Podcast for Military & Veterans needed.
Many subscribers of Targeted Justice are veterans and active duty.
They deserve the help and support that we can give.
Please become a podcaster and step up. We need you. We will help you get started.
contact TJustice2@proton.me
Havana Syndrome in the Military
Multiple military officers and experts overwhelmingly recognize the reality of "Havana Syndrome" and place it into the category of Cognitive Warfare waged against population in the Cognitive Domain, targeting "one brain at a time", and resulting in devastating brain function degradation as diagnosed among both Military Personnel and Civilians, including children! Most recently, it has been highlighted in "Joint Force Quarterly",
(see Figure 1., under Offense)
TJ Annual Review - December 11th, 2024 - 7pm Central time, 8pm Eastern.
Watch the video for last year’s review
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We Need International Podcasters:
If you live outside the United States, here’s your chance to help shut down the Targeting program. Especially looking for India, UK, Canada, & Australia. If you would like to volunteer for Targeted Justice, please send an email to TJustice2@proton.me (put PODCAST in the subject line):
Full name, Email and phone number (yes - we want to talk to you)
We will help you set up a weekly PODCAST or Conference Call. It’s easy - even a child can do it. And we will announce your show in our weekly newsletter. You can do this!
For a Conference Call - just download the app to your phone on FreeConferenceCall.com
For Podcasts, we recommend using OBS Software - it is free. Stream on youtube, rumble, etc. https://obsproject.com/
TJ on Rumble (Videos)
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Donations are tax deductible. TJustice2@proton.me
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Targeted Justice
P.O. Box 15990
Houston, TX 77220
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#DeFundCIA; #DeFundFBI
What about Gulf War Syndrome? The US government lied about Hussein having‘anthrax’ bombs. They ‘forced ‘/mandated the military to get the ‘anthrax vaccine’ . Not only was there no anthrax bombs, but after the war over 250,000 veterans had multiple physical damages ranging from brain, nerve damage, and other serious health issues. It was the squalene in the vaccines. The controlled media and government agencies are stating it was not the vaccines. In or around 250,000 veterans came home ill.
FYI One of the flu vaccines designated for people over 65 has squalene in it. I guess they want to finish them off.
Go to Google; type in ‘excipients in vaccines’ . A table of most of the vaccines will be there, usually on a government site. Scroll down to the flu vaccines. There should be 9 different flu vaccines. Since when is injecting formaldehyde into the bloodstream and into the brain a good idea? (Polysorbate 80 is a surfactant; it’s meant to carry the ingredients throughout the body including past the BBB).
Congratulations for continued rapid growth.