I'v noticed that the gang stalkers "enslaved" with synthetic telepathy communication "V2K" "voice to skull" receiving orders to harass me & to steal me !

I'v noticed that people ,police, health system,.etc, in UK, USA, Ireland ,Spain ..All enslaved with "AI" Artificial Intelligence synthetic telepathy "V2K" voice to skull communication to receive beamed microwave orders of the military industrial complex

Everyone under Remote Neural Monitoring RNM directed at the brain to read the thoughts, to see what every one sees by taping the optic nerve with directed energy & to hear what everyone hears by taping the auditory nerve with directed energy.

We have zero privacy, we are under Remote Neural Monitoring( RNM )24/7 via Satellites !

The nano smart dust sprayed on us in the sky we are breathing it, we are eating it in the food & drinking it in the water ( Bottled or tap) , corrupted health system injecting us nano smart dust/nano-hydrogel & without our knowledge in hospitals , those smart dust grow inside our bodies to make connection with the nerves in our brains & body and they are activated by directed energy to read the nerve neurons this is why when the military industrial complex attacking us DEW Mapping the brains with RNM they can read the thoughts , they see what we see,they hear what we hear & we become a complete surveillance to our surroundings to their supercomputer !

5 G lowering our immunity,



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Their nanobots are huge, not nanosized and they deliver drugs. I get put into deep sleep out of nowhere and they send me dreams and names and these names are tied to what they are doing to us.

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Also please put my 5 minute video on Targeted Justice. And the sound you hear in my phone captures almost exactly what I hear in my head when being attacked. The treasonous unacknowledged special access groups are using different torture weapons on different Tis.

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What video are we talking about?

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What I’m afraid of is the possibility in my case the likelihood of getting cancer. The areas they target are starting to be affected by it and pain is more now to a point it’s all the time. They target my head and groin. Sometimes my feet. I’ve already been to the doctor about my feet and they don’t know what it is that’s causing the pain. I guess it would help if I told them what’s going on with me. I have a tendency to keep it to myself in fear people look at me as if I’m crazy. I have a hard enough time explaining it to family and convincing them. It’s been the hardest thing I’ve ever had to deal with and it seems these people have no conscience. They absolutely care about what they can do to you to make life miserable for me. I’ve never done nothing to these people but yet they act as if I was kicking their dog or beat up their best friend. They absolutely don’t have any compassion for nothing. If it benefits me they seem to love to interfere. Good jobs are no longer something I can get. At least ones that pay well enough that I can put money away for retirement. I just don’t understand why they are doing this. It’s a constant battle between me and forgiveness. I try to find forgiveness but I’m reminded every day that why I shouldn’t forgive them. It’s sucks because it’s what god teaches us. One day these people will have to face the consequences but I hope it’s in time where I can repair from the injuries they are causing. I pray often so often that I find myself praying more then I have ever prayed in my life. At the same time I think about all the children in this world that are going through hell as we speak because of trafficking. Things could be worse and praise God it is not. I will never stop fighting back.

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Thank you very much

Keep this terror of directed energy attacks to yourself because if you mention it to the corrupted health system they will lock you up in the mental ward and you will lose your rights as to decide if you want to be injected with anything or not ...

If you are in mental ward they will inject you drugs poison without telling you or taking your consent ...

I learnt my lesson !

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What if we did videos and put them all on one site? This could help open the eyes of those who don't believe because this is new to them and sounds crazy because it's all hidden from them. We all have concrete things to show; evidence, scars, burns, videos, pictures. If anyone has trouble making videos, I have experience with that. I will make one and then share it with you all and try to get someone to build a website for us.

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Richard., you should hook up with Travis Taylor, expert witness on UAPs to congress and has been attacked himself. He is a brilliant astrophysicist and a strong advocate. He also has knowledge and access to very advanced tracking equipment of DEWs. He also spoke to the attorney general and senator in Utah about his concern for our national security. Also check out The Shawn Ryan Sow on YouTube who just had military and contractor whistle blowers on concerning DEWs and the over reach and abuse of power by the military industrial complex which includes Raytheon and Lockheed.

