Please join us in welcoming our newest Advisory Board member, Ana Toledo.
She has experience with lawsuits against the U.S. Government, and class action lawsuits.
Born and raised in Puerto Rico, Ana is an attorney-at-law admitted to the Puerto Rico Supreme Court, United States District and Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. After obtaining her B.A. from Columbia College in New York City, she obtained a Juris Doctor from the University of Puerto Rico Law School and a Master of Environmental Law from Vermont Law School.
Ana became a targeted individual over 20 years ago when pursuing her call to organize and represent environmental justice communities in Puerto Rico, representing thousands of clients in federal citizen suits and state complex and class action litigation.
Her current mission is that of fighting the targeting and torture of individuals.
Hi Diana:
My perps had hidden the email with your comment. I apologize for the delay in responding.
Hundreds of thousands suffer of V2K at the hands of the evil operators in an Air Force base that doesn't have a landing field. How's that for an Air Force base? Manned with cruel perps torturing us, our pets that also jack with our electronics, cars and appliances.
Porque son unos infelices que no tienen a Dios por dentro.
We are working hard to bring peace to our TI community and those criminals to justice.
Thank-you for your support!
Thank you!!! Welcome, and congratulations! I applaud your bravery and appreciate your support! I hope this opens doors for all those who have been silently suffering in isolation to realize YOU are not alone in this fight! The struggle is real, as is the pain endured, the trials we fought, and malicious tactics played upon us. These actions are as ILLEGAL as they are
abusive and CRIMINAL and NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!!! AMERICA HAS A NO TOLERANCE POLICY FOR TERRORISTS,TERRORISM AND BULLIES, so why would we tolerate ANY acts of the sort committed amongst us!? If our country, and government agencies claim certain acts WRONG, unethical, ILLEGAL, then they need to honor all claims. And, if they fail to do so, need to be held to policy of that agency, and need to be inforced. their main concern, should be, the safety and well-being of ALL OF OUR CITIZENS, ABOVE ALL ELSE! OUR GOVERNMENT WAS ESTABLISHED "FOR THE PEOPLE,BY THE PEOPLE." It's time WE reclaim our government and SHOW the WORLD, by DOING WHAT WE SAY!
AND, also, to remind government AGENCIES, and those ELECTED officials holding those positions,that THEY, took an oath, made a promise to provide certain duties and responsibilities, and to uphold, and perform, and refusing or neglecting to do so, can result in criminal charges, and is even punishable by DEATH. The lives the sworn and claim to protect should be as important and valued as their own.
We're coming to take our BACK! STAY STRONG, STAND TALL, WE GOT THIS!!