Update on Targeted Justice Lawsuit
Ana Toledo and Dr Anna Neufeld join Dr Len Ber, to bring the latest on the historic lawsuit Targeted Justice, Inc. v. Garland.
Targeted Justice, Inc. v. Garland (4:23-cv-01013)
District Court, Southern District Texas
Dr Anna Neufeld @AnnaNeufeldMBS provides an international prospective for targeted individuals following the case from all over the world.
Whether you are a targeted individual, or a citizen concerned about government overreach, this case touches the very core of our constitutional rights, and our due process rights.
There are many ways TIs and non-TIs can help:
1) Contact your elected officials and media members to inform them about the case.
2) Donate via https://pay.cornerstone.cc/targetedjustice
3) Share TargetedJustice.com with your family, friends, and colleagues.
You can find Dr Ber on Twitter @PSardonicus , or at Lenbermd.Substack.com
Find Dr Anna Neufeld -- https://twitter.com/AnnaNeufeldMBS
https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=r0vX5yS7wqg
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Please help me, my family r Tl n from Malaysia
Thank you for being the voice of the voiceless. i pray for you each and every day🙏