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These people are hard to get in touch with. I have my own unique story that all started around 2016 involving flying objects and technologies i don't get. I seen them. Of course I later learned about ti thru my search on the internet trying to understand what the hell was going on around me. But I indeed seen some things i will always wonder about. I think there may be a connection with aliens and this ti thing. Or someplace there is a connection. Anyways, i've tried to share my experiences with someone so maybe i could land some answers for myself. I may know something about the eaps. Unless it was some kind of projection illusion shown to me. I have also experienced this. Many times. I've been surrounded by snakes many times. Too many to count. I did not know about projection imagery then. They sure looked real to me. Each and every time. It is pure evil. So therefore what i know could be an illusion thru special technology. Incidently, even tho the snakes looked real...One day i noticed there was a camera in one of its mouths. I know how this sounds, but..wow...I can't believe i've lived this

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I had a lucid dream of a flying craft; it wasn't round and had bright blue lights; it was right over my house. I don't believe in alien anything but I am aware of a fakery they will be using to claim aliens are real. I watched the CIA punks playing with holograms on the lake here, one night. They were projections of what looked just like the satellites they put up a few years back, which I was a spectator of. That's around the time my computer was hacked a few times.

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Jul 31, 2023
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I agree.

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I've been praying about this. I have seen their technology. It is special. However, I cannot determine whether it is craft and technology from aliens...which it appears to be...or whether our govt is playing games. Upon tons of research, i learn tht our govt has the ability to project imagery into our worlds showing us stuff that looks extremely real. I am forever wishing i had someone to talk to who knows about these things. I need my own answers. I've got many theories. Perhaps the coming of the Lord is going to happen and it is indeed aliens coming to join the occurence? Perhaps it is our govt who have gained (we have learned) access to alien spacecraft and technologies. This tech is capable of alot of trickery.

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Exactly! I have videoed the drone satellite racing with me going 50 plus mph. Once when I gave it the bird, it danced around back and forth. That was early on. It can move position and does. As Travis Taylor has said, these advanced weapon systems can screw up your GPS, drain the batteries in equipment, shut down advanced tracking systems and go incognito- as if they’re not there when you see them. Thank you Richard. I think this is a great article. Please go to my YouTube channel- public and check out where I got the human directed energy patents from. There is a list of US patents to target people with V2K, Havana, MK. You will be able to use this in lawsuit. I am at marlena skye@havanamarlena

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I've been a Ti for about 5 years and been living in fear for my life, not until someone recommended me Alpha Internet on Facebook who helped me out and saved my life. They disconnected me from targeted individuals watch list server and now I've been living my life for a couple of years now without worrying about a target, v2k.

Team support

Instagram : https://instagram.com/alphainternet0?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ

Email: alphainternet24@gmail.com

Message the ORG.

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Opinions of Targeted Justice: There is no single server to disconnect from - the FBI has multiple servers for backup support. The TSDB is distributed everyday, from Vienna, Virginia at the Terrorist Screening Center (TSC), to the NCIC, to over 70,000 government agencies, corporations, and foreign governments. We do not recommend paying for any such service. This is a scam, in our opinion. They will ask you to provide an account for WhatsApp, Instagram, Hangout, or Telegram - so that you can transfer money. Pure scam.

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**U.S. Federal Judge released 3 Targeted Individuals sentenced to 25 years after finding FBI's charges for "Domestic Terrorism" an entrapment**

FBI planted fake bombs...


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I had one try to scam me like that for $700. Don’t fall for it friends. Keep fighting and stay strong. Prayer seems to work best for me. They are trying to keep us and our higher conscience at a level they can control us.

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Thanks for the update

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Tesh, this Alpha Internet? https://www.facebook.com/groups/303562158812616/user/100092541362943. So I contacted them, or HIM, and he said it would cost me $199 US, and asked me to follow his instructions and only after I paid him, did he say I needed to pay another $1250 for a device, so is this legit or am I being scammed here? He only uses untraceable payment methods but we communicated on messenger so that makes no sense, since the CIA is all over FB even in messenger. I don't want to lose all this money. Just be honest with me.

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Read this book for Dr John Coleman and the New World Order is the "Crown in England Revolution against humanity all around the Earth" to steal all the Earth as the Crown in England is the Head of Piracy & the Head of the Committee of the 300 leading the genocide against humanity to steal all the wealth on Earth !

