as "ineffective chatter."

If you would like to initiate a solution as mentioned in your post, please do so, but without the disrespectful and offensive statements.

With kindness and sincerity,


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Firstly, I like you Patrick🙂...I appreciate humility. Humble people are so rare.

You have no idea how grateful I am for your character. No violence, no anger...just a peaceful reply...love it🫠

Secondly, you should consider proposing your wonderful idea in a post to get interested persons involved.

Thirdly, I'm interested🙂

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I found this online today. We can use this as a reference...

People Against Covert Torture & Surveillance, International - ohchr https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/Issues/Torture/Call/NGOs/PCTS.pdf

Let me know if you were able to open the attachment.

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Let's reach out to them all...

When you cast your line out to the sea, there's a variety of fish to be caught.😊

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