Episode 63: New video with Dr Len Ber and Attorney Ana Toledo.
Two new FOIA lawsuits
Why it matters. We filed a legitimate FOIA request and the gov’t criminals completely disregarded it. No answer for months. That is a violation of law.
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Link to the file: https://drive.proton.me/urls/N6ASRNA9VR#Yv3iVBrQ12Am
See the text of the lawsuits on our website, under the LAWSUITS tab. TargetedJustice.com
TJ has information about several recent cases of diagnosis with “cancer.” Please consider that the gov’t criminals might be lying to you again.
Get copies of the actual lab reports that the doctor used. Do not share the reports with anyone.
We suggest a 2nd and 3rd opinion using a fake name. You will need cash, not a credit card.
Compare the reports yourself. Do not ask a doctor to do it. Do the homework and the research.
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and Other Interventions for Patients with Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, and Dissociative Disorders by Susan Ford.
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I know what it's like to have my FOIAs ignored, as well as 11 tort claims for 1,000,000 each... People are helpless without legal representation, and when it comes to legal representation -- that is scarce as hens' teeth, when they find out they have to go up against the military, CIA, or other DHS agency personnel involved in surveillance burglaries, vandalism, poisonings, and other hate crimes.
I've been diagnosed with cancer. First in 2014, I supposedly had a tumor on my left Kidney the size of a walnut on my left kidney. Didn't want it biopsied since I read poking stuff like that can make it spread quicker and give more cancer than not. So was sent to a urologist in Pasco, I think he scheduled a Cat scan so had that don here nearer where I live. Then it came back supposedly positive for cancer. Then in June of 2014 late June was scheduled for the tumor to be removed but they had to take the whole kidney out. Hurt like hell for days. I'm fat or was fatter then than now, so had staples and a foot long incision on my left side. After surgery my left side is still numb and a big assed bump on that side. My stomach muscles are destroyed on that side so I have this huge bump. Well, then in 2016 began to see a new tumor on my right side, but on the adrenal gland just above my right kidney.
So, after seeing a few Dr's was sent to some guy in Kennewick or Richland. Then in Nov of 2017 had my right adrenal gland removed. then again in 2018-19 or so, they saw a thing on my left second rib so began Opdivo. it kept growing so took Radiation. From that point it's I guess has been in remission?
I have to have MRI's and CT scans every year at least two or three times a year now.
I've began to wonder about it being a hoax all along to get my DNA off my kidney and adrenal gland.
For within a month after the Radiation the v2k came back. So???
But for me now it's too late I've already lost a left kidney a right adrenal gland and now some bump or growth on my left second rib in my back. I have hard copy of stuff and evidence though.
I'd have to find it but I know I got a CD with hard copy stuff of my diagnosis and both surgeries though.
As far as the FBI goes yeah ass holes all the way. two or three different letters telling they either can't find anything or either can't confirm nor deny. Ass holes.