By using secret Technology that you can not see or hear ( Free Energy Technology ) to enslave the people around the earth by hacking our brains without our knowledge for around a century and recording all our-lives inside our houses or outdoors & sending synthetic telepathy subconsciously as synthetic thoughts that the person think these thoughts their own and by sending another form of synthetic telepathy to conscious mind beamed to the cranial cavity of their secret army infiltrated every nation that they speak every language around the earth and they are on secret communication with the Crown Military industrial complex with this synthetic telepathy to conscious mind beamed to the cranial cavity called also the V2K voice to skull technology or the voice of god as the Crown military industrial complex with this technology they can see everything & they can hear everything through walls , & send the two forms of synthetic telepathy subconsciously to destroy the people lives & make them do wrong choices and to separate the people and destroy the family unity , pushing people to suicide , divorce that the people think these thoughts and emotions their own which is not true they are synthetic manipulation with electromagnetic field sending communication to the subconscious mind to manipulate the people thoughts & emotions ..... While the other form of synthetic telepathy is to the conscious mind and they are using it as form of secret silent communication with their secret army around the earth controlling the governments & every aspect of the nations lives by beaming to their cranial cavity what to say , how to communicate the words , how to harass or intimidate certain targets , how to steal & snitch from certain targets & how to kill or eliminate certain targets ....

Instead of using cell phone communication that there will be records for the calls they are for around a century communicating with their secret army infiltrated every leading aspect of every nation around the Earth using this silent communicate V2K beaming their orders while they ( Crown MIC ) see everything via the satellites outdoors & indoors crystal clear & reading the mind of the people ( victims ) & reading the mind of their Crown secret army so they will communicate the beamed words to the cranial cavity of every individual of their secret army without their secret army utter a word of communication because they respond silently with (the idea or thought in their brain ) which the Crown Military industrial Complex can read the mind then the Crown MIC respond with beamed conscious synthetic telepathy words that the receiver can hear in his/her head and only the person which this communication beamed to his/her DNA can hear the communication in his/her cranial cavity of the Crown MIC oral words of orders which in the book of Dr Coleman he mentioned to go and educate yourself on Technotronic era for Brzezinski's Technetronic Era as he wrote books in around 1920s talking about this technology to make the neighbours against each other & the family against each other and this by using the two kind of synthetic telepathy to manipulate the thoughts & the emotions subconsciously without the person knowledge and to beam the MIC oral silent communication to their secret army all around the earth and this includes the gang stalkers as they receive conscious oral communication beamed to the cranial cavity of the recipient according to the DNA & Brain Wave Signature Frequency of the recipient from their commanders of the MIC how to react around certain targets ..

Also the V2K Voice to skull technology they are using it the Crown MIC to harass the victims by beaming insulting words against the targeted people and they beam non stop harassment of insulting , black mailing , terror words to terrorise the victims beamed to their cranial cavity non stop that the victim can not provide evidence of this cyber terrorism against them using this technology to harass , intimidate , abuse the individual freedom as they see everything & they comment non stop on everything even inside the bathroom while the victims are sitting on the toilets , they comment how much the smell is bad because also with this technology they can smell & taste by decoding the neurons in the victims brain & body ...

So The conscious synthetic telepathy V2K voice to skull ,Voice of god weapon ..used by the Crown Military industrial Complex for two reasons either to communicate with their secret army the words and orders and this army is acting like robotic they do not question anything just follow orders of this synthetic telepathy to conscious mind called also V2K Voice to skull , voice of God technology beamed to their cranial cavity ..

Also this technology is used to harass and intimidate certain targets by non stop communication of terror words & threats to drive the victims to suicide or to lash out at the gang stalkers who are also receiving this conscious synthetic telepathy to harass & to intimidate the targets or to steal from them !! For the targeted people in this terror of cyber V2K beamed to their cranial cavity according to their DNA as harassment as no one will believe them as there are continuous group of the cyber hackers like 10 of them from the Crown MIC infiltrated every secret agency and government around the earth hacking one victim brain & each hacker communicate the threats , abusive words commenting on everything the targets do even in their private time sitting on the toilet !!

This is Crime against Humanity & this is the highest level of terrorism and it is done by the Committee of the 300 , Crown MIC & the Crown Parasites in England as they are the Head of the committee of the 300 leading the terror , genocide against humanity to steal the Earth ... And they stole the Free Energy technology and using it as silent weapons to poison & kill humanity ..

Because the targeted individuals around the Earth when they want to talk about that the government & the health system which are also secret army receiving this silent communication to their cranial cavity to discredit the victims receiving orders to lock the targeted individuals in mental institution to poison them with the medications because this is also Corona Virus ( Crown Poison against humanity & it is Victorian agenda to push the healthy intelligent morally correct people to mental institution to abuse them , to poison them , to kill them for silent depopulation ) with the poisonous medications to numb the victims & rape them too silently before killing them like what Jimmy Saville did and he was supported By the Parasite Elizabeth II & her Parasitic Family ...

Watch * Bryan Kofron Exposing Gang-stalking And Targeted Individual Program in Seattle WA USA where I lived before moving to UK where they announced my targeting too!

1) https://odysee.com/@ed_rugebregt:6/Bryan-Kofron:9

2) https://odysee.com/@ed_rugebregt:6/Bryan-Kofron-.-Targeted-Individuals-.-Organized-Stalking-360p:f

Watch Dr. "EVIL" James Giordano- The Brain is the Battlefield


Attaching humanity directed energy weapons & it is done by the "Crown Military Industrial Complex " the military industrial complex for the One World Pirates the Crown in England head of Satanic freemasonry around the earth !

Please see the printed document how they are attacking the people to head , brains , all body including attacking the genitalia with directed energy through walls & through the clothes causing heating , violent itching around the genitalia , body , head and "forced orgasm" by controlling the function of the neurons in the body & head !!


The Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee of 300 (Fourth Edition) - by Dr John Coleman



Watch this human lady reading part of this book & watch her human reaction to the shocking truth !!


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Reading this important book is important !

"The Story OF the Committee of 300 for John Coleman

this is the PDF


"It is over for all of us " !

Please understand that the Crown in England taking over the World with Infiltration, Deception & Lack of Morality !

The Crown in England is the Head of Satanic - Freemasonry globally & the Head of the Committee of the 300 & the head of One World Government secretly !

Freemasons infiltrated every government globally for more than 150 years !

The Crown in England is the head of Piracy & they stole the " Free Energy Technology/ Tesla's invention !

With Free energy technology via "satellites " the Crown in England & their Military Industrial Complex enslaved the whole world as they can see what everyone sees , can hear what everyone hears & can read the mind ..means they know what you are thinking & what you are seeking to do for your survival !

When an enemy can see what you see in real time & can hear what you hear in real time & can read your mind ...means we are all "hostages" to an enemy without morality which is the King & the Queen of the house of Windsor ( Saxe- Coburg- Gotha ) which She /He the head of the Committee of the 300 to do global genocide to own all the world & robbing humanity !

The Committee of the 300 are the MI6 , MI5 , CIA, FBI , MIT, Royal institutes , Psychiatry , Tavistock institute ...etc read the book

The Crown in England own the Crown corporation in London city to collect the stolen wealth from all the world as the King & Queen of the Crown in England view all the world colonies of their Crown !

The Crown in England did the 9/11 attack in 2001 as the Queen of sewage "Elizabeth II" of house of Windsor ( Saxe -Coburg -Gotha was the head of the committee of the 300 !

Please go read the book to see who are they the committee of the 300 .. CIA , FBI , MI6, MI5 ...etc

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Judith Pecho is an 80 year old female Targeted Individual . She's single , ex government whistleblower, retired nurse , eldery homecare business .

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Read PDF The Committee of 300


The Crown in England is the head of the One World Government !

Watch this video


Satanic illuminati ( Queen/ King ) of the "Crown in England , is The Head Of The Committee Of The 300 ,their morality is "Zero morality" leading the depopulation agenda for One World government led by the Crown in England secretly to own all the earth with deception !

Royals in UK are " Filthy Pirates , Paedophilic , child molesters , child killers & eaters "!

Queen ( Elizabeth II ) was the head of the freemasonry & the head of the committee of 300 globally !

Now Her son ( Charles III ) is the head of freemasonry and the head of the committee of 300 to do genocide against the people globally !

Satanic freemasons of the CROWN in UK infiltrated every government globally to participate in the "depopulation agenda" for One World Government led by the Crown with wars, with 5G roll out, with forced death bioweapons injections , with attacking the people with directed energy & synthetic telepathy.

All those elected politicians like "Hitler" committed treason against the people, their loyalty to the Crown to do genocide against the people !

All politicians in any government globally are serving the satanic freemasonic heads for the Committee of the 300 !

The Crown in England / Corporation stole Tesla inventions of "Free Energy technology" & using it as "Weapons of Mass Destruction" against the people for 70 years & they did 9/11/2001 attack with Free Energy attack !

The Crown in England using their military industrial complex in every government globally to hack people brains with artificial intelligence ( AI ) for more than 70 years secretly & covertly !

Dr John Coleman (MI6 )


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If the Crown in England is the head of the One World Government,

1) Why does the value of the British pound continue to fall?

2) Why did England go thru Brexit? That certainly does not seem like "unification."

3) Why is their military so laughably weak?

4) Why are they unable to force their political opinions on foreign governments?

5) Why is technology development in the U.K. always behind the U.S., China, and Russia?

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5G roll out & the cell phone towers in every residential area

I am USA civilian,originally from Iraq , targeted, under torture & attacks with directed energy weapons 24/7 & gang stalking harrassments everywhere I go in Seattle USA, UK, Ireland & Spain, hacking my brain, terrorizing me, it is global mind control MK-Ultra- Nazi "Monarch" programs to attack people secretly & covertly directed energy -microwave radiation..since 1940s till "now" using computers & satellites & it is called "Satellites Terrorism & Piracy " against the people globally slow kill program for depopulation for The One World Goverment led secretly by " Crown in England -Head Of ( The Freemasonry & The Comittee of 300 & Imperialism"), to own all the Earth with deception, enslaving us with & attacking us Directed Energy/Beam weapons- (Weapons Of Mass Destruction) , removing our human rights , causing cancer & shortenning our life span ,driving the victims to suicide or to lash out at the gang stalkers inorder to lock the victims in prison or mental wards to discredit them , to make people against each as they are transmitting "synthetic telepathy" to people brains generated by supercomputer at Military industrial complex using satellits to send synthetic thoughts to subconsious mind ,to manipulate people emotions with microwave frequency , to make people against each other & to destroy the family for depopulation agenda.

With directed energy they radiate me 24/7 & give me cough, flue like symptoms,sending microwave beams to my lung, ariways to cause me difficulty to breath, attacking my heart causing palpitation, heating & burning my skin in private areas, attacking & raping my body, head , eyes, gut, thyroid, teeth,breast , brain, genital area DEW 24/7 causing me sleep deprivation!

I receive V2K voice to skull without my consent, I ignore 100% !

I'v noticed that the gang stalkers "enslaved" with synthetic telepathy communication "V2K" "voice to skull" receiving orders to harass me & to steal me !

I'v noticed that people ,police, health system,.etc, in UK, USA, Ireland ,Spain ..All enslaved with "AI" Artificial Intelligence synthetic telepathy "V2K" voice to skull communication to receive beamed microwave orders of the military industrial complex

Everyone under Remote Neural Monitoring RNM directed at the brain to read the thoughts, to see what every one sees by taping the optic nerve with directed energy & to hear what everyone hears by taping the auditory nerve with directed energy.

We have zero privacy, we are under Remote Neural Monitoring( RNM )24/7 via Satellites !

The nano smart dust sprayed on us in the sky we are breathing it, we are eating it in the food & drinking it in the water ( Bottled or tap) , corrupted health system injecting us nano smart dust/nano-hydrogel & without our knowledge in hospitals , those smart dust grow inside our bodies to make connection with the nerves in our brains & body and they are activated by directed energy to read the nerve neurons this is why when the military industrial complex attacking us DEW Mapping the brains with RNM they can read the thoughts , they see what we see,they hear what we hear & we become a complete surveillance to our surroundings to their supercomputer !

5 G lowering our immunity,



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We are in concentration camp & the people with " high IQ " noticing that & for this reason they are targeted with DEW attacks & Gang stalking programs !

It is the worse time to have children now because of the roll out of 5G , & 6G & 7 G on the way for faster & silent depopulation !

The cell phone antenna all around the Earth in every residential area , on the apartments buildings everywhere beaming radiation of 5G , 6G & more level of high frequency microwave radiation against all the people to shorten the life span by causing us cancer & especially the children will not survive to live "5 years" under this 5G, 6G without having cancer in the brain & body ... This high frequency microwave radiation damaging the sperms & causing infertility to both men & women for silent depopulation !!

Also the death injections they call them the fake vaccines causing the women to have miscarriage & ,causing cancer in the reproductive system to both women & men !

"Corona Virus" is the name of the genocide agenda to depopulate the Earth by the Crown in England ,

Corona is the "Crown" in Spanish language while the Virus it means in Latin language the "Poison "

The Crown Poison against humanity !

This means the genocide agenda is the "Crown Poison" either with directed energy weapons ( radiation poisoning 5G , 6G & more via satellites & cell phone towers ) , & with bioweapons injections using the poisons as venom " snake venom, other venom and poison ....

The Crown in England head of Piracy infiltrated every government on earth including USA to depopulate the world & steal the Earth!

The Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee of 300 (Fourth Edition) - by Dr John Coleman



Watch this human lady reading part of this book & watch her human reaction to the shocking truth !!


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Why is this group so full of sellers selling us all sorts of things but no one is offering any solution to our present problems? Why is no one moderating who can be on here? I just lost nearly $300 because of a profile that claimed someone could help deactivate nanobots. Jammers; that's what you need if you are attacked with EMPs. We don't need to pay some guy $300 and then another $3000 for that. They sell them online. Why not help us in this way? Are we not supposed to help each other? I donated to TJ and my reward was a scammer to take more money from me. Netanyahu purchased a Jammer to detect drones, so he could shoot them down. You can actually wear one around your neck to ward off the EMPs.

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It would help bring awareness. I’ve noticed none of our trail is not even being mentioned in the news. That’s something I think would help us out if we could get at least some of the conservative news stations to report on it and help those understand what’s going on. I’ve written to Newsmax but I got no response from them. I think if Target justice wrote to them and explained our case it would more likely have a chance to be reported. We need to somehow get this case out and let more people know about it. I guess we are not the child of the president or we won’t influence the election with our case. I think it’s equally important what the out come of the case is. Now that it’s going to the 5th district it might get more recognition. We all live in different areas and if they target you guys like they target me then you see a lot of Texas Florida Georgia plates around your vehicles. If you notice they will either be out of state or temporary tags. That’s how they do it. They rotate many cars in and out to confuse us and the courts. They have people on the roads 24/7. The size of this operation is enormous. So I have cameras in my car I record every time I fire up my vehicle. I must have 30 or 40 SD cards full of gang stalkers.

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Extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic field-waves, defined in this paper as occupying the frequency band of .01 to 100 Hz, are associated with geomagnetic disturbances, weather perturbations, electrical appliance discharges, and possibly seismic movements. ELF electromagnetic phenomena have been recorded as sinusoidal-like wave forms or as ELF pulses of short duration from higher frequency (10 to 100 kHz) waves. Although natural ELF electrical component intensities range from less than 1 mV/m to slightly more than 1 V/m with magnetic components less than a μ gauss and calculated power densities of 10−8 watts/m3, these waves can propagate long distances without appreciable attenuation and penetrate housing structures. Theoretically, it has been calculated that energy available from ELF phenomena can contribute to neuroenergetic functioning and protein-lipid activity. Correlational and experimental data indicate that ELF fields can influence reaction time, timing behavior, ambulatory behavior, oxygen uptake, endocrine changes, cardiovascular functions, and precipitation-clotting times of colloids. Possible mechanisms of ELF-organismic interactions are discussed.

But he says bellow it's not the police that's a false statement Cops by Aimes findings are very much part of it.

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